Chapter 1834: Consequence

"Boss, it is not the first time. Why are you getting angry about this?" One of the workers asked.

"Because someone reported the situation to the higher-ups." The supervisor shouted again.

The workers now confirmed that the one who reported them was the woman who had beaten their colleagues. They were trembling. 

"On top of that, you dare to harass someone. The people who used this road mostly worked at the YQ Greenhouse over there. Their higher-ups care a lot of their employees." The supervisor added.

The workers were silent. They seriously did not expect this matter would be this big. 

The supervisor looked at them. He calculated the workers.

"You should be 10 people. Where are the other two?" The supervisor asked.

"They are at the hospital." The worker answered.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that they were sick?" The supervisor gritted his teeth again feeling angry.