Chapter 1845: He's Home

Yu Qi drove the car. While driving, she saw a supermarket that was still open. So, she decided to go and pick up some items. Her Shino must be wanting to eat delicious food. She would cook for him. 

She parked the car. There were a few people who were still in the supermarket. Yu Qi took a trolley and pushed to the section where she wanted to buy the items.

While she added in, she noticed a few people following her. They were probably teenagers. Yu Qi ignored them thinking that they were probably wanting to take the same food.

However, after a while, the teenagers were still following her. Not to mention, they were talking and smiling while looking and pointing at her. Since they did not approach her, Yu Qi would ignore them. 

Yu Qi made the payment and left the supermarket heading to her car. While she was doing so, a man from that group earlier approached her.

"Hello, Miss." The man said to Yu Qi

"Hi. May I help you?" Yu Qi asked back.