Chapter 1864: Su Fan's Cousin, Su Wei

"Hmm... We are good. Since your skincare factory opened the branch here, the herbs have been our top sales. Well, some of the companies come over to buy our products. So, we are doing fine." Su Fan said. 

"Oh, I don't come here for an official visit. So, don't need to report much to me." Yu Qi waved her hands.

"Oh... Miss Yu Qi, you are here." Su Jin came out of the room. Then, he turned to the man who brought out the basket of a flower. "Okay... Okay... You can put that over there."

The man put down the basket. He then took a look at Yu Qi. His eyes went wider.

"Oh... you are very beautiful, Miss. Can I have a pleasure to know your name?" The man gave a flirting smile to Yu Qi. 

He was about to grab Yu Qi's hand and wanted to kiss it. However, his hand had been slapped over and Yu Qi had been pulled away. 

"What the f*ck?" The man froze when his eyes landed on Long Hui's eyes.