Chapter 1893: Set Fire

Yu Qi and Qin Xia's news was still trending. It was like someone paid to make the news keep trending. Yu Qi asked Neko-chan to investigate that. Turned out it was Bai Xia Fang who paid for that.

Bai Shu Jin made Yu Qi angry before. Now, his father also kept pouring hot water on her. They seemed to be having a lot of free time. Since they had a lot of free time, she would make them busy then.

Yu Qi asked Neko-chan to find out the warehouse owned by Bai Corporation. She would cause trouble for them since they liked to cause trouble for Yu Qi. 

Neko-chan listed the warehouses owned by Bai Corporation. She chose the warehouse that was worth a lot. And it was pure coincidence that the warehouse happened to be at the FINN City. It saved up Yu Qi's troubles. It would be more work if the warehouse was far from the city.