Chapter 1930: Listed The Good Things About Her Fiancee.

Yu Qi walked slowly to Dai Zhenzhen. Dai Zhenzhen looked so arrogantly. Yu Qi raised her hand and slapped Dai Zhenzhen. 

The red mark immediately appeared on Dai Zhenzhen's face. Well, Yu Qi only used a little strength. If she used her full strength, there would be no doubt that Dai Zhenzhen would die on the spot.

Dai Zhenzhen fell beside her mother. Cheng Lihua held her daughter.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Lihua shouted. 

"I just teach your daughter to talk properly." Yu Qi stated.

"What? Are you hurt by what my daughter says? Your parent dislikes you and throws you away. That is why you become an orphan." Cheng Lihua thought Yu Qi would be hurt by calling her an orphan. That was why Yu Qi slapped her daughter. 

This time, Yu Qi just smiled. "So, what? Even though I am an orphan, I still have Tang's surname and could live in this mansion. Unlike you guys."