Chapter 1934: Get A Call From His Grandfather

Ren Qian Yi also joined the conversation. 

Ren Qian Yi: I agree with Third Brother.

Later on, Huang Lan Guan and Fang Mo Li also joined the conversation.

Fang Mo Li: Second brother is cheating? Seriously?

Huang Lan Guan: I don't know you have that in you.

Liang Mo Han: Have what, First Brother? Cheating DNA?

Ren Qian Yi: Third brother, you are hilarious.

Long Hui: Having fun.

Ren Qian Yi: No, Sir.

Liang Mo Han: No! I am not!

Long Hui rolled his eyes thinking these two men. Then, his phone was ringing. He glanced at the screen and saw the name on the screen showing his grandfather's name.

His grandfather usually did not going to call him unless something was coming up. He immediately answered the call.

"Yes, Grandpa. What is it?" Long Hui asked right away.

"What are you doing?" Grandpa Long asked back.

Long Hui could not understand what his grandfather wanted to say to him.