Chapter 2176: Bucong Shuye Came Over

Bucong Jiye and Ling Su Liu could not run away. They had been attacked by the beasts. Of course, they fought back. However, they were not strong enough to fight all of the beasts. After fighting with half of the beasts, Bucong Jiye decided to run away leaving Ling Su Liu facing all of the angry beasts. 

Ling Su Liu was stunned when Bucong Jiye decided to run away. She wanted to do the same but the beasts did not let her do so. So, she was forced to fight again. She was injured all over her body. 

Then, out of a sudden, someone came and attacked the beasts. Seeing one of the beasts collapse to the ground, the beasts knew that they would be in danger if they did not leave now, so, they ran away. 

"This is your sister's sister, am I right?" 

Ling Su Liu heard the question and looked around. She saw a figure standing not far from her. It was Bucong Shuye. 

"Young Master Shuye, please help me." Ling Su Liu begged before she lost consciousness.