Yu Qi probably would see Bai Shu Jin since she needed to go to Capital City. She was going to have a meeting at Koen Nigeru. When she mentioned the topic to Long Hui, Long Hui replied with a sad tone that he needed to be reported to the military. He needed to go on a mission.
"I am sorry, Qi Qi... I can not accompany you." Long Hui said with a sad face.
"Don't be such a child. It is your job. You need to go." Yu Qi patted Long Hui's shoulder.
"But..." Long Hui wanted to protest.
"I love you when you are in your soldier uniform. You look so cool and handsome." Yu Qi suddenly praised Long Hui.
"Really?" Long Hui asked.
"My Long Hui is so good-looking." Yu Qi nodded.
"Fine... Fine... I will go and return back quickly." Long Hui nodded. Then, he remembered something. "As for your protection..."
"I can protect myself." Yu Qi said.