Within a dream, I find myself to my past-self before I was merge with the so called Core. Eighg years of that age that time I saw myself playing near a plain grassy land away from town, a woman called my name, "Arishok, food is ready" she says. A beautiful lady, 24 in her age hair's light orange as the morning sunlight. A very kind and cheerful sister, I can see her face vividly in my dream a face I never forget.
Peacefulness quickly plumets to darkness. To where thick forest was together with my big sister we run, panting and panicking towards the mountains. It was then we stop at some small cave, "Arishok stay here, I come back for you", she said in teary eyes. "Be brave and be strong if I cannot come back then…", cutting her words while crying, "I love you Arishok" she then hugs me tightly like never before. Pushing me to the cave she left creating a diversion for the ones who are following us.
It was then I awoke to my sleep I see that all of the students are on to me, "ughhh… that dream again".
After a while I feel that everybody is into me, just a few feet away a man seems to be interested in what I am but didn't I care. With the class still going the front board shows blue print of the Athena suit, "initiating tactical mode", my field of vision change extracting all the information regarding the Athena suit. "processing data, 70%, 80%, 100%, processing successfully". I can feel my head as if beating like a heart but all the information regarding the Athena suit was all process in one go, the mechanical structure the way it plays all of it was just extracted, proccessed in one go.
Second my eyes change, vison were different showing all signs of unknown language but quickly translated showing all the information about the suit. Through my left vison a blue print of Athena was drawn.
Athena Suit:
A.K.A- ATS V2490
Generation 7
Fire Power: 70
Offense : 75
Defense : 60
Durability : 73
Flexibility : 60
Weakness exploit too much energy consumption, not yet compatible with the offense and defense system. Says the robotic aliened voice in my head.
Shaking my head closing eyes shruging my field of vision, minutes pass till vision quickly returns to normal, "gahh, I hate this".
Class was done and waited the students to be the first to exit the room, but the president (Hina) of this school was there standing through the exit as if waiting for me, but I went to the other side of the door, I can see that she was annoyed by my actions. "where are you going" she says, but I ignor her and went to the opposite of hers. Persistent, she follows but not until cornering around, "initiating cloak mode", it only took .5 seconds to become invisible from the naked eye. As Hina too corners, she was baffled for how come she just follow him a few feet away and just by turning around he just vanish thin air. Question fills her mind, "is he a threat, why did he register as a student here, who or what is he", holding her chin thinking every theory she could know but her two assistance disrupt her handing over documents for work.
"Disengaging cloak mode", there at some place outside the school I appear, with a smile on my face, "mhh… time to get some fun". I walk around the place I do not know, where I found a building showing some sort of a cafe. Remembering Kevin giving me an allowance, scavenging my pockets for some money I then enter the cafe.
At the school of Athena, Hina was observing supervising the students including her two young assistant. As Rey and his companions train in a large coliseum.
At the training ground, Rey and his team consisting of two woman supporting him against three enemies. Laser beams fired like bullets in the sky and on the ground, thinking for strategy Rey fly towards the sky baiting two enemies. Activating his shield, the fired beams like laser was blocked by some shield barrier. Since his suit is more capable at midair he charges the two, shifting his defense to offense bringing out a sword slashing their shield until their energy fuel depleted.
With the other two disposed, he changes his direction towards the last. But the third enemy was different she was a liege on her own, avoiding Rey at combat she shifts her target at his two support. Closer with the two girls she was intervened by Rey, their melee weapons clash, Rey was at a disadvantage but her two support helps him fight his enemies. Disengaging Rey at combat she device a plan to cut the support, stepping out at close combat she shifts to range attack simultaneously fired all long-range weapons. With her rampant attacks Rey could not shield nor protect her support, but she didn't end, blasting a smoke at them she quickly changes her attack to melee combat engaging at his two support. Slashing at a high speed she was able to annihilate his two support.
Dispatching his support she can finally fight Rey head to head without being pestered by his support. Sword, missile like beams are clashing at each other Rey was beginning to lose, worse his energy gradually depleted to half. As their mechanical sharp sword nearly clash at each others throat they were halted by the referees. The 20 minutes' time was already used resulting to draw, but for Rey was but a defeat to him only saved by time. Unknowingly he was fighting one of the top ten elites ranking her the number 7 named Clair.
After their training session between Clair and Rey, Clair immediate left the training ground uttering Rey in a defeat. One of the girls went to comfort Rey saying that he was amazing for fighting head to head with Clair one of the top ten elites. Being comforted by the girls he smiled warmly.
At the monitoring room where Hina and her assistance are watching gathering the results of training. But Hina was more curious to Arishok, holding her chin while leveling her other arm at her chest, "Arian you take care of the monitoring process while Ana you are in charge with the result I have something to do".