WebNovelTHE CORE44.00%

"Nano Technology”

Following the attack by the CODEX, the Athena or so were now tightening their defense and security system. There in lies a technological system being develop by Kevin himself.

He was in a room experimenting, testing a technology which by owned from far away, outside to this planet. In a struggle to reverse engineering a certain type of metal. It glows upon touching, an unstable like molecules twisting, bursting and in second it drops.

Since he was now a part of the Athena organization he himself want to solve one problem, the Athena suit which would take time to prepare before engaging, he wanted to make it more faster in suiting up the Athena.

After a brief of test and experiment Kevin takes a break. His hand search for a box of cigar while finding a chair to rest. His mind was tired he couldn't even decipher the technology owned by higher and more technological civilization.

A cigar was lit, a sip of burning tobacco relief his stress. The smoke quickly fills the room that even his assistants were inhaling the smell of his smoking cigar but didn't matter to them since they were already used to it.

With just a minute of sitting, smoking, filling the atmosphere with a distained smell of burning tobacco. He was tired and bored to work, so he stood and went out looking to relief his stressful body.

A man of his assistant called to him telling him what to do with the test. Kevin sigh and said to him tired, "just… lets call this a day". He suck his burning cigar and let out a farewell to his assistant, "bye… and good work to all of you".

It was nighttime yet he didn't fell to sleep how could he, when thinking something that he shouldn't did. Again he grabs a piece of cigar to smoke, it was his fifth time of continues smoking and by far he didn't care the cause of too much smoking. He walks while letting out a white smoke and slowly the smoke fades as he again let out more. Minutes have passed until Kevin finally walks out of the laboratory building. He can see that it was very guarded, surveillance camera are monitoring every corner of the place, drones are flying stealthily in the air as it surveys the surroundings. Two Athena robots stand guards the door and by his passing quickly they scan him. "Access granted" says the two Athena robot guarding the place, they were 22 Athena robots scattered throughout the places as they levitate and scoute the surroundings.

The night was cold but a sip of cigar warms little of his shivering body. His eyes went towards the lonely bench unlighted and good for a place to sip a smoke. He pulled himself sitting at the bench. Minutes had pass still gulping and letting out a smoke of white like mist unknowingly he didn't know someone was walking towards him. At a distance of nearly 10 meters away he was able to take notice of the person walking towards him. "So what brings you to this lonely place" Kevin says sipping the half burning cigar, "Thought someone would first to take my place" a voice of a woman who calls holding a two Starbucks of coffee it was Sophie. Kevins eye slowly change towards her, he look for a bit and quickly he change his view facing front, "I like this place might as well share it" Kevins says sipping the last line of his cigar. After exhaling the smoke he literally press the cigar at the benches arm, luckily a trash bin was sitting right beside the bench.

"Haa…" Sophie let out a sigh, "since I came all the way here might as well share it". As Sophie slowly walks Kevin moves himself creating a space for her to sit. He can see that she's in her pajamas wearing a blanket keeping her warm from the coldness night while he only had a lab coat to warm a little.

Before Sophie can sit besides Kevin she gave him one of his coffee, "here… have some, might as well give you some fire than smoking yourself to death". He didn't hesitate to take yet slowly he grabs the coffee and upon smelling the aroma, "you know I don't usually…" before he could continue his words Sophies eyes lit up raising her eyebrows, "if you don't want it give it back…". "I didn't said I hate coffee its just that I rarely sometimes had to drink a coffee".

She ignores his words and quickly take a sit. "I thought genius people likes to sleep every day" Kevin said drinking the hot coffee. "You know, there is a place for a sarcasm people like you might as well join than being a scientist".

Kevin smirk and continues sipping the coffee slowly, "so, I heard your doing something…" Sophie said to him. "Yep tho you might be angry with me after discussing it with you".

The wind breezes through the air bringing an ice like winter enough to make your cheeks numb in coldness. Sophie grabs the coat wrapping herself more. "And so… so what is this all about" Sophie said protecting her image as the creator of the Athena. Kevin let out a smile and said to her, "just fixing your failure as the genius". Sophies eyes frown at him, she was hurt by his words of mocking pride. Kevin giggles "see… I told ya… we were just revolutionizing the suit".

"How so…" ask Sophie who somewhat curious. Kevin sips his coffee and said, "nanotech". "What!?" Sophie says somehow shock, the growth of technology was indeed great but she wasn't able to find a way even the slightest light for her to make such a tech. "Your kidding me right?". "May be may be not", Kevin stood up after a brief conversation and said to her, "wana go to someplace interesting". "uhhh…" Sophie said somewhat intrigue by his words. Kevin understood what Sophie had in mind but he didn't bother but only said a word to her, " you should find yourself a mate girl might as well someone should carry your legacy than taking it to the earth". "Whaaaa…" upon hearing his word she blush in extreme, she finally known her misunderstanding to him. After teasing her for a while Kevin ask if she want to go exploring for a bit, "where are you going" Sophie said standing up as well. "to where your brain loves to take its time", "wait…" Sophie fix her blanket and followed him, "I'm coming with you".