Again, he was plunged to the abyssal realms of the universe, this time it was different, this time was the destruction of a species. Manifested, he saw through a war of extraterrestrial were hundreds of Prometheus much like the ones he encounters slowly outnumbered by a massive number of a different kind. It seems to say, the enemy had the same thing in common from the thing that keeps calling him.
-Foong- a burst of explosive energy bombards the massive army as its energy backwash the surroundings. Leaping through at great speed the resistance dashes cutting the enemy clean, as their weapons even disintegrates the carcass.
Enemies are outmatched but the resistance are outnumbered, *Rumble*, the soil ruptures as a large four-legged monster with massive serrated horns emerge. Charging through the resistance its body was so powerful absorbing the incoming attack so too its regeneration is overwhelming. With no choice left one resistance brought out a sphere but harbors great energy like its own life force.
Tightly griping the device activating its potential, and with great maneuver he confronts the massive monster. -BOOM- the moment they clash, a powerful explosive rips through the battlefield. From its aftermath the beast and its surroundings were swallowed, erased. There was no sign of a carcass only a large marble crater.
*Rumble*, the battle was just the beginning as three more emerge, then follow by five till hundreds pop out. From the sky a massive deranged enemy ship slowly, it descends the land and it would seem to say the resistance is at their end.
Blink, after the defeat of the resistance he finally met the one that gave him the Core, the one that merge with him, the one that saved him. Unable to communicate the alien gazes through his eyes as if relaying a message. When he turns around a ray of light envelops the surroundings till once again Arishok was awake.
His injuries are now healed, his system is stable, fully functional. He thought he would be in a laboratory just like the last time but he was wrong, a comfy bed he where.
"Just what the hell is that, is it a message or was it something," he says gathering his thoughts about that dream.
*Urggg*, the sound of his stomach pleading for food. "Just how many days have I slept" Arishoks note leaving the room but before he opens the door a cloth was prepared for him. Taking the clothes to realize it was but a simple one not like the ones he's been wearing. There was no one to watch him assuming it was good to roam the place for a while.
"Cloak engage", he dispersed through the hallway guarded by Athena robots since he doesn't want to start a commotion. Emerge, he felt the warm serenity of the sunlight comforting his body.
After minutes of scouting the place he found the place he had been looking, a garden so it seems. Didn't he realize he was still in the school campus; the students are nowhere to be seen taking their classes.
Deep beneath the headquarters of the Code- -
-Slam- April smash the table out of anger. "Damn it! Just what the heck is that thing, damn it-damn it…"
Shouting while smacking the table April heard a man calling, "Madam I've received a new information regarding that suit."
"Is it..." April reply
"Yes, what will our next motive" He ask.
Without answering his question, April walks to another room, a very peculiar chamber. From the center of the place a man stands still looking at a large vacuum.
"I see your still here" April said,
"…" his answer was nothing still gazing what's in front of him.
"So, you like being Mr. strange silent guy," April quote,
"We are all strangers," the man finally answers.
"Perhaps so, but enough of that, I've got some word out of you… you knew something about that!"
"I know nothing only that man." He says.
Disrupting their conversation one of April's assistance delivers a message.
"It would seem to say that his physical injuries wouldn't suffice the suit are you sure to continue this operation."
"If he's willing to," says April
"He agrees but we have a 50-50 chance of successful, if he won't survive- -"
"Enough! I will do it if you all are afraid to do the work."
Cautiously April left the room going towards to an infirmary. Visiting the person, it would seem that Kaiser survives the onslaught. He was lucky, one of his subordinates used his outmost energy propelling Kaiser away from the radius of the gravity before the gravitational pull intensified. Barley escaping the energy burst his body now missing some of his parts. Half of his body burned by the Cores' energy, torn apart his body only have one spare of leg and arms. He managed to pull himself together and escaped the place before Arisha arrives only to be rescued by his associates. Without the suit that protects him from the intense radiation he could have suffered worst.
As for the mysterious man, the thing he's been gazing were unlikely different. From the inside of the vacuum filled with liquid. A body of a woman alive and in a state of slumber, her flesh was different much like Arishok her body shows the fusion of an Athena suit and far different that an Athena. But what she holds and her story are something which the Athena association might have something.