A World Without Them: Part 3

As the elevator silently traveled down, Taehyung studied Manager Eun through the reflective sides. She had long, wavy brown hair that had been tied into a neat ponytail, making her look sharp and professional. A dark blue top and skirt hugged her figure, her skirt ending at her knees. Taehyung noticed she barely wore make-up, and had no jewellery on.

From her voice, she seemed to be a rather cold person. It didn't seem like the previous Taehyung and her had a very friendly relationship other than their work relationship.

The elevator chimed lightly, and the reflective doors slowly opened.

A golden, bustling with life, lobby appeared in front of him. High ceilings with pure-white marble pillars; delicate crystal chandeliers hanging down, illuminating the room in a warm glow. Telephones rang, disturbing the quiet murmur of the crowds going about their normal day. Near the doorway was a sitting area decorated with black leather sofas and glass coffee tables.

Manager Eun handed Taehyung a black face mask and a pair of sunglasses.

"Only until we meet up with your bodyguards outside," she explained.

Taehyung adjusted the mask and the sunglasses.

The pair stepped out, went through the lobby, and out the rotating doors. Several bodyguards dressed in suits stood outside the doorway.

Taehyung took a foot outside.

The first thing he noticed was the noise. In the distance, held back by several more bodyguards, was a massive group of people. Even a few police officers were nearby, ready to step in at the slightest hint of trouble-making. Loud screams could be heard as soon as the crowd noticed Taehyung. Banners were raised and flowers were thrown, although Taehyung was nowhere near the crowd.

These had to be his fans. Under Manager Eun's cold glare, Taehyung took off his mask and sunglasses.

With a fake cheery smile, Taehyung waved at the crowd. The noise seemed to increase by a few more decibels, with even more gifts being thrown.

"We don't have all day. Let's go." Manager Eun's cold voice echoed beside him.

Ahead, parked on the roadside, was a heavily tinted limo with a few more bodyguards standing around it. The driver opened the backdoor and motioned for Taehyung to enter.

Once inside the car, the screams of the crowd were muffled.

Manager Eun sat in the front seat, directing the driver on where they had to go.

With a silent growl, the car came to life and zoomed down the busy New York streets.

Taehyung's head turned to look at the crowd as the car drove past. He read the signs, saying things like "Kim Taehyung, King Taehyung", "we love you tae" and more.

He felt a panging in his heart. Everywhere he went, there was reminders jabbing at his heart, mocking him for being alone.

Finally, the car came to a stop outside a tall glass building with people weaving in and out. On the front, was the words SiriusXM written in bold.

"We have arrived," the driver said.

The bodyguards, who had rode on another car, came out and cleared the surroundings.

When Taehyung and Manager Eun went inside the building, an assistant quickly recognised them. The assistant ushered Taehyung into a recording studio, fitted with the state of the art recording materials. Manager Eun sat inside the opposing room, glass separating the two rooms. Several people wearing headphones sat alongside with Manager Eun, rapidly speaking in English.

The host for the interview was already waiting inside the studio. He had a light-hearted face, with laugh wrinkles present on the corners of his bright eyes. With a warm smile, he beckoned for Taehyung to come closer.

"Nice to meet you," Taehyung said, sticking out his hand for a handshake.

"Great to meet you too. We're running right on schedule, so have a seat. Recording will begin in about a minute," the host replied.

"Right, my name is David Hallow. I trust you've done this sort of interview before?" David asked.

Taehyung nodded, and sat carefully on one of the plush seats. He had done many of these interviews with the other members.

Another voice came out of a speaker in the corner of the room.

"Going live in 10 seconds. Get ready."

David adjusted his tie and brushed his hair back with his fingers.

"5 seconds."

Taehyung took a deep breath, and focused on the mic in front of him, his heart fluttering lightly.

"Going live in 3...2...1…"

Without another beat, David instantly began.

"Good morning New York! Today we're here with a special guest, the one and the only— BTS!" He introduced Taehyung with gusto.

Taehyung chuckled lightly, flashing a bright smile at the host.

"Thank you for having me here," he said.

"Well, let's get this show on the road. Mind if I ask some questions?"

"No problem."

"Let's start with something easy. What's your real name, and what does BTS stand for?" David asked, mirth in his eyes.

Taehyung's smile faltered slightly.

"My real name is Kim Taehy—I mean, Taehyung Kim."

He coughed a bit.

The two laughed a bit at Taehyung's expense. Taehyung wasn't used to being the one in the forefront whilst on tour in America; being bombarded by questions in English left and right. It was even worse considering his English wasn't exactly the best out of all the members.

Namjoon was the one who took the lead, who would cover up for any silly mistakes the other members made. Namjoon was the one who was best at English, the one who shone the most when they did interviews in America.

"BTS stands for Beyond The Scene."

His heart hurt saying that. From those articles titles he saw earlier, he realised that BTS was never known as Bangtan Boys in this world.

"How do you feel about America?"

An easy question.

"I love it here, everyone is really welcoming," Taehyung said, scratching at his head nervously.

The host and Taehyung went back and forth for a few more minutes, asking basic questions.

"How does it feel to be on top of the world? I mean—" David waved his hands vaguely around the recording room "—how do you deal with all of this?"