Hidden Shadows within A Beautiful Utopia

The next time Taehyung opened his eyes, everything was different.

He was sitting cross-legged on a stone ledge, overlooking a scenery that came straight out of a novel. The violent crashes and blows of the frothing waterfalls beside him drew a sharp end to the ledge, a straight line across the horizon. Every now and then, the occasional splash of water flew up, scattering across the stone ledge Taehyung was on.

Beneath, the waterfalls seemed to go on for miles until the end, where an inky-dark lake greeted his vision.

So the voice hadn't been lying to him. This was far too realistic for a dream. Everything still felt so surreal, yet so realistic at the same time; a feeling of being trapped yet free, a contradiction which was difficult to describe.

Was he really here? All the events from yesterday was so real, yet he had hoped it was fake. No, a dream could never be this beautiful and detailed: this level of clarity and detail that eluded the dreamworld.

His heart trembled softly. Did he really have a chance? A chance to find everyone else once more, and return to being a member of BTS, where there were seven members in total? The small seed of hope had been planted, and Taehyung planned on guarding it with his life.

Despite being so high up, Taehyung didn't feel any sense of fear nor dread. There was only tranquility to be found in a utopia like this. Something inside of Taehyung hummed, and power coursed through his veins, soothing and gentle. The soft wind blew at his long hair, causing it to twist and dance in front of him. Taehyung wondered briefly how he looked with long hair.

Towering clouds of white clouds dotted the clear blue skies above, numerous entities weaving in and out. With long, snake-like bodies that flew gracefully, Taehyung soon realised they were dragons.

He watched in awe, absentmindedly wiping away the flecks of water that had fallen upon him.

Deep, jade-green forests spread on for miles beneath. Golden spires made out of rock and littered with shapes of greenery interrupted the spread of the forests, with some reaching the height of the clouds above.

All of a sudden, a sharp, jabbing pain rocked at his head. Taehyung began to see doubles, his mind reeling and his vision warping. He groaned in pain and clutched at his head as the white-hot pain continued to attack at his head.

Images flashed across his eyes; memories of a person who was him, yet not him at the same time.

A little girl, dressed in pink silk, chasing him happily in a beautiful golden palace. She had twin dimples, and bright, glowing eyes. A red flower marked her forehead.

Cherry blossom trees swirling around that little girl as his heart swelled with pride. She was a little older in this memory, and she controlled the blossoms with a light hand.

A banquet hall, filled with luxuries and unearthly beings; him kneeling before a man seemingly made out of jade.

Now the little girl was a young woman, her hair turned a soft pink just like the blossoms she controlled. That fruitful night, a love that should have never existed, a love that was forbidden. A God and a Flower Fairy, a pairing that went against the bidding of the Heavens.

Taehyung felt deep despair bubble inside his heart. He warned the woman to stay away from that God, that he will only end up tearing her heart out and eat it.

The cherry blossoms were gone now. She had left, eloped with that God of hers. In a rage, Taehyung swore to hunt down that God.

Bloodshed. Golden blood being spilled all over, glittering under the sunlight like molten riches pouring everywhere. Despair racked at his heart, a useless sword in his hand. Bodies surrounding his lone figure. Nothing alive around him for miles around, broken ground and dead immortals.

In front, a lone figure in pink silk stood, her body filled with endless spears. All aimed towards her heart. Her once pink hair had turned white, like the starlight above, and she bled silver blood instead of gold.

A God for a God.

Taehyung screamed.

What were these memories? Who was he in this life? His name remained blank, the sound fuzzy every time someone called out his name.

The last memory that flashed brightly at him was an unknown man placing a gentle hand across his forehead. His appearance was misted over, but he had long, silky black hair and dressed in a muted shade of green.

With a soothing voice, he declared, "You have suffered enough. Sleep now, child."

The pain slowly ebbed away, like the raging ocean becoming a slow tide, gently washing across the shore. Leaving pieces of memories like crushed up seashells and stones, for him to pick up and examine.

What was this world?

Taehyung opened his eyes, back to the poetic scenery.

Bits and pieces of the memories came up, asking him to piece them together. Several seemed to be locked, misted over.

But at least now, he had a basic understanding of what this world was, through watching this Taehyung grow up.

A land full of immortals beings who were only immortal from natural causes; death claimed them only on the battlefields. Floating islands, fairies, gods, and goddesses.

At the very top, the Jade Emperor. A man fully made out of pure jade, ever changing colours and handsome features chiseled from stone. The man who sat at the top of the Heavens, who dictated every move of the world, every surge of power. The 9th Heaven.

At the very bottom, the 1st Heaven, known as the mortal realm. Filled with humans and magical beasts and tales of the ones who made it as an immortal.

Taehyung was from the 6th Heaven. Also known as the land of the fae, these were where plant spirits came from.

As for what he was, that was locked. He knew from instinct though, that the woman he saw in his memories was most likely a sister, or a relative. She was a cherry tree spirit, who had cultivated enough to become a Flower Fairy. Therefore, he must also be a plant spirit.

Taehyung stood and walked to the ledge. A small voice inside his heart told him to step off; there was nothing to fear. There was no hesitation in his heart as he took a step off--

And began free falling.

He panicked, his heart racing. This was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to be able to fly through the air.


Taehyung tried to channel the strength in his body, desperately searching for a solution.


Nothing seemed to be working. The wind whipped at his olden style clothes, blowing his long hair straight into his eyes.

He could only close his eyes and wait for the inevitable crash into the icy cold waters below.

Warm arms enveloped him, carrying him slowly to the banks of the lake.

Gingerly, Taehyung opened his eyes.

A blonde spirit boy stared back quizzically at him. The boy gestured with his hands, concern written across his face.

"Thank you," Taehyung said gratefully.

His thoughts were filled with another language, allowing him to use it at ease, almost like muscle memory. Whatever it was, it certainly didn't sound like any of the languages back in his previous life.

The spirit blushed and hung his head, kicking at the sand. He shook his head.

Taehyung looked curiously at the spirit. "Can you not speak?"

The spirit's head jerked up, eyes widening like a scared rabbit. In response, he opened his mouth, revealing the cause of his muteness.

Taehyung felt shivers run down his back. The spirit's tongue had been cut out.

Who would do such a thing?

The spirit tugged on his arm, wanting to lead Taehyung somewhere.

"Wait! What's your name?" Taehyung called out.

The spirit did not answer, still tugging at Taehyung's arm. He pleaded with his golden eyes, asking Taehyung to follow him. He opened his mouth and made a few unintelligible noises, frantically trying to move Taehyung away from the bank.

Taehyung sensed something was wrong, and followed the golden spirit further into the forest. When they had reached the cover of the trees, Taehyung snuck a look back at the lake.

What he saw chilled his heart. Beneath the blue waves, was the shadow of something gigantic, swimming near where Taehyung had stood.

So this was what the spirit was trying to warn him about.

He turned back and quickly ran towards the spirit, who beckoned from a tree in the distance.

How would he survive in a world like this?