5 are you sure you like me

the I get to the dream world

* 05.37 am Uchiha clan head house.

I woke up, but I actually didn't have any dream. must be too exhausted by remembering all chakra theories from yesterday. I need to get ready for academy. Eating breakfast then I go to yard do some exercise. 'damn son, with chakra I don't feel exhausted that much doing simple exercise, I should do exercise while utilizing as little chakra as possible.'

I hit a tree then some leaf fall down I tried leaf sticking exercise. 'it's not that hard it's easy, so let's try it while exercising.'

then I did many push up, sit up, sprinting here and there. While sticking leaf on my fore head, hand, and my body.

"huff, huff. That clearly more challenging than I thought" I keep doing the exercises without stoping.

* 07.37 am Uchiha clan head house

wow how many did I do that I forgot about the time. The sun already peeking it head on the east. I get inside the house then take a bath. Then put on a new set of cloth, tada a brand new and fresh Uchiha Sasuke ready to serve the public eye. 'yeah, I need to at least show enthusiasm. If they notice something off, they will think the brainw-I mean consoling not working.'

I walk to the butsudan and pray for a blessing from my mother, she is the only love I have in this life. I have already forgotten the face and name of people in my previous life as I live in the darkness for so long. I only remember their characteristics. like they usually do they, and what they act like. but if you want me to put face and name on those character I can't it seems so distant ' I'm sorry mom and dad that I forgot about your face and name, I'm unfillial son.'

I get up from praying, then walk to the front door. "Ittekimasu" I yell at no one particulary, as I close the door of my house. I walk out slowly of the Uchiha compound, feeling how silent this place is. Outside of the compound I see the statue of kage head far on the left, and the sun I straight in front of me. I turn left start walking slowly to the academy. the academy start at 08.30 am I still have more than half a hour to get there, so I enjoy the journey even though there not that many thing to enjoy in this village. Other than the villager stare in awe as they see me.

I hear some of them talking about me and the clan as I walk to the academy.

"Look it's the last Uchiha, he is the only hope of the Uchiha clan to rise again."

"Did you hear his brother kill everyone in his clan and only him survive"

"Serve them right, the Uchiha police always abusing their authority."

"But, you know because there are no police force in Konoha, the crime rate spiking and all the criminal is gone missing without any news, not like when there police we know the criminal is in Uchiha police station."

"Yeah, you are right. look that kid is the last Uchiha."

As I walk past the north-west market area of Konoha I hear those thing from the villager make some thing boil inside of me. 'calm down me, careful of any anbu around don't do anything reckless until we can sense them. calm.'

*inhale *exhale

* 08.17 am, Konoha acamdemy class 2A

I arrive at the academy and still have some leeway with time. I walk with a little smile showing that I'm in good mood, although I'm really in a bad mood. I walk to the front, left side of the class where I usually sit. Then there some commotion outside, what other could it be other than fangirl.

"kyaa!!! Sasuke-kun is back!!"

"Look at him come back with the first smile he ever did!"

"he is so handsome"

"he is so cool!!"


'damnit I could hear all there yelling, I should not frown, some people or anbu maybe watching. deep breath Sasuke calm down.' I keep a little smiling thinking funny thing while looking out the window. Then come two banshee, charging through the horde of fangirl.

All the fangirl scattered around back to place where they belong, in their own class that's it.

" " I'm First " " they both yell nearly the same time. I heard a little chime of troublesome women in the back.

" " Sasuke-kun " " both of them yell.

Everyone think I still the same but when I turn my head slowly with a little smile and say " hai? what is it Yamanaka-san, Haruno-san ?" everyone shocked beyond belief as Naruto running to the door to fast and see what happened he is shocked and fall face first. Everyone still shocked and I see time to class is nearing I ask them again " do you need anything Yamanaka-san, Haruno-san ?" then everyone come to their sense, Naruto rubbing his nose at the side.

The girl in question come to realization then stuttering try to send what in their mind into word. ino the first one to get her bearing together ask. "wh--- what happened to you Sasuke-kun?" then Sakura follow up with " yy--yes are you okay?"

'it's so fun teasing people' I show a little smile to ino then say. "Nothing happen to me Yamanaka-san" then turn my head a little to the left and look at Sakura with a little smile " I never been better Haruno-san"

Both of the girl show a disbelief face at what just transpired, and everyone in class still shocked include the Nara that lazing around in the back. Then without waiting for their response I drop a question that will make them thinking hard. " I hear you both like me, so what is it that you like from me other than my look and my clan? Yamanaka-san, Haruno-san." I pause a little and seeing their confused face I drop a bomb for them " if you can't answer this. are you sure either of you like me?"