2 Imagine the chaos

* 02.17 pm Ichiraku ramen restaurant

I walk inside the restaurant. I see Naruto already here. "The usual Teuchi-ossan" Naruto said out loud. I sit beside him "Me to. My usual please." I make my order. A few moments later our order arrive. Sakura came inside the restaurant and sit beside me.

"This is the menu young lady, take your time to choose" Teuchi say to Sakura. I eat my ramen slowly to savor the flavor. "I will take a shoyu ramen please." she ordered. "Ne~~ Sasuke-kun how was your training with kakashi-sensei?" Sakura ask me. Naruto perk up at Sakura question. "oh my training. You see how wet I was when you come back. I got a beating from kakashi-sensei on the pond. And I exhausted most of my chakra and fell down the water. I had to swim my way to the edge. What about you two?" I answer and ask back. " Me and Naruto was told to run on tree, and Kakashi tell me to keep doing it until I'm exhausted. After some rest he told me to do it again." Sakura said.

"Hey teme, what do you mean by 'on the pond'?" Naruto ask me. I look at him, "it's water walking. the next thing you do after you doesn't need to concentrate much while doing tree walking." I answer him. "it's must be good to know so much huh." he say to me.

I shake my head at him. "Why don't you go to Konoha library Naruto there are many thing you can learn inside." I ask him. he look at me with sad expression "I have tried to go there in the past but they always kick me out." he say. Sakura turn around shocked by what he just say. "is this because your circumstance?" Sakura ask "Yes" Naruto say as he getting more depressed.

"Right now you are a genin. You have privilege to access Konoha Library section E and D. Just by showing your Hitae-ate they will let you in. If they still doesn't let you in, just go to your Jiji. he will straighten the librarian guy." I say to Naruto. "are you sure?" Naruto asking me to make sure. "Yes I'm sure. that was written in the paper kakashi-sensei gave us. And one more thing don't learn any elemental jutsu unless you have better chakra control." I advice Naruto.

"Why?, did you want to sabotage me." he become agitated. "Okay, here the reason. Did you see Kakashi-sensei when he make Kage bunshin." he nodded. "Did you see make a smoke like you when he make bunshin?" he shook his head. "What the connection between that and me learning jutsu?" he ask again.

"That smoke that you make Naruto is a wasted chakra. and that is okay because you use non-elemental jutsu. What if you use my fire jutsu, the wasted chakra that you use will not become smoke but fire Naruto. You see I shot fireball only at kakashi-sensei lower half. If you use it what you think will happen?" I ask him. "The fire is bigger, isn't that good?" he answer

I shake my head. "if the fire bigger, what will happened to Sakura that hide on the trap behind kakashi-sensei." Naruto face became scared. "see Naruto that what I want to tell you. Don't immediately learn elemental jutsu, unless you have good chakra control. At least until you can make normal bunshin. After you can control your chakra to that level, then I can say you have enough chakra control to use jutsu safely around your teammates." I say to him. he nodded his head so much I think it gonna fall off.

"And don't you hear my reason, why I don't want learn ninjutsu from Kakashi" I ask him, he nodded "but I only understand the part where you want to make your own jutsu" he say. "Naruto a perfect chakra control is the key to make jutsu. As for the detail go to library and learn it yourself." I give him enough incentive for him to work with himself. 'i can not just spoon feed him with information, the best information is the one you interested in and find it out yourself.'

Sakura just listened beside me, I turn to her. "So Sakura what make you interested learning medical jutsu, it's not because that you want to touch my body right." I tease her. she get a blush on her face "nnn-no, it's was because I want to learn more after you give me the study book in the past. I want to make sure what written there was the truth. so I trying to learn more about the difference of how civilian body work and a Shinobi body work. I got interested in learning about medical work, I learn what cell do what. how chakra influence those cell. They are so fascinating" Sakura say with enthusiasm. 'Look like she is saying the truth.' Naruto on my left already lost at what Sakura said and just continue eating ramen and ordered on more.

"heeee, that actually good. Keep doing it and maybe you will become the best medic rivaling Tsunade The Sannin." I praiser her. "I hope so~~~, no I will" Sakura say with will of fire burning in her eyes.

"what is this Sannin you talk about Sasuke?" Naruto ask. Sakura shocked, her face show expression that say -are you living under a rock-. "The Sannin Naruto is a tittle given to the three legendary student of your Jiji the Hokage, who survived fighting a kage of amegakure. They are the best at their field of work. Tsunade is one of them. she is what most kunoichi aspire to be. like your dream to be a hokage." I explain to him. "Wow, Jiji students is that awesome." Naruto eye show excitement. 'if only you know their real personality Naruto' I laughed inwardly.

"Eh!!! Naruto you're Hokage-sama Grandson?" Sakura shocked asked. "No, Sakura-Chan. I'm an orphan, Jiji is always taking care of me and let me keep calling him Jiji since I was small." Naruto denied immediately. 'oh how funny would be if both of you know that Naruto is not the grandson. But the son of a hokage.' I imagine the chaos that would happen if people know.