4 First C-Rank mission

*one month later.

In the last months we have been training and done a lot of D-Rank mission. My kenjutsu is progressing really well. The way Kakashi beat me help my reaction time and my speed. I can now shoot a crescent shaped chakra blade, even though the range is less than two meter. Progress is progress no mater how small.

I Finally get the hang of doing waterfall walking, it's hard to explain. It's just a feeling, kind of thing. You don't think to much, but just do it. It's really doesn't make sense. Most of thing doesn't make sense with chakra.

With my chakra control improvement, now I just need to focus on nature transformation. My bastardized chidori is getting better. I need to focus the lightning more and make a bastardized raikiri. I don't have the courage to make something like raikage -Raiton no Yoroi-. It's need a really sturdy body and indepth knowledge of human nerve.

With the beating Kakashi give me, my body is getting better. the weight I use is nearly triple my body weight.

My sharingan is reaching three tomoe both. now I need to find a way to make it mangekyou sharingan or maybe eternal one, without losing anything or anyone. Using genjutsu would not work because sharingan automatically dispel genjutsu. Unless it was created by mangekyou sharingan, like tsukyomi.

I still trying to feel my chakra connect to the space-time element from using storage scroll. There is still no progress on that one.

I struggling to make precise advance seal. it was difficult for me. my shadow clone almost blow every trial of making those advance seal. I Just give Naruto copy of the advance seal scroll, for him to learn. So when he understands everything, I can just ask him for seal. In hope he can decipher the seal on his stomach too. What I know is that It make a special space to store chakra, like Tsunade Hyakugou seal, but it's storing kyubi chakra.

Naruto already good enough to fight me on the top of the pond. he doesn't want to use weight, after hearing the side effects of becoming even shorter than he already is. He say he will make those bracelet gravity seal later after he know how to. I ask him to prepare one for me too. It's was better to use gravity seal as it's spread the pressure evenly, not just one part of the body.

Naruto take my advice of going to library. he say it's funny to see the guy that always kick him out gritting his teeth to let him in. He go there looking everything he can about how body work. he doesn't want to be left behind by me, so he seriously study to make the gravity seal. He sometime ask Kakashi what something in the book mean. and Kakashi answer him slowly. I think Naruto slowly lose his trauma of asking question.

The most improvement in Naruto is his creativity. He always have what he call gut feeling that help him do something. like making seal, trap and hiding. By using his gut he could modify seal and trap with little to no effort. and Naruto can feel where is best place to hide and ambush while his clone attack.

As for Sakura physical training it was progressing well. she has physical strength of high genin bordering chunin one. So yeah, Kakashi torture work for her. her chakra control is superb as usual. Kakashi give the internship recommendation letter to her, because she will not make his name look bad when Sakura get there.

Kakashi himself seem to be training, I don't know what kind of improvement he have. He now always have sword strapped on his back not just in a sealing scroll. Maybe what I say about him caught of guard by three genin really hurt his pride as a genius.

*11.57 am Konoha thirteenth training ground

What we doing today are our third mission today. that's the second most annoying mission on the D-Rank, it is catching madam shijimi Cat Tora. And what is the number one, it was babysitting a loud damned baby. That's the most annoying one.

"Target has been sighted, yellow over." "have you see the target too black, pink? Silver over"

"yes I see it, pink over"

"yes target right in front of me, black over."

"Ready to jump and catch it in three, two, one. NOW! did you captured it? silver over."

"yes we catch it. yellow over"

"So with this I declare mission catching Tora the cat complete. silver out"

""WHY ARE YOU SO SERIOUS ON THIS KIND OF MISSION"" Sakura and Naruto had enough and yell on the earpiece. I turn it off before it hurt my ear.

We return to the mission distribution office. We give tora back to madam shijimi, oh the poor cat. we walk into mission registeration room. look and behold Hokage is here. He almost here everytime we get mission, so suspicious. "team seven report of their mission hokage-sama." Kakashi gave the report. "Now if you want to take other mission there are several D-Rank still left...." hokage say but cut by Naruto. "NO! Jiji! I have enough of all this chores. I want mission with fighting and saving people. I have been a good Shinobi and doesn't do any prank anymore." Naruto say. Kakashi hit him on the head. I walk to the front "With all due respect Hokage-sama. Naruto may be crude at saying what he want but I agree with him. We have the ability and knowledge to successfully escort, saving or exterminating bandit that is not a Shinobi. Even if there is a Shinobi we can take low level chunin with our teamwork, and worse case scenario there kakashi-sensei to take care of any jounin level threat." I say with a reasonable approach. Hokage look at Kakashi thinking and Kakashi nodded.

"Okay, It's seem your argument is reasonable. Fortunately there someone been waiting to be escorted back to home. Get Tazuna-san in." Hokage order, give Kakashi the mission detail.

The door slide open and shown a grey haired and drunk old man. "Team seven this is Tazuna-san your client. Tazuna-san this is team Seven your escort." we looked at Tazuna and Tazuna look back. "This kid will protect me." he said with condensending and drunk tone. I send killing intent and he flinch a bit.


I got hit by Kakashi on the head. "he is our client don't threaten him" Kakashi say. I rubbed my head. Tazuna-san chug more of his drink. "okay, everyone get to east gate in one hour. Get supply for one month journey." Kakashi ordered.

We leave and getting ready for our first C-Rank mission.