* At Ichiraku ramen restaurant
We arrive at Ichiraku. "The usual Teuchi-ossan!!" Naruto excitedly said. "Oohh, my favorite customer. Long time no see Naruto. And you brought your friend too." Teuchi said. "Hello. My usual too, please." I said. "I will take shoyu ramen please." Sakura said.
"How are you Naruto? you really take your time coming here." Teuchi said. "Oh, you must hear this. We just get our first C-Rank mission two weeks ago. And we beat strong ninja and save a country..." Naruto tell our first C-Rank mission experience.
I let Naruto keep spouting story from his perspective.
"Finnaly back to Konoha. What will you do for the next week Sakura? For me I will just go around and hanging out with everyone." I ask Sakura.
"I think I'm gonna organize my book and going to bookstore to see any new book came out.Or meeting Ino. Or staying at home with my family." Sakura said.
"Oh Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun. Long time no see. How are you." Ayame came from the back door carrying food bag. I turn from Sakura "Hello Ayame-nee, nice meeting you again. I'm fine, yeah it's been so long. everytime I came here you always on delivering order." I said to Ayame. "Oh, Ayame-neechan is here. Hear me neechan I will tell you my awesome story." Naruto said. "Wait a moment okay Naruto-kun. I need to put this away and help father first. And nice meeting you too again Sasuke-kun" Ayame said and move to help her father.
"Who is she Sasuke-kun?" Sakura Whisper in my ear. "eh, She is Teuchi-ossan daughter." I answered Sakura. "Before you came to a jealous streaks or anything, she is like a big sister for me. She been helping me through tough time three years ago."
I don't let here talk lest she become more annoying.
And our food come. "Here your order everyone. And who is this lovely lady?" Ayame came with our ramen and ask Sakura. "I'm Haruno Sakura. Sasuke-kun and Naruto teammate." Sakura said. "Oh, keep an eye for Naruto okay, he always the troublesome kind." Ayame said to Sakura and get back to work.
We eat our fill. Then say goodbye to teuchi and ayame. We walk separate way to our home. The sun is setting on the west. Finally I'm in my house. I walk to my room and flop down on the bed.
'This mission is not hard, because I been practicing. I can't be complacent. No one know what I have to face in the future. Other than the snake pedo, my undying ancestors and Kakashi friend. There's also the alien. I can't stop training, just because this one mission.' I keep thinking about myself and the future then slowly drifting to dream realm.
*The next day.
I woke before sun rise like usual. I do my morning routine. Because I get a free week I stay longer on the yard for training. After that I clean my self up and go out of the compound.
I go to the usual spot of Shikamaru and Choji to hang out. It was by a tree on the south side of the village.
Arriving the I see Shikamaru and Choji. Shikamaru is in sleeping position looking at the cloud. And Choji is chewing his Potato chip.
"Yo guys, how's you doing? it's been a month since the last time we meet." I say to Shikamaru and Choji. Shikamaru turn his head a bit to see me. Choji waving his chips stained hand. "Oh it's you Sasuke. We are fine, we just done doing another D-Rank. What about you?" Shikamaru change his sleeping position to a sitting one. With his one hand on the ground for holding his lazy body from falling to sleeping position again. Choji nodded his head with chip on his mouth.
"I just come back from my team First C-Rank mission" I say with smug on my face. "Oh how was the mission?" Shikamaru ask. "Is there any good food when you outside the village?" Choji ask his question.
"Unfortunately my team mission was on poor country, so for the client preparing us food already good enough." I answer Choji to his disappoinment.
"For the mission, I can say it was somewhat fun. That's if you excluded the waiting and walking. You get to beat people, save people and in the end everyone happy." I say about the mission without elaborating the detail.
"How much walking are you talking about here?" Shikamaru ask.
"Believe it or not, it was seven day walking. No ninja running, because our client is civilian. Good thing he is fit, so we do less break on the road." I said to Shikamaru.
"No way, I don't want to get a C-Rank mission anytime soon." Shikamaru sighed. "Oi, don't say think like that. Who knows your sensei might have a drinking night with my sensei as he talk about our journey to the wave. You might get a C-Rank mission tomorrow." I said tried to jinx him.
Shikamaru turn his head up and sighing again. "Oh yeah don't forget about Sakura too, she might meeting Ino and brag about my awesomeness on the mission. Ino might ask for C-Rank mission too. haha" I add another jinx and laughed at his misfortune
Shikamaru finnaly lose his will to sit and fall back to sleeping position. Looking at the cloud, "What a drag" Shikamaru mumble. Choji on the side keep eating like what we talking doesn't affect him.
"Did your father finnaly teach you, your family jutsu?" I ask both of them.
"Yeah, last month father teach me to use kagemane no jutsu. It was easy to use, but the stamina and chakra to maintain it was troublesome." Shikamaru answered.
"Oh, my father teach me Baika no jutsu. It was a great jutsu. It make me hungry faster, I can eat more when I'm hungry. hehehe" Choji said about his family jutsu.
"Damn man, I hope I can get my sharingan. You know there are some Uchiha who doesn't awaken them even on their dead bed." I Said feigning sadness.
"You with sharingan. Even without one you can sweep me and the other with a little effort. Don't even think about having it. I can't even lift a finger when I fight against you, if you have it." Shikamaru said tried to cheer me.
"Yeah who care, let get proof that I'm better than you." I said and take out a shogi board.
A few hours later, I was beaten black and blue in shogi by Shikamaru.