3 Thorny Life

"Sasuke-kun" Ino voice came from my left. She jump at me trying to hug. I step backwards avoiding her. She ended up hugging Sakura. "Ino release me." Sakura push Ino away.

"You guys here too." I said to ino-shika-cho trio. "Not just us, look they coming here." Shikamaru said, pointing that Akamaru, Kiba, Shino and Hinata were here too.

Seeing Akamaru I took out meat.


"Akamaru came here boy." I said waving the meat. Akamaru jump down from Kiba's head then walking to me. I give him the meat. "Hah. You guys here. That mean all the new rookies is here." Kiba proclaimed something so obvious.

"Hey you guys over there. You must be the fresh academy graduate. You should be a little quieter." A grey haired with glasses say. "Who are acting like that?" Ino ask. "I'm Kabuto. Anyway everyone is on edge waiting for the test to begin. So don't let them have reason to start fighting." Kabuto said

"Well looking at you guys, you remind me of my past. when I just starting out." Kabuto continue. "How many time have you try this exam?" Kiba ask him "It's a bit embarrassing to say. But this is my 7th try on the exam. In this peaceful period it's harder to gain recognition to become chunin." Kabuto said.


A smoke appear in front of the class

"Quite down. You Worthless Bastard!" A deafening yell came from the smoke. "I'm Morino Ibiki, the first examiner for this chunin exam." A Guy with scarred face and deep voice show himself. He was followed by bunch of other behind him.

"From this point onward no more fighting without the permission of the examiner. Those of you little animal that break this rule will immediately be Disqualified. Do I make my self clear?" Ibiki said. Nobody answer him. "Now let's begin this test. Make a line and take a seating arrangement card. You will seat at the number indicated. We will pass the written test when everyone is already sitting." Ibiki explain.

*A few moments later.

"Okay, paper facing down. The rule of this test is written on the blackboard. I will not answer your question. You have an hour. Begin" Ibiki start the exam.

I look at the paper test. First decipher this message. Second calculate the trejactory. Third In the situation above what will you do. This is basic knowledge of a chunin who want to become a jonin need to have. I have studying some of this. I will answer some of it and left the other blank. Or I can make a smoke and switch my answer sheet with one of the fake genin.

Well this test is about gathering information, so let just do that. Maybe it was an overall assessment that make you chunin. I wait until 15 minute left. I look at my paper first making sure there is no my identity written on it. The I get a smokescreen tag. Put it under my feet and push some chakra. I slide it to front row.


A black smoke appear, clouding everyone vision. Some of the genin panicked. The other was assessing the situation, looking for opportunity. While no one was watching I move fast to the guy with full answer sheet and switch it with mine. I erased his identity from the paper.

The examiner open up the window letting the smoke out. With a little wind jutsu the smoke gone. "You little animal really are daring." Ibiki said making his face look scarier. Some of the genin have fear on their face.

"Time's up. This is the time for the ten question. The rule for this one is you must choose to accept the question or not. If you refuse you will fail this exam so do your team."

"Why would we refuse to answer the question damn it!!"

"Because if you accept and get the answer wrong then, you will be disqualified and never allowed to join any chunin exam."

"huh you must be crazy. I know there's other who take more than once of this exam."

"That's because it's not me who make the rule in the past exam. Now is everything clear. Let's begin. Those who Choose not to accept raise you hand? Their teammate will follow."

With what Ibiki said one after another people forfeit. Some disguise guy forfeit. Some of the gutsy ninja stay.

*A few more minutes of tense moment.

"Good, Then all of you who staying here pass the first test."

"What do you mean? what about the question."

"The question is will you stay or leave as i said before. And all of you here stay. The point is as a chunin you can't always accept free risk mission. This is a simulation for you to risk your future. And you all here pass."

"What about the other nine question?"

"That is for assessing your ability gathering information. Who ever get cought at cheating that mean they need more experience."


Something come hurling from the opened window. "I'm here! Your next examiner. Mitarashi Anko. No time to Celebrate your passing this. Follow me."

Anko yell. Everyone just silently stare at her. 'Well this is awkward'

"Good job Ibiki weeding them to twenty team. Now with me here I will cut your number by half. Get up, move your ass." See said and jump out of the window. We follow her to training ground forty fourth Training ground.

"We are here the forty fourth training ground, also know as forest of death." Anko said. "Oh it's this place. I want to try going in there but can't it's only open for chunin and jounin because the Gigantic animal staying inside are dangerous they say." I said.

"We got a kid that know about their thing. As you hear him. This place is not open to public because of the danger inside. Now This is a consent you have to sign." She said and took out stack of paper.

"Why?" Random guy asked

"Because when your death happen inside this forest we will not be accountable for it. I don't want to be in trouble because of you. Hahaha." She said laughing. Then distributing the paper.

I get my paper. This is will be the start of my thorny life.