6 They like a toy.

3rd PoV

"Sakura-chan" Naruto seeing Sakura blown away yell. Naruto pupil turn red with a black slit on it. Naruto body emitting red chakra so dense that people could see with normal eye.

Naruto leaping to Zaku. He swipe his right hand that resembling a claw. Zaku who was shocked with the intensity of the chakra didn't have time to react. Zaku got swipe away flying leaving a trail of blood. Zaku smashed into a tree and lose consciousness.

Naruto roar shocking the animal in the forest. Looking at his next target Dosu. Dosu who saw Zaku was easily losing came back from his shocked state.

Naruto gone from Dosu vision. Dosu feel the dreading moment came. Dosu hold his metal Gauntlet up trying to block what ever come to him. Even thought he blocked it. He too was easily swipe by Naruto. He flyings at a thick tree a leave a dent so deep.

Naruto roar again. This time Naruto hear a voice from a bush. Naruto was about to leap attacking the trio Ino-shika-cho who was hiding. But Sasuke came and kick him right in the face.

*Sasuke PoV

'What the heck, I just woke up and this guy rampaging. His head is really hard. My leg hurt just kicking him away.' I Active my sharingan. "Naruto look at my eyes" Naruto angry face looking at me. I chanel chakra to connect my self and Naruto through my eye. Trying to bring himself back from the sleep.

I get inside his mind. I see him staring blankly at nothing with a depressed face. I walk to him and slap him. "Oi wake up. You are rampaging outside." I tried to use my sharingan to control the red chakra swirling around him.

"wha- Why am I here again? And Teme what are you doing here?" Naruto confused. "You idiot. See I'm trying to control the chakra that kyubi gave you. It's full of goddamn hatred. Now help me. This is your mind use your chakra. Control it now Naruto." I say as Naruto came back to himself.

My connection with his mind getting harder. "I will suppress it for the last time. My time running out." I said holding the red chakra.

I started to fade. "Do your job Naruto." I said the last time. I get knocked out of his mind.

Naruto stopped moving in the real world. I fall to my knee. 'ugh' "You three check Sakura." I said to Ino-shika-cho team that hiding. The three go look and checking on Sakura.

I sat down. "How is she?" I ask. "She is okay, She only need rest." Ino said. "Is Naruto gonna be okay Sasuke?" Shikamaru asked he seems to already connected the dot about Naruto circumstance. I look at Naruto who is still frozen in red chakra cloak. "He is okay. I have help suppressing the chakra for a moment. He has came back to his mind. Any moment now he will be turning back." I said.

As I said that, the chakra cloak begun to shrunk. It going back inside Naruto. Naruto then fell forward face first to the ground. I don't have energy to move and catch him.

"Here tied the Oto ninja. And put this on their stomach" I take out a rope and Chakra suppression seal. I give to the three. "If they have the scroll you need you can take them. We already had two scroll." I said.

I look up. "Oi. The anbu guy that watching, everything is under control here. You should help Anko. Her teacher is around. Look at my neck, This is his curse mark." I said showing my neck at nothing in the tree.

The Presences of the anbu quickly gone. "What is that about Sasuke?" Shikamaru ask me. "It's about this." I said pointing at my curse on the neck. Shikamaru look say 'go on'. "This was a cursed mark left by the traitor Sannin Orochimaru, He Take the face of Kusa ninja. And Infiltrate the chunin exam to get my eye." I said activating my sharingan for a moment.

"Oh you get your sharingan congratulations." Shikamaru said. "Yeah, It's thank to the Crazy Sannin." 'Yeah thanks to Naruto too getting overwhelmed with kyubi chakra so easily. I need to use my sharingan in the open.'

"You guys can go your way or help me take care of both of them first. I think a few Hours is enough for their recovery." I said to them when they tied all the Oto ninja. "We will help. This is only the second day. And both of our team has the scroll we need. Right guys" Ino said glaring at Shikamaru and Choji. "Troublesome blonde" Shikamaru said.

*An Hours later.

'In the anime I, Sasuke save a red Haired girl. But I don't see her in the start of second exam. Did her team forfeit at Ibiki pressure.' I thought.

Naruto is waking up. "Ugh, my head feel so heavy." Naruto said. "What the last thing you remember Naruto?" I ask him.

"Yeah, You hit me and tell me to control kyubi chakra in my dream."

"That's not dream you dimwit. That's in your mind. In your daze state nearly attack these three." I said pointing at the trio. They nodded.

"What? am I really about to do that?" Naruto said with horror on his face.

"Yeah you were crazy strong make both of those two Oto ninja like a toy being thrown around." Choji said. Naruto start apologizing like crazy.

"Okay that's all for now. I think we will be hungry. I will catch some animal for us." I said. 'Better be safe than sorry. I will go around and looking for her.' I shunsin away. Sharpening my hearing with chakra. Catching any abnormal sound around.

I jump from tree to tree. I fell three person chakra from my left. I lower my presence. I look at the three person. Two guy and one red Haired woman. 'That is her I think. They bite her yep that's her.'

The other two guy left her alone. 'What should I do.' I sat on the tree. I look at her thinking what should I do.