9 Art is an explosion

The fight of Misumi and Kankuro ended with Misumi forfeit after locked by Kankuro puppet. "Another boring one it seems" I said. Naruto already lost interest for seeing a good fight.

"Next Match Haruno Sakura Vs Akimichi Choji."

Choji seem doesn't want to fight. He looking at Asuma. "Just go choji." Asuma said. "Sakura is scary when she fighting" Choji said.

Choji reluctantly go down. "Go Sakura-chan, You can win this." Naruto yelled. "With what you have trained. You will win easily." I said. She nodded at us.

Sakura get down. "Both fighter ready?" Hayate asked. "I'm ready." Sakura said. Sakura face showed how serious it was. "I--i am ready" Choji said nervous.

"Match begin." Sakura throw a kunai at Choji. Choji parry the kunai. Choji make his body bigger. Then he rolled at Sakura. Sakura jump back getting near a wall. She take out two explosion tag. Choji keep rolling straight at Sakura. 'This human boulder thing seems a bit redundant if you can't see or control where you going.'

Sakura jump high. She throws two explosive tag at the left and right of where she just had been. Choji rolling hitting a wall. He stopped for moment then start rolling opposite way. But that stoping for a moment is enough for the explosive tag to exploded at his side.


The explosion make the dust go up. "Woah, good job Sakura-Chan!!!" Naruto yell. Sakura get to the ground again, but she still not easing her stance. Choji came back from being human boulder to his regular size. We can see a second degree burn on his left shoulder and his back.

Sakura was about to dash to Choji with kunai on her hand. "I Forfeit!!" Choji Hurriedly said as he saw Sakura was still going to fight. Finally Sakura loss all seriousness on her face and put the kunai back.

"Winner Haruno Sakura" Hayate proclaimed.

"Way to go Sakura-chan" Naruto yell. Sakura get to Choji and give him her healing cream. "I'm sorry Choji. Here use this it will make the pain lessen." Sakura said. Sakura walk up. "That was a quick thinking of you to use Choji technique weakness like that." I said. Sakura blushes.

"Next match Temari Vs Tenten"

They both walk down. "Both fighter ready?" "Yes" Tenten said. Temari nodded. "Match Begin." Hayate said.

Tenten started by jumping back. Tenten take out scroll and start raining weapon on Temari. As all the weapon are hurling with high precision, Temari open her Big fan. She swipe and make all the weapon fly back at Tenten.

Tenten shocked by how easily all her weapon thrown back. She tried to dodge it but a few scratch her. Temari dash at her and hit Tenten with her Gigantic fan. Tenten loss consciousness.

"Winner Temari."

Temari throw Tenten aside. Lee came down and catch Tenten. Lee put Tenten down. He was about to jump at Temari because he was mocking Tenten. "Lee.."

Lee turn around "Gai-Sensei"

"Temari that's enough. How long are you gonna play with those Loser." Gaara said. Lee look up at him. Lee glared at Gaara. Temari walk back up. Lee go to Tenten and help her to the medic.

"Well that a bit disappointing right" I said. My friend look at me. "I mean that Tenten girl. She didn't have chance to show anything because she was shocked by her skill being useless." I elaborate. "And as we know she is Gai-san Student. That mean she is at least good at taijutsu right? But with one hit from Temari fan she is out. Really disappointing." I continue.

They came to a realization. "Good observation as always Sasuke." Kakashi said.

"Next Match Nara Shikamaru Vs Yamanaka Ino"

""What??"" Ino and shikamaru yell. "Wow, you guys really unfortunate. Fighting each other." Naruto said.

"I'm sorry Ino, but I will not forfeit." Shikamaru said. "The hell you mean forfeit lazy ass. I can kick your lazy ass from miles away." Ino said. They both walk down.

"Both fighter ready?" Hayate ask. ""Yes!!"" They said. "Match begin."

Shikamaru start by throwing a few shuriken. 'It seem Shikamaru already has a winning plan.' Ino who didn't want to lose parry all his shuriken with her own shuriken.

Ino know she need to keep a distant against Shikamaru. That's why she avoid to jump back to a wall. She really is at disadvantage fighting Shikamaru.

Everytime Shikamaru want to get close Ino throw a shuriken. But her shuriken is not unlimited. Sooner or later she will run out of it.

Without help to stop Shikamaru movement she eventually lose. She got cought in Shikamaru Kagemane no jutsu. Ino reluctantly surrender.

"Winner Nara Shikamaru"

"Well that was as I expected." I said. I didn't elaborate anything, if I say anything it will be insulting. So yeah I just keep silent after that.

"Next match. Uzumaki Naruto Vs Inuzuka Kiba"

"Yahoo, Akamaru we got the dead last. This will be walk in the park." Kiba said. The three who see Naruto rampaging sweat drop at Kiba proclamation. "Don't hurt Akamaru too much Naruto. You will answer to me if it happen." I said with a chilling tone. Naruto shivers going down.

"Both fighter ready?" Hayate ask. ""YES!!"" They both yell. "Ugh, Match begin." Hayate said holding his ear.

Naruto dash at Kiba, he didn't give Kiba any chance. He give Kiba an uppercut. Kiba when flying up shocked at what just happened. Naruto make a kage bunshin. It purpose was holding Akamaru. The kage bunshin run to edge of the arena with Akamaru on his hand.

Kiba tried to back flip in the air. Kiba land on four leg. "Akamaru!!" Kiba yell. "Hehehe. I don't want Sasuke to be angry so I will take Akamaru out first." Naruto said. "You will pay for this Naruto." Kiba said. He chanel his chakra making his nail and teeth sharper and longer.

Kiba dash at Naruto slashing on Naruto chest.


A log was in Naruto place. With an activated explosion tag. "Art is an explosion" Naruto few meter away from the log say.


It blow Kiba away. Kiba stand up again with a more tattered clothes. "I underestimate you to much. Naruto~~" Kiba said he fall forward.

'I should never let Naruto learn Drawing and Painting. Now explosion is an art to him'

"Winner Uzumaki Naruto."


The kage bunshin release Akamaru run to Kiba and lick his body. The medic come and take kiba away.

Naruto walk back up to the gallery. Hinata came to him. "co-congratulation Naruto-kun." Hinata said. She immediately run back to hide behind Kurenai. "Huh. What was that about?" Naruto bewildered at what just happened.

"Next match Hyuga Hinata Vs Hyuga neji."