
"What is it, master? Is it something on my face or on me?" She said looked at herself, "Did I do something wrong, master?"

"No, no, it is just that you are sitting and eating at a table," He said as he lifted his mask slightly and took a forkful of food, "I just didn't expect you to sit next to me, I thought you would eat on the floor like you always did until now," She smiled at him and began eating, "Well, I guess we should be going to sleep soon, maybe sharing the same bed," She froze and blushed, "Like always, didn't you love when we did that back in Terruna?" She nodded as her face turned bright red, "Come on, don't you miss the times we spent together? I wonder if we will find the others soon, I wonder what they are up to."

"Please keep talking about us, master," She whispered resting her head on his shoulder, he yawned, "Let's finish up and get to bed."

"Yeah, I guess," He said as he took another bite of food, "I am pretty tired, I don't know how you aren't, you seem so full of energy."

"I am cold-blooded, master, I don't waste energy in heating my body."

"Was it warm enough last night?"

"I didn't sleep, master, you could have told me that you were going to sleep holding me, I didn't know what to do and you were playing with me in your sleep, master."

"Sorry about that, but I think that it is better to do that so that you stay warm and don't have a chance to hibernate and well, eventually die," She gulped and he kissed her cheek, making her blush, "Well, let's get to the room," Gold got up and Miia walked on all fours towards the room. Gold unlocked the door and laughed as the noticed only one bed, "Well, I guess we have no choice," He said as he locked the door and pulled off his robes and placed his mask and the robes on the table, "Stop blushing, you are sleeping in my bed tonight, so get in, I'll join you, I have some studying to do."

"Studying?" She said as she walked over to his side as he opened his spell book and began reading, "What do you need to study?"

"I master all of them, but I have to remind myself of their names," He said as she looked over his shoulder, "Do you want to wash yourself now? Or do you want that tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning, master, I will try to fall asleep," She said as she crawled into the bed, "But please don't play with my chest and stroke me during the night, unless you really want to, then just tell me before, master," He got up and closed his book. He walked to the bed and got in, behind Miia, in just his pants and wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands on her chest, "M-master," He moved his head closer to her neck and kissed her neck, she leaned her head back as he played with her body. She felt his hand move down her body, she grabbed it and prevented him from moving lower. "Please master, not tonight," He shrugged, "I am sorry, I just don't think I can take it tonight, please don't be upset, master."

"I don't mind," He smiled as he moved his hand back up to her chest, "I can still play with you like this, I wonder how Camille is doing," Miia grabbed his hands and stopped them, she turned and glared at him, "Wrong timing?" She nodded, "Sorry, but I wonder when we will find the others, I wonder what Nikholas and D. B. are doing."

"I don't know, I didn't leave my forest until you came, I was scared without you, master," She sighed as she turned to him, "I have a question for you, master."

"Go ahead," Gold said as he gazed into her eyes, "I never really took time to notice how beautiful your eyes were, I love their green tone, they match your hair and scales," She looked away from him and blushed, "What was your question?"

"Do you like me, master? Like, love me."

"I don't want to answer that."

"Why won't you tell me, master? Do you or do you not, master?"

"I know you love me," He caressed her cheek and then yawned, "Maybe we should sleep, try not to get too cold, I can hold you if you want."

"Yes please, master," She said as they hugged, "G-goodnight."

"Goodnight, don't hesitate to tell me if you don't like me playing with you," He whispered in her ear, "Wake me if it prevents you from sleeping."


"Tier 1, Force Sleep," Miia instantly fell asleep in his arms, "Easier said than done doesn't work in this case," He laughed at his own joke, "Goodnight myself."

The sun had just barely began peeking in the distance that Gold was already awake and sitting on the edge of the bed. He went to get up but he felt Miia's hand pull him, she was barely awake, "M-m-master, its c-c-cold," She shivered as she curled up into a ball. Gold sighed and opened the curtains of the room, letting some light in. He walked back over to the bed and picked up Miia and the blanket. He walked over to the spot of sunlight, he sat down and put Miia, wrapped with the blanket, sitting between his legs, in the sun, holding her and rubbing the blanket to warm her up. She shiver and her teeth clattered, she was still not heating up well, he removed the blanket and held her against his bare body. She slowly stopped shivering and began waking up.

"Good morning, Miia," He said as she opened her eyes, "How are you? Did you sleep well? Did I bother you?"

"Good, morning, master, I am fine, thank you for heating me," She snuggled against him and rubbed her head against his chest, "I slept great, I fell asleep quickly, that was weird and I didn't notice you at all, master, so I don't know what you did to my sleeping body."

"What are you hinting at? I didn't screw you as you slept, that would be extremely perverted of me, that would be rape," He shook his head, "I cast Force Sleep on you and like I expected, it instantly put you to sleep."

"Thank you for that, it must've helped," She said as she stretched, her stomach grumbled and she looked down in shame.

"Hungry? Let's get dressed and go have breakfast, I think we should be going to the bandit hideout soon, I wonder if we will find a stronger opponent than the vampire leader," She got out of his arms and shook her body, "Tier 1, cast Force Water, tier 3, cast Manipulate Water," A small ball of water split up and ran around Miia's body, cleaning her. She untied her shirt and pulled off her skirt and underwear, "Are all reptilian queens this hot? This sexy?"

"S-stop," She said, turning away from him, "M-master, please stop doing that, you make me nervous," He smiled as she blushed, "I think I am done, thank you master, what are we doing today again?"

"We are going to clear out a bandit hideout, apparently they are dangerous," He laughed as the water spread out and evaporated, "Maybe we should go there soon, you never know, we might take a little time," He pulled on his robes, put his book around his belt and put on his mask, "You ready?"

"Master, and drying me?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, tier 3, cast Control Wind," He placed his hand in front of her and a stream of wind blew across her body and dried her. She shook her hair and put on her clothes, "Tier 6, cast Shift Environment," The strings of her shirt tied into a knot, "There, now, let's get going, he said it was in the north-east," Gold got up and grabbed Miia's collar but didn't put it on her and simply put it around his belt. They walked out of the room and Gold twirled the key in his hand and placed it on the counter in front of the manager, "Do you make breakfast?"

"Yes sir, take a seat, I cook up something," He said as he put the key on a small nail on a board with the other keys. Gold and Miia went to the same table they had used the night before, Gold sat on a chair but Miia returned to her normal kneeling on the floor near Gold. They sat there silently for a few minutes until the manager came with two plates of food, "You are up early, what are you two going to be doing today?"