An Elfic Druid

"Good morning, Miia," He said as he untied the side of the sleeping bag, "Sleep well? Did I play with you again?"

"No, no, no master," She stammered as she woke up suddenly, "Just a little, but that is fine," He laughed and put on his mask and crawled out of the tent. Daryu Boros was sitting next to the extinguished fire, meditating with his wing spread in the sunlight. He bowed his head as he noticed Gold, who sat down on a log near the fireplace.

"My lord, I would really like to train with you when you have that armor," Daryu Boros said, "You were able to block my rage-infused vertical swing, I didn't think you had that physical strength."

"The armor helps me a lot, the force goes through my body and into the floor," He laughed as he grabbed the bag of food, "So, it just seems like a weak hit, not that you are weak, D. B.," He pulled out some food, "What some?" Daryu Boros shook his head and continued meditating. Miia walked out, she stretched and yawned and sat down next to Gold, "Tired?"

"Sore, master, from last night," Daryu Boros chuckled, "No, not because of master, because of you, D. B.," Gold laughed and kissed her cheek, making her shut up and blush, "C-can you give me s-some food?"

"Here, have some, but leave some for later," Gold said as he bit into a bit of smoked meat, "We need some for later, I don't think we will arrive before noon."

They arrived in a small town made of mostly one room houses that resembled tents more than houses. The sun made the sea seem like it was made of molten gold. A soft sea breeze blew through the town that relieved from the hot summer air. They walked through the main street, the signs were written in a language Gold couldn't understand. Daryu Boros tapped one of the merchant's shoulder and asked a question in a language that Gold couldn't comprehend but clearly the merchant did. He answered and pointed down the street and then gestured to turn left and then ended with more unknown words. Daryu Boros walked back to them and gestured for them to follow him. They walked down the street and soon ended up in front of a relatively larger house. The two guards walked towards them and asked in the weird language. Daryu Boros responded and one of them walked into the house and came out with afterwards, accompanied by a man that was well dressed and seemed like a scribe.

"Um, hello, welcome to Ojami, I Ojami scribe," He stammered, "We not speak your language well, come with me, follow, follow, druid speak your language," He gestured for them to follow him, "Where you find Diamyo Brute? He speak language, but weird accent, easier for me with your language than his speak."

"Okay, where is this druid?"

"Down street, right, second house," He said showing the path with his hand, "Knock first."

"Thank you," Gold said as he gently kicked Miia who was about to burst into laughter. They said thank you and then Gold, Miia, Daryu Boros walked down the road and found themselves in front of a small store like house that had a small sign with potion drawing on it. Gold knocked on the door and waited. He heard someone walk to the door and unlock it. He fell face to face with an elfic girl who had with red eyes, long, straight black hair and who was a little shorter than him.

"Um, hello, the scribe told us that you spoke our language."

"Yes, yes, I do, I haven't in a little while but come in, please," She said as she cleared the table of her things, "Sorry, it is a little bit of a mess, but I haven't really had time to clean nor needed to take that time," Gold sat at the table with Miia at his feet and Daryu Boros waited outside, "Um, what can I help you with?" She said as she sat down at the table, "Are you hungry?"

"No, I don't think so," He looked down at Miia and she shook her head, "No, it's fine, thank you. We came here looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" She said tilting her head, "Why here? Are they an Ojami? Did they pass here?"

"I don't know, we've been to Baldur, Kenti and Yin, so this was the next one on the list, I don't know if she is here," Gold sighed and Miia looked up at him, "Do you know a Camille?" She frozen for a second, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know a Camille, could you describe the one you are talking about?" She said, "I don't know if we are talking about the same person."

"She is an elfic druid, like you, but she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was a little taller than you, about my height, and um, she was very shy and nervous," Gold described, "Are we talking about the same person?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Gold, a silver plate guild member, I am looking for her and hopefully I will find her," Gold explained, "But now my question is why you asked me?"

"I don't know, I thought maybe you would want to hurt her, I guess you don't," She gestured for him to lean forwards and whispered, "I think I can help you find her, set up a camp outside of the city, on the beach and tonight I will come get you and bring you to her, don't bring the others, please, she might not like that so many people are coming to see her at once."

"Sure," He got up and noticed an open book on the floor, he couldn't read it, "You dropped this," She blushed and grabbed the book quickly. She turned around and placed the book on her shelf, Gold noticed a small bump in her cape, "What are you?"

"What am I?" She turned and tilted her head, "I am elfic, an elfic druid, that is it."

"No, I know that, but you are hiding something," He squinted his eyes, "I guess I will get going, thank you for your time, druid, what was your name?"

"Catherine," She stammered, "Druid Catherine."

"Thank you for your time, see you later," He smiled and walked out of the house with Miia following him. Daryu Boros walked with them as they headed to the beach. Catherine had told them that they could camp there so Gold took the chance to save a few coins. They arrived on a white sand beach with a golden sea, the salty sea breeze brushed past them as the soft crashing of the waves made a peaceful, calming noise. No one was there except Gold, Miia and Daryu Boros. Miia kept flicking sand off of her hands as she walked in the sand towards a flat rock and sat down on it. She smiled and lied down, the stone had heated during the day and acted as a heating plate under her and she pressed her body against the stone. Gold set up the tent and placed the wrapped sleeping bag in the tent.