Elfic Rebirth

"I know, but, nothing, thank you master."

"No problem."

"My lord, I would still like to train against you in your armor," Daryu Boros said, "I would like to improve my skills and you would be a perfect training partner, I don't think there is anyone who would match me in physical ability apart from you."

"Don't get cocky, we don't know who or what powerful beings live in this realm."

"Well, Cyclops are certainly not one of those powerful beings, but I wonder how the mono-eyes are doing," He smiled, "I wonder if the cyclops attacked them, they are unlucky to be near the only river there, and also they are in the cyclops' territory."


"Yep, they are human-sized cyclops but they are practically humans."

"Wow, I didn't know people like that existed," He looked back onto the road, "I guess we could stop here," He pointed at a tree near the road, "Some shade is necessary," He drove the cart to the side of the road and in the shade of the large tree, "Miia," He tapped her cheek, "Miia, Miia, wake up, Tier 1, cast Force Awaken," Miia shot up and had her eyes wide open, "Finally, you seemed dead."

"Master! I said I didn't like when you did that!" She yawned as she stretched, "Is there some food?"

"Yeah, sit down, I'll get some," He said as he walked around to the back and put Camille on the ground and grabbed the bag of food and walked to the tree, "Here, catch," He threw Miia a loaf of bread, "There is some more if you want," He walked into the sun and gestured for Daryu Boros to walk forwards, "D. B., I need to admit something, something I have been hiding, Super Tier Magic, cast Perfect Warrior," Daryu Boros placed his hand near the floor and his axe appeared to him.

"Super-Tier-Magic, what is that?" Daryu Boros watched on as the armor replaced Gold's robes, "I've never heard of it."

"Super Tier Magic, cast Shield of Heaven and Hell, Super Tier Magic, cast Blade of the Elements," A ball of light and a ball of darkness appeared and whirled around each other and created a shield that was gold and well-cut on one side and black, dirty and rugged on the other, it locked onto his left arm and a white outline of a blade formed in his right hand and formed from the hilt to the tip of the blade, the hilt was black with gold details and the blade's bluish steel shined in the sun, "This is something that I had been looking for ever since Camille told me of it, I am still missing one of these spells but, I don't think a death spell could or should be used on you, D. B., so are you ready for a little fight?"

"Berserk," Daryu Boros' eyes glowed red and a black aura formed around his axe. He leaped forwards bringing the axe down towards him, slamming into Gold's shield. Gold resisted the force thanks to his armor but the ground cratered below him. He swung his blade towards Daryu Boros, who jumped back to dodge it. Gold Walked out of the uneven terrain and held his sword low, "I didn't know a Magic Caster like you could see openings like that to make me withdraw an attack, impressive, my lord."

"Well, I don't have to use any of my strength to actually stop your blows, I have more time to think about openings and such," He said as he walked closer to Daryu Boros, "I would expect a larger crater from a Diamyo Silvershell, did you get weaker?"

"What did you just say?" His eyes were red with rage, "Say it again, I dare you."

"I expect more power, not a weak, pitiful blow," Gold lifted his shield and blocked Daryu Boros' swing and pushed it back and blocked the return swing with his blade, "Come on, I thought Silvershells were strong, not weak like this," Daryu Boros slammed his axe into Gold's shield and created another crater in the ground and then jumped into the air and brought the axe crashing down into Gold's shield again, cratering the ground again, but deeper and sending a shock wave through the ground. Gold spun sending Daryu Boros off balance and spun the shield hitting him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground. He leaped into the air and drove his sword into the ground and the ground rose sending Daryu Boros flying. Camille and Miia watched on. Camille was suddenly worried as Gold didn't move to break Daryu Boros' fall. She lifted her hand towards Daryu Boros and mumbled a spell.

"Elfic Tier 3, cast Mother Nature's Protection," Roots burst from the ground and cushioned Daryu Boros' fall and gently placed him on the floor. She sighed in relief and Miia elbowed her and started nagging her.

"In love with Daryu Boros? I thought succubi couldn't be charmed, only charm."

"No, I am not in love with Daryu Boros, he is a Diamyo Brute, for the Creator's sake, what could I have done to fall in love with him?" She shoved Miia off of her shoulder, "I wouldn't use magic to charm him either and I guess they won't work on master."

"You wouldn't dare," Rage filled Miia's eyes, "Master is mine."

"No, you see, master is someone I have always wanted to feel, if you see what I mean? Do you? Does your little reptilian brain understand it?" Miia's claws gleamed in the sun and she brought them down towards Camille but something slammed into her, sending her flying. She crashing in the sunny, grass field near the tree. She looked up and saw Gold standing above her, he didn't seem to be joking and had no visible emotion on his face.

"M-m-master?" His armor and weapons disappeared as he walked towards Miia as she nervously crawled back. He lifted his hand towards her, "N-n-no, p-p-please, don't hurt me," She covered her face with her arms, "I am sorry, master, I was angry."

"I know," He said with an eerily, calm voice, "Punishment awaits."

"I-I accept any, any punishment," She said getting to her knees and leaned her head forwards, looking down at the floor, "Please, p-please punish me."


"I, I am s-sorry, m-master."

"No, to Camille," She gasped, "What was that? I thought you would do anything."

"Y-yes m-master," She crawled back to the shade and bowed at Camille's feet, "I, sigh, I am sorry Camille, um, and could you forgive me?"

"Yes, Miia, I was just trying to make you annoyed, I think I went a little too far," She said as they put the things back in the carriage, "Can I braid your hair?"

She looked surprise, "Um, a-a-a, well, um, s-sure, sure, sure, I, I, I don't usually do anything with my hair, so, so, um, why n-not."

"Yay!" Camille hugged Miia and then whispered into her ear, "How about we have sex with each other tonight? When we are in the town, I wonder how your body feels and reacts to it, I've never see your reactions."

"N-no! I love master, I don't love you enough for that," She said as she noticed Camille's eyes go purplish pink, "I love, um, master, um, too much to care for your magic," She climbed into the carriage blushing brightly, "I thought y-you d-d-did too, but maybe, m-maybe another day."

"I do, but I want to have some fun before," She said as the carriage started moving, "Sit here and look away from me," Miia tilted her head, "So I can braid your hair, dummy," Miia crawled over and did as Camille said.

"You two behave together, okay?" Gold said as he turned to look at them, "We should be in the town tonight if everything goes well."

"Okay, m-master."

"Camille, good job on using a spell, did you do the thing I told you?"

"Yes, master, it worked."

"Good to hear."