
He woke up later that day. He turned his head and noticed that it was night outside. His body screamed in pain as he sat up, Miia was still holding his hand but was nearly asleep and shook herself awake as she felt him move.

"Master! Are you okay?" She sat next to him and supported his body, "Are you sure you don't want to rest more?"

"I think I am fine."

"Don't push yourself, here," She grabbed the cup of water, "Drink, master, here," She made him drink and then placed the cup back on the table, "Master, you worried me, you should have let us help you," He strained up as he felt a sharp pain in his back, "Master, lie down," She shivered and lied down next to him on the bed and hugged him.

"Are you cold?"

"A little."

"Then sleep with me, I think I will try to move around tomorrow, I think we should sleep, you look tired, Miia," He kissed her cheek.

"I am, master," She put her head next to his and hugged him, "Tell me if I hurt you, and don't hesitate to wake me," He was already asleep, "You are already asleep, well, I guess I can understand you, I am so tempted but, but, no, he wouldn't play with me in my sleep, I shouldn't do that to him," She saw him smile in his sleep and began blushing and began whispering, "Master, are you awake?" He began snoring and Miia sighed in relief. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

She woke up and felt him hugging her tightly. She cuddled against him as she felt his body heat her up. She smiled and he woke up and yawned.

"Good morning, Miia," He yawned and began sitting up, "Sleep well?"

"Good morning, master," She said as she helped him to sit up, "I slept well, do you think you can walk?" He shrugged and climbed off of the bed, "Let, me help you."

"Master, want my help?"

"I think it is fine, Camille, I should acknowledge you for what you did for me," Gold said as he noticed her sitting on the window sill, "Maybe I could later today."

"M-master?" Miia looked at Gold sadly, "H-here, y-your m-mask," She put it on his face. She walked with him until they were out of the room, he walked slowly and took his time on each step, and he was still very weak from the battle the day before. He walked to the bar counter and sat down on one of the stools. Miia sat down next to him on a stool, "Can we have some food and water please, sir?"

"Sure, here, the water, I'll cook something for you," He said as he placed some cups and a pitcher of water on the counter and disappeared to the kitchen. Miia watched Gold as he drank.

"Master, how are you going to reward Camille?"

"I have to think about it, so I don't know, maybe I should reward you as well, but first I have to go see that princess, she wanted to see me, remember?"

"Yes, master," She sighed, "I'll help you walk there."

"Thank you, could you three go look for the den of the cyclops later today?" She nodded, "You, Camille and D. B. are going to go look for their wealth, and make a path back to the village to make sure that the people can find it, but don't take any yet, I don't want to cheat my deal with the king who hired me, we are going to stay a couple days," He said as the inn manager put two plates in front of them, "Thank you."

"Did you actually beat the cyclops? All of them?"

"I think, the last one I fought was clearly their leader, and that should mean that your village will be safe from now on."

"Amazing, you four beat all of them, several parties died before," He said as Gold and Miia began eating, "I am very grateful for what you did for the town."

"My honor, but don't forget to thank my followers, oh, hey Camille," He said as Camille walked in and sat next to him, "This is Camille, this is Miia and the Diamyo Brute is D. B., Daryu Boros."

"Thank you all for what you did for our town," He bowed his head as a sign of respect to the three of them, "Where is this Daryu Boros?"

"Outside, he is too big to fit in here, Diamyo Brutes are massive humanoid beings," He explain, "By the way, the food is great."

"You have to thank my wife, she is the one who cooks and I don't cook."

"Well, thank her for me," Gold said as he continued eating, "I think I should go see the king soon," He pushed the plate forwards, "Thank you for the food, I think I am going to keep the room for a little while, I need time to rest," He got up and slowly walked to the door and Miia quickly finished and rushed to his side to help him walk. Camille strolled out of the inn. Gold told the three what to do and they nodded and left him and walked back to the cyclops forest. He slowly walked, straining his body with each step. He pushed open the door to the leader's house out of breathe. He walked towards the leader and knelt down, bowing his head.

"Good morning, sir," He said out of breathe, "My servants have left to go find the cyclops' treasure, they should return later today with the path to the den, as I said I would," He noticed Bella peeking into the room, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Sir Gold, I thank you for what you did for our town, there is no need to thank me," He said from his throne, "I am the leader of this town, even if I am a skilled warrior, cyclops are, let's say, insane opponents for a regular human, tell me, how do you have so much power?"

"My father taught me a lot of things, he gave me his power forcefully, some people see it as a blessing, but sometimes it is curse for this body, I could kill myself using magic for too long," He coughed and held his chest, before raising to his feet, "As you can see, I am not exactly in perfect shape."

"My daughter wanted to see you, only the Creator and her know why," He said smiling, "I think she should be in her room, down the hallway, well, the door at the end of the hallway."

"Okay sir, I will go see her."

"Please, call me Kain, sir is too formal and I should be calling you sir," He said as Gold slowly walked towards the hallway.

Bella was in her room on her balcony looking into the distance. He let himself in and walked over to the table and sat down, out of breath. She stayed looking out towards the horizon until she sighed and got up. Gold had stayed silent and she walked into her room and slumped onto her bed, not noticing Gold. He removed his mask and placed it on the table and sighed. She shot up and turned to look at him. She looked shocked.