An Unknown Threat

"Y-you are, are an Incubus?" She was filled with fear, "I am going to die..."

He violently coughed and the horns and wings disappeared and the robes re-appeared on him, "Let me reassure you, I am not an Incubus, that would be crazy, and there would be no chance that I could fight the cyclops and protect this town, and its people."

"Wha-what? Y-you are not an Incubus?"

"No, just a guy who find you attractive, that's all."

"You find me attractive? Even if I am a mono-eye?"

"Look at me, my face is half reptilian and half scarred, I don't think that I can consider mono-eyes unattractive because of their eyes," He pushed her below him, "So, what did you want to do? Well, with me?"

"Well, um, are you, you, you sure?" She turned her head and looked to the side, "I've never even kissed someone," He turned her head towards him and pressed his lips against hers. Her eye was wide open and her cheeks were bright red. He gazed into her eye, making her blush even more. He moved away from her. She was trembling nervously as her mouth was a little open and her eye was wide open, staring up at him.

"Did you like it?" He said as he moved his hand down her side, "Tell me, I want to know if I am a good kisser, was it enough to make you reveal to me what you want to do?" She hesitated and began answering.

"That's not-," He put his finger in front of her mouth and slightly opened it and moved his mouth back down and moved his tongue into her mouth, "Mmm!" She placed her hands on his back as he kissed her. He moved away from her and looked down at her and licked his lips, "What if someone sees us?"

"Your father isn't here," He said as he moved his hands to the back of her dress and began pulling the knot that was holding it, "So we have all of today, and all of tomorrow, and all of the day after that, Ojami is four days there and back," He slowly pulled her dress down, "I wonder what your body looks like under this dress," She covered her bra and her underwear with her hands and arms, "Come on, I thought you wanted to, was I wrong?"

"I-I am, um, I am nervous, I don't know how to act in this situation," She blushed and slowly revealed her body to Gold. He smiled as he looked at her body. He moved his finger in circles around her bellybutton, she twitched as he tickled her stomach, "What, what are you doing?"

"I want to get you ready, you do want to do this, right?" She nodded and he moved his hand behind her back and unhooked her bra and began kissing her neck. She moaned lightly and then pushed him off of her and cover her mouth, turning her head away from him. He smiled kindly and move to the side of her head and went to whisper in her ear, "Don't worry, that happens to everyone, it makes you even more beautiful, all of you is beautiful," He gently kissed her ear, "Can we begin?" She hesitated and then nodded. He smiled slyly and pulled off her bra, "What a cute little body, no wonder your father was hiding you from outside men, I guess he failed," His hand slid into her underwear and she squealed as his finger entered her. She squealed and moaned as his single finger played with her, "You really are pure," He said as he slid a second finger into her and began moving faster and harder, she had her mouth open but nothing came out as her body strained up, "You love this don't you?" He moved his hands down and pulled off her underwear, "Your body is amazing, the Creator really blessed you with an amazing gift," She couldn't even respond as he moved his tongue into her. She felt him playing with her insides, licking her as if he was tasting her. He continued and then she let out a loud squeal and began panting and was covered in sweat. He stopped and licked her again, before moving up to her mouth and started kissing her again. She pushed back against him and turned him onto his back and pressed her naked chest against him. He smiled and moved her hand down his body. She blushed as he let go of her hand.

"Do what you want with me, Lady Bella," He smiled at her as she trembled nervously, "I know you want to," He climbed off of him and pulled off his pants and underwear. She looked at him nervously as he put his hand behind his head, "If it helps, I'll close my eyes and let you do what you want."

"Y-yes, this is, is embarrassing," She climbed above him and sat down, "You are churning my insides! You are too big!" She lifted her body and twitched with pleasure and pain, "I don't think I can do this, you are too much for me."

"Let me help you," He lifted his hips and slammed into her, she squealed and moaned as he torn apart her insides. He put her on her back and stood up on the side of the bed with her in front of him, "You like this don't you?"

"Yes, I don't know why, it hurts so much and feels so good," He rammed himself into her again and again as she screamed and squealed, "Someone, might, hear, us," He held her legs back with his arms behind her knees and kissed her as he molded her insides, "Mm!"

"Don't be so loud, you wouldn't want someone to find us and ruin this, would you? You would really want that?" He moved back to kiss her, silencing her. He continued to thrust into her and played with her tongue. He listened to her muffled moans as he got rid of her purity, "Wouldn't your father want me to marry you before this? Honestly, you gave yourself to me so simply, what could I have possibly done to deserve this body?"

"Stop, mocking, me," She moaned as he continued to pound her little body, "You, saved, our, village, and, ah, you are, so, hot, I love you."

"You sound like Miia," He smiled and pulled out of her, she was sweating and panting on the bed, "Do you want more?"

"How are you not exhausted? You could barely walk a few minutes ago."

"Sexual drive," He pulled on his clothes and his robes reappeared, "I guess I have to see if Miia, Camille and D. B. are back, if I don't, they might barge in, I don't want to deal with an angry Miia," He picked up her bra and underwear and his back screamed with pain, he placed them next to Bella and put her dress neatly next to her. He headed to the door slowly and heard her faintly call his name.

"Sir Gold, can you come back tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"I'll see, Lady Bella," He smiled and pushed open the door and walked out of their house. He walked slowly as his body still felt the conscience of his overestimation of his power and skills. He walked towards the middle of the square and saw Daryu Boros limping as he carried Miia and Camille, they were knocked out and bleeding. He ran towards them ignoring his body, "What happened?!"

"A," Daryu Boros coughed blood, "A man was looking for you, my lord, but not as Gold, as Overlord," Gold squinted his eyes, "He is insane, he wield two blade that cast his magic, he doesn't need his hands, he ambushed us in the forest and annihilated us, I was the last one to feel his wrath and he left me with enough strength to walk back and warn you that if you didn't show up, he would come get you himself," Daryu Boros fell to his knees and dropped Camille and Miia.

"A doctor! I need help here! Come on!" The villagers looked at what was going on through their windows, "Don't just stand there! They need help! Come on!" The villagers crowded around them and began helping. They carried Miia and Camille into the druid's store and moved Daryu Boros close, since he didn't fit in the door.

"Where are you going, sir Gold?"

"I am going to kill the bastard that attacked them."