Hidden Identity

She returned followed by Clover a few minutes later. Clover climbed onto the bed and sat next to Gold. She seemed worried, yet happy.

"Sir Gold, are you okay? What happened?"

"Clover, how did you find me? I thought you were staying with Lady Liz."

"I found out that you were-," Gold realized what she was going to say and moved his arm to cover her mouth and grimaced in pain, "Sir Gold! Don't move, you'll just hurt yourself, please you have to rest."

"I know who I am, you don't need to remind me," He wheezed, "How did you find me, who told you to come here?"

"I, um, used the guild system and went from town to town, asking about you, so I ended up catching up to you, I heard fighting and then I saw you kill that man and then you passed out, so I brought you back," She said as she placed her hand on his chest, Bella whispered something into her ear and she quickly removed her hand and seemed nervous, "Sorry, Sir Gold."

"Sorry for what?"

"Aren't you two, um, what?"

"Bella, can you leave us for a little bit?" She sighed and nodded but glared at Clover as she left the room, "Who do you think I am?" She leaned in and whispered.

"Overlord, from the legends, you know, right?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You have three out of four servants from the legends and you have this mask," She held up the mask on the side of the bed, "You are a powerful magic caster and you have that face, half-reptilian scales and half scars."

"Clever girl, clever girl," He smiled and laughed causing immense pain in his ribs, "But what reason do you have for coming back to find me? You know that no one really knows of who I am, except, no, forget what I was saying, thank you."

"But this Lady Bella, who is she?"

"The daughter of the leader here," He explained, "I save their village against the cyclops and now against the grandson of the Legion of Solar's grand master," He sighed, "I think I will have to get rid of the Legion before I can continue the peace works to protect Goldema, do you know anyone who could help with that?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't tell you, you will end up killing yourself, just rest," A knock came to the door and a few seconds after Bella walked in, "You need to rest."

"Gold, are you hungry? Are you thirsty?" She said placing a tray of food on her lap as she sat next to Gold, indirectly pushing Clover out of the way. Gold nodded. Bella lifted his back and leaned him on a small pile of pillows. She put a cup to his lips and he slowly drank. She put the cup down and gave him some time to drink. Clover walked to the other side of the bed and sat next to Gold. Bella glared at her and began feeding Gold. He slowly ate as his body lacked the strength to even move, he could only whisper and talk, nothing else. She placed her hand on his thigh discreetly and let him finish his spoonful.

"You have a little bit here," She leaned over and licked his cheek, "There."

"Bella, um, why did you lick me?" He blushed, "That was really weird," Clover laughed at Gold's reaction, "Can you make it a little cooler? It is pretty hot."

"Sure," she placed the plate down on the tray and placed it on the table near the bed, "How are you feeling? Tired? Do you want to sleep? Do you want a massage? Anything for pain or something?"

"I don't feel my body when I don't move, only when I move I feel pain," He said weakly, "Were you worried?"

"Yes, I was, I was worried out of my mind," Bella explained as she leaned over him and kissed him

"I am going to get going," Clover said nervously, "I will wait until you are fine, I would want to talk to you, Sir Gold, after you are better."

"Sure, I'll try to remember," He said as she left the room, "Bella."


"Will your father be okay with this? I don't think that two days will be enough to recover and hide this between us," He said as she sat down next to him, she sighed and looked sad, "Can I have some food, please?"

"Yes, of course, here, here," She feed him a spoonful of food, "Is it cold enough?"

"Yes, thank you," He lifted his arm and tried to sit up. He strained in pain and Bella quickly moved to help him sit up, "T-thank you."

"Tell me before you do that," She said as she put the tray back on the table, "You are going to end up hurting yourself more, if you want just tell me, I will be here all, yawn, sorry, day."

"Are you tired?"

"A little bit, but I need to take care of you, it doesn't matter," She helped him stay upright, "Are you?"

"Can you lower me? I thought it wouldn't hurt so much," She lowered him gently and placed his head on the soft pillows of the bed, "This is your bed, right?"

"Yes, why? It doesn't bother me, I can you my father's room, you can-,"

"Do you want to sleep with me?" She froze and began blushing, "You know, next to me, here."

"Um, s-sure, but, um, we aren't, um, married, a-an un-unmarried man and a-a woman s-sleeping together is-isn't seen w-well," She nervously tapped her fingers together as she stammered her answer, Gold moved his hand onto her thigh and she blushed even more, "I-I-I w-would l-like to, if, of course, um, you think that's fine."

"I offered it, so join me," He move his hand next to him and observed her as she began changing, she noticed that he was looking and covered her bra and underwear turning away from him, "I'm sorry," He closed his eyes, "Go ahead, I closed my eyes."

"T-thank you," She said as she finished changing. She walked over to the bed and crawled next to Gold and pressed her chest against his arm, wrapping his arm in her boobs, "You can open your eyes now."

"Okay, um, what are you doing, Bella? I thought you were embarrassed by me looking, at, you," He said as he noticed her naked chest and her nearly nude body.

"Look at my eye, not at my chest, you pervert, this is just more comfortable," She said as she cuddled next to him, "Tell me, are my breast soft?"

"Um, can you," He grimaced in pain, "Let go of my arm? You are hurting me."

"I am sorry, Gold! Do you want me to get you something or to, mmm!" He moved his lips and kissed her. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss and pushed her tongue into his mouth and he played with her tongue. She lifted her head for air and moved back down to kiss him again.

"Bella," This made her pause, "I would like to sleep, not have sex with you, sorry, I don't think I have that energy," She blushed brightly.

"S-Sorry, I got carried away," She said as she lied down next to him, "Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah, I think," He closed his eyes and she kissed his cheek, "Good night,"

"Well, good rest of the night."

The sun rose slowly over the lush forest valley, the wind funneled through the valley and caused a soft wind to blow through the town. A tormented night ended as Gold blinked as he awoke, his body was stiff and in pain. Bella was still sleeping, next to him. He smiled and rubbed her back with his hand. He pulled his arm out from under her and pushed himself, sitting up on the side of the bed, his body ached and felt like every single joint in his body was blocked. He stood up and felt how heavy his legs felt and remembered that Bella had told him that it had been 2 days before he woke up. He slowly moved his legs and stumbled around the room, he walked towards the balcony he had looked out at when they had first actually met. He looked out to the valley and sighed. "What was I thinking? I put my body on the line, twice, not just once, but two fucking times, I could have died, this fucking pain, I need to be careful," He turned and leaned looking at Bella, "What am I going to do about this? Her father will want me to marry her, and I don't have time to promise that, I don't think either Camille or Miia would like that, unless, I can make a deal with Bella."

"Gold?" He walked slowly towards the bed, "Gold?! Where is he? I thought he couldn't move," She turned and saw him standing, she rushed out of the bed and helped him stand, "Gold, sit down, you shouldn't do that alone, what if you fell and I didn't notice until I woke up? You have to stop making me panic like that, two days of being worried, and now a panic attack when you weren't next to me, please, I beg you, just rest," She said helping him sit down, "Let me get dress, would you?" She dashed over to the closet and put on a light dress that was nearly see through. Gold turned his head and watched her get dress, "Do you want some water?"

"No, I am fine," He said as he slouched in the chair, "I am so useless."

"Don't say that, you save my town, and you saved me, I think that you deserve this rest," He passed her hand down his scaled cheek, "These are so smooth, it's amazing, do you take care of them or anything?"

"No, they are always under that mask so they don't get damaged," He smiled and put his arm around her waist and made her sit down on his lap. She sat down uneasily, scared to hurt him.

"Does that hurt? Do you want me to move or to just sit next to you?"

"No, it doesn't hurt, you feel so warm, your skin is so smooth, and your hair is so soft, it's amazing," He rested his head on her chest, "Can I add something to that list?"

"No, I know what you are thinking, I don't need that compliment," She said pushing his head up, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"A bath? What do you mean?"

"Here, follow me," She helped him get up and walked with him to the door in the back of her room. They entered a room with a small window and a few candles, in the middle a source of water flowed out of water and into a tub that then flowed out, into the river that ran through the valley. He felt his belt loosen and pulled off his robes, she smiled and put them on a wooden bench in the bathroom. He untied the rope that acted like a belt for his pants and dropped them to the ground, she picked them up and placed them on the bench and got undressed herself, she lead him into the stone tub and the water was surprisingly warm. He sat back and felt his muscles relax, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back and rested it on the floor. She slid over and leaned over him, pressing her boobs on his chest.