Growing Love

"Are you sure you can walk?"

"I think if you help me and we go slowly, I can walk," She got up and pulled him to his feet, "Don't be too eager," She nodded and put her arm around his and they walked towards the door. They walked slowly down the hallway and walked out of the house. The streets were near empty as the people were home, eating, the sun was high in the sky. Gold noticed Daryu Boros sitting near the center of the square, meditating with his wings spread. That is how he ate, he absorbed energy from the sun with the thin, brittle inner wings under his shell. He led Bella towards him and called him out. He turned his head and rose to one knee.

"My lord, I see you are recovering well, who is this?"

"This is Bella, she is the daughter of the leader, she is taking care of me," He explained, "I have a question, where are Miia and Camille?"

"I can go get them, sit down, I will go get them, my lord."

"Thank you, D. B.," He sat down on a bench in the middle of the square under a cherry tree, "Bella, um, it's that, um, how do I say this?"

"Say what, Gold?"

"Miia is a little obsessed with me, so seeing you holding my arm like this will, um, make her mad, and she is a little short tempered," He said nervously, she smiled and kissed his cheek, "Um, Bella?"

"It's okay, I'll just save the kissing and holding you for tonight," She smiled and winked, "Do you promise you'll make time for me tonight?"

"Sure," He noticed his three servants walking towards them, "Hi! How are you guys doing? Do you feel better?" Miia dashed over to him and hugged his leg, "Miia?"

"You worried me so much, master, I am so happy you are fine, I am so happy for you, I am sorry you had to fight him," She began crying, "I am so happy."

"That is the past, Miia," He said as he rubbed her head, "How have you others been? Camille, what is that look?"

"Um, nothing, I might have, no, nothing, I am fine, I am pretty happy to see you, master," She stammered, "Who is she?" She pointed at Bella, changing the subject, "Isn't that the daughter of the leader?"

"Yeah, she is caring for me," Miia had a smile that hid her anger.

"Are you sure it is just caring for you, master?" Her head twitched, "Right?"

"Miia, are you worried that I won't care for you?" She lost her air of anger and revealed that she was worried to be rejected or put aside, "I won't reject you, but I can't really keep up with your hyper, full of energy way of life, I haven't recovered from the two battles, so Bella goes a little closer to my pace, by the way, how do you keep warm? Like who do you sleep with?" Camille began laughing, "You sleep with Camille? I thought you hated her," Miia looked down, "Well, once I am better, we will be leaving, I need to find the headquarters of the Legion of Solar," Bella turned to him in shook.

"T-th-the L-legion of-of S-solar? W-w-why?"

"They are a threat to the people of Goldema, I have to get rid of them," He smiled at her, "I will try not to kill myself," They talked for the rest of the afternoon and Bella helped Gold walked back after saying bye to his servants, they lived in the inn, in a single bedroom and Daryu Boros stood watch and took the guards' spot since he never had to sleep.

Bella sat Gold down on the bed and had a sly smile, "Do you know what I want to do with you? Or what I want you to do to me?"

"I would like to eat first, Bella, I am pretty hungry," He heard her stomach grumble and she blushed holding her stomach, "I guess you want to as well."

"I-I will go ask for dinner, j-just wait h-here," She walked quickly out of the room, leaving Gold alone in the room, he lay back and yawned, his body was aching and his muscles were sore.

"I would really do with another bath, it helped so much, I really liked that," He bit his lip, "Her naked body is so gorgeous, how does a being get that level of beauty?"

"Gold, who are you talking about?"

"N-no one, come here," He patted the bed, "Sit down, you wanted to kiss me," She sat down next to him and pushed him onto his back and kissed him and played with her tongue on his mouth, he held her head close to him as they shared spit and held each other closely, she pulled away from him and smiled, "I would like to take a bath after dinner," She nodded, "With you," She kissed his cheek, "I knew that you would want to," She sat up and walked to the table and put away the board of Ajedrez that they had played earlier that day.

"Do you ever wear other clothes?"

"No, why? I don't really have any."

"Okay, just asking, I think my father will be here tomorrow morning maybe, something like that," She said as she walked onto the balcony, she sighed and he walked up behind her and placed his arm around her waist, "Oh."

"It is so beautiful, isn't it? Just like you," He said lifting her chin lightly, "You are gorgeous, just absolutely stunning, I don't know how someone could have so much beauty, the Creator blessed you with the beauty of a goddess."

"Stop it, you are making me blush," She said covering her cheeks, "You just love flirting, don't you?"

"I don't know, maybe to get reactions like this one," He placed his hands on her lower-back and pulled her towards him, "The combination of blue and pink on your face makes it amazing to look at, like some sort of eye-treat."

"Stop, please! You are making me nervous, please," She freed herself form his arms and walked to the table and sat down, "You make me so nervous and so embarrassed, even though I love you and I know that you do as well, sit down with me."

"If you want," He stumbled his way to the table, "My legs are weak, no, actually, my whole body is weak, thank you for taking care of me, normally I am in your role, and I don't like this role, I feel like I am a burden for you and that I am totally useless," He shook his head, "Sorry."

"Sorry for what? I chose to take care of you myself, I wanted to make sure you recovered well, and you deserved a luxury recovery, with me, in here," She moved her hand onto his, "Does it bother you that your, um, servants don't have the same treatment as you?"

"They want me to recover well," He explained, "Once I am fine, I am going to leave and rid this realm of the Legion of Solar and to cleanse these lands of groups who want to spread evil, and then I'll come back to see you."

"Why me?"

"I won't tell you," A knock came to the door, he turned to the door and then back at her raising his eyebrow. He got to his feet as she walked to the door. She opened it and there were several servants of the king who came in with plates of food and set up the table that they were sitting at.

"Thank you," Bella smiled as they left, "Sit down, you were hungry, no?"

"You were hungry," He laughed as he sat down, "What is for dinner?"

"Um, well, I probably should take a look," She looked around at the plates of food and then down at her dress, "Um, wait one second," She skipped over to her closet and untied her dress.

"Are you going to eat in just your underclothes?"

"N-no! I am changing dress so that I don't ruin my blue and white dress, it's my favorite dress," She skipped back over to the table and kissed his cheek, "So, what do you want? Should I serve you like I do with myself?"