Magrado War 2



–Aegir POV–

「The departure preparations...are running late.」

Celia mutters unhappily.

We have completely captured Port Randel and have either finished off or thrown out the remnants of the enemy army. The next step should be to reunite with our allies after they supposedly cross the river, and determine whether to advance along the river or head straight inland to the capital city based on the situation of the other armies.

But the fleet which returned to the eastern coast is not quite able to depart. I wanted them to make two round trips today if possible, but that doesn't seem likely to happen.

「With this rain, they won't be able to work fast.」

As soon as the landing operation was finished, a heavy downpour started and has been continuing for what seems like forever. The rain isn't just making things wet and slippery, but it's also raining so hard that it's difficult to see, so of course the transportation of people and supplies on ships isn't progressing as smoothly as usual.

「Why is it raining at such a time...?」

Of all the places in the Central Plains, it appears the coast of the North Teries river has the most rain comparatively. But I didn't think it would be raining this hard. This is also happening at the worst possible timing.

「If it rains this much, wouldn't it cause a flood?」

「It isn't just any old stream. I don't think it would make much of a difference if it rained for two or three days...」

I'm not an expert on rivers so I can't say for certain.

「Ah-! They've departed.」

I can see the fleet slowly leaving the port and heading towards the west coast. I can hear cheers from others who are looking at this scene, but they gradually get softer.

「Hey, hey, they are going too far north...are they getting pulled by the current?」

「Is the current perhaps stronger than it looks?」

The fleet is handling their ships in the same way as when they transported us, but they are being diverted away from the port and are heading downstream at high speeds. It looks like they're desperately struggling to steer their ships in the right course towards the port.

「Hey, hey... if you travel too far downstream, it'll be hard to land.」

My uneasiness is replaced with screaming.

「Look upstream! Enemy ships...more than 20 of them !!」

「Gu...they chose the perfect time...」

Our allies flounder their way to the middle of the river. But the enemy ships cruise rapidly towards them from upstream, almost like galloping horses. The flow of the river has clearly changed from what it was a few hours ago.

「Start engaging!」

The ally battleships advance forward, acting as a wall for the transport ships, though things aren't going too well for them as the current continues to drag them around. Compared to that, the enemy ships have the current behind them and are charging forward in a well-ordered formation.

Flaming arrows lose their effectiveness in the rain, and the catapults and ballistae on the battleships won't be accurate enough to hit such fast-moving ships.

The enemy is mainly approaching the transport ships and throwing something that looks like a net. The hull of the transport ships don't look like they're breaking but the ships' speed drops while being carried downstream.

「What is that?」

「There's something round at the end of the nets. It looks really heavy! They're all tangling with the ships and it's hard for them to remove it!」

I see, by snaring the hull with a heavy net and not letting the oars row, the ship's speed will drop and instantly be swept away by the current. As expected of Pipi, her eyesight is incredible, allowing her to see things clearly even in such bad weather.

However...this is bad. If they were off course by just a little, they could manage somehow, but they won't be able to land if they flow too far downstream. In addition, while we have Port Randel under control, the western coast of the river is enemy territory and they can't just land anywhere they want.

「They got hit!」

Celia screams.

A transport ship somehow manages to correct their course, but the flank of the ship was rammed by another enemy ship. The strike which borrowed the strength from the river current quickly splits the transport ship, causing soldiers to fall into the water one after the other.

However, it seems that was a desperate strike. The speed of the enemy ship was too fast even for them to control and the collision destroys the entire front portion of their ship, resulting in both ships sinking while remaining stuck to each other. Despite being enemies, the courage to pull that stunt off is commendable.

「The other transport ships are out of sorts too...not good! They're being pulled further downstream. The rear guard should turn around and retreat! Trying to change course doesn't make a difference!」


Unfortunately, there's no other choice. They just have to get carried downstream to the Goldonia-side of the river and find a random spot to land so they can go back. If they continue to charge forward and off course, it's possible for them to ground their ships.

There are probably around 500 on our side who can land properly. They won't make much of a reinforcement.

「But the enemy navy is also heading downstream. With this current, they won't be able to go back either, so things will be fine if we take the time to reorganize ourselves!」

「Let's hope so.」

I pat Celia's head. There's nothing I can do just by thinking of bad hypothetical situations. I have to make other preparations.

「Convey this to the soldiers: Stop destroying the simple walls created by the enemy in the middle of the roads. Instead, pile up the rubble and make them stronger. Send the scouts outside the city walls, smoke signals are unusable so move as quick as possible.」

「This is nothing, this kind of rain will stop soon! There's no way the enemy's reinforcement will come!」

I ask Celia to hand food to Irijina to shut her up.

I have a bad feeling about this.

The Next Day

Sure enough, Irijina's predictions are completely off target and the rain continued throughout the night, getting even stronger in the morning after, and becoming more like a torrential downpour.

「Have the soldiers stand down from the harbor...」

The current of the river is visibly faster and it doesn't look like it's safe to send ships out. The water levels have risen as well, almost submerging the area around the harbor.

「In just one day, this heavy rain did all that...」

Celia mutters dumbfoundedly.

「It might not be only one day.」

In any case, there's no way the river current would become like this so quickly from the rain which started not too long ago. The main source of water for the North Teries river is in the west where the Large Mountain Range is. There must have been heavy rain several days before near the mountain, and Magrado must have known about it, which is probably why their navy didn't appear. Those guys must have anticipated us not being able to make a move in this rain and purposely let our vanguard land.

「What's done is done. Rather, we should increase the number of scouts, since the enemy will definitely come.」

It doesn't look like I'll have time to sleep around with girls either. Even yesterday, Celia and Irijina stayed vigilant so I had to get Pipi to suck me off. She was hoping to get penetrated too, but it wouldn't go in. If I were to force it in, Pipi would not be able to move the following day after all.

A few hours later, the light cavalry scouts came running towards us.

「It appears enemy reinforcements are approaching from the west, their numbers are around 10,000!」

「So they've come...」

But we'll manage somehow if they only have 10,000. We have 3000 on our side, but we can hole up inside the city, and we don't really need to fight to win in the first place. The heavy rain and the rising water levels won't continue for an entire month, probably lasting a few days at most, and our transport ships didn't suffer heavy casualties. If we can hold out until then, our allies will slowly come flocking from the eastern coast.

However, the reports continue on.

「There is another enemy force coming from the northwest, about 5000!」

「Another 5000 from the southwest, the enemy is also marching from that direction!」


Celia looks at me as if she's about to cry. It seems Erich's First Army Corps was not able to cross the river. The enemy's land forces are definitely being concentrated here.

「What a big deal, there's a simple solution for this.」

We have no ships and are unable to cross the river due to the rising water levels. Port Randel is being surrounded from three directions – west, north, south.

「We have no choice but to fight. It makes things easy to understand now that our options are limited.」

I raise my spear and roar sharply at the panicking soldiers.

「We have nowhere to escape to. We either fight and live on or fight and die. It's one or the other!」


This shout while putting up a brave front doesn't mean much but it's better than remaining quiet.

「The city walls will be broken quickly, so place various obstacles in those areas of the city. Prepare things which are small and simple to move! Prepare roofs that can shield against arrows!」

The soldiers all start acting simultaneously. All that's left now is to fight.

「Aegir-sama, if that time comes, then together we'll d-...」

「Don't say such an ill-omened thing.」

I bop Celia on the head.

If that time ever comes, I'll grab her and something to float on and let her escape in the river. I'm sure she'll resist, but Irijina can hold her back.

We are finally able to hear the war cries of the army coming from outside the city walls. Allied bowmen stationed on the top of the watchtowers start to fire their arrows. It seems the enemy's vanguard has begun to attack.

「As long as we have the bow cavalry, we can overwhelm them in a battle of arrows but...」

「Pipi wants to go where she can see the enemy too!」

「They'll focus their attacks at you, so no. Besides, you'll be able to shoot soon.」

A large volley of arrows soars towards us from outside the walls and the soldiers on the watchtowers turn into porcupines. Immediately following, the gate which was broken during the first battle and propped up again, falls over after a few dull thumping sounds.


The shouting continues after the commander yells and the soldiers throw away the metal rod which was blocking the broken gate.

「Defend till your last breath! Push them back!」

Fellow commanders yell back and forth as both armies collide in the small plaza in front of the gate.

「I'm going too, follow me.」


The space in front of the gate is narrow and horses are not suited for defence, so the escort unit, myself and everyone else dismount and advance on foot.

「Take back Port Randel! Chase them into the river!」

「For Glorious Magrad- guh!!」

I pierce the screaming soldier's stomach and tear through his body with brute strength, ripping out my weapon from the side.

「Shit! Kill this fu-...」

I lop off his head before he was able to finish speaking and drive my spearhead through the mouth of the dumbfounded soldier beside him.


After pulling my spear out, I bring it up above my head and swing down with all my might. The hurriedly raised shield was split together with the man and my spear digs all the way down to his lower chest, then I kick away the man whose upper body is separated into two pieces and get into a stance with my spear at hip level.

「Not good, fall back!」

The allies who have seen me fight before hastily get out of the way. The enemy also takes steps backward, but there are three men just standing dazed and unable to grasp the situation at hand.


The full-powered horizontal swing made it seem like the heavy, incessant rain stopped for a second.

「Eh?」「Ah?」「Huh, things are slanted?」

The bodies of the three men who were slow to escape slowly slide apart, their innards leaking out before collapsing on the wet floor.

「Monster... 」「There he is, this guy!」「It's the war demon!」

I've only taken out a mere seven people, but the pressure the enemies are exerting have clearly weakened.

「What are you doing?! We'll win if we kill this guy, hurry and finish him off!」

「Easy for you to say...」

「We'll die, won't we...」

The enemy stops their attack in the face of our allies, who have had their morale raised. Looking beside me, Irijina and Celia are also slaughtering enemy soldiers one after the other.

「Eeei, you cowards! I'll go myself, since I'm known as the strongest knight in the city of Colhorn...」

「I don't need any of your preamble.」

I interrupt his speech and thrust my spear at him, but I guess it should be expected of a knight to expertly deflect the strike aimed at his heart with his shield. My attacks don't end after a single strike though. I follow up with a second and third strike, causing his shield to shatter.

「That's nothing! What do you think about this!?」

After losing his defences, the knight swings his spear, betting his life on this single strike. I parry the attack with my spear of dwarven origin and reply with my own strike towards his head. The knight spins around three times before falling to the ground with his head smashed. There's no way he's still alive.

「I don't know who he is, but he's dead!!」

Despite the ridiculousness of screaming such words, it does its job to raise the soldiers' spirits.

I dive into the herd of timid enemy soldiers.

They might be scared, but the Magrado soldiers aren't weak. They quickly thrust their short spears at me, and one of them even grazes my arm, though I return a thrust at that soldier and pierce his chest, then lift him up and hurl him into the the other soldiers. After finishing off about three more, a path between the enemies opens up.



A bowgun squad consisting of about 10 men appears behind me and releases their bolts. I immediately stab an enemy soldier and hold him up as a meat shield. The bolts stab him and make an unpleasant sound on impact.

「Did we hit him?」

「Di-did we get him!?」

「Unfortunately not.」

I toss the unsightly corpse at the bowgun squad and rush at them, and when the soldiers try to close the path they opened, Irijina and the escort unit jumps in and scuffles with them.

「Oh no! My spare bowgun...uwaaaaaaah!!」

Naturally, I won't give him any time. I pressure the enemy hard as he tries to swap his weapons, swiping him once with my spear, then doing the same with the others, cutting down the soldiers who don't have shields or swords and couldn't do anything but scream.

About six of them get turned into corpses and three escape. The last enemy was able to swap his bowgun and points it at me...then starts lowering it uneasily.


「Hahaha, you were close.」

The man was close, but his head is quickly sent flying in the air and that was when the enemy starts pulling back. Maybe they were exchanging their offensive unit with another one, or they're pulling back to reorganize themselves. For now, we've successfully repelled the first wave.

「Are you hurt!?」

「How about you?」

I just suffered a scratch on my left arm, Celia and Pipi are uninjured, and Irijina was cut in three areas. I guess that's natural, since she jumped in the middle of the enemies. We only lost a little over 100 soldiers, which isn't a lot.

I take a break to drink some water and chew on some dried meat, but the lookouts shout once again. This time, they aren't coming just from the gate, they're using ladders and climbing over all parts of the wall.

「Don't just focus your attention on the gates. Crush the enemies climbing the wall!」

Just from a numerical standpoint, the enemy has an overwhelming amount and unless we limit them to a narrow passage, we can't fight them. We'll have to use the obstacles located around the place while fighting.

「The arrows are coming!!」

I hug Celia after she shouts and we enter a random house. In that moment, the gusting wind which drowns out the sound of the rain stops and is followed by the loud thudding sounds of arrows stabbing the roof of the building. What an incredible number of arrows – I have no doubt the enemy has more than 10,000 troops now.

The ferocious rain of arrows didn't cause many casualties amongst our allies. It's fortunate they prepared their own roofs.

「We would be hard-pressed if they used flaming arrows. In a way, we can be thankful to this rain.」

「If it wasn't raining, we wouldn't be in a defensive position like this though.」

The arrows stop suddenly.

「Alright, the enemy is coming. Get into your position!」

I give Celia a kiss before taking my spear and heading to the front of the city walls. The enemy soldiers climb the simple 4-m high walls and most of them are brought down with spears and bowguns but double the number of soldiers climbed back up. In addition, I can hear the sound of large hammers slamming against the wall, which means the walls will be destroyed pretty soon.

「Don't be so fixated on protecting the walls! We should be fine as long as we can protect the harbor!」

Eventually, the enemy soldiers climb over the wall and start clashing with our allied forces. At the same time, the city walls made of rocks crumble down making a thundering sound and the enemies come flooding in from the gaps.

They need some form of encouragement here. I take a deep breath.

「Now, there are many foes coming at us...kill them allllllll!」

I direct my spear at the charging group of soldiers and sweep at their feet. Several legs are cut off and the shouting and screaming echo.

「This bastard!」

A soldier emerges from behind the fallen enemies after they lost their legs and thrusts his spear at me, but I grab it and slam him into the neighboring house with all my might. If it was made from wood, he might have just gotten sprains or bruises, but unfortunately, it was made out of stone, so his body smashes against the surface of the building.

「My leeeeg.」「Aaaaaaah!!」

I crush the fallen enemies who continue to shriek in pain with my iron boots.

「Well, who's next!?」

Weak soldiers would be scared shitless at this point, but Magrado's soldiers don't seem to be that way, and are fired up to get revenge for their comrades.

「Die, war demon!」「This place will be your grave!」

「How courageous!」

I hold my spear with both hands and make three consecutive strikes while stepping forward, piercing through the armor of the rank-and-file soldiers and straight through their hearts, killing all three of them. I use the momentum of my charge and make a 360-degree sweep with my spear to knock away all the surrounding enemies. The enemies are strewn about and their blood gets sprayed in a circle around me, though it is quickly washed away by the rain.


In the opening which was created by my large motion, a sword cuts at my side. I'm wearing chainmail so it wasn't a deep wound, but I felt the damage.



I've swung my spear completely around so I give him a punch straight into his face with my left fist. The man's face caves in and his limbs start twitching uncontrollably. After stomping on his head, an arrow brushes past me in front of my face.

「Hey! What are you missing for?!」

「My hands are shaking!」

Those guys, huh?

I grab the sword of a dead soldier and was about to chuck the weapon at them but archers and the spearmen protecting them soon collapse noisily. It looks like Pipi fired off several volleys at an incredible speed.


Moreover, Celia jumps on the roof of a civilian house and bends her body back before snapping forward to throw the knives in both her hands, accurately gouging the eyes of those two.

「Get off quickly!」

She instantly gets targeted and a countless number of arrows rocket toward the top of the roof, but Celia nimbly rolls backward and drops off the roof.

But now, it means I picked up this sword for nothing.

「We can overpower them with our numbers! Keep pushing them!」

I conveniently spot the commander shouting on horseback. Let's try something. I bring the sword back and fling it forward. The thrown weapon zooms at an incredible pace, even for me, and stabs the commander squarely in the face.

「Nice! Finally nailed one!」

「 was the handle which stabbed into him though. Why the handle?」

The blade portion of the weapon is protruding from the front of his face and it's quite disturbing. It's like he's a new kind of undead.

When the fake undead dismounts from his horse, the surrounding soldiers naturally feel distraught.

「Now, who's next!?」

I grin broadly.

Although, I'm actually feeling quite hurt from being slashed just now.

The allied forces, who have been getting pressured, are now mounting their counterattack and fighting back along the wall. In amongst all the chaos, I'm a little bit away from their fighting, but that makes me stand out all the more. My allies push forward while the enemies continue to get more agitated.

It's the perfect time now.


My allies start yelling after my shout.

The enemies have finally started to retreat and run away through the hole they opened in the city walls. The soldiers who were unlucky enough to not be near a hole are cornered and massacred.

「We somehow held out.」

「The sun will set soon...we should get something to seal the hole in the walls and light up the torch in the rain shelter. 」

「We lost about 500 soldiers.」

「That's quite a few of them...but I guess that's pretty good considering how many we were up against.」

「They attacked us with 10,000 this time. The enemy still has the forces to spare so I'm sure they'll come at us in waves.」

Port Randel is a small city so it doesn't have enough space for 20 or 30 thousand to attack at once. That's why it's best to attack continuously in groups of a few thousand at a time. We have to constantly fight with our entire army, but the enemy can attack us continuously by substituting their fatigued soldiers with fresh soldiers.

This agonizing battle seems like it'll continue for a while.

Side Story: Kroll's Indiscretion (Final Part)

–Third Person POV–

「Alma! Almaaa!!」

「Stop it, Kroll! What's gotten into you? You're hurting me!」

Alma's pleas fall on deaf ears after Kroll has completely lost his sense of reason. He sucks on the girl's neck and fondles her breasts from on top of her clothes.

「No, no, nooo-! I don't want thiss!」

「Stay still!」

The male uses more strength to hold down the resisting girl. At last, there was a ripping sound and the thin cloth of the girl's night wear is torn.


Her chest area is ripped open and her breasts, which are still barely mounds, are exposed. Alma quickly tries to cover herself up, but the lust-driven boy won't allow her to do so.

「Haa! Haa!」

He grabs her small breasts roughly and sucks on her cute, pink nipples.


Kroll lifts the girl up and brings her to the bed. The boy has no troubles lifting the light body of the girl after training his body from doing the various chores in the mansion. Alma stops resisting for an instant, but as she thinks about the only thing that was going to happen on the bed, she starts twisting her body again.

「Please, Kroll, calm down? You're scary, don't be so rough...」

She believes she could struggle enough to break free since Kroll seems so vulnerable now, but knowing that she might hurt someone who has grown up with her since she was small, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Alma quickly gets her night wear torn and is stripped naked after being thrown onto the bed. There's nothing else the powerless girl could do after getting pinned on the bed. Kroll throws his clothes off as well and takes out his erect dick.

「Hiiih! Noo...don't want this...」

The girl who gets frightened at the outright display of lust directed towards her provides a fresh stimulation to Kroll, who's only slept with prostitutes.

「Here I go Alma!」

He holds down the girl's thin waist and pushes his dick forward.


However, his dick misses the mark and slips onto her stomach.

「Come on-!」

He attempts to put it in again, but it doesn't go into the hole. Kroll isn't used to being with enough women that he can smoothly penetrate a girl who's shaking her ass in resistance.

「Alma, don't move around!」

「How can I not...please stop this...go back to the usual Kroll, please?」

Alma tries to talk to Kroll and somehow convince him from following through, but in that instant, she stops moving and the boy's dick is perfectly aligned with the girl's hole.

「Ah-! Don't, it'll go in!」

「Ah, Almaaaa!!」

Kroll pushes his hips forward. With the tip of his dick lodged at the entrance, his dick mercilessly plunges into her vagina, and the membrane which has protected the girl's virginity for 14 years completes its duty and tears apart.

The sound of the hymen tearing was something only the two of them could hear.


「Uooh, it feels so good!!」

Kroll starts swinging his hips, letting out groans while engrossed in the pleasure, but Alma shakes her head and sobs.

「Alma, it feels good! It's the best!」

「Waaaaaah! Kroll, it hurts, it hurtsss!」

The sound of his hips slapping against her hips continue to resonate, but Kroll doesn't stop moving.

「What do you think of my thing? Is it big? Is it long?」

「It's big and it hurtss...stop...noo, it's getting bigger!」

Hearing the girl tell him it's big after feeling depressed from comparing himself to the overly large penis of his master innumerable times made him feel special and his dick swells up in response to that. His movements get even more intense, while Alma can only cry at this point.

Eventually, Kroll reaches his limit.

「C-cumming! I'm cumming!」

「...hurry...get this over with...」

But as he was pumping his hips to get himself over that edge to ejaculate, the door swung open as if it was kicked open violently.

「Kroll! What on earth...what are you two doing!?」

The one who spoke out loudly was Melissa. Kroll's room is close to the servant's room. A girl's scream can clearly be heard from the other rooms and thus Melissa was advised.

「Melissa-san! T-this is-」

Kroll unconsciously pulls his dick out, which is now covered in a virgin's blood.

「 mee...」

It is clear as day that Alma, who is laying powerlessly on her back and sobbing, did not consent to all of what happened.


Melissa winds her arm back and slaps Kroll's cheek without holding back, bringing the young boy to the floor. With that one hit, she opened Kroll's eyes which were clouded in lust.

「What a disaster-... ! Alma, are you alright !?」


Melissa comforts the tear-stained face of Alma and glares daggers into Kroll.

「To rape your childhood friend after being reprimanded for going to the brothel district...I misjudged you!」

「I-I'm so sorry. I just...couldn't hold myself back...」

Melissa cuts his words short with her cold tone.

「...wait here. I'll teach you about what you did myself.」

With that said, Melissa leaves the room. There are servants outside the room too, but the two in the room stare at each other awkwardly.

「...sorry for doing that.」

「...yeah, it hurt.」

Kroll prostrates himself at the feet of Alma, who is sitting on the bed and using the torn clothes to hide her body.

「It was my mistake! I'm really sorry...about your virginity!! I don't mind if you step on me!」

「...yeah, okay.」

Alma presses down her feet but doesn't rest her entire weight on Kroll. Kroll glances up slightly and is able to see Alma's genitals close up. But instead of feeling lust, he feels a sense of guilt from being stepped on and seeing the blood-stained vagina.

「I'm really...sorry.」

「Yeah, I was also defenseless after all. Besides...I wanted to give my first time to Kroll. I really wanted it to be gentler and sweeter though.」

「Eh-!? Then...」

「I'll forgive you. I'll apologize to Melissa-san with please don't be rough ever again, 'kay?」

「O-of course! Thank you!!」

As if ignoring the reconciliation between the two of them, the door swings open loudly. Melissa stands there imposingly with an angry look on her face.



The two of them scream together.

Melissa has her lower half exposed. That would be enough to get Kroll's dick hard again, but she also had a thick dildo there...the tool she uses when she plays the male role for Maria and Catherine is protruding outwards. Naturally, the other end is molded in the shape of a dick so she can insert it into herself when she uses it.

「Now, Kroll...I'm going to teach you how a girl feels when she gets raped. Get on all fours on the bed!!」

Melissa spits on her hand and gets the dildo wet.

「Eeeh, w-what are you going to do!?」

「Melissa-san! It was also because of my carelessness, so it isn't only Kroll's fault...」

「If I don't properly educate a 15 year-old boy who would rape a girl, he will go down the wrong path in the future! Now, prepare yourself!」

Kroll isn't able to resist much as Melissa pushes against him from behind. As you would expect, he struggles when he feels the strange sensation of something prodding at the entrance of his ass, but he isn't able to exert much strength when he feels Melissa's voluminous breasts pressing against his back. There's no way Melissa would miss her spot, since she's gotten used to doing this on a regular basis.



The dildo gradually pushes into the young man's ass, making a squelching sound as it spreads apart his insides. His limp dick suddenly becomes erect and he sprays out his semen as if the dildo pushed it out.

「How does it feel!? It hurts, doesn't it, it's painful, isn't it!? It's even more painful for a girl!!」

「Waaaaaaaah!! Ooooooooooh!!」

Kroll screams as the burly dildo is buried in his ass and continues to ejaculate while crying. Eventually, the semen in his balls is emptied, but he continues to secrete a clear liquid.

「Have you reflected on what you did? Are you going to do it again? Come on, apologize!」

「 burning...I'm sorry! Guaaah, feels good...」

Melissa swings her hips firmly, while Kroll continues to cry but somehow looks happy, and finally Alma, who has stopped thinking due to things getting so confusing.

And then, the night ends.

The Next Morning

「Ahem, I also overdid it yesterday, but have you properly reflected on your actions, Kroll?」

「Y-yes ma'am! I will take responsibility and make it up to Alma!」

「Me too...well, I liked Kroll in the first place anyways...but I don't like it rough.」

「Alright. If you're going to do something naughty, then do it in your room at night. Without exception, it must be done with mutual consent, and don't get too crazy with your ideas, 'kay?」

「「Yes ma'am!!」」

But there's no way a young man and young woman who like each other could wait until night when they live in the same house, so ever since that day, they were repeatedly seen having sex between some trees in the garden, in the storage room, and even the toilet, causing Melissa to be at her wit's end.