Chapter 1

In the far away universe, there's a palace that shining on the magnificent aura. Throne room a normal looking young adult man sitting like a king.

Jin Wei the current Celestial King that rule all God, Immortal and mortal. He defeat the previous Celestial King and take the throne.

But Jin Wei find that this is boring, no people, no talking, no anything. Just sitting all of million years. Sometimes he want someone to defeat him and take the throne but no one can surpass his power. All of the God that Billions years old can't reach his power no matter what they do. So millions of millions of year again no one dare to challenge him to take the throne.

"This is boring"He said yawning.

"God of Death challenging the Celestial king please"A voice rang out on the outside of the palace. Even the voice is so normal Jin Wei can hear the voice. Disappearing to the Throne he reappear outside.

"Oh.. Long time no see Old Yin"Jin Wei greet the old man. The old man is the current God of death like Celestial king, God throne can challenge too and take the spot.

"Yeah long time no see Celestial king"Old Yin Bow to pay respect."Celestial King here i go." Bursting on high speed Old Yin form his hand and Dark energy strike on Jin Wei.

"Your technique take is on a different level again Old yin"Jin Wei Praise and wave his. Light energy burst and clash on the dark energy. But the dark energy lost and the light continue to attack Old yin.

"Death Shattering punch"Old yin cast away the light and appear to the side of Jin wei.

"Nine Finger of Death"Old yin attack Jin wei with full force.

"Three Finger of Thunder"Jin wei block all the attack."Ice palm"In that decisive time of blocking Jin wei send a attack on the abdomen of Old yin.

Old yin sped on the distance and maintain his stand. Vomit a blood and stare to the Celestial King, Old Yin know that he doesn't match to this young man. Adjusting his stand Old yin Mumble something.

"Forbidden death technique"A burst of death aura on the body of Old Yin.

"You really always surprise me Old Yin,"Jin Wei Praise"Wild Beast"Jin wei aura scared all of the nearest realm. Jin use his 55% of his strength. Using this Jin Wei trying to see if Old yin can defeat him. If Old yin defeat him that's means Jin will be dethrone and be a freeman again.

"Old Yin don't disappoint me."Jin Wei said. Old Yin did not answer and sped to him. In flash of a second they exchange a thousand blow. The half of the entire universe shook. Even Jin Wei using his Half power Old yin is still on disadvantage.

"Forbidden Ancients Shattering Punch"Pure of Heaven and Death aura condense on his hand.

"That it Old man. Give it all"Jin Wei Laugh."Ascending Punch"Jin Wei use his favorite technique. This technique is his own creation, thousand of years of practice he give to this technique to create.

And this is the technique that he use to defeat the previous Celestial king.

Speeding up they clash on the center.

The nearest planet and realm destroy on their power. Old yin pour his all power on this punch.


Shock wave swift on the universe, this is dangerous because it can destroy any realm.





But the Gods take out their power and block the incoming wave. This is just normal, if they did not protect the other realm the Celestial King will beat them. On the other hand even the nearest destroy Planet and Realm on the side of the fight. The Celestial King will just revive it just like nothing happened.

"Cough.. Cough.."Old yin cough a blood on his mouth.

"Old yin that was fun"Jin Wei laugh. Hovering to the side of old yin, Jin Wei heal him.

"Many thanks Celestial King"In that second Old yin became as new again."Your welcome"Jin wei smile and wave his hand on the surrounding.

The Planet and Realm Appear again and life on it resume like noting happened.

"Celestial King"The other god arrive on their location and bow.

"Hahahahha... long time no see"Jin wei wave on them. Seeing this his bored feeling feel a little energy to talk.

"Let's drink"Jin Wei invite them to the palace. The other God want to decline, but the Celestial king is the one that invite them so they have no choice.

Drinking to the palace Jin Wei laughing while talking to them. Most of the God is to old to this kind of celebration. But Jin Wei is not he is still young a millions years old.

The God understand this that Jin wei is too young. It might be sound weird that young is millions of years but in God this is really a young age.

Finishing the Party the gods bid farewell and return on their perspective territory.

Again Jin Wei became lonely again and bored. He is thinking how to dethrone himself, he know that the other god will not challenge him again.

You might be thinking that Jin Wei can't just leave the throne peacefully. Then your wrong. There are other universe and Celestial King and they are going to attack if they feel that his throne is empty.

Jin Wei head is hurting now thinking of a solution.

But a answer pop on his head and bright up.

"Yeah.. yeah that is. If i can force Old yin to take the throne the other Celestial king will not notice that i replace myself."Jin Wei Laughing.

"It will work, Old yin power is almost near on the previous Celestial king so they will not notice."Jin Wei said to himself.

"All the gods come to my place immediately"Jin Wei energy sounded to the other god.

What does he want right now? The Gods thinking twitching their face.

In just a minute all of the Gods reunite again to the palace.

"I will now dethroning myself and give the throne on Old yin"The Gods shock of sudden event.

"Please think carefully Celestial king"The God of War said. If the Celestial king give the throne to Old yin the other will surely attack their universe. Even the other god have a same thought like the god of war. Old Yin is voted too on what the god of war said, he have no power to defend to the other Celestial king.

"Relax i know what all of you are thinking,"Jin Wei said and continue"Old Yin power is almost within reach of the previous Celestial God so he can defend our universe at least. And they will now notice that i give the throne to Old Yin. All of you know that when i am bored i always suppress my power to normal sovereign right. But the other Celestial King did do anything? no they have not. So giving the throne to Old Yin will not be a problem"Jin Wei reassure them"And beside if they attack i will help you know. I will not just stand out not helping"

"Are you really sure about this Celestial King"Old Yin ask a bit nervous.

"Yeah"Jin Weu said.

"What is the reason about this Celestial king"The god of wisdom ask. Jade white skin, white hair and light green eye. If he show himself on the mortal world or Immortal world surely they will be a big accident.

"Nothing just bored"Jin Wei feel kind bored. What you are bored? what there to be boring about. You are the strongest man in the universe and you saying this is boring. All of their thought are the same.

"I-is that so"The god of wisdom don't know what to say.

"Now Old Yin come here"Jin Wei gesture him to come.

"Yes Celestial king"

When Old Yin is now standing to the front of Jin Wei. Jin Wei pass him the aura of Celestial king, making Old yin power jump high.

If we will compare this he will be a little stronger than the previous Celestial king.

"Paying respect to the Celestial king"All of the God bow.

"Your now the Celestial king Old Yin. I anticipating that you will do good"Jin Wei patted his shoulder.

"Yeah i will Jin Wei"Old Yin did not call him Celestial king. Because this is a ethic to be follow.

"Good"Jin Wei smile. He know that Old Yin will do best, even Old yin is the God of Death. That is just a work that he supervise. Like the God of War or God of Wisdom that gifting the mortal or immortal a power. So the God of Death is just inspecting that died and giving their cycle of life.

Bidding farewell Jin Wei talk to God of Music. He tell that he will descent to the mortal world where he grow up. God of music agree in one condition that is to behave.

Travelling on a minute they reach the palace of God of music and bid farewell.

Flying, Jin Wei have a full of smile.