Ignorance is bliss (2)

Aki averted his gaze, glancing sideways to other tables as he drank his drink, pretending he did not hear Karen. He could feel her scowling at him.

"Are you all from the country?" He made sure his tone was light.

The other two exchanged glances and Aki was sure that they were thinking that he was fishing for information about the girl. Maybe. Maybe not. But he was still careful as he trod carefully.

He yawned and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "The view seems lovely over there. I saw Liam's paintings."

That got their attention and lowered their guard.

"He already showed you his paintings? He really did that?" Karen's eyes were big and wide. It surprised Aki to see a non-scowling look from her.

The corner of Aki's lips twitched. "Yeah, what about it? They're lovely."

Karen snorted. "Lucky man. Liam hadn't shown his paintings to everyone since that b--," Chris shot her a look which made her roll her eyes, "fine, how else would you describe her though? Anyway, as I was saying, we almost thought he stopped painting. She used to say that there's no merit in art and even downright told him that he sucked at it."

Chris smirked. "I'm pretty sure that she didn't phrase it that way."

"She's just jealous because Liam draws better than her even if she started waaaay before him." Karen downed her drink in one gulp.

"He's posting his paintings at Lava Java though?" Aki asked.

"That's because of his cousin. He was--what's the term? Commission? I think that's it, commissioned by her cousin," Chris replied.

Aki twirled his glass and watched the spiral of its contents. "He should have joined an art contest or something."

"I know right!" Karen exclaimed that made Aki almost jumped in surprise. "That's what we've been telling him. Though he won once back in high school."

Karen proceeded to tell Aki all the things that they had done when they were in high school. Chris laughed as he supplied more stories, prompting Karen to tell more in that animated fashion of hers. Talking with these two somehow lifted Aki's mood.

After a while, Aki excused himself to go to the bathroom. He came back and they picked up where they left off.

"There you are."

Aki's heart skipped a beat when he heard the voice of the newcomer. He turned around and to his dismay, his chest thudded even louder as he stared at Liam who looked like he ran all the way to the bar.

Chris stood up and clapped Liam at the shoulder. "You're back."

Aki did not miss the apologetic smile Chris sent to his direction and those evasive eyes of Karen. They certainly did something when he was gone.

Liam smiled sheepishly as he glanced at his friends before fixing his gaze back at Aki. "I was wondering where you were since you were not at home."

Aki stared dumbly at him, he could not seem to take his eyes off to that familiar and irritatingly handsome face. He did not understand the charm before but now he did. He had to force himself to blink.

"Join us to drink since you're here," Chris said which earned him a sharp look from his girlfriend.

"We've been drinking for a while. Aki's definitely drunk now. Take him home then study for your exams." She made a shoo-ing gesture at them.

Lia reached out a hand and lightly tugged at Aki's arm. "Let's go home?"

Aki had to resist. Aki had to act cool and render that hammering in his chest. In reality, he was nothing but a fumbling fool, tumbling on his feet as he followed Liam home.

'I'm screwed. I'm so screwed.'