Amusement Park (5)

Aki nodded as an answer to Noah. "Does she know?"

Noah relaxed a little, drawing out a long breath. "No, she doesn't. I planned to tell her after we passed our entrance exams. I don't want to be a hindrance to her studies. But I feel like, lately, she was avoiding me."

'That's because you were flirting with other girls!' Aki gritted his teeth. "Maybe, you did something irritating. Say, flirting with other girls?"

Noah furrowed his brows. "I don't think…"

"Are you sure? Really sure?" Aki glowered, causing Noah to flinch.

They settled in silence and when Aki thought that that was the end of their discussion, Noah opened his mouth. "I don't think I have a chance, though."

"Why not? You haven't--" Aki stopped himself. What right did he have to ask such a question when he could not even muster the courage to do that?

Noah gave him a wry smile. "I'm not as cool your friend. But, I still want to try telling her."

"What is the point of confessing anyway?" Aki asked though it seemed like it was a question to himself more than to Noah.

"To let her know that I want us to be more than friends. To let her see me as a potential boyfriend. If she accepts, then we would be dating." He cast a careful glance at Aki at that. "If she doesn't, then… I don't want to think about it and maybe try again?"

"Wouldn't that discourage you?"

"I'd rather take my chances than live my life not knowing what could have happened."

Aki stared back at him, making sure that he was still talking to the same guy and not some wizened old man. "What if it ruins your friendship?"

"Of course, there's that too. If she really doesn't want to be with me, I would step back and accept it. It would be hard but at least I won't have regrets."

"You already really thought about this, don't you?" Aki could not help but gape at this person before him. It was as if over the course of their conversation, Noah changed right in front of his eyes. He felt immense pride for this guy and he could not help but root for him.

He found it funny though how he was talking about things like this, almost like asking for advice from someone younger than him. Noah was much more mature than Aki when it came to things like this.

At the same time, he felt envious. Because this guy has something that he did not have: courage. Noah was far more courageous than Aki would ever be.

He did not want to disturb his friendship between him and Zy before. He wondered now if that was what he was really afraid of or was it rejection. He could not bring himself to say what he felt and he regretted it.

But what about now?

"They're awfully late," Aki said.

Noah perked up at that moment. "They're… here." He soon deflated when he saw Rina happily chatting with Liam. Aki understood what he was feeling.

Rina's eyes flicked from Aki to Noah and then back again as if asking what happened when she was gone. Aki wanted to annoy his sister by smirking at her, clapping Noah on his shoulder and whispered. "Good luck. I'm rooting for you. Oh, and they're not an item."

Aki stood up and took his ice cream from Liam.