Stay the night (3)

Liam chuckled. "No. She dumped me first. More like she chose another guy over me. Caught them together."

Aki felt like all of his blood surged to his head. "She cheated on you?!"

"With my best friend."

Aki's breath hitched, his eyes widened when he heard of Liam's revelation. He gaped, opening and closing his mouth, unable to point out the emotions that rushed inside him. Until, finally, only one remained: rage. With gritted teeth, he hissed, "How dare they! When we go visit your country this weekend, I'm gonna go hunt them down."

Liam held Aki's hand, just loosely interlacing their fingers but enough to make Aki feel giddy and forget the anger he felt. Aki could hear the smile on the other's voice when he spoke. "It was all in the past."

"You are doing well." 'She didn't deserve your love.' Aki tightened his grip on Liam's hand. Then with a start, he said, "I bet she was also the one who said that it was lame to be afraid of horror movies. But! Look at you, you just conquered a horror house!"

Liam laughed at that. "I told you, it's only possible because you were there. So thank you." He brushed his thumb over the back of Aki's hand. In a lighter tone, he continued, "Though, I think, my reward seemed to happen too early. Shouldn't it be 'after' I conquered it?"

Aki knitted his brows, wondering what did Liam mean. Then it hit him. He felt his face heating up when he realized what Liam meant by reward -- it was the kiss. He drew lazy circles over Liam's hand as he murmured, "Then I'll give your reward now."


Aki pressed forward, intending to give another peck on the cheek but at that same moment, Liam turned, meeting Aki's lips. Both of them were surprised for a moment but soon enough, their tensed bodies relaxed, giving each other soft kisses. Liam brought his other hand and pulled Aki's head closer as he lightly nibbled at Aki's top lip.

That warm and fuzzy feeling Aki felt back at the amusement park came back with full force. He was somehow glad that they were kissing while lying down because if they were doing it while standing, his knees would have probably given out.

His body leaned heavily against Liam, closing the distance between them, and changing the angle of his head to give full access to his lips. Liam's hand traveled from Aki's head and worked his way down to the small of Aki's back, sending shivers to his spine while continuing the slow languid kiss.

After a while, they separated to catch their breaths as Liam leaned on Aki's forehead before he gave one last swift chaste kiss then shifted his body so his head was leaning on Aki's shoulder. His hand was back to caressing Aki's hand.

Aki sighed in contentment and shifted his head too, resting his cheek over Liam's head, enjoying the tickling feeling of his hair.

"Did Zy stay over often?" Liam asked.

It took Aki a while to answer, his brain searching frantically for long-forgotten memories. "Yeah, he usually came over."

"Do you also sleep on the floor?"

"Huh? Of course not. 'He' slept on it though. I slept in my bed."

Liam hummed in response. "Aki… goodnight."

Aki felt something soft pressing on his temple and realized that it was Liam's lips.

'It is already a good night,' Aki thought as he closed his eyes.