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Aki spent a lazy day in bed, rolling around, doing nothing. It had been quite a while since he was this free. Summer classes were brutal, what's with the amount of papers he had to write. Couple that to the increased shifts he took at the cafe. Though he got back his scholarship, it never hurts to have extra money for a rainy day. But that sure took his remaining energy away. Last night, he made it a point to finish all of his papers and email them to his professor.

He thought he would be spending the rest of the day with his boyfriend. Two months had passed since they started dating officially, and it had been smooth-sailing. Too smooth, actually. They wanted to take things slow and steady, settling in in this new stage, so to speak. Before they could do anything though, uni and other responsibilities whisked them apart and threw them in the whirlwind of things.

This rare free day was something he was looking forward to, so much that he even daydreamed of the things that they would do, in and out of the bed.

But as always, life had to get in the way. Liam told Aki that he needed to go to the uni and left early. Afterward, he was to fill in a shift at work.

"I'll make it up to you. Promise," Liam said as he nuzzled against Aki's neck and embraced him tighter.

Aki conceded, knowing full well that Liam would be too tired after a day of work. It would be a miracle if he managed to finish a movie without falling asleep first.

On a brighter note, they had a one week break before the new semester so… a Cheshire cat-like grin spread across Aki's face as he stretched out his body and enjoyed the queen-sized bed on his own.

Aki let out a jaw-breaking yawn and sat back on the headboard, mentally noting all the things that he needed to do.

'Food, laundry, then, hmm… clean I guess.'

Once he finished his brunch and the clothes were set in the washer, Aki proceeded to clean their apartment. They usually tried to keep their place tidy despite their schedule. When he was done in the living room and the kitchen, he then checked the rooms.

First, he went to his room that was barely occupied lately. Aki slept with Liam all the time so his room was kept pristine. He would just go there to get his things and change clothes. Next, he checked Liam's room, but he had clean it before he left earlier.

Moving on, he reached the storage room. Or maybe he should get used to calling it Liam's studio. After all, it only stored Liam's art supplies and paintings and photos. Liam had been spending his free time in this room in the past weeks. He told Aki that he was practicing his painting skills, which Aki thought was his way of asking for a me-time. He was cool with it and did not ask.

Aki expected it to be untidy, but not this chaotic mess of a room he stumbled into. Papers scattered everywhere. Paints lined up the floor. Different canvases leaning in every wall. There seemed to be a parade of brushes on the table. The shelf beside it was a mix of different things thrown in one place.

His feet itched to take a step back and make a sharp turn when a certain spot caught his attention.