Looking For Answers


Morning had already come, the sun was shining outside the office window, however, Zhao Yunlan care not for the welcoming light, as he was more interested in the cold darkness he was going to be surrounded soon. That day Zhao had come in before anyone else, as he had a purpose. The first thing that came to his mind when waking up was the words of Da Qing, telling him about the records in the library.

The Ghost Slayer although recently found, was still a mystery and whatever clue he could find to solve it was worth his time. He descended the long stairs that lead to the underground library and after removing the seal, he open the heavy old door, to make his way inside. Because of the darkness, the library was the perfect place for ghosts who avoided the light. That factor along with the creation of the Order were the only reasons humans still have control of their own realm.

The sun keep them save during the days and the wards during the cold nights in which those who crossed the border acted without mercy. The underworld was a place surrounded by darkness. His creator the fallen water god called Kanghui, stole the earth/mountain god flame to give birth to the ghost tribe, but after being find out, the place was sealed by Nuwa and he entrapped with his own creations. That much was a common knowledge and a history lesson first learned when he was about ten years old.

However, the many things that occurred during the first war, was still a missing piece with multiple versions that sometimes contradicted one another. What really happen back then, was something no one was sure and even the old cat, didn't remember what really took place. The only thing he could tell was that his original master was involved along with the Ghost Slayer and the King of Hell.

"Chief Zhao, welcome..." A male voice said from a corner and Zhao turned to look at the semi-transparent figure of Sang Zan.

"Sang, my brother, you have been keeping this place so tidy." Zhao begin and Sang knew right away he was looking for a favor.

"Of course, it's my duty." The ghost said.

"Sure, sure... Well, you have old records in here right?" Zhao asked, while walking between the rows of bookshelf.

"Y-yes. Previous Guardians keeps detailed records of their cases and findings." He said.

"Mmm, can you guide me to the Guardians book? You know, the one who had our names written?" Zhao added and he followed Sang to the shelf in which the book was kept. Zhao get a hold of it and walked back to a nearby table.

When opening the book, at first it looked full of empty pages, but after he infused the pages with a little of his energy, multiple names begin to show up. The first one in the long list belong it to him, writing with a golden ink. Zhao Yunlan, then with a blue ink was the fat cat's name, Da Qing, with a green one Zhu Hong and with a red one Lin Jing. He had seen all those names before, but to his surprise, a new one had been written. With a pure white ink, Guo Changcheng name shined. Zhao smiled despite himself. No wonder the Ghost Slayer had been so sure the man will not have any problems in became an official Guardian, he was already one.

"Oh my, you are full of virtue..." Zhao whispered, as that had been the first time a name had been written in white. The ink color represented their status. Blue for fairies, like the cat, green for Nuwa's descendants, like Zhu, orange to dark red for humans, gold for the leaders and if attempted, pitch black for none humans.

Once he tried to write Wang Zheng's name, when he first come across her case, which involved her lover Sang, who was now the keeper of the library and the instant the name had been written the whole page became black. It was not that she was an evil ghost, but because the book only welcome those who can be reborn trough the reincarnation system.

Out of curiosity, he pick up the brush of merit to write Shen Wei's name in a blank page, expecting to see something between orange and red, but as the first drop of enchanted ink fall into the page, something unexpected occurred. The single ink drop transformed into a multiple paragraphs, almost covering the entire page in a language he didn't recognize and in deep golden ink.

"Oh, hooo... What's this?" Zhao said with eagerness, wasting no time in taking a picture before the text could disappear. He had the intention of writing the Professor's name, but he didn't even write a single word. What was the meaning of that, it was something he was going to find out right away.

"Sang, I need you to pile some books for me. Everything relate to the Ghost Slayer, especially the records of his rumored times of being active in the past and I mean all of them. Let Wang to help you or ask Lin, he will love the hard work..." He said sarcastically, earning a big smile form the ghost.

"I will, Chief..." His voice was fainted as he was already at the door. The Guardians office was closer to the Dragon City University than his apartment. It goes without saying that he literally drive like a manic in his motorcycle on his way there.

Finding Shen Wei was quite easy. His popularity was a kind of talent on his own way and soon enough he found himself in front of his personal office. For what the students had told him, the Professor had an hour of preparation before his first lecture, which means he still had half an hour to get some answers from him.

Just like the gentlemen he wasn't, he nock on the door before hearing his rich voice from the other side inviting him in. Zhao put on his most lovely smile and open the door to find him... not alone. Sat on a chair in front of Shen's desk, was what he would call a beauty, a female one with all the right curves. Out of nowhere, his mood darkened.

"Guardian Zhao, please have a sit." Shen said with a pleasant voice, standing up. The one in front of him did the same, although her expression wasn't one of welcome.

"Oh, this is Professor Huiyan, majored in biology. She came to discuss the events of last night. You know, this morning the front yard of our dorm was cover with ashes and that make both students and Professors a bit worry. I was just reassuring her that the Order will take care of this case and protect the campus with stronger wards. The one placed in our dorm was in fact unexpectedly stronger that what I had seen before." Shen smiled so charmingly that Zhao's mood changed once again into a more merrily one. Still, the message behind the look he gave to the female teacher was unmistakable. Get lost, he is mine...

"And of course, I will make sure the University stay safe, as always. Last night incident had been deal with, there is no need to worry. Please pass the message." And be on your way...

"Oh, I will. It's good to know the Guardians will do their job properly this time..." Shen knew that Yunlan was about to blow out, so he intentionally came in between them.

"As they always do." He interjected before lightings begin to come down from the Heavens.

"I will be seen you later, Professor Shen. Guardian, please excuse me." Hell yes, just go already... After she was out, Shen walked back behind his desk and sit.

"What happened last night? I don't recall anything after I came back to my room. Is that why you are here?" Shen asked innocently. Lying had become a second nature for him.

"Actually no. I can fill you in later, there is something more important right now. You are majored in traditional literature, right? Does that included ancient language?" Zhao asked, taking the sit that the beauty had previously, however, unlike her, he shamelessly rested half his upper body over his desk.

"Sometimes, why?" He asked genuinely intrigued.

"This was writing in the Guardians book while searching for a name, all of that with a single drop of golden ink." He showed the Professor the photo of the book page, and although Shen Wei didn't show it, internally, he panicked. This is Kunlun's writing, he thought and right after, he black out.

AN: I write this like a mad woman. Ha, but it was kind of fun to write.