"Damn it! This time the Chief really leave us a huge bomb to deal with. How are we supposed to go around half this library in search for clues about the Ghost Slayer? This is ridiculous... there are just too many books..." Jin complained while looking at the big piles of book, Sang kindly put in front of him, so he could check them out.
"Stop complaining and get to work. This is actually the first time the Ghost Slayer had shown up in front of us in centuries, so this is a big thing for Zhao, besides if he finds out we are slaking off when he wants something done you can be sure he will reduce our bonus and I will scratch you all over if that happens." Da Qing said, however, Lin simply laughed.
"You? Scratch me? You are too old for that..." Suddenly, the cat wasted no time to prove his point and soon enough the monk hand was cover with shallow claws marks.
"Ahhh... you stupid fat cat... get away from me!" Jin yelled with a pained hand.
"Serves you right..." Wang laughed first, then Sang follow her example.
"I will get you for this..." Jin added.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be working? Why acting so lively? Once Chief Zhao comes back, he will hear no excuse." Zhu warn them, as she enter the half brighten library.
"Didn't he go see the Professor?" Lin asked while rubbing his scratched hand.
"Yeah, I... I think so..." Sang reply not truly sure.
"Then he must be in his own Heaven, he won't be coming back anytime soon. I doubt the Professor will be able to shake him off..." He sneered.
"Maybe, but his guests sure did show up. That guy from the underworld and the other one... who is apparently a monk trainee or something. You should have a look at him Lin. He almost had a halo over his head, so unlike you..."
"Hey! I may not be perfect, but I'm quite capable when doing my job, which is what really matters. Is not like any of you have much virtue to begin with." He defend himself.
"Well, getting to the point, the one called Chu wants to talk with the Chief, but I think the Chief turned off his phone, because I can't reach him." She explained.
"Of course, he must not want any kind of interruption..."
"Then you go and bring him back before our office turns into a pile of ashes. He doesn't look like the patient kind of man." She added.
"And you will be damn right. Just tell me where to find him and I will go looking for him myself. I hate to wait." Shuzhi said from the door of the library. The seal protecting it was keeping him for coming any further. To the Guardians team, the cold coming from him make them shudder more than the bad ass attitude, because they already were working under one for years.
"You sure are an impatient one." Zhu said first.
"Oh, please forgive him... that... that was rude old Chu." Guo said coming from behind him and making a slight vow, apologizing in his stead.
"He is blinding white...." Da Qing said, looking away from Guo, while Lin jaw almost reached the floor.
"Yeah, no kidding..." Zhu whisper.
"Is he an... an angel?" Asked Sang innocently and Guo's face turned deep red, which make Chu pierce the ghost with his penetrating gaze. If looks would kill, Sang would have fallen dead for the second time at that instant. Wang took his hand on hers, just to make the point, her lover was not alone.
"He is no angel, but you may be wary of him if you like. He serves His Honor first, then the Order, so remember that before trying to bully him. His Honor will not be pleased. Where is Zhao Yunlan, then?" He asked again.
"Dragon City University..." All of them reply at the same time and Chu arched an eyebrow.
"What for? We deal with that case last night." Chu asked suspiciously.
"Well..." Lin.
"Hum..." Wang.
"You see..." Zhu said at the same time, they all responded.
"Go find a Professor called Shen Wei and you will find him." Da Qing said without bating a cat eye, which gained nasty look from his companions. "What? Is the truth..." And then, both Chu and Guo were gone.
"Are you mad at me?" Shen Wei asked next to him, while Zhao drive the Professor's car in route to the nearest hospital. Was he mad with Shen? The answer was basically no, he was more like mad with himself. He acted too rashly, putting the Professor's life in danger, although he was almost sure, Shen Wei wasn't exactly normal.
"No." Was his answer.
"Are you sure? There was no need for you to go this far..." Wei insisted.
"Your heart stopped beating and not matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring you back for more than what should be considered healthy. What else am I supposed to do?" You just had no idea of how worry I was, he mentally added.
"I'm sorry... I pass out so suddenly, nevertheless, my heart is beating just fine right now." Shen half smiled.
"Yes, which is nothing short of a miracle for a human. I'm aware that there was something godly acting up with that text I showed you and also sealing the office and protecting you, but even so, it's still humanly impossible for you to revive on your own like that. Which make me wonder... are you human Professor Shen?" He needed to know that much at least. By his side, Shen seems to freeze over. Zhao gave him a quick look, still seen some remains of that black and gold kind of dust or mist around him. Apparently, the scare he just have, had awaken his third eye, and now he could see things he usually didn't, normally.
"Shen Wei?" Zhao pressed.
"There are things that I rather no answer, but rest assure, I will pass on the message intended for you to hear as soon as you are ready to hear it." He avoided.
"Which will be as soon as I make sure you are fine. Look, I know is kind of intruding from my part, because I just barely met you last night, so I won't force you to give me all the answers to the many questions spinning inside my head, but I will prefer for you to be honest with me right now. Just to give you something in return, I will confess that I can see your aura or what remained from before and it's simply not normal..." He wasn't going to let go so easily.
"It doesn't matter to me whatever you are human or not. For all I had hear, you have never harm anyone, not cause any troubles, so please I just need to know." Shen sighed in resignation. It was useless to lie to Yunlan now that his third eye had awaken.
"You are right. I'm not exactly human." He admitted, tensing up under his question.
"But you are not exactly a ghost either, right? Normal ghost or even demons can't act during daylight. Only the strongest can actually live under the sun for years." Did he find out so soon already? Did he already know he was the Ghost Slayer? The one he had been searching for generations? Shen asked himself while looking at Zhao a bit surprised.
"Something like that..." He finally said. At this, a wave of pain assaulted Shen's shoulder and although he tried to mask it, the more intuitive Zhao frowned when giving him another glance. The gold surrounding him was beginning to be replaced by pure black. His questioning was already affecting him and perhaps doing more than that.
"You are in pain." It wasn't a question, but a statement, yet Shen only closed his eyes and concentrate. This time he embraced the pain if that meant that Zhao will stop questioning.
"Alright, tell me now, will it be problematic for you to be treated in a human hospital? Will it even help you with your pain?" He asked lowering his tone of voice.
"I'm fine, I just need to rest for a few hours, because being transported somewhere else had took a toll on me, that's all... A hospital cannot treat me, they will not find anything wrong with this body." Shen whisper in hope that Zhao would turn back and let him rest in his room at the teacher's dorm.
"So just rest... Then I got the perfect place." Zhao said while widely smiling, taking a fast turn to the left. Sensing the sudden change in direction, Shen looked at him, finding Yunlan rather pleased with himself. Oh, no... this can't be good. Just what the hell is he trying to do with me? Shen asked himself hopelessly.
"Zhao Yunlan, why do I smell something fishy coming from that sentence. Seriously, where are you planning of taking me?" Shen barely asked.
"To rest of course..."
"Just where?" He insisted.
"My home, where else?"
"You are kidding me, right?" He doubted Yunlan was truly planing of taking full advantage of him this soon, however only the gods knew what else he had on mind or how much he intended to interrogate him as soon as he was 'feeling' better.
"Nope. I can guess that you have a strong connection with the underworld, probably another envoy of the Ghost Slayer, like Chu Shuzhi or that Guo guy. That's probably the reason the dorm was attacked in the first place. They were looking for you, right? So, the safest place for you at this moment is where they less expect you. Don't you agree?" Zhao asked way to happy.
"Never mind, I'm tired, do as you wish..." Shen whisper, amazed at how close he had guessed, yet way of base. He was already doomed, so why keep trying to avoid something inevitable. Kunlun had just warned him that what happen before, will pull him close in no time.
If he had known that Kunlun was this perverted internally, he would had jumped on him a very long time ago. Too bad, it was just going to cause him even more pain this time around. However, as he closed his eyes again to try to ease his pain, he felt a warmth wave coming from his neck. Yunlan's soul fire was beginning to soothe his pain away bit by bit. Shen smiled faintly and soon he was fast asleep.
AN: I wonder what will happen when Chu find out his Honor had been 'kidnapped'!! LOL Thanks for reading.