-Shen Wei-
It was all Zhao Yunlan's fault. He had gone and done it, when he less expected. A good luck kiss? Yeah right, he was willing to use any excuse possible. He was such an impatient perverted man. Just a few hours and he had already kiss him. At that rate, Zhao was going to kill him in less than a day. Shen thought, while heavily panting in deep agony.
The pain was inevitable after what Zhao have done, so he lay on the cold floor, waiting for the burning sensation in his shoulder who had escalated a big deal, to subside, even a little. He had planned to go back to the underworld directly, but Zhao's actions force him to go back to his room in the teacher's dorms. Now, he needed some time to get a hold on himself and ease the pain before returning to the perpetual darkness of the underworld.
However, even if it had been a simple fast touch of lips, the impression had been great, making it harder for Shen to forget the sensation left behind by Zhao's warm and soft lips over his. His emotions were the key to his pain, but how could he feel nothing when the man he loved had dare to cross the line and kiss him out of the blue? If circumstances where any different he would be in ecstasy, but now, his increased desire for Zhao, for truly kiss him with all his might, was giving him a hell of troubles to calm himself.
Then, the pain came in huge waves. Shen Wei was about to let himself scream, but the sudden open of a portal in his room, make him sallow it instantly. He knew that energy well and the last thing he wanted was to give Shuzhi another reason to hate Zhao. Even so, when Chu found him, laying in the floor and barely masking his suffering, it make no real difference, as he already suspected Zhao had done something to trigger his pain again.
"Your Honor!" Chu yelled, hastily kneeling by his side and helping him sit on the floor. Guo, who had been taken away by default again, also help Shen to steady himself.
"That beast! What did he did to you? I swear, once I put my hands on him, I will show no mercy!" Chu yelled angrily.
"You will not. Zhao Yunlan is not to be touched even if he kills me with his own hands..." Shen warned him first. That was of course, nothing new for neither Chu nor Guo, who knew of Shen Wei's undying devotion for Kunlun or most recently for Zhao. Still, the prohibition didn't took away the bitterness Chu felt for the human version of Kunlun and he knew that His Honor was well aware of it.
"Well, he will have to kill me first then... Guo, help His Honor to heal..." Chu begin saying with the intention of going away, however, he was simply too predictable and Shen grab one of his arms, holding him back.
"Shuzhi! Forget about Yunlan, we had more urgent matters to attend. I just had an encounter with a sealed memory of Kunlun and he warn me that the barrier of the realm had weaken to the point of completely breaking soon." This, effectively make Chu forget about Zhao, completely.
"What? What do you mean it will brake soon and how did you met Kunlun at this time and age?" Chu asked.
"How I met Kunlun is not important, what he told me is. Hell had been sealed away for thousands of years and we have been guarding it for that long, however, because I need to rest for long periods of time, it had given those who had been trapped inside, the perfect opportunity to weaken the seal. We both have notice the increase in ghost or demons crossing the border, when they shouldn't, now we know for certain the reason..." Shen said, trying to stand, yet he failed half way, for which, both Chu and Guo grab him before he could fall.
"Lord Shen!" Guo yelled in worry.
"I will be fine in a short while, there is no need to worry about me. Old Chu, we need to find the Holy artifacts before it's too late. Remaking the seal is the only way to keep it from fully breaking. We all know that the human realm will be completely lost if Hell break lose. He too will be free to do as he pleased..." He didn't want to mention Ye Zun's name in front of Guo, because he was truly scare of him.
"But where? Aren't most of them lost a long time ago? Back when the gods first sealed the world?" Chu asked while trying to remember something about them. Kunlun had possessed one, which should be with the Order of the Guardians, but as for the others, he wasn't sure. The beginning of the world was plagued with many chaotic events, the gods tried to correct one by one.
"Yes, that's why we need all the information we can get. Yunlan will search in the Order archives, I was planning in searching in underworld the palace, but maybe you should go first. I need a bit more time... Guo, I will bring you back to the temple and you may help with the search asking your father or the other monks about the artifacts. I... will search the scrolls left behind there, then when the pain subside, I will join Chu back in the underworld."
"Your Honor, I should..."
"I may be in pain, but neither my will, nor my powers had weaken in any way. I had endure far worse in the past, this is nothing in compare. Go, Chu... for the sake of humanity, please help me once more." Shen said in such a serious tone that remain him of how this man have fought a few hundreds of Hell creatures, meant to take over the celestial realm, to save the weakest race on earth.
The Ghost Slayer was not a hero because he was godly strong, but because his heart was kind and pure and he had no ill intentions whatsoever, despite being a powerful ghost created by GongGong from Kunlun's fire. Both he and Ye Zun had been the first ones the water god had created in order to take revenge against other gods he had quarrels with. However, as he separated the single flame he needed to give life to his creation, it also divided in half all the elements it carried within.
The ghost twins were simply born yin and yang. One took after his creator, desiring the same things he did and following his steps, the other was a complete opposite, wishing none of the chaos he was created to cause and had follow a god instead, going as far as to fall for him, which had cause the unbalance between brothers. Although Ye Zun had inherit his 'father' dark emotions, his love for his brother and other half, had never weaver, nor change, even when they walked separate ways.
It had been the same for the Ghost Slayer as well, who always tried to stop him personally, so he would not come to harm. Also, his love for Zun, was the reason Kunlun didn't kill him in the spot when Shen Wei almost turned into ashes. The mountain god rage had been great indeed. He could still remember how the sky had darken in seconds, how hundreds of thunders had fall all around the miles of mountains that belonged to him at that time. Ye Zun had not even try to stop Kunlun's fury, yet, as Shen Wei had desperately pleaded Kunlun and the other gods to spare him, he had calm down and opted for sealing him in Hell instead, as punishment.
Soon after, once Shen Wei had been turned into a half god, he had gone to Hell in search for Ye Zun, who had crown himself as its king. He honestly have no idea of what was done or said back then, but as Shen Wei had come back unharmed, he thought the brothers had come to an agreement. Ye Zun was to remain in Hell, in his eternal punishment for defying the gods and try to take over the human realm, as the Ghost Slayer was to carry his brother's curse as his. However, Chu now wonder what had happed for things to have turned that bad again.
Perhaps it was related to Kunlun, as it always had. Ye Zun may still love his brother as he always did, but he deeply hated the one who had taken it from him. So perhaps he wanted revenge on Kunlun again? Or perhaps it was something else entirely. He wonder... nevertheless, his loyalty was always with his savior and for him, he will go as far as Hell, if he was asked to.
"Your Honor, I will always be by your side, no matter what. Guo, please take care of him. I will find whatever I can and come back as soon as I can." Chu said vowing to him before despairing, which despite being in pain, it make Shen Wei smile. Chu may be ruthless at times, but he meant well.
"Lord Shen, perhaps..."
"It's time to go now." Shen said before opening a portal back to Kunlun's hidden temple in where he prayed to find some answers, because they were running out of time.
AN: I kind of mess up with the god's mythology, but it has to fit the story, so no disrespect intended. This one covers a bit of what happen in the first war, so I hope it makes sense. I create each chapter out of the blue with no clue of what will happen next. You see, I'm an eager reader before a writer, so I write to read, instead of read to write. Does it make sense? Oh, well, thanks for reading.