Mischievous Chief


Just like the last time the Ghost Slayer had shown up, everything around the library turned cold with a thin layer of frost on all walls. Even thought, Zhao had expected his coming, it looked that he wasn't all that prepare for such display of power.

Walking inside the library alone, spoke high volumes of the strength of whoever was under the tick cloud of black smoke. He didn't doubt, not even for a second that the Ghost Slayer was indeed a half god. A god that was on their side and from which he needed his help. So, Zhao Yunlan put on a welcoming smile and try his best to hide his disappointment, for failing to see Shen Wei again.

"Your Honor, welcome to our humble headquarter…" Zhao said, slightly bowing to him, in sign of respect. That gesture alone had internally satisfy Shen Wei, because at least Yunlan knew better than to treat the Ghost Slayer in a less formal manner, so differently than how he had treat him as a Professor. He genuinely smiled under his disguise, relieved that Zhao didn't knew his true identity just yet.

"I apologize for the sudden interruption, but there are some urgent matters we need to discuss." The Ghost Slayer said coming in a step closer, but as he notice that both of the ghost present backed away in fright, probably fearing he will do something to them, he stopped, turning his attention to them.

"There is no need for you to fear me. I do not harm those who don't deserve it. I should thank you, for giving the Guardians your unconditional help in times of need, when I was unable to help them myself." He said and instantly, Wang and Sang relaxed under his praise. Wang even smiled, a bit proud that she had been tanked by such a figure, because her Chief, certainly lacked in that department. Every time she wake him up in the middle of a night for a case, he always complained, even if she was just doing her job.

"I presume you had been informed of the current situation, right? About the weakening seal and the artifacts?" Zhao asked, changing the topic, while sitting on another chair, closer to the prince.

"Yes. This is why I have come to see you so suddenly. I honestly hope you don't mind me interrupting your work, just now." He said getting closer yet again. Zhao try to avoid shuddering, because the drop in temperature was really getting into him, and he was already tempted to hug himself. He wonder why it was always freezing cold around him. Was the underworld an icy place? He always thought that hell at least was freaking hot.

"No, of course not. The Order will always be at your service." He smiled and Da Qing meowed in approval.

"It had been quite the while since I have seen a cat fairy. I hope you have live your long life well." The Ghost Slayer added, making Da Qing purr in satisfaction. The rumors were indeed true, because the Ghost Slayer was definitely a kind man worth of his title of hero. Zhao couldn't help himself but chuckle, thus making the cat angry at him.

"I would had live better if I wasn't entrusted to take care of this idiot." Da Qing instigate what looked like another quarrel, making Lin muffle a laugh. Zhao however, simply kicked one leg of the chair in which Da Qing was in, next to him. The kick wasn't strong enough to make him fall, but the cat did jump over the chair after the sudden move, giving Zhao a nasty look, then a, 'you see?' look to the Ghost Slayer.

"Ups, sorry, my leg cramped. It's a bit colder now…" Zhao said with a fake apology that make Shen Wei sigh inwardly. This man was simply unconcerned with common manners, even in front of the Ghost Slayer. He was going to have such troubles trying to correct his behavior later on, if it was possible.

Da Qing, opted for staying away from Zhao and despite the cold, he came to lay on the floor next to the highest authority in the room, which was the humans hero, in his book.

"Don't mind the old cat… we were just looking for the location of the artifacts, but so far, we haven't found anything related to them. As you can see, we still have a lot to search, but I'm afraid it will take us sometime to properly look into this…" He pointed at the huge pile of books over the long table.

"I already found the location of one of them, which is why I'm here. The pillar of nature in hidden inside a mountain in the River Village that used to belong to the Hanga tribe." The Ghost Slayer explained and Zhao inadvertently looked at Wang and Sang, who he knew belonged to the now extinct mountain tribe. Their story had been a sad one that will not bring back good memories.

"We were there once for a special case. I never imagine such an important relic was simply close by. Do you know the exact location?" Zhao asked.

"No, only the general area. I can take care of retrieving the pillar of nature by my own, if…"

"Pardon my intrusion, Your Honor, but this matter involves the human realm as well. We are expecting an increasing of the ghost crossing the border from here on and we have a few request coming from that village to strengthen the wards on their area. If you allowed us to help you search for it, we will be killing two birds with the same stone. We can pack the necessary things tonight and be on our way early in the morning, if that is your desire." Zhao said, hoping he sounded respectful. He needed to be on the good side of this one, by all means.

"Of course. You all are Guardians of this realm, after all. I will contact you soon then." The Ghost Slayer said and turned to leave, but he stopped suddenly, remembering little Guo who awaited for him in the temple, so he turned to face Zhao again.

"I will like you to take Guo ChangCheng with you tomorrow. He will be ready to travel with you, if you don't mind." He added.

"No, not at all… actually, I wouldn't mind having someone else coming with us as well. You see, there is a Professor in Dragon City University, who is such an expert in many fields. I would like him to join us too, I honestly believe he can be of great help if it's okay with Your Honor." Damn Zhao, you even dare for a direct request? Are you truly that determine to have me dancing on your deviant little fingers? Yet, he could not reject his request without a valid reason he was sure Yunlan was going to find one way or another.

"If he is willing and you trust him, then go ahead." He reluctantly agree and right after, Zhao Yunlan rewarded him with the loveliest and enchanting smile, he had ever seen. Deep within his cloak, Shen Wei's heart blow up in happiness and desire, so he hastily got away from him, opening a portal back to the temple in which he had left Guo.

Back in one of the empty rooms, Shen Wei recline his back on a wall and let himself slide over it, to the floor. Even though there was pain, it was less intense than when he kissed him. Damn it! He cursed himself for have such a soft heart when it was related to his playful former god. In a way, right then, Shen felt like he had fall for the man all over again, because not even when he was Kunlun the god, he had smiled with such mischievous happiness.

Now, being certain that Yunlan indeed was truly after him, without the intention of letting him go anytime soon, he was going to be in deep troubles. Actually, he needed to compose himself as soon as possible and tell Guo about joining the Guardians group right away, because he was one hundred percent sure that Zhao Yunlan, Chief Guardian of Dragon City and pervert extraordinary, was going to be knocking on his door back in his dorm soon, very, very soon.

AN: Thanks for reading.