The Ghost Slayer Rage

-Shen Wei / Yunlan-

Just like Chu Shuzhi had said before, the horrifying display of skulls crashing over the barrier was only the beginning, soon after, the air around the cars dropped several degrees in seconds, making Zhao and Guo involuntary shudder, while their breath could be seen. Shen Wei took out his thick jacket and gently put it over Yunlan's shoulders, pulling him closer.

"The ghost will begin to show up soon..." Chu warn them, also pulling Gou closer, even if his body had not as much warmth as he needed. A few seconds later, the fog began to darker more and more, until it became dark gray and some figures could be distinguish. The translucent ghost begin to surround both cars and the air became heavy with a kind of nefarious energy.

Soon the place was enough dark to almost lose sight from the car parked just in front of them. Then, they try to slash the barrier with their deformed hands, horribly screaming in anger and pain when their efforts were thrown back by Yunlan's perfect protection. Guo was scared to death at that point, yet Chu, keep him tightly hug.

"I'll go and take care of them..." Shen said, angry at such display. He could see beyond their decaying figures all the way back to their rotten hearts. This was once a place of great evil he needed to clean it up for good.

"No, you will not. I can deal with this much myself, you must be tired after fighting with so many demons last night. Let me handle this, Guardian's style and... have this back, you should be colder than me." Zhao said putting away the jacket Shen had just gave him, but was stopped by Wei, halfway.

"Yunlan! I'm a ghost myself, the cold doesn't affect me, as much as you. Stay warm or you will have a cold in record time. As for those outside, they are mine to deal with. These wicked souls deserves punishment." Shen said in such a serious tone that make Zhao shiver and not exactly because of the freezing air. It was more than obvious that the gentle Professor was now mad, that much was clear, however, he too had a duty to perform as Guardian.

"Shen Wei... This involves me too, these people killed two of my workers in cold blood just because they loved each other when their relationship was forbidden a century ago and although I was able to save those two souls, I couldn't give them closure."

"Then I will give them justice for you." But before any of them could do anything, all ghosts outside, pointed at the vehicle in front of them, in where Zhao knew both Wang and Sang were. He had allowed them to come, because they had insisted and wanted to see their home one more time. So he gave in and let them possess a special kind of doll make especially for them.

However, as the hatred those people held was greater than he imagine, maybe letting them go back to River Village had been a mistake, because the Hanga ghosts summon another type of ghost. The new ones were smaller, yet fiercer, with long limps and claws, huge stomach and a mouth that could open beyond what anyone would thought to be possible.

"Ghouls..." Guo whisper, almost to the point of fainting.

"Damn, just how sinful this people can get..." Zhao cursed as he watched the ghouls try their sharp claws in the barrier while opening their big moths, which completely disgusted them all. Soon after, team Ghost Slayer heard a woman scream from inside the other car.

"Wang!" Zhao yelled back and was about to open the door, when Shen forcedly held him back.

"Are you insane? You can't go out now or you will put yourself in danger!" Zhao gave Shen a cold glare.

"Those are members of my team, my people and I owe them that much!"

"Yes, you are loyal to the core, I got it, but getting kill will not help them any..."

"Damn, your... Shen Wei! Hell fire!" Chu shouted, interrupting their heated discussion. At the mention of Hell fire, who was deep black and could consume almost anything, Shen Wei hastily added another thick layer of dark energy around the cars, barely in time to keep such vicious thing at bay. Zhao forgot about his argument and watched as a big dome made of dark mist was surrounded by black flames and then looked at his Professor who had his eyes closed in concentration.

"This is going too far..." All of the sudden Zhao felt Shen's energy grow more and more by the second.

"Chu, transport yourself to the other car. Yunlan's talismans should not affect your energy. Keep all those inside the car safe, especially the ghosts. I will end this right now." Shen coldly said.

"Wait, are you going to open that portal? In here, in the presence of all the Guardians?" Chu asked in disbelief. Did he suddenly lost it? "You know it will..." Reveal your identity without any mistaking... Chu mentally added.

"Yes, I'm aware of the consequences. Go now, I will keep both Yunlan and Guo safe, I promise." The exchange caught Zhao's interest, because he had the feeling that something really big was going to happen and that Chu Shuzhi was trying to prevent it, but after a bit of staring between the two men, Chu finally sighed and gave in.

"As you wish." Chu said, slightly bowing his head to him, then he was gone, making Zhao arch an eyebrow and wondering just how higher up was Shen in the underworld chain of command, because Chu Shuzhi was not the kind of man who liked nor allowed others to give him orders.

"Yunlan... please, don't go out..." Shen warn him, as the ghosts begin to use soul fire against the barrier as well, internally making Wei's anger rise even more. He could feel their hatred and evil intentions, as well as their desire to destroy and kill. If it wasn't for his added seal at the last minute, the Hell fire alone would have incinerate them in the spot, which traduced in them trying to kill his beloved, thus, deeply enraging him.

"Shen Wei, what crazy thing are you planning to do? Please don't..." Shen shut him up with a sudden kiss.

"Those outside committed terrible acts when alive and more so when dead, this is a matter of the underworld now. Stay here." Wei whisper before disappearing from Zhao's sight. Impulsively, Zhao try to follow him but the door didn't open no matter how hard he tried it.

"Shen Wei! Shen Wei, stop!" He yelled, fearing something wrong was about to happen, fearing he was about to lose him. However, Shen had already make his mind and was too disgusted by the foul hatred of those ghost.

"I judged you and so you shall pay for the atrocities committed in both life and death. Go down to Hell where you belong." Shen whisper and a wave of thunders illuminate the sudden darkness. Making a few members of the Guardians yell. Including Guo.

Zhao, however, looked with some fascination as Shen Wei's energy escalated to a point it was hard to take. Everything around his powerful lover freeze over, only sparing the cars and those inside. Then, a huge bloody red door appeared out of nowhere. It had two chained skeletons over the open mouth of an obsidian colossal dragon and at Shen's command, it open, making Zhao's gaze at the small figure of Shen in both astonishment and admiration at the same time. The energy used to accomplish the summon of the door alone was simply out of scale.

"That's the door to Hell..." Guo whisper while he shudder in fear and Zhao widen his eyes in pure shock. As far as he knew, there was only one person capable to open a portal to Hell and that was the rightful guardian of the underworld, capable of judge and punish by the will of the gods themselves. The Ghost Slayer.

"He is the Ghost Slayer..." Zhao whisper, as he witness his lover true power. All those ghost that were trying to get to them, were swallow by the portal with a deadly vortex of strong win. The cars were spared by Shen Wei's will alone.

"And he is angry... very angry..." Guo manage to said, although it was unnecessary, because he already knew that. He even could feel it in every fiber of his body, and to think that he so casually teased such a powerful man that could kill him with a single flick of his half godly finger.

The vortex keep it sucking ghouls and ghosts alike, the same with the unextinguished fire and the foul fog that allowed them to act when there was still some sun rays left and when the whole mountain became pure and clear again, then the door of Hell was tightly closed and disappear. Zhao didn't waste time in trying again to go out of his temporary prison and after his third attempt, he was able to break free from it, just in time to run toward the now falling half god.

"Shen Wei!" He yelled, taking him in his arms just before he hit the ground. A fast check on his pulse told him that his Ghost Slayer had no heartbeat as once before and he panic.

"Oh, no, no, no... not again." Zhao whisper as he try to shake him.

"Don't bother, he is not dead, nor going to awake anytime soon. After opening the Hell's door he needs to replenish the energy used. I'll take him back to the village via portal, so he can have proper rest." Chu said and was going to take Shen's unconscious body from him, but Zhao gave him a deadly glare.

"If you must take him away, then take me with you as well. I will not leave Shen's side." Zhao assure him.

"You must know by now who he truly is..." Chu insisted.

"As if I care, Ghost Slayer or not, it doesn't make any difference to me." Zhao told him sincerely. Yes, it was a bit shocking that his man was the strongest ghost known in the underworld. Heck, he was literally a half god, yet that didn't change his feelings for him, nor his sudden and almost inexplicably crush on him.

Old Chu sighed in resignation. He was kind of expecting for Zhao Yunlan to be scare off when finding out about Professor Shen being no other than the Ghost Slayer, so his Honor could stop suffering at the man eternal teasing. However, as a former god himself, Zhao Yunlan was proving to be a hard bone to crack, which would rise the Ghost Slayer back to Heaven once he find out that his beloved Zhao was still his, even after the sudden revelation.

"Very well then, hey you! Stop staring and take care of your Chief's car. We are going ahead. The village is just fifteen minutes away." Zhao stood up, carrying Shen's body bridal style and with such a sight, the Guardians left behind in astonishment, saw them gone in the blink of an eye.

AN: Ups, maybe I overdid it?