The Human And The God


When Zhao Yunlan regained consciousness, he realize he was laying on a hard ground made of black marble and an exquisite ceiling cover with colorful vivid paintings that seems to tell an ancient story. As he sat, he could se he was inside of what could be called an impressive temple, illuminated by dozens of torches. Zhao moaned as a sudden headache assaulted him, but as he looked around to try to find some clues about where he had end up to, he came to see an unconscious figure close to him.

"Zhu Hong!" Zhao yelled, forgetting the pain instantly and immediately moving to her side. She looked fine, there was no traces of blood and more importantly, she was breathing just fine.

"Oh, thank gods…" He whisper in relief, knowing that Zhu, while unconscious was very much alive. He had been too retackles and if something bad have happen to the girl in his arms, he would never be able to forgive himself.

"Zhu Hong… Zhu Hong, wake up! Zhu Hong!" He called her while shaking her body, but the woman didn't respond, or even flinch at his yelling or shaking. "Damn it, just what the hell happen?" Zhao asked himself.

"You were reckless indeed. Haven't Shen Wei warn you not to be like that, because he worries too much about you end up killing yourself?" A deep voice said and Zhao turner to look at a young guy, sitting in one of the marble steps that leads to some kind of altar. His hair was long, he was wearing a dark red and black robes and his eyes were emerald green, with a hint of playfulness. Although he didn't recognize the youngster who was probably in his late teens, his voice was somehow familiar to him.

"Who are you?" Zhao asked, gently putting Zhu's unconscious body back to the cold floor. He didn't thought the young man was there to try harm them, but just in case he never leave Zhu's side.

"Have you forgot about me already? That's rude Zhao Yunlan, maybe if I change you will recognize me better?" The man said, just before he changed shape, making Zhao widen his eyes in surprise.

"You have to be kidding me… Da Qing?" Zhao asked staring at the black cat with deep green eyes.

"Who else, idiot. How many cat fairies do you know?" The cat calmly ask.

"But you said you no longer have the ability to take human form. You were too old already." The cat snorted.

"That's my old self, I'm at my prime in here." Yunlan looked at the cat with confusion.

"What do you mean?" Zhao asked.

"Let me explain it to you then, Zhao Yunlan…" Out of nowhere another man approached the cat and took it into his arms, gently stoking his fur. Previously he have been quite surprise to see the human form of the fairy cat, however, looking at the new comer, he thought that he took the first price in his shock out of this world list. Right next to the younger Da Qing, who was considerably less fat, now that he notice, was another version of him, a nobler one that is, because he looked like one of those kings from historical dramas.

Although they shared the same face, the other one have no trace of mustache or a bit of a beard. His slender body was dressed with rich silk robes that extended all the way to his feet, his hair was long half tied with small tresses and his eyes, which was the only thing that was truly different, were light gold.

"Kunlun…" Zhao whisper in astonishment. There was an air of divinity surrounding the god, which in a way explained why Shen Wei always thought he was out of his reach. Heck, he was resisting the urge to kneel before him, himself, and they were basically the same person, past and present.

"Oh, so it truly was like that… I guess it was inevitable." The god sadly said. Wait, did he read his mind just now? Zhao thought while Kunlun laughed, pretty much the same way he did.

"Don't be too surprise, I am a god, after all. I know your past lives as well as your future ones. " Kunlun said.

"This should be impossible. Aren't we the same? Didn't you reincarnated?" Zhao asked.

"Yes, I did, otherwise you will not exist as you are today. This place doesn't have a sense of time. In here there is no past or future and I'm not alive nor dead. This is a temple created to seal a Holy artefact and giving it importance, you can't blame us gods, for going as far as to leave behind a bit of our essence to make sure the Holy tools will never fall into the

wrong hands."

"So, this place is somewhere inside that stone cliff? Your temple?" Zhao asked.

"Yes, of course. All artifacts are heavily guarded by both, a celestial beast and a god. You were transported here by my white phoenix, one of the guardians of the pillars that divides the earth from the heavens. His fire engulf you both to test your hearts and deem you worthy of my judgment, but as you are me and I am you, there is nothing for me to judge."

"So, the pillar of nature, can we have it?" Zhao asked right away.

"Gathering the tools is risky, especially when the demons from Hell are already looking for them. The reason they haven't found them so far is because they are being misled by one of their own."

"Seriously? Even in Hell you can find traitors?" Kunlun smiled.

"Oh, yes. Ye Zun is willing to become a traitor to his own people, if that means saving his beloved brother. However, don't get me wrong, Ye Zun will kill you without a second thought, if giving the chance, as he tried it once. If you both were to confront each other, Ye Zun will try to hurt you as much as possible, because his hatred runs quite deep. But unfortunately for him, he had an unavoidable weakness that keeps him in check back in Hell. He loves Shen Wei too much. Back then, the boy came to hate me out of jealousy, because Shen decided to follow me, instead of GongGong's desires to destroy both the human realm and the heavens. He hate me even more when Wei fell in love with me completely devoting himself to me."

"So, he is just a jealous brat, with a brother obsession?" Kunlun laughed.

"Honestly, Kunlun, how did you end up like that idiot? He tease, he abuse his power when in need, he drinks like the world will not exist the next day, eats nothing healthy, his place is a nest, unless he is trying to impress someone, he is reckless to no end and a pervert of huge proportions…"

"Shut up fat fuq! Who ask you?"

"How dare you?! I'm a god's cat! A dignify fairy…"

"That will end being fat centuries later!"

"Zhao Yunlan, I will make sure to give you Hell when recruiting you to the Order…"

"Enough, Da Qing. No matter how many flaws you can name about this other side of me, it what Shen Wei needs. He may be many things, but he is the only one capable to give Wei the opportunity he so much desire. To be with someone he could love back as an equal, without restrain. I couldn't give him more than a platonic relationship, for which, I envy my human self." Zhao arched an eyebrow at this.

"You became human for him?" Zhen asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I have other reasons, but granting him of his only wish was my main motivation." Kunlun said.

"I see, so we love him that much then…" Zhao sighed.

"Indeed. Now, let me tell you a few things. GongGong's body was sealed in the deepest part of Hell, the one who did it was not a demon, but a god and to free him the demons need more than just a Holy tool. To break the seal, my stolen fire is needed and I believe that I don't need to tell you who has it right now."

"Shen Wei! It's inside that pendant of his, right?" Zhao asked worriedly.

"Yes. I gave it to him long ago, but now it may bring him harm. He believes the demons are hunting him down for the artifacts, when in reality, they will hunt him down for the fire. Although he strong enough to handle most demons, the curse he carried in my place, may hinder his powers. You must never allow him to go to Hell on his own, not to fight alone to the point of exhausting himself. The curse can be removed in Nuwa's hidden temple in where the next artifact can be found." He came closer to Zhao and putting a finger between his eyes, he added…

"I will awaken some other powers sleeping within you, to help you fight more and stronger demons on your journey, but it will take away your sight for a while, before the end of this night. Are you willing to become blind for your love one sake?" Kunlun asked, Zhao only smiled.

"Do you have to ask when you already know the answer? Anything for him, you did it yourself…"

"True. Ah, another thing… don't let Shen Wei drink under any circumstances. A drunk Ghost Slayer is more than what you can handle." Zhao shudder. Indeed, he could imagine just how much chaos and pain he could cause when unrestrained. Kunlun laughed.

"Seriously, you have no idea." Then, Zhao felt intense pain that almost make him yell his gut all out, but as soon as the pain came, it subsided back to nothing.

"This is just a fraction of what Wei endures, be mindful of it always. Now…" The god extended his hand and something materialize over it. A jade pendant similar to the one Shen have was giving to him and a small golden box.

"The box will prove useful later on and the pendant may look ordinary, but hidden inside, is the pillar of nature. It can be summon when the need arise and just like the one who carries my fire, it can't be removed, nor stolen from the one chosen. Now you also carried a heavy burden with you…"

"I will make sure to keep it safe." Zhao solemnly said.

"Good, travel east to Nuwa's village, to find the next artifact and no matter what, make sure Shen ask for his wish in the temple, now go back to him. I have retained you long enough and he is worry sick for you."

"I know, I can even feel it…"

"That is because you two are now connected in more than one way. Keep him safe, he is too precious for us both."

"Worry not, I will give my life for him at any time." Kunlun approved. Then Zhao took Zhu's sleeping body back in his arms and let the white phoenix fire engulf him once more. When he open his eyes, night had already come and a very desperate Shen came to hug him for dear life.

"Yunlan! Don't ever do that to me again…" Soon after, Shen was kissing him senseless, like he never thought the gentle Professor was capable of and he agree that whatever sacrifice needed to protect that loving man was more than worthy, no matter if it took more thousands of lifetimes to do so.

AN: Thanks for reading.