Blind Chief, Missed Professor

-Shen Wei-

Giving the circumstances of the night before, Shen Wei wake up early in the morning, before Yunlan. As he didn't know whatever he would be able to see or not, he carefully untangle himself from Zhao's hold and make sure that there was nothing in the tent floor that could make him fall.

Then he went out and check that the others were still fast asleep and took the liberty to busy himself with preparing some breakfast for everyone, as a sign of appreciation for accepting Guo and him so easily into their group. As he finish with the eggs, bacon and fresh bread, that he brought from his own fridge via portal, he make sure to completely extinguish Zhao's rainbow fire, that will attract the attention of his team. Right after, he went back to the tent and gently shake Zhao for him to awake, but only receiving Zhao's moaning protest, still half asleep, ignoring his shaking.

"Yunlan, wake up, its morning and we need to be on our way soon." Shen try it, but the lazy Chief only whisper some 'five more minutes, babe', while trying to get a hold of his empty space. The fact that Zhao was already used to look for him in his bed, make him smile. He honestly never thought that the time will come when he would be able to share his life with him, after so much yearning, but nothing tangible. So even if he try to resist temptation because of the pain, deep inside he welcome it.

"Seriously… Zhao, breakfast is ready, you will miss it if you don't get out now and then it will be your loss…" Shen Wei whisper close to his ear and working just like a charm, Zhao pretty much jumped from the sleeping bag in a hurry, crushing against Shen's chest, who held him in place.

"Breakfast? But it's still dark… Oh, it already happen…" Zhao whisper, as he remember what Kunlun had told him about losing his sight before morning came.

"So… you can't see anything? Isn't this too soon?" Shen asked worriedly.

"Not really, he warn me I may lose my sight during the night. That's why I insisted on camping, so I will have a chance to see my team and your beloved handsome face before darkness took me in." He heard Shen sigh, finally understanding why Zhao had insisted on the kissing.

"You could have told me, instead of asking me to seduce you…" Shen said, moving away to get Zhao new clothes, while ignoring his laugh.

"Ah, but Xiao Wei, I was truly asking for a heated kiss only, but you went even hotter than expected… a shame that the pain got in the way." Zhao said, imagining Wei going hot red, but only hear him moving around, probably looking for something, as one of their bags was being open and then close.

"So even blind, you are still the same pervert. Here, I prepare a change of clothes for you. Put them on and go out. I will wake up Guo and the rest of your team." He said, gently putting the clothes on his lap. He was about to rise when Zhao held his hand.

"But Wei, can't you help me? I can't see, you know?" Zhao try his luck, but knew he failed when Shen simply put a finger on his forehead and softly tap it.

"You truly love teasing me, so I guess I should give up on trying to stop it… but honestly, I will not fall for that obvious one. Use your third eye, I know you will see enough to put them on your own." Zhao laughed with good humor.

"You are too shy, Xiao Wei… but still, I wouldn't change it for anything in this world." Zhao was going to close his eyes to concentrate in using his other sight, but a blurrier version of his normal vision came back as soon as he thought of using it.

Everything around him seems differently from what he was used to, some things looked shadowed, while others just blurred. He then look at Shen and saw him a bit more clearly than the rest, still surrounded by that gold and black mist that usually cling to him like a second skin. Then he looked to his pendant, who was still shining but with less intensity than last night. He guessed that Shen Wei was trying to figure out whatever or not he could truly use his other sight, because he stopped in front of him and stared at him with a frown.

"So? Is it working? Are you having problems with it?" Shen asked a bit worriedly.

"No. It's… less clear than normal sight, but I can manage. By the way, you always seems to be surrounded with a black and gold mist. Is it because you are a half god?" Zhao asked curiously.

"It's because I'm the Ghost Slayer, which is my true nature. The 'mist' you see is what I call a shield and it's always there, ready to be used in case of need." He said, relieved that at least Yunlan wasn't completely blind.

"Oh, so that's actually your smoke cloak?" Zhao asked.

"In a way, yes. As Shen Wei, I suppress my dark energy to almost nothing out of ordinary for a common ghost, but when I fully release my shield, so it does the repressed energy, thus making everything around me several degrees colder in seconds." Shen explained.

"Hum, so that's why you freeze everything in the spot. Then, back in the underworld when you fought as Shen Wei, you were holding back, so I will not find your true identity?" Zhao asked, remembering that encounter.

"Yes. Actually, the one using my shield back then was you. I use it to keep you securely trap inside."

"So you can even transfer it?" Zhao asked a bit impressed.

"Yes, in rare occasions when a reckless Guardian, unexpectedly hold on to me when going back to the underworld."

"Ah, that… well… I was worry about you…" Shen moved back to his side and gently took Zhao's face in both his hands.

"Yunlan, just promise me that no matter the power awaken, or the struggles we face from here on, you will not put your life in danger. I haven't wait for you this long to lose you at the very end. I got it that you want to keep me safe the same way I wish for you and I will respect that desire of yours as long as you don't get too reckless. Do we have a deal?" Shen asked and well, how can he refuse when he said it like that.

"We have a deal…" And so, as Zhao blurredly saw Shen Wei smile at him so charmingly, or so he imagine, he couldn't help but to steal yet again another kiss from him, but his Professor didn't mind at all, as the pain was being repressed by Zhao's flame and he honestly loved the man far beyond any kind of reasoning. He was completely defeated in their personal love war and whatever his Guardian wished, eventually he would get it from him. After a kiss or two, Shen pulled away when hearing Zhu Hong call for him.

"Go change, we still need to go back to the village, then to the city. I will leave you in your office, where your team can take care of you. I need to go back to the University and ask for an extended leave. My phone is full of messages from the Dean, even when my sick leave is supposed to last until the day after tomorrow."

"That shouldn't surprise you. I bet you are the best Professor in the whole campus. I certainly wouldn't want to miss a class from you… wait, take me with you. I am the Chief Guardian of Dragon City and in a state of an emergency the Order can ask for demands. We are facing a crisis right now with so many demons going out from Hell, so I will demand your help, my Ghost Slayer, because there is no one more suited to help us out."

"So you will demand the Dean to give me more days for the sake of humanity or because you just realize I teach young women and men in their prime, which sometimes includes occasionally perverts just like you, who comes to my classes just to stare at me?" Zhao laughed.

"You truly know me inside out. Damn, I am indeed such a lucky bastard, so there is no way I will let you run away from me, dear Wei. Go now before Zhu eats everything you make and please make sure I have the biggest one served."

"Well, of course, Yunlan…" Another fast kiss from Zhao.

"I will enjoy having you at home, my lovely Xiao Wei. Going blind, sick or injured, as long as I have you, I don't care the hassle." Shen smiled, then head out to meet Zhu.


Hours later, after sharing breakfast and Zhao announcing about his temporary blindness to his team. They headed back to the village after braking camp. Shen transport them back to the same spot they left to go deeper into the mountains and walk the rest of the way back to the village.

As Zhao walked, closely helped by his Professor, he became more accustom to his new way of seen. His vision was limited to a few yards around him, so he could not distinguish long distance object or people, but as long as they came close, he will be able to distinguish them. Once back in the village Inn, they said their goodbyes to the locals and the village leader, who thank them from getting rid of the ghosts that have plague them for so long.

After receiving some gifts from the happy citizens they went back to cars and soon on their way back to the city.

They all agree the trip back, was going to take most of the day, so Shen suggested to open a big portal to an abandon building, in which both the portal and the sudden cars coming out from it will not be seen, so their trip will be done in no time. Less than an hour later, Zhao was back into the office, pretty much making Zhu do a letter for him with the Guardian Order's seal and they went on their way to Dragon City University on 'official' business. Lin, Zhu and Guo were to replace the wards, just like in the River Village, for stronger ones and as the sudden increase of ghost, especially in school grounds, Professor Shen expertise was temporally needed.

Shen was just hoping that Zhao would not lose his temper if the Dean try his best to release him from the 'forced' duty, because, the Dean had always try his best to keep him from leaving for more than a few days. However, as they walked to the teacher's offices and to Zhao's big annoyance, quite a few students halt them so they could which their Professor, good health.

"He is going to lose it soon." Zhu bet, walking a bit behind the fuming half blind Chief.

"Yeah, there were a few handsome youngster among those who came to greet him."

"He is that jealous?" Guo asked in surprise.

"Of course, little Guo. Just look at the way he clings to the Professor with the excuse he had accidently become blind, temporarily." Zhu respond.

"Ah, and the Professor ears are so hot red that it's kind of hilarious. They are so opposite, yet so perfect, I'm so envious of those two. I wish I could find my other half already…" Lin said while watching the two men walking a bit ahead of them.

"They trully look good together. Both of them are quite handsome and they definitely love one another so passionately." Guo stated the obvious.

"Oh, look… a secretary is also going to meet him." Zhu notice the receptionist coming to meet the Professor.

"This shall be entertaining. Let's see for how long Chief Zhao can hold it…" Zhu and Lin smiled in amusement.

"Professor, oh Professor Shen, I'm so glad to see you well…" The receptionist said when seen him and Shen Wei smiled politely, while sensing Zhao's tension getting higher by the second.

"Thank you. I'm feeling better now. Is the Dean in his office? The Guardians are here to replace the wards, but unfortunately, Guardian Zhao was… injured while on duty and he is currently blind, so he won't be able to properly greet you." Shen lie in order to keep Zhao from saying something rude.

"Oh, you poor thing… ghost are so vicious, they hurt indiscriminately. I hope is nothing too serious or the whole city is in for big troubles. We all need our Guardians…" The older woman said and Zhao relaxed a bit. At least that one wasn't too excited with seen Shen back. The whole greeting thing all the way to the office was seriously bothering him. Only two days out and everyone was acting as he had been gone for years.

"Hum, you are absolute right. Ghost can truly be tricky and sneak on you when you less expected. Is the Dean in? We need to talk." Zhao said charmingly, making the woman blush.

"Well of course, I will announce you now, but before that… Professor Shen, I should give you this…" She took a medium sized box and put it over her desk.

"This is for you, Professor. You have such caring students…" Zhao arched an eyebrow.

"Is this…?" Shen whisper as he dare to open the box, which contained a few dozens of letters and gifts.

"Yes, all get well soon letters and other goodies from your worried students. Lovely, right?" Shen sighed, as he saw a small white fire initiated in the middle of the inside of the box. Zhao's fire, he had no doubt, which he quickly extinguish with his dark energy with a flick of his hand.

"Thank you. I appreciate the kindness." Shen added, taking the box. "Guardian Zhao, I will leave this in my office, so I hope you don't mind walking a bit more. Please excuse us, I will bring him back to see the Dean shortly. Guardians, please have a sit…" Shen offer to the rest of the Guardian who were trying to hold on a laugh.

"Sure thing Professor…" Lin manage to say. Once in his office, which was only a few doors down…

"Zhao Yunlan…"

"I swear it was an accident, I honestly only thought that the box looked better in fire and it kind of happen."

"You summon it."

"Well yes, but only unconsciously…" Zhao said innocently.

"Alright… since you are beginning to awake and your powers are quite unstable, then I'm afraid you will not spent the rest of the day in your office."

"How so? Are you going to take me out somewhere? Perhaps on a date?" He teased.

"It's a date alight, but unfortunately not with me." Zhao frowned.

"Then with who?" He asked a bit worry of the answer.

"With the Ghost Slayer in his full glory in the flesh. You are going to be trained before nightfall and just to fairly warn you, the Guardian of the underworld doesn't hold back when training. You will be in for a painful session all day long." Shen gorgeously smiled, as Zhao swallowed in deep dread. Damn, this is going to be a very long day. Was his last thought before Shen carefully guided him back to see the Dean.

AN: Thanks for reding, this far.