Fending The Ghost Slayer Temple


As the two lovers disappeared deep within the temple, Lin, Zhu, Da Qing and Guo went to sit in a small lantern illuminated gazebo, outside the main building. Savoring the monk's special tea, they admired the beauty of the place and the peace it seems to emanate.

"You are so lucky to live here little Guo. This is quite a nice place to be raised." Zhu said.

"Yeah, it such an honor to call this temple home, and also to be allowed to help keep it this beautiful and peaceful. I honestly don't have much talent to be a full monk or anything else." Guo shyly said.

"That's not true kid, your virtue alone speak volumes of you, as a special kind of human. To gather such a huge amount of it, you must have done a lot of good deeds both now and in your past lives. In a way, you could call yourself a blessed child. Also, the Ghost Slayer have you in high regard, and he is a fair judge of characters, so don't sell yourself short." Da Qing said seriously.

"Oh, well… the Ghost Slayer is just too kind." Guo added a bit embarrassed.

"That he is, but still, you are quite something in your own way. It's the same with Yunlan." The cat added.

"Ah, the Chief… who would had thought he was such a big gun. I mean, he was quite strong before, but man, a former god? No wonder his talismans are always off scale in terms of strength." Lin said, still a bit shocked.

"And not only any god, Kunlun no less. He was quite formidable back in his days, or so my Uncle Four said. Now I can finally understand why he want me to become a familiar of the Order. Our kind, had always served the gods, most of them to Nuwa, but sometimes we also help others to keep the world safe." Zhu said, hugging herself as a soft gale of cold air make her shiver.

"So, you fatty, why the hell did you keep that secret from us? It's obvious you knew everything." Lin protested.

"I'm not fat! And why did I have to tell you, when Yunlan himself didn't knew?" The cat reply.

"You have to be kidding me. He didn't knew? Not even suspect it?" Zhu asked in disbelief. Since childhood, she knew she was different from the rest of his people, as not all of them have the ability to transform, in the modern age the same as Da Qing.

"Not a clue. He knows it now because Shen Wei make it pretty obvious he was the Ghost Slayer when opening the Hell Gate and so he told Yunlan everything he needed to know. Then he had a talk with himself deep in the mountains, or so you told me." The cat recalled.

"Oh, that… it's kind of scary to meet your godly self, as a human." Lin said.

"Not to mention that those two have been in love with each other for centuries…" Lin whistle.

"That's right, no wonder they hit it off so quickly." He said.

"Well, the Professor did wait a very long time for him. It was quite sad to watch him come here in the weekends, before he met Chief Zhao personally again." Guo added.

"Well, that's all in the past. They are together now and I hope this time they stay like that as it was meant to be." Da Qing wished.

"As a god, I'm sure he planned for that to happen." Zhu reaffirmed.

"So Zhu, did you talked with your Uncle Four, as the Chief ask you? With gods involved in all this sudden madness, things are going to get ugly for us soon." Lin said, having a zip to his tea.

"Idiot, don't go jinxing us, it's nightfall, you know?" Zhu retorted.

"You don't have to worry about demons in here, even if they come, the barrier protecting this temple is at gods level." Da Qing said.

"It's more than that…" Guo added a bit scared.

"More? What do you mean?" Lin asked curiously.

"All temples in which gods have reside are protected by more than just barriers. You should have seen something coming out when on Kunlun's temple." The cat explained.

"Ah, you mean that huge bird?" Lin asked again.

"That would be the phoenix, guardian of the pillars that divides the heavens from the earth. No, in here there is not a celestial beast, as humans call them. Although the one protecting the Ghost Slayer while he rest is nothing less than one, in my opinion."

"Then what?" Zhu asked now truly intrigued.

"It's someone from my kind, a fairy, a very old one, quite powerful if you ask me, and scary as Hell when mad…" The cat even shudder.

"That scary?" Lin asked with dread.

"Oh yes… she love children's the most, and in her eyes, we all are, but she specially love the little ghost that Kunlun was so infatuated with."

"You mean Shen Wei?" Zhu wonder just for how long the Ghost Slayer was with Kunlun.

"Yes, his kindness and respect toward her was a killer in her book, thus the Ghost Slayer is no less than a son to her, which Kunlun greatly approved. She guard him when he sleep and sleeps when he awakes, which is a good thing, because if she were to see Yunlan embarrassing her little one, he is as good as dead, even if he is Kunlun's reincarnation."

"By the way, old cat, what's with the whole sleeping thing?" Lin asked, but right at that instant, he felt a kind of wicked energy close by.

"Well, that will be a story for another time, the demons have come, prepare yourselves for a good fight."

-Shen Wei-

Once he manage to reach Yunlan, Shen Wei took him by the arm and transport him directly to the entrance of the temple. The demons were wary to come too close to the barrier, but their numbers were quite impressive, even from Shen Wei, who had seen war before.

"This many again? Just how the Hell are they crossing Nuwa's seal?" Zhao asked.

"There are not exactly crossing the seal, but portal out of it." Shen answer.

"I thought only you could do that. Is it your brother?" Zhao asked, just before the rest of his team join them.

"No, it's not Ye Zun." Shen was sure of it.

"Then is it GongGong?" Zhao insisted.

"Not sure… he shouldn't be neither awaken or revived yet, but I can't said his powers are not been used somehow." Shen Wei said, wondering that himself.

"Never mind that, I need to kick some asses, the faster we do this, the less chances for her to awake." Chu said, making Shen conscious of the other one resting in the temple. He was going to visit her later on, but if she awakes now…

"That will be a bit troublesome…" Shen whisper as he just imagine Ming Yue and Yunlan in a heated fight.

"Indeed." Da Qing too, simply shudder portraying such an encounter.

"Who's she?" Zhao asked with both curiosity and a hint of jealousy.

"Trust me on this, you don't want to know." The cat assured him, as Chu transported himself to fight the demons and Shen Wei cloaked himself as the Ghost Slayer, almost freezing the rest of the Guardians.

"The temple is safe by all means, so stay there until this is over." The Ghost Slayer advised, but found most of them looking at him as he had grown two heads all of the sudden.

"No offence, Your Honor, but we are Guardians too." Lin said, taking out his enchanted flute, as well as some dark talismans. His flute was one of the reason Zhao was so impressed with the monk, as it could summon and control ghost and demons alike. His black talismans, very effective lethal curses.

"That's right! I can't let Nuwa down, as her descendant, or my Uncle will kill me if he finds out I chicken out of a fight protecting the human realm." Zhu said as her features changed, her eyes becoming horizontally elongated with an unusual light green color, resembling a leaf viper and her skin turning scaly, making it thicker than human skin. Her poison was deadly, as all the Guardians knew and she could paralyze anything close to her with her hypnotizing eyes.

"Well said, Zhu. Your Honor, we are a team now… better get used to us, reckless Guardians of the human world." Zhao added and Shen Wei simply sighed under his cloak.

"Just be careful, these are stronger demons. Guo, go back in." The Ghost Slayer said, but to his immense surprise, the apprentice monk simply took out a metal baton with trembling hands. Even thought he was scare to death, he too was not going to back down, because that temple was also his home.

"Huh? For what is that kid, you can seriously think of using that to…" Zhao begin.

"Wait hold it Guo… Yunlan!" If the Ghost Slayer had not hastily pull him out of the way just in time, Zhao would have become a roasted man instantly, as a gigantic ball of fire burst free from the harmless looking baton just like a shooting star, incinerating a very long line of demons in one go. As most of the Guardians looked at the skinny new trainee in astonishment, Chu, who had manage to get away from the blasting was happily laughing, while cutting everything that came too close.

"Ha, you are such a bad ass, my Gou! Keep it up!" Chu yelled, now more motivated than never before. He was going to have such fun turning to ashes those evil doers that dared to come to their home of all places. Their very special home.

AN: LOL! That was fun, go Guo, show them your worth! Thanks for reading.