Chapter 2: A Fun Party and A Jealous Mei

Mei sat in class tapping her pencil repeatedly, she'd sat in a daze for most of the day only taking in bits and pieces of the lectures. When the bell rang and dismissed her final class, she felt relief wash over her, she packed up her bag and made her way to the exit.

Last night was amazing for Mei. Yuzu had made her feelings very clear towards her, reassuring her that nothing was happening, but she couldn't help but feel the same sting of jealousy she had felt the previous night as she watched the brunet on the opposite side of the lecture hall. Mei had been in the same lectures as the brunet for almost all of her classes today, she wanted to look away but she couldn't help observing the other woman. She was slightly taller than Mei, her eyes a deep blue, her body looked well-toned from what Mei could see, her skin was peachy, clear and radiant. Mei couldn't deny that she was beautiful, there was also no denying to Mei that she could have gotten anyone she wanted, male or female, however, it wasn't looks alone. Mei had tried her best to look the other way throughout her classes but every time she heard her laugh or speak, she would be snapped back into her trance. Her voice was captivating, Mei hadn't even noticed the girl was in her class until this morning, now whenever the girl spoke she had Meis full attention. Mei felt absolutely no affection towards the girl, in fact, she would even go as far to say that the sight of her angered her, every time she opened her mouth Mei felt like she was speaking down to everyone. Almost confirming her authority, like she knew she could have anyone.

Mei loved Yuzu with all her heart, she wasn't the best at communicating it but she tried, and Yuzu knew that she loved her unconditionally. Mei knew that Yuzu loved her, she showed her affection every day; quick kisses as she passed her in the house, random embraces just because she wanted to feel Meis warmth. Yuzu was a kind and gentle person -most of the time- but Mei could admit that her girlfriend was slightly oblivious in certain situations, her inability to tell people 'no' sometimes got her in trouble. Last night had been one of those times. She knew Yuzu had meant no harm but Mei was still angered by her and the brunet's actions.

Flashback: Last Night

"C'mon Mei, you had fun last time we went to one, didn't you? This one is just going to be slightly bigger" Yuzu pleaded as she wrapped her slender arms around Mei, who was sitting on the couch in the lounge studying from one of her many textbooks when the blond had come up to her and asked if they could attend a party tonight.

Although Yuzu was right, lately the past several parties they had gone to Mei had slowly found herself enjoying the environment, but that was not to say she wouldn't rather curl up with a book than go to one.

Mei and Yuzu were both several months into their University courses. Mei had taken a business course in preparations for taking over the Aihara Academy, while Yuzu had made the rash decision during her final years of high school that she wanted to go to medical school. She worked gruellingly hard to get the required grades, but she got in, and so far, she was thoroughly enjoying the course.

Luckily, they had both gotten into the same University and we're currently renting a small apartment not too far from the school grounds. It wasn't a big apartment, a single bedroom with a small study, a lounge, and a kitchen/dining room. It wasn't lavish but it didn't bother either of them, it was cosy and was currently the place they called home.

Mei was never the one to suggest going to these parties but she knew that Yuzu liked to attend them, as it gave her a way to socialize and meet new people. She always asked Mei if she minded her going and would always ask if she wanted to come along. More times than not Mei would indulge in her girlfriends' habit and go with her to these parties. Her argument when they first started going was that they needed 'the real University experience', and for Yuzu that meant going to parties with friends, drinking and having fun.

So far in University Mei, nor Yuzu to her knowledge, had been to an open house party. She had seen them many times coming home late from study sessions, they weren't as rowdy as she had thought they'd be, but she didn't like the energy she could feel from them. She definitely couldn't see herself willingly putting herself in that environment. The parties they had gone to so far were usually no more than 50 people as they were invite-only. Mei felt comfortable at these as she felt they were more like friendly gatherings rather than a party, the music was never overbearing, and she knew most of the people there.

Yet as Yuzu leaned over the couch wrapping herself around the raven's neck with a pleading look on her face, Meis resolve to not go, was quickly crumbling.

Mei had always found it adorable how Yuzu would always ask her before doing anything, even something as simple as staying late to study in the library, she would always consult with Mei first. And if Mei said 'no' Yuzu usually didn't fight her. And tonight, was no different as she came home from her classes an started the prep for dinner, once Mei was in and settled down, the blond approached her to ask her the same question she had asked many times over the past few months.

"Fine. But if I don't like it, I'm leaving. You don't have to, and I'll just see you when you get home." Mei said as she focused back on her book. She could feel the blond smile into her neck before she started to speak.

"If you want to leave when we get there we can, and we'll come straight back home. Both of us, okay?" Yuzu said as she kissed the back of Mei's neck.

"O-okay" Mei breathed out, as Yuzu gave her a quick peck on the cheek before skipping back through to the kitchen. Mei gave out a small sigh, she never had any resolve when it came to the blond. Mei thought as she turned to see Yuzu smiling happily to herself behind the countertop.

Yuzu always tried to look her best when going out, even more so when she was going to a party, tonight was no different. They'd had dinner and showered, Mei was now waiting at the door for Yuzu who was once again taking slightly too long to get ready.

Mei, although she didn't put on a full face or wear an extravagant outfit, she had still made a bit of an effort. Wearing ripped black skinny jeans, small heels and a blue button up that exposed her shoulders. Her makeup was casual with just foundation and eyeshadow and her hair left down.

"Hurry up Yuzu! You were the one that wanted to go, I shouldn't have to wait hours for you to get ready." Mei shouted from the front door, she was fairly acquainted with this routine, the blond always took longer than she anticipated to get ready.

"I'm coming, stop complaining you'll thank me for putting all this time in when you see me" Yuzu shouted back before Mei heard heels walking down the hall towards the door. Mei was already waiting outside with her keys waiting to lock the door when she almost dropped them at the sight of the blond.

Yuzu was standing tall in a black pair of stilettoes, that matched the black sleeveless, halter cut romper she was wearing. It clung to her in all the right places, showing off all her curves. Open down the centre showing off more than enough cleavage and short on the bottom, where the fabric didn't fail to show the firm taught muscle of her ass before the shorts that were slightly looser stopped just shy of her cheeks. She had done an immaculate job on her makeup once again, she had smokey eyeshadow that brought out her green eyes and a light lip gloss, that made her already dainty lips look even more delicate.

Her long golden locks lay elegantly over her back as she came to a stop meters before Mei. Turning to the side and slightly putting one leg back as she leaned forward just a little showing off all her greatest attributes, she turned her head to Mei and spoke in a sultry voice.

"What do you think? Worth the extra time?" She looked at Mei alluringly, as she smiled at her girlfriends astonished expression, as she tried to come up with an answer.

Mei looked at her in shock, amazement, astonishment. She took in the sight of her lover standing in front of her, her romper showing off her long legs which were emphasized by the heels. Mei looked her up and down her eyes settling on Yuzus torso, the halter cut coming down below her breast to show the top of her mild abs. The only fabric covering her exposed centre; a single zig-zag pattern that laced from side to side. Mei could have been drooling over Yuzu right now.

She was hot, sexy even and Mei felt her arousal grow just by looking at the blond. Without thinking she spoke what was running through her mind at that moment.

"Yuzu...You look beautiful... No... you look sexy, hot, ravishing. Take all the time in the world if you look this good at the end of it" Yuzu grinned at her response, it was exactly what she was going for, she wanted to catch Mei off guard. She walked up to Mei, cupping her face in her hand and giving her a slow passionate kiss, her tongue slipped into Meis' mouth without any resistance. As their tongues briefly danced around each other's before Yuzu broke the kiss, much to Meis disappointment. She pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

"Thanks, I'll remember that. You look great too by the way." Yuzu said as she lent down and gave Mei another quick brief kiss, dragging her hand over Mei's waist, it was only then that Mei realized that Yuzu was actually taller than her at the moment. She didn't mind it, she actually quite enjoyed it. Coming to some realization, Mei abruptly pulled back from her girlfriend, causing her to look at her with confusion.

"You can't go out like that Yuzu, you are showing too much skin! I don't want everyone ogling you all night...Your mine." Mei said in almost a pouting manner it made Yuzu smile.

"Don't worry Mei, I'm all yours I always will be. I only dress to impress one pair of eyes," Yuzu took hold of Meis' hand, caressing her cheek with her other one giving her a long, sweet reassuring kiss before she locked the door, and began to lead them down the hall.

Mei held Yuzu hand tighter as they came closer to the party, they could see the line of people in the yard waiting to get inside, Mei could see people practically spewing out of the house, the street around them and the garden was littered with University students, some already drunk some looked to be at least somewhat coherent.

"That line is huge Yuzu, we will be here all night before we even get let into the party," Mei complained as she tugged slightly on Yuzu's arm in a childlike manner.

"Don't worry, I can get us in, I got told how to bypass the line when I got asked to come." Yuzu flashed her a signature wide grin before confidently walking past the line of people, who's stares at her girlfriend didn't go unnoticed to Mei. Trying to ignore them she followed close to Yuzu unsure of just what she was going to do to skip the line.

"Hey there, what's the name?" Standing at the door was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, smiled as he eyed Yuzu up and down, doing the same to Mei moments later.

"Hey to you too. Yuzu and Mei should be right there under 'Hot girls'" Yuzu smiled and pointed towards his clipboard. Mei was shocked, why would she say that she knew fine well that they weren't on that list so why did she lie?

"Oh yeah, right here. Go on in, have fun" he winked when he gladly stepped aside letting her and Yuzu past. Yuzu pulled a dumfounded Mei behind her as she entered the house.

"See I told you, nothing to worry about," Yuzu laughed and she held onto Meis' hand and maneuvered her way into what looked like the living room.

Once Mei had entered, her clasp on Yuzus hand immediately tightened, almost every time she moved, she would bump into someone, the music quite loud but the volume of incoherent chatter was louder, the air felt hot and the smell of alcohol burned into her clothes, the only thing keeping her from running out was the blond that continued to pull her inside.

Yuzu had pulled Mei over to a corner which was slightly less crowded and placed her hands on Meis' hips.

"What do you think? Not too bad right?" Yuzu asked as she pulled Mei closer and looked at her, once again asking if Mei was alright or if she wanted to go. And as much as Mei would have loved to leave, she saw the tinge of hope in her girlfriends' eyes, which Mei just couldn't say no to. She shook her head and replied with a soft smile.

"No, I'm fine, how about some drinks, but nothing too strong okay?" Yuzu gladly complied telling Mei to stay there for two seconds before she slipped away into the mass of people. The room was roasting, Mei hadn't even started dancing and she could feel herself getting flush cheeks. She waited for what felt like ten minutes before Yuzu returned with two red plastic cups.

"Hey sorry I took so long, had to find the bar and then I started chatting to some people," she handed one of the cups to Mei with an apologetic smile. Mei took the cup and shook her head, implying that she was fine. Yuzu had her arms resting on Meis' shoulders and was gesturing for Mei to start dancing, she quickly drank the rest of the liquid from her cup, and placed it on the cabinet beside her, and draped her hands onto Yuzu's hips.

With their bodies flush against each other, Yuzu began to sway their bodies in time to the music that was being blasted from what felt like every corner of the house. Meis movements where stiff and controlled at first, but she slowly felt herself getting lost in Yuzu's grip, and was becoming more relaxed.

Yuzu recognized this and slowly turned Mei so she was facing away from her, Yuzu's chest brushing against Meis back. Mei didn't know when Yuzu had put her drink down or if she had finished it, but she now had two hands firmly placed on her sides and felt her brush her hip bones with her thumbs, her head rested behind Mei's, her hot breath against the back of her neck and ears sent chills down Mei's body.

Mei could feel Yuzu swaying her pelvis against her, almost grinding, Mei quickly complied and she rested her hands on Yuzus, pushing her ass back into Yuzu suggestively.

"Having fun?" Yuzu asked as she moaned into Meis' ear, trailing butterfly kisses down her neck and exposed shoulders. Before Mei could stop herself, as she wouldn't normally show large signs of affection in public, she pivoted and now had Yuzu flush against her breasts once again. Mei had her arms snaked around the taller woman's neck as she locked lips with her immediately.

Desperate for more she ran her tongue over the blondes' teeth which gladly parted allowing Mei to dart her tongue into the blonde's mouth, craving her touch more. Their tongues briefly fought for dominance which Mei quickly one as she craved to reach deeper inside the blonde. Meis hands making their way through the now tangled locks of blonde before she reluctantly pulled away for air.

Mei wiped the trail of saliva off Yuzus lips and smiled at her as their hips still ground together with the music.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Yuzu chuckled as she took Meis hips back in her hands. "Do you want to come and meet some people, I met some new faces earlier but I know a few from classes?" Yuzu asked, Mei knew that she was trying to get Mei to become more confident in social environments, this was her way of getting Mei to make friends.

"Sure" she leaned up and captured her soft, plump lips once more before smiling contently at the stunning blonde.

Several drinks, and a few hours later Mei was having casual conversations with a few people who she had met that night, she hadn't seen the blonde in a while, last time she had seen her she said she was going to dance. Mei had stayed behind and continued her conversation and what felt like the 5th or 6th drink she'd had. It had been around 15 minutes and Mei was starting to get concerned, she politely excused herself from her current group and made her way towards the makeshift dance floor. What she saw when she finally found the blonde angered Mei, she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, but the surges of jealousy that were running through Mei right now were the only thing she could feel.

Yuzu was standing towards the back of the room and was overly close in proximity to another woman, who was about the same height as Yuzu was right now and was wearing a tight fitting red dress.

The woman's hands were placed on Yuzus hips and Yuzu was swaying along with her. Mei watched from the other side of the room as Yuzu continued to laugh and smile in her conversation. Mei knew that Yuzu probably hadn't instigated the contact, and it probably meant quite little to the blonde as she often showed signs of physical affection to other people. That was just her personality.

However right now all Mei could see was the brunet running her hand up Yuzus side in a seductive manner, anyone who didn't know Yuzu was dating Mei would have taken the two to be a couple.

Mei felt her pulse quicken and her chest felt tight. She put her drink down and tried to walk as calmly as possible over to her girlfriend, when she reached them she spoke quietly in attempts to hide the anger that she was probably in her voice.

"Hey Yuzu, what's taking you so long?" Mei said as she made distinct eye contact with the girl next to Yuzu who had yet to release her grasp from the blonde's waste. Yuzus head shot round at the sound of Meis' voice, a big grin on her face, as she turned to face her.

"Hey Mei, this is Jasmin, she's friends with one of the girls in my class, she is actually the one who invited us here tonight. Jasmin this is Mei," Yuzu said proudly as she made a gesture between the two girls.

"Nice to meet you, Mei," Jasmin said as she bowed lightly, however she didn't remove her hand from Yuzus side, she actually tightened her grip. Mei grit her teeth as she watched the girls' hand slowly slip past the small of Yuzus back.

"Please the pleasure is all mine, it's nice to meet one of Yuzus friends," Mei said back trying to put special emphasis on the word friend, hoping to give this girl a hint, as clearly Yuzu hadn't told her who Mei was. Mei knew she had a tinge of coldness in her tone but she didn't care, all she wanted was for this random to get her hands off her girlfriend.

"Yuzu I was going to head home now if you don't mind," it was getting late, and Mei now wanting to leave the brunet behind as fast as possible. Mei was shocked when Yuzu placed her arm around the brunet's shoulder and spoke in a pleading voice.

"Aww please can we stay a little longer, I only just managed to find Jasmin like 20 minutes ago. I'm sure you would like her if you stayed and got to know her," she smiled brightly once again, but this only acted as fuel to Mei's fire. She watched as Jasmin still had her hand on Yuzus backside, looking to have no intention of moving it, nor did Yuzu.

Jasmin moved closer to Yuzu and smiled smugly at Mei, maybe she did know who Mei was, Mei thought as she watched the woman practically fondle Yuzu.

Mei'd had enough, she walked forwards and pried Jasmin's hand off of Yuzu.

"Do you mind taking your hand off my girlfriends' ass, before you try and make my acquaintance." She said coldly before she turned to Yuzu and spoke again, however this time in a softer voice, now that the unwanted hand had been removed from her beloved.

"Yuzu I want to leave now, are you coming with me or not?" Yuzu was shocked at her words but quickly realized why she was mad. She turned quickly to Jasmin bowing slightly.

"Sorry I'm going to head home now, it was nice seeing you, and thanks for the invitation, the party's been great." Yuzu put on her bright smile and followed Mei who had already walked away.

Yuzu walked as fast as she could in her heels, as she tried to catch up to Mei who was briskly walking up the street back to their apartment.

"Mei! Will, you stop for a second" Yuzu shouted after her and although Mei didn't stop completely, she slowed down her pace enough so the blonde could catch up.

Once Yuzu had finally caught up, she pulled Mei by the arm, forcing Mei to face her.

"What Yuzu!? I'm not in the mood for you to be making up excuses, you asked me to come with you! Things were going great, then I find you letting another girl grab your ass! You didn't even try and stop her!" Yuzu could see the hurt and anger in Meis' eyes, Mei waited for a reply, as she roughly pulled out of the blonde's grasp.

Yuzu grabbed Meis cheeks in her hand, looking deep into the purple eyes that stared back expectantly.

"I didn't mean for anything like that to happen, we were just dancing as she got a little too close, but I mean we are just friends and it was just a girl so it's fine. I don't have any feelings for her, just like I told you earlier, I only care about you Mei." Yuzu brought her forehead forwards and placed it against Meis before continuing, seeing that Meis eyes where still wavering.

"Look I know I was out of line tonight, I didn't think it would make you this uncomfortable. I promise it won't happen again... Mei please" Yuzu trailed off as she saw Mei look away and start walking again, however, relaxed a little when Mei took hold of the blonde's hand. The walk back was complete silence, Yuzu knew Mei was still mad, and her anger was starting to rub off on Yuzu, who was becoming impatient at her girlfriend's lack of communication.

Once they reached the apartment door Mei let go of Yuzu's hand to get out her key, still not speaking a word to the blonde.

"For god's sake Mei, will you at least acknowledge that I tried to apologize?!" Yuzu's raised voice caught the attention of the younger girl as she momentarily stopped in her task of opening the door.

"I know you didn't mean for anything to happen with her, but sometimes I wish you would be less...oblivious towards certain...actions," Mei said turning to Yuzu, still ceasing to make any eye contact with her. Without a moment's hesitation, Yuzu pulled Mei into a soft kiss, no tongue just a small kiss, yet it conveyed wonders to Mei, who lifted her gaze to meet Yuzu's.

"I'm sorry Mei, I'll try from now on okay, let me make up to you?" She reached down again, grasping Meis lips with more force this time, Mei stumbled back into the door and she leaned into the kiss in attempts to deepen it.

"Mph... Inside...Yuzu...N- neighbours" Mei managed to squeeze out between kisses. Yuzu quickly pulled back remembering they were still in the lobby of their apartment building.

As soon as Mei had the door opened and had taken her first step inside, Yuzu wasted no time in pushing her against it.

End Of Flashback:

Mei smiled at the memory of last night, she really had overreacted and she still was. She gave the brunet one last glance before swiftly making her way out of the hall, why was this getting to her, she knew Yuzu, nothing serious would have ever happened had she not intervened. Yet the entire day her attention had been on the actions of the brunet, not on her studies. Deciding it better not to brew on her current thoughts, she would go home, make dinner for Yuzu maybe make it romantic, set up the lounge for a movie night, as ways of apology for her actions the prior night. Mei knew although she was not fully to blame she still was guilty of shouting at Yuzu without giving her time to explain.

And although the blonde had acted fine this morning she still wanted to apologize. Yuzu's final class didn't finish for several hours before headed back to the apartment Mei stopped off at the grocery store to pick up the required items for Yuzu's favourite dishes. Then started her preparations for the evening.