Chapter 10: Mei's Troubles

"Morning babe, you look beautiful as always," Yuzu said as she made her way over to the bed, crawling onto the end and giving Mei a mild kiss, her body felt warmer as their lips made contact, grinning when she saw the tips of Mei's ears brighten at the compliment. "Morning," replied Mei as she brushed her untidy hair out of her face, looking at herself then at the blonde she thought they looked like polar opposites, Yuzu was radiating, her lips and eyes smiling brightly, her eyes full of love as they looked at Mei and was fully dressed wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt; however, Mei, had knotted hair, looked drained as her body was still in the process of waking up, and to go along with this she was wearing nothing more than an old, worn printed shirt from Yuzu's clothes that would have benefited from being thrown out months ago.

"I think your idea of beautiful needs refinement," Mei smiled as she gave Yuzu a quick kiss, rubbing her eyes as she tried to wake herself up. Yuzu handed her a large mug of tea, "Absolutely not," said Yuzu as she settled on the side of the bed as she waited for Mei to wake up. Mei took the mug and sipped on the tea letting out a content sigh as the warm liquid made it's way into her system, draining the contents she handed the cup back to Yuzu and slipped out of the covers and over to the wardrobe to get dressed. Yuzu watched happily as Mei lifted her shirt over her head exposing her flawless skin, refraining from taking Mei in her grasp she watched her girlfriend's silhouette shining in the morning light. Every curve of Mei's body stood out to Yuzu, every time she bent over to retrieve something Yuzu could feel herself growing excited at the sight of her lover, she watched in hopeful anticipation as Mei removed her shirt and tossed it into the basket, showing her truest form as she walked around the room, Yuzu's eyes never shifted from her lover. Mei graciously changed into clothes, shielding her skin from Yuzu making her grunt in objection.

Mei could feel Yuzu follow her as she strode around the room, and practically heard the sigh when she put a top and trousers on. Mei smirked as she turned to Yuzu feeling much more awake, "Don't be too disappointed," Mei smiled smugly as she leaned over Yuzu's still sitting form, resting her forearms on Yuzu's shoulders as she leant down giving the blonde what she wanted. Yuzu waisted no time when Mei's lips made contact with her own and brushed her tongue over Mei's front teeth asking for entry which Mei was happy to give her. Yuzu's tongue instantly moved into her lover's mouth as soon as she felt Mei's teeth give way, desperate to explore every inch of her, reaching up with her free hand she wrapped it around Mei's neck; tugging her down deeper into the kiss.

Yuzu heard Mei gasp in surprise, her eagerness getting the better of her as she sucked on Mei's tongue and when Mei tried to pull away for some much-needed air, Yuzu bit down on Mei's bottom lip giving a small growl and sucking before letting her go. Yuzu's chest heaved at her lack of oxygen as she rested back on her hands, eyeing up the panting raven-haired girl who was wiping a strand of saliva from her chin.

Mei looked at Yuzu, her eyes were full of lust and Mei saw the familiar look of hunger in them, "Was that necessary?" Mei asked, half amused half annoyed at the blonde as she thumbed her swollen bottom lip. Yuzu replied with a grunt as she rose from the bed capturing Mei in another deep kiss, lacing a hand around Mei's neck the other snaked around her waist, abruptly pulling her into Yuzu's body. Groaning into the kiss, Yuzu ran her hand over Mei, gripping roughly at her behind as she dominated all of Mei's advances; trying to reach as far into Mei's mouth as possible.

Mei was pleasantly surprised at Yuzu's assertiveness but also didn't know if she liked Yuzu dominating her so easily, her mind swam as she released moan after moan at Yuzu's touches. Once again Mei tried to pull away in need of air but was stopped by Yuzu's hand on the back of her neck, that was scrunching fists full of her hair, forcing her to continue the kiss. Yuzu's tongue licked and explored every crevice of her mouth, her lips harsh and commanding against Mei's, Mei's lungs where tight, her chest felt it was going to explode; she needed air. She pushed on Yuzu's shoulder in attempts to get her to break the kiss, however, instead, she felt the blonde tilt her head and reach her tongue in for one final length creasing the furthest regions of her mouth before reluctantly pulling away.

As soon as her lips were released Mei took a sharp breath, her chest rose and fell with rapid speed as she tried to regain her breath, Yuzu was much the same as she breathed hard, her breath brushing Mei's lips. While still panting heavily, Yuzu managed one final, less thorough kiss before resting her forehead against Mei's, with her hand still resting on Mei's neck she tried her best to cress Mei's neck in a comforting way.

"Yuzu," Her voice was whispy and rushed as Mei still tried to regain her breath. As her breathing slowly returning to normal she looked into Yuzu's eyes where she still found the lingering look of hunger but it had dissipated slightly into contentment as she looked at Mei with warm eyes.

"Sorry I got a bit carried away there," Yuzu apologised as she took Mei's cheek in the palm of her hand; lightly brushing it with her thumb, the cheeks a noticeably darker shade of pink.

"Who said I didn't like it?" Mei said while she slipped one hand around Yuzu's waist, her hot breath catching Yuzu on her still wet lips which turned into a smirk at Mei's words. "You like it when I'm rough with you, don't you?" Yuzu said as her hand made it's way down her back and once again gripping the muscle of Mei's ass which resulted in a small moan from Mei.

"I think you already know the answer to that," Mei grinned as she moved out of the blonde's grasp, "Where are you going?" Whined Yuzu as she followed Mei out of the bedroom, "To the bathroom, I need to get ready. Oh, could you be amazing and make me some breakfast please, I'll be 10 minutes?" Frowning slightly Yuzu leaned against the door frame as Mei started the shower. "Sure, but wouldn't you rather I joined you?" Yuzu smirked again as she reached forwards and twirled a piece of Mei's hair in-between her fingers.

Mei smiled as Yuzu watched her, "I would like you to make me some breakfast," Mei said giving the blonde a smirk as she started once again, to strip herself of the clothes. Yuzu although disappointed in not spending time with Mei was more than willing to make her something to eat, "Fine, I suppose," giving an exasperated sigh and roll of her eyes in attempts to tease Mei.

"Thank you," Mei chuckled softly, giving the blonde a peck before she watched her walk down the hall noticing the extra sway she put into her hips. Quickly undressing and stepping into the warm shower, it was a comfort to the girl as the hot water splashed off her skin, refreshing her while extinguishing any remains of sleep that still lingered.

Today Mei was going back to her grandfather's house to accompany him to a gathering where almost all of the Aihara's partners would be, Mei's grandfather had said it was compulsory for her to attend and get to know the companies allies if she was going to be taking over it in just a few years time. Her relationship had vastly improved with her grandfather, not enough to invite him around and play bingo but so much so that they could have a pleasant conversation. Mei had shown reluctance to go at first but Yuzu had told her that it would be silly to miss something so important, even if she knew Mei didn't really want to go.

It was less than a week into her summer break and she already had to leave for the day, she had stayed up late the night before being convinced by Yuzu -with more than just words- and had gotten less than her daily quota of sleep. She wanted to spend the day with Yuzu lazing around, not sucking up to people she would probably not see for months or years.

But per Yuzu's request here she was getting ready to attend the event, though Mei had a feeling that Yuzu was trying to get her to stay as long as possible, she was being very affectionate and assertive. Mei presumed it was Yuzu's way of saying, 'No matter who you meet today, I'm here' Mei knew that, she would never think of leaving Yuzu for one of the many suitors that were going to be at the event. But she felt the blonde still wanted to show Mei that she was her's, Mei thought it quite sweet that Yuzu was being so possessive of her, and very much enjoyed her ways of showing it.

5 minutes later she heard the door to the bathroom unlock not long before the shower door was opened and she felt the familiar slim arms wrap around her waist, while light kisses were trailed up the back of her neck. Mei chuckled softly as she leaned into Yuzu's embrace, "I thought you were making breakfast or did you give in to temptation, again," Mei spoke confidently as she assumed that the blonde and forgone her attempts at making breakfast for joining her. Yuzu, however, didn't find the comment so amusing as she lent up on her tiptoes and captured Mei's small earlobe in her mouth and dragged her teeth across it. Hearing Mei gasp and feeling her body quake at the touch Yuzu smiled, "I have already made you something it's waiting for you in the kitchen, but the temptation waiting for me did help in the speed I made it." Yuzu licked the back of Mei's ear before again working her way down the neck leaving a trail of kisses, occasionally lightly sucking and biting.

"Mhhm...Yu-Yuzu." Yuzu smirked as her partner moaned her name, and slowly rose her hands from Mei's waist to brush the underside of her breasts earning another light moan from Mei. Despite wanting to drag out the morning Yuzu knew she was on a schedule and had to rush things faster than she would have liked, still Mei made no complaints as Yuzu's hands covered her breasts, giving them moderate rolls and pulls while continuing the work on her neck.

Yuzu rolled the hard nipples in her fingers as she listened to the ecstatic moan from her lover, slowly grinding her pelvis into Mei's ass making sure to drag out the contact, which only made Mei groan louder. Yuzu was attempting to get Mei ready as fast as possible, she had let the girl sleep in slightly this morning so she didn't have the luxury of time, which both her and Mei were painfully aware of.

Releasing her right nipple Yuzu traced Mei's torso as her hand slipped to Mei's most sensitive area, lightly brushing her outer thighs and hips as Yuzu stimulated around Mei's lips, teasing her. Yuzu could feel Mei's hips moving against her hand as she sought to make contact with her lower lips, stopping her kissing for a moment she ran her tongue up the full length of Mei's shoulder and neck while her fingers ran down Mei's sleek lower lips that where drenched due to her arousal.

She saw Mei's bottom lip disappear into her mouth as her head rolled back trying to suppress a moan. Moving her fingers along the lubricated lips at a slightly growing pace as she continued to grind into Mei's backside. Deciding she needed better access she turned Mei around not easing on any of her motions, she continued to bite, lick and kiss Mei's neck and collarbone as she slipped a single finger into her lover's wet entrance. "Ahhh, y-yu" Mei tried to speak but most of her words were coming out as moans which encouraged Yuzu to continue and prompting her to add a second finger into the dripping entrance. Her fingers moved in and out of Mei at a steady pace while she worked on Mei's growing orgasm. Yuzu while continuing to finger the girl never stopped her hips, that proceeded to grind into Mei; constantly making the dragging motion over Mei's higher thigh, thus giving herself pleasure as well as Mei.

Taking a bouncing breast in her mouth her tongue ran teasingly around the nipple, feeling Mei's back arch into her front she gave the engorged nub a hard suck. Mei could feel her legs going weak at the pleasure, and was grateful that Yuzu had unconsciously managed to walk her back against the shower wall. Continuing her constant thrusts Yuzu could feel Mei's hips coming down to meet her every time, removing her fingers almost entirely she heard a disappointed gasp from Mei which was quickly replaced with a muffled scream as Yuzu drove her fingers as deep as she could in one fell thrust. Curling her fingers as she withdrew them, again she felt Mei shudder beneath her and could feel her warm walls clamping down on her fingers everytime she gave Mei another hard push.

Yuzu could tell by the constant grip on her fingers that Mei was getting close and improved her speed, fingering Mei as she listened to the screams and panting of her name, giving a final curl of her fingers Mei's walls gripped tightly on to her fingers as her orgasm momentarily took over her body. Yuzu continued slower bursts as Mei rode out her orgasm, supporting Mei's panting body Yuzu removed her fingers slowly as she indulged in listening to the gasp that left Mei's lips.

Not yet ceasing contact with her left hand, she brought her dripping fingers to her mouth and licked them, savouring the bittersweet flavour of her lover while looking alluringly into Mei's glistening eyes. Once licking them clean she placed both hands on Mei's still wobbling hips and placed a light kiss on the corner of Mei's mouth before moving along her jaw, giving sight nibbles where she knew Mei enjoyed it most. Reaching her neck Yuzu started to suck carelessly on the skin, "No Yuh-zu Not uhh... there," through hard breathing Mei managed to make a jumbled sentence in attempts to get Yuzu not to make marks on her neck. It was summer she would have no way of hiding the marks the blonde was going to leave, Yuzu knew this as much as Mei.

Despite a low grumble, Yuzu continued her trail of kissed down Mei, she could hear Mei's heart hammering against her chest that was still moving rapidly. With her hands still caressing her sides, Yuzu attached her lips to the flesh at the top of Mei's left breast and began sucking on the salty skin. Giving a bite that was overly aggressive she gained another whimper from Mei as she licked over the now red surface. Several short kisses to the developing bruise later Yuzu made her way back up to capture Mei's lips in her own, the kiss was short due to their lack of breath but the passion that filled the air was enough for both of them.

"Mine, remember that today," Yuzu growled into Mei's burning ear as she moved away from the exhausted girl, grinning when she saw the growing mark on her lover's chest. Coming down from her ecstasy she glanced at the clock feeling slightly guilty, "Oh shit... Sorry, Mei you where supposed to leave like five minutes ago, you are going to have to hurry up," Yuzu said as she stepped towards the door of the shower to leave Mei to quickly finish up. Ignoring the curse at the beginning of her statement, Mei looked to the clock eyes widening when she saw the time and made no protests when Yuzu left to get dry as she hadn't even begun to wash yet.

Struggling to get ready as fast possible, she tried to blow dry her hair while getting dressed into something appropriate, neither of which was working out. She didn't want to go but still, she would at least have the courtesy of showing up on time. The blonde came in and giggled at the scene, stepping over and taking the dryer off Mei, guiding her to the seat in front of the desk. "I'm sorry I made you late, once I've done your hair you can get dressed and I'll drive you to gramps and you can eat and put your makeup on in the car," Yuzu said as she looked at Mei in the mirror with only a half-apologetic smile, Mei knew that Yuzu was gloating at making her late.

Putting Mei's hair into a high bun Yuzu left Mei to get ready while she went to the kitchen to pack her breakfast to go. 2 minutes later Mei came out in a three-piece suit; dress trousers a burgundy blouse and blazer and Yuzu couldn't help but look in awe, the trousers clung to Mei's backside showing off the roundness of her ass while the blouse emphasised her small waist, as well as her breasts.

Grabbing her keys Mei waited by the door for Yuzu who was still ogling her from the kitchen, "C'mon Yuzu you are going to make me later than I already am," Mei couldn't help but smile at her girlfriends open mouth, who quickly shut it and grabbed a box from the counter and to-go coffee mug as she jogged out the door slightly embarrassed from staring so long.

Yuzu drove while Mei put her minimal makeup on in the passenger seat, it was an hour drive to her grandfather's house and at the speed Yuzu was driving, and traffic Mei was destined to be there at least 20 minutes late.

"What time do you think you will be finished?" Yuzu spoke up after almost 10 minutes of silence, "I'm not sure, it depends on what my grandfather has planned, I know there are a bunch of meetings to start with then everyone is gathering in the main hall for a social drink or casual business discussions, and I think he has made reservations at a restaurant for several of the guests but I'm not sure what time that is, or how long it's going to take. Why do you ask? I already told you that if I was going you weren't to wait up for me and just to have dinner yourself." Mei knew her answer was not really answering Yuzu's question but she honestly didn't have a set time to give the blonde.

"I know what you said, but I'm going to have to pick you up when you're done, therefore I need a time so I know when to leave," Yuzu said as if it was obvious, yet it had completely slipped Mei's mind that Yuzu would have to drive home and then back to pick her up as they only had the one car, and Mei had originally planned on driving herself. She didn't want to make the blonde drive for four hours at her expense, "Yuzu you don't have to do that, I can just get one of my grandfathers drivers to drive me home, or if I'm able I can just drive myself home, my grandfather has more than one car which he would be more than willing to lend me." Mei tried to sound casual as she worked to convince Yuzu not to pick her up.

Yuzu, however, was not as impressed by the comment as Mei had hoped, "So you want me, to let my potentially intoxicated girlfriend be driven across the country by a complete stranger, at night where anything could happen and you can't defend yourself?" Yuzu scoffed at the end of her sentence at the thought as she concentrated on the road, Mei wondered if Yuzu had planned on picking her up whether she drove herself or not as it was evident that Yuzu had her mind set on driving Mei home herself.

Sighing Mei accepted the blonde's offer knowing she had no way of getting out of it, "Fine I see your point. I still don't know when we will be finished with the dinner, so how about I text you when we leave for the restaurant, and you can leave maybe a half hour or so after that as I won't be able to message you during dinner?" Yuzu nodded in response to Mei question/answer, "Sorry if I'm being overly cautious, I just want to make sure you get home safe," Yuzu said flashing Mei a quick smile before turning back to the road. "It' okay, I know I would want to do the same," Mei admitted as she brushed over Yuzu hand, showing her that it really was fine.

20 minutes later Yuzu was pulling up onto the gravel of Mei's grandfather's mansions driveway. Mei was quick to get out of the car she was later than she had anticipated and really needed to hurry up, as she was supposed to attend the meetings this morning. "Excuse me I think You forgetting something," Yuzu said as Mei closed her door, and she scrolled down her window that Mei was currently walking around to, "Oops," Mei said playfully as she gave Yuzu a quick kiss, "I'll text you later okay, and be safe," Mei smiled giving her one last peck before she started walking away from the car to the large doors of the house.

Yuzu waited until Mei was inside before she pulled away, dreading the lonely hour long drive home. Debating whether she wanted to endure an extra two hours of driving or just spend her day pottering about the city, Yuzu remembered that her mother was still in town, she started to drive in the direction of her old apartment that she shared with Mei and her mother.

Pulling up outside, she stepped out of the car, it had been months since she was last here and it gave her a warm feeling. She ascended the staircase of the flat and knocked loudly on the door. She excitedly waited on the reply from her mother as she bounced on her toes. She had regular conversations with her mother on the phone, but the last time she had actually seen her was at Christmas last year, she regretted not visiting more but with her course and living a more than comfortable drive away, it proved to be difficult.

After several more attempts at loudly knocking her mother slowly opened the door, mumbling something about being patient. When the door was fully open Yuzu broke into a large grin at the sight of her mother, "Hey Mum!" Yuzu said happily at her mother whose eyes widened at the presence of her daughter. "Yuzu!?" Ume practically shouted as she quickly embraced her daughter, "Why didn't you call and let me know you were coming over?" Ume said after relieving Yuzu from the hug, Yuzu just laughed as she replied, "Well I had to drive Mei down to an event at gramps this morning, and thought I would come and see you while I was here. Are you busy today or do you have time to hang out?" Yuzu asked as she was welcomed into the apartment and marvelled at how almost everything was the same as she had left it a little over a year ago. "Of course I have time, I haven't seen you in months I'm going to clear my day, give me two minutes," Ume replied swiftly as she made her way down the hall, Yuzu suspected to make a few phone calls and cancel on several people, which she felt only partially guilty for as she was too excited to spend the day with her mother.

Yuzu had spent the day with her mother going through random shops, cafes and had gone out to dinner with her mother as well, after the meal Ume had invited Yuzu back to the house, which Yuzu had happily accepted. It was already past 8 and Mei hadn't texted her yet, surely gramps wouldn't have made a booking for 9 at night, Yuzu was constantly checking her phone for any sign of contact with Mei, Ume had noticed, "Why do you keep checking your phone? It's rude you know," Ume's lecture/question had made Yuzu laugh, "Sorry mum, Mei was supposed to text Mei before she went to dinner, and I was supposed to pick her up and hour and a half later, but she hasn't sent me any messages and its getting pretty late." Yuzu, although tried trying to sound cheery, couldn't hide the lace of worry that had wrapped itself around her voice.

Ume smiled at her daughters reasoning, Yuzu had always been one to care and worry about people since she was young, and thought it was cute that she was worrying so much over her partner, "Yuzu calm down, Sho has been to more than a few of them and has told me that they usually run quite late. Mei has to appear polite; she is the future face of the family, she will most likely have to wait with her grandfather until the very last guest leaves. She will probably be late, and may not have even left for their reservations yet. 8 is still early, start worrying when it strikes eleven." Ume laughed at her daughter, who also chuckled a little at the end. Yuzu knew her mother was right, Mei had gone to these types of events before and had come back later than 8 or half nine when Yuzu would be arriving to pick her up, so like her mother said she put her phone away and enjoyed her limited time with her mother.

They had ended up both binging out on the sofa, with their personal favourite ice creams while watching a movie. Yuzu missed this; the comfortable silence, occasional splutter of laughter and the comfort and feeling of security of having her mom by her side. Time stretched on and they were already well into their second movie when Yuzu's phone rang, the sudden sound made her and Ume both jump and burst out into laughter, "See I told you she would call or text," Ume smiled in a boasting manner which Yuzu laughed at before swiping to answer, "Hey Mei, are you ready to be picked up, I'm at Moms so I can be there in like 5 minutes if you are?" Yuzu's voice was cheery and still had spits of laughter in it as she spoke, "Hello? I'm not sure who this is but it was the emergency contact on her phone, Your friend needs some assistance getting home, she insisted that she wasn't allowed to get a cab so I had to call this number," Yuzu's face immediately grew serious as the man on the other side of the phone spoke, "She's at the bar on the corner of 'something' street, are you able to give her a lift home?" The man on the phone sounded quite jolly himself which was the opposite of Yuzu current expression. "Yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes, thank you for calling." After a brief goodbye, Yuzu sighed as she stood up from the couch.

"What's wrong, who was on the phone?" Ume asked seeing her daughter was slightly distressed, Yuzu answered as she walked towards the door putting her jacket and shoes on. "Seems Mei's event finished some time ago, I just got a call from a barkeeper telling me that Mei needs help home and that she refused to let him call her a cab," Yuzu smiled a little but she was still annoyed, "Why is that funny? And since when did Mei like drinking?" Ume asked as she followed Yuzu to the door unsure as to why she was smiling.

"Well, as a rule, Mei will usually just have a glass or two of wine, but she has her moments and I'm smiling not because it's funny that I have to go and pick her up but because she wouldn't let the guy call her a cab. I had told her when bringing her down that if she was drunk or had had any alcohol she was to text me to pick her up because I didn't want a stranger driving her home, and it seems that even when she is too drunk to leave the bar stool she still remembered what I said, even if she doesn't know why she wasn't supposed to get a cab," Yuzu laughed, it was cute that although Mei couldn't remember why still refused to get into a taxi. The bartender had told Yuzu that he had asked her why and she said she didn't know, just that she wasn't allowed, Yuzu found it amusing.

"I'm sorry to have to leave so suddenly but I need to pick Mei up. I'll call you tomorrow to let you know that we got home safe."Yuzu wrapped her mother in a hug before she said goodbye and made her way down the stairs to her car. She knew where the bar was, she and Harumi had snuck in there a few times in there last year of high school, and by the sounds of it, it was the same guy that still owned the place. Yuzu drove quickly down the streets, she didn't know why Mei would have gone to bar after the events, but she had to guess it had something to do with her grandfather and his opinion on her life choices, most likely Yuzu. But Yuzu had spoken to her grandfather several times since they had gotten together and things where pretty smooth between them now, he hadn't made any insulting comments about her or the company in a long time, so Yuzu was a little taken aback at the thought that he would choose to openly shame his granddaughter at a serious event.

Yuzu could only speculate as she wouldn't be able to say for certain until tomorrow when Mei was sober, or risk calling her grandfather for the details. She pulled up outside the old pub and walked in, it was relatively busy but Yuzu could make out a figure slouched over the bar slurring to the man on the other side, who was cleaning glasses as he entertained her. Walking towards her she smiled at the familiar man, who recognised her because of her hair.

When she and Harumi had come here she thought the bartender knew she was underage, as he still served them but seemed to dilute their drinks a lot, which she was now grateful for. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time, where ya been?" He was casual as he cheerily spoke to Yuzu, who gave him a smile of her own back.

"Hey, it's been ages since I was here, I actually moved a while ago I'm surprised you remember me," Yuzu answered as she sat down at the bar next to Mei who still hadn't registered the body beside her. "How could I forget the troublemaking little blonde who snuck into my bar, anyway what can I get you?" He asked as he threw the cloth over his shoulder and moved over to grab a glass for Yuzu, chuckling she waved him down with her hand, "Nothing thanks; I'm driving," She smiled at him.

"Well, what are you doing in a bar if you aren't planning on drinking?" He laughed as he put the glass back below the counter, "Here to pick someone up, You called me." Yuzu joked with the man and laughed when she saw it click in his mind. "Oh right," he chuckled softly, Yuzu gestured to Mei who was still obliviously sitting drinking a glass of clear liquid mumbling to herself, "What time did she get here, and how many as she had," looking at the bartender as she asked. He smiled at her concern, "She got here around the back of ten, she has probably had a few too many, but I switched her vodka to water around 20 minutes ago, she didn't seem to notice though." He gestured to the cup in Mei's hand, which she unconsciously sipped on. "Probably best you get her home, it was nice seeing you again," the man smiled honestly at Yuzu, "Yeah it was, next time I'm in town I'll make sure and pop in. Oh how much do I owe you for the drinks, I assume she hasn't been paying you?" Yuzu giggled again, "Don't worry about it, on the house just make sure you get home safe," He smiled again before leaving the two and moved over to the busier area of the bar.

"Mei? C'mon you gotta get up, we need to go home." Yuzu said while tapping her on the shoulder, Mei lifted her head in response to her name, and smiled when she saw Yuzu, "Hey be-babe" Mei said through a hiccup, as she stood from the stool and stumbled into Yuzu's grasp. Mei leaned heavily against Yuzu who gave the barkeeper a final wave before assisting Mei out of the pub. Plopping her into the passenger seat and strapping her in properly, Yuzu moved around to her side and getting in, wasting no time as started the car and immediately started to drive away.

"Where are you taking me?" Mei asked still sat in the position Yuzu had left her in. "Home," was the only reply the blonde gave, she knew any conversation they had right now would be useless, and Mei wouldn't remember most of it anyways. The long drive home consisting of Mei asking random questions that Yuzu would only give short answers to, she wasn't mad or annoyed at the girl if anything Yuzu though Mei was quite an amusing drunk, she would lose her cool demeanour and be rather open and welcoming to most people.

It was getting late and the drive was proving to feel longer with Mei's repeating questions. Yuzu asked Mei one of her own curiosity to see what her drunken answer would be, "Mei, why wouldn't you let the barkeeper call you a cab?" She knew why, Mei's subconscious knew that Yuzu would be extremely annoyed if she had gone against her on something like this, but she was certain that the current Mei didn't actually know why. "Hmmm..., because my mind told me so," Yuzu giggled at her stuttered response, Mei really was cute. She continued the useless conversation with her partner until they got home, where Yuzu struggled to get Mei up the flight of stairs and into the apartment, where she took Mei straight to the bedroom and put her in bed. And like magic Mei quickly fell asleep under the covers as Yuzu stroked her black hair.

Confident that Mei was sound asleep Yuzu made her way into the lounge, she had this nagging voice in her head that told her to call their grandfather and ask him if he knew what had made Mei leave and go drinking, but the other part of her knew that Mei would be mad at her for calling him without asking her what happened first. Whilst at war with herself she felt not knowing was worse than Mei being mad at her for a little while, and she didn't really want to have to ask Mei what had made her drink so much in the morning, she thought it would be a rather sour topic that may spur an argument. Which after their past couple days Yuzu wanted to avoid at all costs.

Making her decision she flicked through her phones contacts until she found the right name, it was already a little past one and Yuzu wasn't sure if he would still be awake but she called anyway, after just a single ring the call connected where she was met with the normal harsh sound of Mei's grandfathers voice. "Hello, is this Yuzu?" He got straight to the point which didn't surprise Yuzu, "Umm yes, sorry for calling so late, I just had some questions I wanted to ask you if you don't mind." Yuzu got on fine with the man now, but that didn't stop her from being intimidated by him.

"Don't be, I have been waiting for your call, is Mei with you? She would not answer her cell phone to me." He was reserved as usual but Yuzu thought she heard a tinge of worry in his voice, but she couldn't be sure, "Yes she is home safe and sound, but that is actually why I called you. I picked Mei up from a bar an hour ago, Mei isn't a heavy drinker but when I got there she couldn't even stand. I wanted to know if you had any idea what made her mad or upset enough to drink so much, I mean its very out of character for her and the only place she has been was with you, so I have to ask." Yuzu although was nervous still sounded confident as she spoke through the phone. She heard a sigh from the other side of the phone before the return of a hoarse voice, "That's good to hear I wasn't quite sure where she went once she had left. I will tell you what happened tonight but I can't say Mei will be very happy about me telling you, but as her current partner you have a right to know," Yuzu overlooking his use of 'current', was grateful that he was willing to share the information and sat down on the couch in preparation for the story. Their

grandfather was a straightforward man and would explain briefly and effectively, he wasn't one to ramble on, which was something Yuzu was grateful for at this current moment.

"Well, I shall skip to dinner as the rest of the morning and afternoon had gone relatively well. We got to our reservation on time at 8:30, and things where going well, until one of my partners brought up the topic of Mei taking over the family business, she had answered honestly, stating that she would do her best to fulfil the role, however, the man who was asking her this brought up the topic of who she would leave the business to when she passed. Mei spoke a little too honest here and said when she has children she will not tell them to take over the family business, that it would be their own choice. Most of the people there thought it was a kind and diplomatic way to handle things, however, this man would not rest," Yuzu could hear spikes of anger in her grandfather's tone, but chose to just sit and wait for him to finish, knowing that interrupting him would annoy him.

"He further questioned her on the topic before moving onto her marriage, asking who she was planning on marrying, accusing her of leaving it quite late as most girls in similar situations would have already eloped. I didn't like him prying knowing the circumstances between you two, and how other people would react to it, but alas he did not give even at my request. Mei much like myself came to your defence, saying she already had a partner and was in a stable relationship. This was when someone else on the board stepped in, they must have found out about her relationship this morning when you dropped Mei off, as they knew she was currently seeing a female. Questioning whether she was going to marry and bring two families together, along with the constant questioning about having children in a normal environment, a lot of the board at the dinner started questioning Mei on the topic. A lot of them meant no harm and were merely intrigued about how Mei was going to go about the situation; others were not so eager to hide their distaste. Eventually, Mei had had enough of the insults and questions and had politely excused herself from the dinner. I had thought she would have gone home or called you as she had refused to answer her phone to me. I had a word with my colleagues once she had left about her life choices, and that she can do as she pleases as long as the business stays in a good standing. But Mei didn't hear that as she left, believing the board and myself had turned against her. I had debated calling you earlier but I thought it best to wait and see if she or yourself wanted to talk to me." His voice had let up a little towards the end, and Yuzu could hear how strained and tired it was.

"I see, well you have my thanks for standing up for Mei and I, would you like me to tell her that last part tomorrow when she is feeling better?" Yuzu knew she would have to talk to Mei after hearing what her grandfather had said, and was more than willing to relay his message to her.

"That would be helpful, I think she would take it better coming from you. Thank you Yuzu," He actually sounded grateful to the blonde which surprised Yuzu, and with a short goodbye and thanks he hung up. Signing Yuzu sunk further into the couch, she felt guilty for Mei having to defend herself to her coworkers, especially on her own. Deciding to dwell on it in the morning she slumped through to the bedroom where Mei was sleeping soundly, her limbs frailed randomly over the sheets. Quickly changing into some comfy clothes, she slipped in beside Mei, wrapping the girl in a warm cosy embrace. She stunk of cigarets and booze but Yuzu didn't mind she only pulled the girl closer to her, hoping to reassure her in her sleep.

Although Yuzu held Mei close and tried to fall asleep her mind couldn't shut off, as the thoughts of her earlier conversation bombarded every corner of her mind. There was truth in what those people were saying to Mei. Yuzu and Mei had spoken about Mei's legacy and if they would take over the school and business, Mei had made it abundantly clear to Yuzu that she wouldn't let her child or children have the same childhood as her. Yuzu was 100% sure about that as well, she wouldn't force their child to do something they didn't want to do, but they had a point about the child's upbringing. If Mei and Yuzu got married they could receive a 'partner certificate' and could as of recently get a mortgage and be registered as a family, but Mei wouldn't be merging with another family; that would be a huge loss for her family in the long run. Yuzu was by no means complaining that Mei had chosen her over money and publicity, but it would probably affect her greatly when she took over from her grandfather. If they had kids, would they get bullied for having two moms? Yuzu was aware that Japan was evolving as a country when it came to homosexuality but there was still that 30 or 40 per cent that didn't accept them, and Yuzu didn't want to bring a life into the world if it meant they would be judged for their home life, much like Mei had tonight.

Mei and Yuzu hadn't spoken much about kids, they were still so young and were still somewhat kids themselves, they weren't ready to bring their own children into the world, or at least that's what Yuzu felt. The conversation had never come, up apart from when Mei had made it clear to her grandfather that her child would live a life completely different one to her own, and Yuzu hadn't expected it to be brought up again for at least 5 or so more years. She didn't know Mei had already thought so much on the topic, enough so to hold herself in a one-sided debate for 20 minutes. Was Mei already thinking about having kids?

Yuzu's mind continued to churn and run around in circles thinking of random questions and scenarios, her body eventually falling asleep due to exhaustion well past 3 in the morning.

Mei awoke in the morning with a banging sore head, the sun that made its way through the cracks in the blinds burned her eyes, her mouth was dry and her body felt slightly stiff. She could feel pressure on her stomach and looked down to find Yuzu's arms tightly clasped around her waist, each hand holding the other forearm keeping Mei in a tight grasp stopping her from moving. She could feel the blonde's body pressed snugly against her, along with the feeling of a steady breath on her back. Looking over at her bedside table it was already past 10, Yuzu would normally have been up before now, but that would depend on what time she got to bed. As she thought back Mei couldn't remember or had very patchy memories of the events of the prior night after she left, she had no recollection of coming home or even meeting up with Yuzu. She was also in fresh pyjamas, Mei couldn't remember last night but that was enough to tell her she must have been well past her limit and felt bad at the thought of the trouble Yuzu must have gone through to get her changed last night before going to bed.

Mei felt like she needed to spew her stomach up, she was also severely dehydrated and needed a drink. She tried to shuffle out of Yuzu's grasp without waking her, but Mei's movement only made Yuzu tighten the grip on her arms, trapping Mei in bed. Mei attempted to gently pry the hands apart enough for her to slip out but was only swatted away by one of the hand before Yuzu pulled herself closer, tightening her grasp on Mei torso. Mei had found the grasp to be a little too tight and it wasn't assisting in her stopping herself from being sick.

Mei was sure Yuzu was still asleep as the warm breath on her back was still going at its steady rhythm, and aside from the odd grunt or moan at Mei's attempts to break free she was silent. Mei could feel herself starting to gag as she tried to keep her vomit down, she couldn't be sick here, she was in the middle of a double bed and it would seep into their mattress. Trying again to get out of the blondes vice-like grip this time she was slightly more aggressively, she needed to get to the bathroom, only she felt the blonde's legs tangle themselves around her own, stilling her. Mei was facing a losing battle here, she couldn't keep it down for much longer, she couldn't turn around or remove Yuzu's hands she was quite literally stuck.

"Yuzu!" Mei shouted, her voice cracked due to dryness as she screamed the older girls name, Yuzu immediately woke up, her eyes darting open as she shot up into a sitting position releasing Mei. "Wh-what is it?!" Yuzu sounded concerned at her abrupt awakening and quickly scanned the room for signs of anything that was wrong, she was stunned when she saw Mei blot out of the room, swinging the door open. She sat in bewilderment unsure of what just occurred, she heard Mei running down the hall followed by the sound of sick. Yuzu grasping why Mei had left and shuddered at the sound of sick hitting water, she was still tired and didn't appreciate her rude awakening.

Yuzu stayed perched on the bed until Mei came back 5 minutes later with a glass of water, "Why'd you wake me up like that, you scared me. I thought we were being robbed or something?" Yuzu voice was full of irritation as she gave Mei a rather cold glare. Mei, however, paid no attention to her gaze as she moved the blonde over and pulled the warm covers back over her body.

"Well, I wouldn't have had to do that if you had just let me go. You were holding on so tight I couldn't move, it was the only way I could get you to wake up fast. It was that or I was sick in our bed." Mei said as she took an aspirin with her water, Yuzu instantly lost her glare as it switched to a guilty face, "Oh sorry, I didn't know, I was in a pretty deep sleep," Yuzu said while sheepishly scratching the back of her neck, giving Mei a weary side smile.

"It doesn't matter, how did I get home, I don't remember much in the time from me leaving the diner to waking up here?" Mei asked as she snuggled into the covers as she waited for her reply. Yuzu looked at her with a serious expression, "Well once you left you went to a local pub, got completely hammered and then I got called by the barkeeper to come and pick you up, then I drove you home and practically dragged you up the stairs and into bed." Yuzu tried to sound annoyed at Mei but she couldn't help the small twitch on the side of her mouth at Mei's horrified expression.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I don't remember it but I'm sure I was a lot of hassle," Mei looked at a smiling Yuzu, "Don't be, that's why I'm here; to pick you up from bars at 12 in the morning," Yuzu gave Mei a quick wink and stole a kiss from her, scrunching her face up at the lingering taste of vodka, mixed with sick on her lips. Yuzu stuck her tongue out while she continued to scrunch her face, showing her dissatisfaction to Mei, who only chuckled at her reaction.

"Can I ask you to make me some coffee please?" Mei said as she leaned back against the headboard. Giving a small nod, Yuzu trotted out of the bedroom to make some coffee, when she came back she had some dry toast and a steaming cup of coffee. Mei took the mug but not the toast, "You know I don't like eating in bed," Mei said sharply, but Yuzu placed the plate down on the sheets in front of Mei anyway. "The sheets all stink of booze anyway so we are going to have to change the bedding whether you eat in bed or not. So stop complaining and just eat the toast," Yuzu was stern as she looked at Mei who eventually looked away from Yuzu and bit into the toast, "Thanks," Mei gave a brief word of acknowledgement at Yuzu as she continued to eat her toast and sip on her coffee.

"I'm going for a shower if anything happen shout and I'll be through in seconds but ONLY if something happens," Yuzu said as she jumped off the bed, giving Mei a kiss on the cheek before walking to collect a pair of clothes and heading to the bathroom. Mei could clearly hear the shower from the bedroom, Yuzu must have left the door open slightly so she could hear Mei. And although Mei thought it sweet it really was unnecessary. She was hungover not dying, in a few hours she should be feeling slightly better, she had already taken aspirin there was nothing else she could do but wait for the after-effects of the alcohol to wear off. Until then Mei had made the decision to curl up into the covers and put the television on, the volume was almost non-existent but Mei didn't want any loud noises, and was happy just to watch the screen.

20 minutes later Yuzu returned with her own cup of coffee and plate of food, placing herself on top of the covers beside Mei. The room had an awkward silence in it once Yuzu returned, both knew about the events of the dinner, but Mei didn't know Yuzu knew and didn't know if she should bring it up, but knew she would have to explain why she had gone out drinking, while Yuzu knew everything and was unsure as how to tell Mei and ask if she wanted to talk about anything. And Yuzu still wanted to know Mei's views on having kids.

"Do you want to talk about it, or just leave it till later?" Yuzu finally spoke up, which surprised Mei, "Talk about what? Do you know what happened?" Mei asked as she looked at the blonde slightly confused, Yuzu only knew two people who attended the meal, herself and her grandfather. The only way she could know what had happened was if she had called him last night or if he had called her. Yuzu gripped her mug slightly tighter at Mei's words.

"Umm yeah, I was worried about why you were so upset last night, so once I put you to bed I called gramps. He was actually waiting for one of us to call and had waited up just in case we did. He told me what happened, and if you want to talk about it I'm ready to, but if you don't, just like you did the other day, I won't force you to. Please don't be mad at me for calling gramps before talking to you, I was just so anxious and so was he, he knew that telling me might anger you but he thought I had a right to know. He also wanted me to tell you that he told his partners off once you left and that he was really sorry." Yuzu spoke fast as she tried to relive all the information in as little time as possible. She looked over at Mei who had a mixture of emotions on her face, Yuzu couldn't make out what she was thinking or what she was going to say.

"I'm not mad at you, at least not entirely, if grandfather thought you deserved to know then so be it, and I'm not sure there is anything to discuss, it really was just one overly opinionated man who was prying too much, his questions were nothing we haven't spoken about before. And I shall thank Grandfather for his apology later," Mei said, Yuzu was slightly surprised she was being so nonchalant about the whole thing, and although Mei had said they had spoken about everything already the question about Mei already knowing everything about her future kids continued to eat away at her. She needed to know if Mei was already considering having children. "Mei, last night gramps said a lot of the questions the man was asking was about your legacy and your possible kids... I was wondering are you, ya know... thinking about having kids? I mean it sounded like you had put a lot of thought into the subject, and I'm not against it but you know..." Yuzu trailed off at the end of her question feeling slightly embarrassed. Mei gave Yuzu a smile she could see the distress on her face.

"I have thought a lot about having children yes, about how I will bring them up or how I'm going to tell them about the business or if they will go to banquets or meet and greets with me. Since I got into a serious relationship with you I have thought about things like this, but to answer the question that I know is going through your head at the minute. Yes, I think I want kids but not just yet, we're still in school and it isn't the right time for us. That's what I believe anyway." Mei smiled and let a little giggle out at the relieved look that washed over Yuzu's face.

"Oh, okay that makes me feel a lot better," Yuzu said, "But are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?" Yuzu asked again, she wanted to make sure Mei wasn't just saying she was fine, "Yes Yuzu, it was just a lot of questions all at the same time, it just made me feel kind of like a failure last night, that because of my personal life the board members where questioning my ability to run the business. But I know that I would choose you over the business any day, I'm completely fine as long as I have you." Mei finished as she settled into the cushions, Yuzu could see Mei was getting slightly agitated by the conversation and knew that Mei was done being questioned by her. "Okay, then you have me," Yuzu smiled widely at Mei who gave her a smile back with slightly flushed cheeks, Yuzu moved closer to Mei and gave her another kiss on the cheek, not willing to risk the taste of vodka so early in the morning again, interwinding their fingers together as they sat watching the television.

Yuzu felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders after Mei had stated she wasn't currently thinking about having children, she didn't think she could handle a little her and Mei crawling about the apartment at least not yet. While Mei was happy that Yuzu hadn't pushed the topic just like she had said she wouldn't, Mei had felt insulted last night and wanted to take her mind off things, she didn't need a therapy session and was glad that Yuzu was letting it slide.

There would be problems with the board when Mei took over and many of them would no doubt concern her relationship or her children but for now, Mei was willing to just forget about it, she would have to cross that bridge when she came to it, there was no point in her fretting about it now. When the time came, she would talk to Yuzu about it, until then she nor Yuzu had any need to worry over it.