Chapter 17: Yuzu's apology

Yuzu was sat in the bathroom, she hadn't even touched the bath. She had to use this time to think, why had she been so stupid as to let Mei see her like this? How was she going to get out of this one without a proper explanation?

If today had proven anything to Yuzu, it was that talking about her problem wouldn't help. Telling Mei would have no benefit for either of them, she would still be at war with her feelings and Mei would stop trying to learn the piano. However, it also proved to Yuzu that she most likely wouldn't make it through a two-hour piano lesson without making Mei suspicious.

Now her 'plan' was useless, what on earth was she going to do? Her stomach was in an endless cycle of clenching and unclenching, the thought of having to lie to Mei again was nauseating. But there really was no choice, Mei would instantly give up her happiness for her and she couldn't let that happen.

I can't lie to her again, I'm just going to have to try and avoid talking about it. If I ignore the subject for long enough, Mei will surely drop it. Even if she does get mad at me she'll come around... I hope... Shit, I still have to fucking listen to her play.

After what felt like mere minutes Yuzu heard a knock at the door, followed by Mei's cautious voice.

"Umm... Yuzu are you okay in there? It's been over half an hour, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Mei was extremely nervous, she hadn't felt this anxious to talk to the blonde since high school. This shouldn't be so hard, it was the fear of Yuzu blowing up at her again that had her on edge.

"Oh yeah, sorry I'll be out soon. Can you do me a favour and turn the stove off, dinner should be cooked by now?" Yuzu hadn't been for a shower like she had said a half hour ago, this was just another lie to add to her list at the moment. She didn't want that list to continue to grow, so, therefore, she actually had to shower.

"Okay... emm... are we going to talk over dinner?" Mei was once again cautious as she tried to approach the subject. Matsuri had said she had to be kind and considerate, she had to try to make Yuzu feel comfortable enough to talk to her about it.

"Mmhmn," Yuzu sounded as she waited for Mei to leave. Jumping in the shower, Yuzu got washed and dried as fast as she could.

She would go out and act as normal as possible, she just had to try and avoid looking at the piano. That would spark unwanted emotions that she really didn't have the time for right now. At the minute the only thing that concerned her was getting Mei to calm down. Yuzu truly felt horrid for shouting so loudly at Mei, for slamming the door in her face, when all the girl had done was talk about her day.

Walking out of their bathroom, Yuzu walked to the kitchen still towel drying her hair. With a large smile on her face, she walked over to Mei who had been watching her sceptically since she entered the room.

Taking an end of the towel in each hand, Yuzu placed it over Mei's head and around her neck. Tugging lightly she steered Mei towards her, her smile still growing.

"Hey, I'm sorry about before, it won't happen again." Speaking in a hushed tone Yuzu leaned in, brushing her lips lightly over Mei's before she kissed her properly. Walking Mei backwards, Yuzu deepened the kiss.

With Mei now up against the counter, Yuzu took the moment to release the cloth, taking the nape of the other girl's neck in her hand while the other wandered lower.

Yuzu could feel Mei's hesitation but she was participating nonetheless. She's probably confused as hell right now.

Shit, I need to break the kiss, but if I do that she'll ask questions. With her lungs about to burst, Yuzu broke away from the plump pink lips to catch her breath. With her lower hand grabbing frantically at the firm muscle beneath Mei's trousers, she worked light kisses along the pale jaw.

"Mmm, Yuzu... what are you... doing?" Mei's breath was ragged, whether it was from pleasure or surprise Yuzu didn't know but whatever it was, it was working.

"You," With her breath still harsh she connected her lips back to Mei's. Yuzu pushed her entire length against Mei, making her flush against the cupboards.

Their makeout was wet and dominant- on Yuzu's part. The moans Mei was emitting into Yuzu's mouth momentarily distracted her from her task at hand. She was becoming lost in their heated kiss, but Mei not so much.

Putting a light pressure on Yuzu's shoulder, Mei pulled away from the eager girl letting the air fill her desperate lungs. The slightly disappointed blonde didn't let the separation get to her, instead, she moved to lick and kiss her throat. But deciding not to linger as the bruises from the day prior were still prominent, leaving any fresh ones would probably annoy Mei.

"Yuzu stop, please." Mei pushed slightly harder against Yuzu. If this was Yuzu's way of feeling better about things it really wasn't good.

She is usually the one who wants to talk things out, not try and use sex as a distraction. If the roles where reversed and I was trying to hide my feelings -which had happened several times before- Yuzu would make me talk about it.

Yuzu stepped back at hearing her voice.

"Mei? Why'd you want me to stop? I was enjoying myself, weren't you?" Yuzu's voice had turned husky as she leaned back against Mei, her hand working up Mei's side again. Her lips dragging up her neck, teeth nibbled on her ear. God Yuzu wanted Mei to stop taking, she wanted to feel Mei's lips in a ferocious kiss. But clearly, she had other plans.

Oh shit, I'm supposed to be acting normal... dinner, make dinner. Yuzu's eyes snapped open, she stepped back once again and gave Mei an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Mei, got carried away. Did you turn off dinner like I asked? I'll start dishing up, can you set the table?" Yuzu backed off as she straightened out her shirt, edging towards the plates.

She heard Mei give a slight sigh of relief, before giving her a nod and walking over to set the placemats out.

Yuzu ate her food happily - as far as Mei could see-, while Mei played with her food, pushing it around her plate.

"Surely it doesn't taste that bad?" Yuzu gave a weak smile as she motioned to Mei's full plate. Mei seemed to look away from Yuzu for the first time since they sat down, to look at her plate.

"Oh no! It's not that, it tastes great, thank you... Yuzu? -Hmmm- ... What's wrong?" Mei kept her voice soft, she didn't want to make Yuzu feel uncomfortable or mad again.

Yuzu squeezed tight onto her chopsticks, as she stared down at her plate. "Nothing particularly, I was just in a bad mood." Yuzu knew herself it didn't sound very convincing but it was the best she had. Mei was getting irritated, again. Stop lying Yuzu.

"I've seen you in a 'bad mood' before, never once has that made you shout at me like that or throw things across the room... You said you were jealous, but of what or who I don't know. I haven't been with anyone that I can think of that would make you feel threatened... I'm a little stuck here Yuzu, I need to know what I've done wrong to fix it. And for me to do that you actually need to talk to me." Mei was trying to appeal to Yuzu, trying to get her to understand that all she wanted to do was help, but the blonde still sat facing the table. Mei could practically hear the chopsticks grinding together in the blonde's grasp.

Great, so she isn't going to tell me. Fuck sake Yuzu.

"Fine if you aren't going to tell me what's going on I'll find out myself. And you can clean up your mess in the bedroom." With that said, Mei got up and walked down the hall. Going by the length of time before Yuzu heard the sound of a slamming door, she suspected Mei had gone into the study.

I'm sorry Mei, tears started to form in Yuzu's eyes again. God how she wished this situation was slightly easier for her. She had shouted at Mei, concealed the truth from her- she didn't actually lie, she had had a bad day- and now Mei was mad at her for keeping secrets. All I'm trying to do is make sure you don't give up this thing you are growing to love.

She sat at the table, head in her hands, cheeks covered in tears. She felt a slight vibration in her pocket, she pulled her phone out to find a text from Harumi.

'Is everything okay with you and Mei?" Yuzu was slightly confused, how did she know that something was going on with the two?

'Not really... How did you know?' She instantly got a reply back.

'Oh, Mei called Matsuri before cuz she thought something was wrong with you and you weren't telling her. She thought you would have told me or her, she seemed quite worried, so I was just checking up to see if you were okay. Are you?' Yuzu sighed, Mei must have been really worried, she usually liked to keep other people out of their arguments. She always said whatever they were fighting about was between the two of them, it was no one else's business.

'Did you guys tell her anything?' Yuzu didn't think they had, or Mei would have said something instead of asking her what was wrong.

'I'm okay, I really blew up at her though, like there is no way I can pull it off as nothing. I tried doing what you and Matsuri said to do earlier today. But when I actually played I felt the exact same way, then Mei came in saying how happy it made her and I just lost it. When I wouldn't tell her what was going on she got mad and left the room. I don't know what to do.' Yuzu didn't give the other girl time to respond before she was writing her long message. She was stuck, she didn't know what to do.

'She just said that you were upset and we couldn't say why. I think you should talk to Mei, either tell her and convince her to keep playing or don't tell her but reassure her, give her comfort. She is really worried about you.' she sighed.

'Yeah thanks, I'll speak to you later x' Yuzu knew she was right, but Mei was too stubborn to keep playing. She would be determined to stop, the only option was to try and make her feel better.

Abandoning her phone, Yuzu got up and walked down the hall to the study, where the door was tightly closed.

Without knocking she opened the door and entered, where she was met with Mei's cold glare from the other side of the desk.

Yuzu had dried her tears and cleared her throat, it wouldn't make Mei feel any better if Yuzu was still a mess. Giving a small smile, Yuzu walked around the desk taking Mei's hands in her own.

"Mei, can we talk, please?"