Chapter 19: Cuddles

Mei was taking longer than anticipated and Yuzu was beginning to get bored. It had been a half hour since Yuzu sat down on the spare couch in Mei's office, and while she had mostly been looking through random social media, something Matsuri had said to her had been turning in her mind.

Matsuri had matured somewhat over the past few years, but she still played a vast amount of video games on a variety of platforms. A little while ago she had brought up the subject of Yuzu getting a gaming console. Yuzu had initially denied the request, saying that she didn't have the time or the need for one, yet over the past couple of days it seemed to become more and more appealing.

Maybe it was because Mei had a new hobby or she was bored or perhaps a distraction, Yuzu didn't know, but she already had an online shopping cart full of potential games. Yuzu had decided on getting a PS4, she didn't know much about consoles so she chose this one purely because she liked its design.

On any normal online shopping spree, Yuzu would just buy the items as it usually only consisted of a new pair of jeans or heels, nothing more than ten thousand yen. Which Mei didn't mind -Unless it was a totally pointless purchase-.

However, this was slightly on the expensive side, making it a little hard to bring up in casual conversation. But if she ordered it before six pm she could get next day shipping, that was always a bonus.

Of course, Yuzu couldn't just buy it and hope Mei wouldn't know how much it costs. The app was on her phone -under Yuzu's account as Mei didn't want to have one of her own-, and she would get a notification thanking her for her purchase. That would not be a good day for Yuzu.

Dragging her eyes from her phone screen, she hovered her thumb over the 'Buy Now' button.

"Mei... would you mind if I bought something?" Yuzu asked hesitantly. Although it would come off Yuzu's card she still liked to confirm these types of things with Mei. They had separate bank accounts, but they both acted as if all money was shared.

"I don't see why not," Mei answered not even looking up from her laptop, but then she froze. Yuzu never asks before buying her usual things online... what does she need me to confirm for her to buy?... Better not be 'that' type of manga again. A shudder ran down Mei's spine as she was reminded of a time she had signed for one of Yuzu's 'special' manga deliveries, where the contents were clearly marked on the box. The suggestive look she got from the delivery man still made her cheeks redden in embarrassment.

"Wait, what are you buying?" Mei had stopped her work to look at the nervous blonde. Yuzu glanced back and forth between her phone and Mei, clarifying in her mind that she definitely wanted it.

"A gaming system and some games..." Yuzu said with a shy grin, hoping that would be enough to convince Mei, who was, by the way, sending physical glares in her direction.

"Before I say no, why do you want something that is such a ridiculous waste of time?" Now ignoring her work she focused solely on Yuzu, waiting to see if she could give a viable argument. Which in Mei's opinion, no argument would ever be viable, a game was a waste of time that could be better spent doing something constructive.

"I dunno, I've been getting bored lately and Matsuri said I should get one because they are fun. I had originally said no, but it does seem quite entertaining... And I found a couple of games I think I would really like, maybe you would like to play it too?" Yuzu knew that last part was a failing attempt to pique Mei's interests, but she could see by the look on Mei's face that she was about to be turned down.

After several long moments of thinking, Mei finally sighed as she gave into Yuzu's bright, hope-filled eyes. She had no resolve when looking into those eyes.

"Fine, but I don't want you becoming addicted like she is. And your studies must always come first, if you start choosing to play it over doing your priorities I will make sure it leaves this apartment." Mei's gaze was still strong but Yuzu saw the crack in her armour, and a smile spread across her face only to fall slightly seconds later.

"Don't you want to know how much it is first?" Yuzu asked, hoping she wasn't about to make Mei change her mind. Obviously, Mei wasn't strapped for cash on any given month nor was Yuzu, but she didn't like spending money where it wasn't needed.

"Not really, a game can't cost more than seven thousand yen or so, right?" Mei once again raised her brow to Yuzu at her continuation of the subject.

"A game yes, but for the console as well, it's slightly more expensive. And I want to get two controllers so if you or guests wanted to play then they can, oh and a charging dock for the controllers. So it's an itty bitty bit more than seven thousand." Yuzu scratched the back of her head as a mischievous grin made its way over her face. Mei knew an 'itty bitty bit' wasn't as small as Yuzu was joking it to be.

"How much more then?" Mei was getting impatience at Yuzu's coyness, she knew Yuzu was stalling for a reason and that reason was about to be revealed.

"Emm... A little over fifty thousand Yen." An awkward smile once again took hold of Yuzu as she shrunk a little under Mei's shocked expression.

"You want to spend that much money to play a game- "two games" Yuzu corrected- I don't care if it is one or ten, spending that much on something so unnecessary is not worth it," After recovering from her dismay, Mei immediately shut down the idea.

"I know it's kinda a lot but c'mon, everyone has these things now. Plus, I can tell just by looking at that piano that you paid a hundred and forty thousand yen minimum, so you can't pull the money card. I know a piano is slightly more practical but I want this...Pretty please?" Yuzu gave her best puppy dog eyes, that she knew would make it extremely difficult for Mei to say no to.

"After talking to the man at the store I was told that it was one of the best pianos they owned, and we will be using it much more than you will that console...Fine," Mei gave a defeated sigh after defending her purchase. Moments later a 'bing' came from Mei's phone, she looked down her face turning to one of minor disgust as the notification for Yuzu's item came up on her screen.

"Thank you, thank you thank you! I love you Mei!" Yuzu squealed as she almost jumped off the couch in victory; Mei rubbed the bridge of her nose knowing she was going to regret this sooner or later.


The night had been spent with the two snuggled up on the sofa engaging in small talk and watching random movies. Contrary to what you may believe, it was Mei's request that the two spend their evening like this. Claiming it had been ages -several days- since they had had some proper quality time together, without any interruptions or tasks to do.

Yuzu obviously had no objections to Mei's request, she missed cuddle time as much as Mei did, perhaps more. So, shortly after Mei had finished her work they ate dinner and had spent from then watching movie after movie. The short silences that happened between conversations were sweet and comforting, just holding each other was enough.

It was now into the late hours of the night and the two would soon be preparing for bed. Mei was lying between Yuzu's legs, her back to the blonde who's hands were wrapped around her waist, holding one of her hands. Yuzu had discreetly tried to get Mei to move so they could move to their bedroom, but every time she tried Mei kept still and asked for an extra five minutes.

Yuzu loved this side of Mei, it showed that she wasn't the only needy one in the relationship. But they really needed to move, Yuzu felt like she was going to pass out at any moment and sleeping on the couch would not do her back any favours tomorrow.

"Mei, we really should be heading to bed. I'm going to fall asleep here, we can cuddle in bed. If we sleep on the couch we will both have a sore back tomorrow," Yuzu said softly as she traced the back of her unmoving girlfriend's hand.

"But I'm warm and comfortable, I don't want to move. I'm happy just to sleep on you, I have a blanket and you are a good pillow," Mei smiled smugly to Yuzu, before getting into a sleeping position and nuzzling her face into Yuzu's chest. After several moments she stilled under the blanket and fixed her eyes onto the television.

Yuzu wasn't uncomfortable with Mei sleeping on her, she wasn't exactly heavy but the couch wasn't made for a good night's rest.

"Mei I'm serious, you can lie on me like this once we are in bed I promise, but pleeease don't make me sleep here," the whining tone in Yuzu's voice struck a chord in Mei. She knew that she wouldn't give up, there would be no point in Mei even trying to ignore her and stay put. So, she reluctantly moved to a sitting position, shivering as the heat between the two was lost.

Taking the remote, Mei turned the TV off and even more begrudgingly than getting off Yuzu, ever so slowly peeled the blanket from her skin exposing her to what felt like the north pole. Waiting a few seconds till she adjusted to the temperature of the room, Mei started to get up.

Yuzu quickly pulled her legs from around Mei so she could stand and like lightning, she was kneeling in front of her now shivering girlfriend.

"Mei are you mad at me? Please don't be. If it upsets you we can stay here, I really don't mind. C'mon lay back down," Yuzu was struck with panic as Mei silently removed herself from Yuzu, she was expecting more fight or at least some form of agreement to going to bed. The action of getting up and turning off the TV without any explanation, made Yuzu immediately think she had upset Mei, and she didn't want that.

"Yuzu it's fine, honestly. We can go to bed, it's not fair for you to get a sore back because I was too lazy to walk to the bedroom. You can go through and put something on I just need to use the bathroom." Mei got up and made her way down the hall, and although Mei in her own way had reassured Yuzu that everything was fine, Yuzu still felt slightly guilty. It wasn't very often Mei showed great signs of affection, yes she initiated sex at least once a week but being lovey-dovey was a completely different matter.

Mei taking Yuzu somewhere romantic was a hard thing to find in itself, but her refusing to move from the blonde was an even rarer treat for Yuzu. It usually happened every couple of weeks or so, where Mei would get especially clingy. Whether it was because they were on their periods -their cycles had synced up within the first two years of their relationship, something they were both thankful for... except for hormones and mood swings they skyrocketed, creating a... 'tense' atmosphere in the apartment- or because the two had been lacking in affection, which wasn't very often as Yuzu was always keen to spend her time with Mei, it didn't matter. Yuzu savoured the moment.

Yes, they cuddled most nights before going to bed, but Mei always made sure they got to sleep at a reasonable time. So, Yuzu felt bad that the one time Mei wanted to stay up and cuddle she felt like she was going to pass out from exhaustion.

But like Mei had asked, Yuzu folded the blanket on the couch and made her way to their room. She put a random show on for background noise and shuffled under the covers. Sitting in a similar position to her one in the lounge in hopes that Mei would still want to snuggle up.

Mei soon came into the room, closing the door and turning off the lights so the room was only illuminated by the glow of the TV screen.

Upon seeing the younger girl Yuzu pulled back the covers and motioned for Mei to get into bed with her. Mei followed suit and climbed into bed, wanting to be under the covers as soon as possible. However, she didn't quite do as Yuzu hoped. Instead of lying on her as they had previously been doing, Mei wrapped herself in covers and lay close to Yuzu but with her back turned.

"Goodnight," Mei said as she struggled to retain the warmth of the covers. Yuzu didn't think Mei sounded mad or upset, but then again she was always good at hiding her feelings. Moving from her lying position to prop herself up on her elbow Yuzu lightly rested her other arm on Mei's waist on top of the covers.

"Mei, don't you want to lie next to me? When I said I wanted to leave the living room, I didn't want to stop holding you. If I made you feel like I didn't want you to cuddle up to me I didn't mean to, please come here," As Yuzu finished her sentence she gently dragged on Mei's hip trying to encourage her to turn around.

"I know Yuzu, you made that very clear in the lounge," Mei gave a very subtle chuckle as she moved back into the blonde, pushing her body against Yuzu's but not turning around. Yuzu instinctively wrapped her arms around Mei, head coming to rest behind her neck were her lips left soft kisses.

"...Sorry if I made you feel bad," Yuzu spoke quietly as she placed a few more kisses on Mei's neck.

"Yuzu I already said you didn't, I'm fine I promise but you said you were extremely tired so go to sleep. I won't accept you sleeping in late." Mei said in a rather stern voice but she was smiling to herself at being held again.

"Okay okay, goodnight and I love you," giving a final lasting kiss to the pale neck in front of her, Yuzu closed her eyes and nuzzled her head into Mei's back.

"Goodnight... I love you too," Mei continued to smile even as she closed her eyes and held Yuzu's hand. Today felt like one of their best days in a long time, well at least for Mei. They had spoken calmly about Yuzu's worries and Mei felt she had reassured her girlfriend as well as having a peaceful night together, it left Mei feeling unbound happiness.


When Yuzu opened her eyes the sun was shining brightly through the cracks in the blinds. It was a little past nine and Mei was still sound asleep on Yuzu's arm. Even though Mei claimed that she wouldn't let Yuzu sleep in late, it was a rather bad habit of hers to not get up if she knew she had nothing to do. And unlike Mei, Yuzu had absolutely no intention of waking her girlfriend up, or getting up herself. She was content just to lie here with Mei in her arms and watch her sleep peacefully.

A 'Ding Dong' Sounded through the apartment making Mei stir in her sleep. Yuzu quickly slipped her arm out from beneath Mei and quietly left the bedroom, closing the door when she left.

Who could that be this early? Yuzu made sure the door was closed properly, before running down the hall in hopes that she would get there before whoever was outside would ring the doorbell again.

"Hello?" Yuzu opened the door silently and greeted the man politely.

"Good morning, I just need a signature for this parcel," He said as he gestured to the medium sized box on the floor before handing Yuzu a clipboard and pen.

"Oh yeah right... here you go, thanks have a good day," handing the board back, Yuzu as quietly as possible dragged the box into the house and closed the door hoping she hadn't woken Mei up.

She jogged down the hall and peeped into the bedroom to see Mei sleeping soundly under ruffled covers. Mei was usually a solid sleeper and unless she had a reason to get up such as a class or appointment, it usually took some sort of physical contact or a verbal call to wake her. So Yuzu didn't think she would have woken up but she wanted to be sure. Mei didn't really like sleeping in, but in Yuzu's opinion, she didn't sleep in nearly enough.

So she would let Mei sleep until she woke up herself which usually wasn't any later than eleven or twelve.

Returning back to the living room Yuzu spent the next couple of hours unpacking and setting up her newly bought gaming system. She was just finishing the final downloads of her games when a grumbling Mei came through and headed towards the kitchen to get her routine cup of morning coffee.

"Morning babe! You look beautiful today, did you sleep well?" Yuzu jumped from the couch and followed Mei to the kitchen.

"... Goodmorning, I slept fine why did you get up so early?" Mei asked as she made her way to their dining table to sit with her energy booster.

"I just woke up and I didn't want to disturb you so I came through here. Oh and look! -Yuzu ran through to the lounge and picked up her new controller- my console came!" Yuzu shrieked as she waved the electronic in front of Mei's face, hoping she would be as interested in it as she was.

"Get that away from my face Yuzu, I'm trying to drink my coffee." Yuzu's smile faded at Mei's words as she slumped down into the chair across from her grouchy girlfriend. She tossed the black controller onto the table in a huff, catching Mei's attention.

It was customary for Mei to be less energetic than Yuzu in the morning, as was it that Yuzu expected to be snapped at once a day minimum. Yuzu usually handed out a 'get out of jail free card' on the first snap. She knew it was next to impossible for Mei to control her tongue in the morning and if she somehow managed it usually happened when she got home from her classes.

"... sorry, can you show me later once I've woken up a little bit?" Mei gave her usual apologetic smile as she waited for Yuzu to give her a smile back.

A bright grin overtook Yuzu's face as her eyes lit up at Mei's recognition of her snappiness. "Sure, I know it takes you a while to wake up properly. Do you have any plans today?" Yuzu asked as she retook the controller to fiddle with while she waited for Mei to finish her coffee.

"I wanted to spend some time with you if you don't mind, I would also like to do some piano practice... again only if you don't mind," Mei glanced at the piano and back to Yuzu, unsure if she was completely comfortable with her playing it.

"I would be delighted for you to do both those things, but I would also like to try out my game today." Yuzu smiled again before glancing into the clock, it was already past eleven gaining twelve.

"What do you want to do first?" Yuzu got out of her seat to stand behind Mei and lightly massaged her shoulders. Yet Mei didn't answer, all she could manage was a small groan of pleasure at Yuzu's fingers on her shoulder as she relaxed back into the chair.

When Yuzu finally stopped Mei gave an unsatisfied grunt before leaning her head back onto the chair.

"Well to start with I think I want to wake up properly first. Then I I'll try and play for a little bit. My tutor gave me some books and worksheets to try, so I think I'll spend the next while practising that. Once I've finished my coffee obviously." Mei smirked to Yuzu who giggled.

"Obviously," Yuzu grinned as she leant down and placed a chaste kiss on Mei's lips.

"Gross, -Yuzu imitated a gagging motion- I don't know why you make it so strong, I mean two scoops of coffee and no sugar; disgusting. You should just drink tea it's nicer," Yuzu complained as she wiped the overly strong coffee off her lips. Mei just smiled, she needed her energy in the morning.

"By any chance would you like to play with me? I'm still curious as to how well you can play, I still find it unbelievable that you can play so well. I never would have guessed something like this." Mei gave Yuzu a hopeful look, almost as if she was begging Yuzu to play it with her.

"I would be happy to listen to you play Mei, but I can't say for sure I'll play. Are you okay with that?" Yuzu gave a half smile to Mei hoping she would agree to her compromise.

"Yuzu that would be great... I love you," Mei had another warm smile on her face as she gazed up into Yuzu's bright eyes, the eyes that made her feel safe, happy and loved.

A mischievous grin overtook Yuzu's lips, "well you can show me later just how much you love me," She gave Mei a cheeky wink before placing another quick kiss to her lips. "but for now, we are gonna teach you how to read basic sheet music," After getting over the initial shock of her girlfriend's statement, Mei gave a light laugh and drained the rest of her coffee ready to start her lesson.