Chapter 27: Suspicions

Yuzu was surprised Mei had even spoken, and so much at a time. Nodding to herself, Yuzu took the information in and processed it before she spoke again. "So, it's because of Jasmin? Did she do something to you?" Yuzu asked suddenly feeling that something might have happened to Mei.

"Nothing happened Yuzu, I just don't really like her... at all," Mei said that last part as a whisper under her breath but of course Yuzu heard. The blonde's eyes widened at the statement, "Why? If it's because of what happened at that party I already apologised for that and so has Jasmin, she said she was drunk and that she regretted it-" Yuzu was cut off as Mei piped up for the first time without Yuzu having to wait.

"Was she hell drunk. She did it on purpose and she is going to do it again because she wants to fucking sleep with you!" Once she realised what she had said, Mei quickly covered her mouth as she shrunk back under the duvet, instantly regretting what she had said. Yuzu's eyes widened again at Mei, her jaw dropping open as she was stuck for words.

"Mei, that's- that's I ehh think you... maybe you... she would never, I mean we are just friends." Yuzu was feeling completely overwhelmed at the moment, she knew that it was something about Jasmin that was bothering her girlfriend but never had she expected those words to come out of her mouth.

"At the moment," Mei's reply came bitterly as she continued to hide half her face under the covers like a scared child, really unsure if she should be telling Yuzu any of this. Sure, it stopped Yuzu from thinking she was lying but it still seemed to make a rather uncomfortable conversation and Mei was sure the evening was ruined because of what she let slip. Mei heard Yuzu gasp at her swift reply, and she knew it was uncalled for and that Yuzu didn't want anything more than a friendship with Jasmin but Jasmin did, and Mei had seen how deceptive and malicious this girl was.

"Mei, I'm gonna pretend you didn't just imply that." Taking a deep breath, Yuzu though for a moment before speaking again. "She makes you uncomfortable and mad because you think she wants to have sex with me, but I don't get that impression from her at all and even if I did you know I would never do anything with her. So what am I supposed to do?" Yuzu had returned to her gentle voice as she tried to figure this out. Like she had asked, Mei had said what had been bothering her and Yuzu had promised she wouldn't get mad or shout, so she had to keep her end of the bargain. She still wanted to be able to go back to watching the movies after this.

"Sorry, I didn't mean you I meant her when I said that. This is why I didn't want to say anything Yuzu, she is your friend and I didn't want to impose on that. I don't want you to do anything, you said yourself that she is just your friend so maybe I am imagining things. Please just forget it." Mei for the first time looked at Yuzu, her eyes pleading the older girl to drop this subject. Mei would have loved it if Yuzu just stopped speaking to the girl but she knew that was selfish and wrong, Mei had no evidence that the girl wanted anything from Yuzu apart from friendship except small pieces of conversation which could have been interpreted two ways.

"Mei I don't want to just drop it if you are still worried about this. I am not going to do anything with any other girl or guy, even if she did try something I wouldn't go along with it. But I can't exactly just tell her 'we can't be friends anymore cuz my girlfriend thinks you want to sleep with me'. How about this, I stay friends with her and if I see her doing anything that might suggest she wants more I'll cut it off, I really don't think it will come to that you know because I don't think she is that type of person. But Mei, you know I will pick you over any other person in this world. Okay?" Yuzu gave a light smile as she looked down at Mei, who in return gave a small smile back.

"Okay, but... I would really appreciate it if you didn't hug her or link arms with her like you do Harumin, no cuddling and I don't, under no circumstances, want her in this house," Mei said, if Yuzu was going to entertain her idea then she would be setting up some rules. Mei did feel ashamed having to ask the blonde this, but it would make her feel better knowing that Jasmin's breasts weren't going to be pushed up against her girlfriend ever again. With a blush of embarrassment on her cheeks, Mei looked to Yuzu as she spoke and waited for her reply.

"Okay, okay if it will make you feel better I promise to have no physical contact with her at all, but she still is my friend Mei. I mean I can limit the amount of time I spend with her but I don't want to make things awkward or anything. Can you live with that, you know without ignoring me because you saw a photo?" Yuzu gave a light laugh as she tried to iron out any folds of tension that might have still been in the air. Mei although didn't appreciate the reference, smiled and nodded her head turning it away from the blonde back to the television that Yuzu had paused before they started talking.

Yuzu watched as Mei turned away from her seeming content with how the conversation had ended, and if Yuzu was honest so was she. Mei unlike she had expected had cooperated nicely with her and told her the truth, hadn't walked away or raised her voice. Now she was getting ready to start watching the movies again, something Yuzu was very eager to start doing again. But before that happened she had something else she had to do first. Taking Mei's small chin in her hand, Yuzu gently tilted her head so Mei's eyes met hers. After several moments of the greens looking into the amethyst orbs, Yuzu leaned down and captured the quivering lips with her own. It was short and sweet but it ended the conversation on a good note, showed both the girls that the other was okay.

"Thank you, Mei." Yuzu nodded as she rested her head against Mei's for a moment before looking back up and pressing play on the movie, Mei wriggling to get back into a comfy position leaning against the blonde.

Yuzu was grateful that Mei had managed to open up to her about this, she could only imagine what had made Mei come to this ludicrous conclusion about her friend, but she was glad that Mei spoke her worries. She didn't think anything at all would come from her friendship with Jasmin, but if Mei felt uncomfortable Yuzu would more than willingly comply with Mei's requests. After all, if Mei had trusted her enough to actually talk to her about a subject as sensitive as this one, the least Yuzu could do was respect her wishes. Yuzu might not have understood why Mei thought these things, maybe it was the insecurities she had told Yuzu about all those months ago or perhaps it was jealousy, either way, Yuzu didn't want any of these thoughts going on inside her girlfriend's mind, she would do near anything to remedy those feelings. Having no physical contact with one of her friends seemed like a small price to pay to put Mei at ease.

Taking Mei's hand beneath the covers Yuzu relaxed against the younger girl at her side, with her conscience having been cleared Yuzu felt much better. After laying several kisses to the top of Mei's head, Yuzu sat contently watching the movie with the love of her life lying in her arms.

Not five minutes from then, Yuzu looked down to see Mei getting up from her position. "Huh, Mei are you going to bed? It's still pretty early- ehh Mei?" Underneath the covers, Mei sat up and climbed on top of Yuzu's lap. With the quilt still hanging from her shoulders, Mei reached her hand forward as she straddled the pink-faced blonde. Taking Yuzu's growlingly hot cheek in her hand, Mei rubbed her thumb along her cheekbone as she watched Yuzu's reaction. Not saying a word, Mei brought her head in closer to Yuzu's and after a moment's hesitation that was spent looking into Yuzu's sparkling eyes, Mei planted her lips onto Yuzu's.

Her hands found the waist of the girl sitting on top of her as she eagerly replied to the kiss, letting out a soft moan Yuzu moved her hands to the girl's hips. Seeing that Mei had no intention of pulling back, Yuzu parted her lips and slipped her tongue out of her mouth and over Mei's soft lips asking for entry. Yet much to her disappointment, as soon as her tongue tried to part the plump lips Mei moved away leaving a trail of soft, slow kisses along her jawline.

After her journey to the blonde's ear was over, Mei made a line of kisses back to the slightly wet pink lips. When she reached them she once again placed her lips on the blonde's, taking her in a slow kiss. Tilting her head Mei continued her kiss as she relished the feeling of Yuzu lips on her own, but again Mei left those beautifully tempting lips when Yuzu grazed her tongue over her lips, trying to get into her mouth. This time pulling back completely as she caught her breath and lightly thumbed Yuzu's bottom lips while looking her in the eye.

"Mei, did I do something wrong?" Yuzu studied Mei intently as she steadied her breathing; her eyes were full of adoration as she looked down into the blonde's eyes but overall Mei had a pretty neutral expression, she wasn't smiling but she didn't look unhappy either. Thinking she had done something to upset the younger as whenever Yuzu tried to deepen the kiss Mei moved away, now she was looking down to her with this expression.

Just as Yuzu was going to speak and ask Mei again she spoke up, "No, of course you didn't Yuzu. I was just enjoying taking it slow, we so often just rush into it I was just savouring the feeling of your lips." Mei blushed at her words but she never broke eye contact with Yuzu whos eyes softened. Moving her hands back to her girlfriend's waist, Yuzu nodded her head to Mei. "Whatever you want my love," Yuzu smiled as she brought herself closer to Mei before slowly placing her lips back against Mei's, she too savoured the soft, delicate feeling of her partner's lips.

After near a minute of this slow passionate dance, Mei pulled away again, this time Yuzu didn't question her only waited for Mei to say something. Turning her head to the side, Mei waited for a few moments before she looked back to Yuzu.

"Do you think you could play something for me Yuzu?" Mei looked from the burgundy piano to her lover who was smiling softly to her, "Of course. I can play anything you want, anything at all." Yuzu gave a nod to Mei as she gently pushed the coffee table away with her feet so she could stand. After waiting a moment Yuzu realised Mei had no intention of moving from her legs, smoothly pulling the duvet from Mei's shoulders and turning down the television, Yuzu shuffled to the front of the couch. She held Mei firmly by her upper thighs as she felt Mei wrap her legs around her waist and bury her head in her neck, her arms snaking around her neck.

Feeling Mei was secure, Yuzu stood effortlessly from the couch and got her balanced before slowly walking over to their piano; lightly swaying Mei as she went. When she was sitting on the stool with Mei still on her lap, Yuzu reached forwards and turned the electric piano on. Pressing some random keys before she gently pushed Mei from her body to sit a little further back on her legs, allowing her to meet Mei's gaze.

"What would you like me to play?" Yuzu asked, her voice kind and tender. Leaving one hand on the piano, the other went back to Mei's waist. "I'm not sure." Mei leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss to Yuzu's cheek as she thought, "... Something peaceful maybe... romantic, slow... loving..." Mei seemed slightly embarrassed as she described to Yuzu what she wanted her to play. A song came to Yuzu's mind immediately, but she hadn't played it in years and couldn't play it entirely from memory.

"Do you have your phone on you Mei?" Yuzu looked to Mei hoping she did, as otherwise, she would have to get up and get her own, and like magic, Mei nodded her head and pulled her phone from her shorts pocket. Typing for several moments on the phone, Yuzu brought up some sheet music and placed the phone where she would normally have put her sheet music. Scanning over the song, Yuzu slowly started remembering the beat as she played it in her mind. She was brought out of her memory retrieval as Mei lightly kissed her on the lips.

Sliding Mei back up her legs, Yuzu waited until Mei was balanced and holding on properly before she started playing. Mei had her shoulder tucked under Yuzu's chin allowing the girl to just be able to see some of the keys, not that it mattered much to the blonde: she knew a keyboard like the back of her hand, she didn't need to look at the keys to know where they should have been. Well, at least not for moderately easy songs, or ones she had practised dozens of times.

"I don't know if you will know this song Mei but what you described made me think of this, and this song makes me think of you when I hear it so I think you should like it," Yuzu spoke calmly as she placed a small kiss to the side of Mei's neck before turning her attention to the phone screen in front of her.

The first keys filled the apartment with a full leisurely melody, Mei felt every piece of tension in her body drift away as she was captivated by the sound of Yuzu playing. The slow compassionate notes almost brought a tear to Mei's eye, how her girlfriend was playing something so delicate and tender for her made her indescribably happy. To begin with, she didn't recognise the song, but it didn't bother her as she felt the meaning of the song in its andante but meaningful melody. When the blonde came to the chorus of the song a chord was struck in Mei, (no pun intended ;)) she instantly recognised the song and her grasp on the blonde tightened as a gasp left her lips.

Yuzu was playing 'You and I' by John Legend. Mei knew this song, she had heard it several times and admired it, the words didn't mean much to her then but as she listened to the blonde playing the notes, 'and this evening I, won't let the feeling die I never wanna leave your side... Out of all of the girls, you're my one and only girl ain't nobody in the world tonight.' Mei could feel tears as she recited the words in her head as Yuzu played them gracefully on the keys. Mei dropped her hands from Yuzu's neck and carefully wrapped them around the girl's waist, the action that wasn't subtle at all knocked Yuzu as she played several wrong notes before getting back into her rhythm. Ducking her head into Yuzu's neck, Mei laced several slow kisses as she listened to Yuzu play.

Mei listened as Yuzu started a crescendo, when she was at her peak, Mei felt undying happiness at what Yuzu was trying to convey to her.

'you keep wondering if you're what I'm wanting, you don't even have to try... Ohh you don't have to try, don't try, don't try, you don't have to try. Ohh out of all of the girls your my one and only girl ain't nobody in the world tonight, all of the stars they don't shine brighter than you are ain't nobody in the world but you... and I, you... and I, you... and I, nobody in the world tonight, ain't nobody in the world but.. you.. and I.' As Yuzu came to the end she played a dynamic diminuendo that made Mei's heart flutter, as she walked the last of the notes up the length of the piano. Yuzu waited for several moments as she held the last note and after finally releasing the pedal, wrapped both her arms around Mei, holding her tight.

With her head tucked over Mei's shoulder, Yuzu spoke confidently into Mei's ear as she felt Mei squeeze her, "I love you Mei Aihara, there is no one in this entire universe who compares to you. I will love you and only you until the day I die because you are the most beautiful, caring and loving person I have ever met, and most importantly you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I would never trade you in for a quick one night stand or even for a perfect, no argument relationship with someone else because I already have what I want right here; You." Holding onto Mei, Yuzu felt herself sniffle a little at her words that seemed to flow naturally out of her mouth.

Mei didn't speak, she couldn't speak the huge lump in her throat made that impossible. She clung to the fabric of Yuzu's shirt as she let quiet tears run down her cheek into the blonde's neck, never had she felt so much emotion in her chest. Yuzu took Mei's silence to continue, she felt this was the perfect time to let Mei know all her feelings. Leave Mei with absolutely no doubt of her love.

"You Mei, you are my purpose for being here. I wake up every morning just because I know I'll be able to look at that gorgeous face, hold you in my arms and tell you I love you. You might not see it but you are radiant, everyone dims in comparison. Just being in the same room as you makes my heart beat faster, knowing that such an amazing woman is mine." As Yuzu continued she felt Mei's shoulders start to tremble along with a wet sensation on her neck. Keeping both hands firmly planted around Mei, Yuzu gave her a reassuring squeeze as she spoke.

"You are the love of my life, whether you have bed head hair and are wearing a five-year-old stained oversized top or looking absolutely smoking hot in a business suit it doesn't make a difference to me. You are the one who I will love for the rest of my life, nobody else but you." Yuzu smiled as she felt Mei give her one last tight embrace before she pulled back and pressed her lips onto Yuzus. She could feel Mei's tears on her cheeks but Yuzu knew they were tears of happiness, bringing both her hands to the younger's cheeks, Yuzu lightly pushed Mei back as she wiped the tears with her thumbs, leaving Mei to look straight into Yuzu's glistening eyes.

"Yu-yuzu... Why are you so good to me?" Mei asked as she let out a sob and held Yuzu's hand that was wiping her tears away. The reply she got made a mixture of a laugh and a cry leave the younger of the two.

"That's simple, Mei, because I love you," Mei should have expected this considering the heartwarming moment the two had just shared but still, the words pulled at the already worn strings of her heart.

"You-you have to stop Yuzu I can't take any more, my-my heart." Mei gave a weary sob as she clutched at the shirt above her chest, trying to show the blonde that she was having a hard time keeping this rush of emotion in check. Yuzu, however, grabbed Mei by the legs as she had done earlier and stood in a swift motion, once standing Yuzu felt Mei's legs instantly tightened around her.

"Never Mei. I love you, I love you and I love you some more! And more and more, never ever will I stop telling you that." Yuzu spun Mei around once as she smiled at the slight squeal her girlfriend made. When she was done, Yuzu sat back down on the stool and waited as Mei held her close. Yuzu's heart warmed as she felt Mei leave several kisses to the crook of her neck, slowly making her way up the blonde's neck until she came face to face with the blonde.

"Thank you, Yuzu... that was beautiful." Mei only spoke the few words before she leaned in and gave the blonde a much-needed kiss to the lips. The kiss was slow as it had been before but neither if the two were complaining, Yuzu thought she spoke for both of them when she thought that this evening was a good change of pace for the two. The slow kisses, small breaks, it was allowing her to appreciate the things about Mei that she didn't have time to think about when they rushed into things; Like how extremely soft Mei's lips were, or that her eyes sparkled and seemed to brighten every time she looked into Yuzu's; The baby blush that appeared on Mei's cheeks every time she looked at the blonde's awaiting lips; The way Mei's hands trembled slightly at her touch or the way she turned her head trying to feel Yuzu's lips from every possible angle. Yuzu loved it.

Ending the kiss, Yuzu pulled back and took Mei's hand that was still holding her own and brought it to her lips. Laying a feather-like kiss to her knuckles Yuzu brought her head closer and after giving her a soft peck, lowered her hands to Mei's waist.

"Mei, what do you want to do?" Yuzu asked softly, unaware of just how Mei wanted this night to end. If she wanted to carry on and get more intimate Yuzu certainly didn't mind but if she just wanted to spend the evening holing one another and taking in the little things about one another Yuzu would be all for that too. This night was about Mei and Yuzu knew Mei was feeling exhausted from the idea of Yuzu leaving her for someone else, so she wanted to make Mei feel as comfortable as possible.

Yuzu watched as Mei sat still on her legs, seemingly browsing the options in her head through her eyes never left the blondes. After several more moments of silence, Mei spoke up, her voice now fuller and more confident than before.

"I know what you want, but can that maybe wait till later? I don't want to push you and I know you might not be fully comfortable playing it for me because it was for you and your father but... do you think you could play some more? I really liked listening to you play Nuvole Bianche the very first time you played a song for me, I know it's late and you might be too tired to play a lot so it's okay if you say no. I mean if it is uncomfortable for you or you don't want to it's fine you can play something else or we can just go back to watching those movies or if you don't want to do that then we can have se-" Mei's rambling was put to an end swiftly as Yuzu heard the next word that was going to come out of her lovers mouth.

Just like the rest that night the kiss was slow and soft, but enough that it caught Mei off guard and stopped her from speaking. As Mei was still stuck to Yuzu's lips, the blonde pulled her back up her body to the point where their breasts where pushed together. Before Mei could say anything the feeling of Yuzu's hands leaving her waist and the quiet sound of three notes filled the apartment. Mei instantly knew what the blonde was playing and it filled her with joy.

"Now I might make some mistakes because I can't see all the keys and I still find this a little difficult to play if I can't see my hands, but I hope you still like it." Yuzu placed a quick kiss to the side of Mei's head before she locked her eyes back on her hands. "And Mei?" Yuzu spoke quietly, almost whispering into Mei's ear as to not disturb her performance. Yuzu got a quick nod back from Mei alongside several light pecks to her neck. "I will play anything for you on the piano you don't have to be so hesitant about it, but please don't ever suggest having sex just because you think I want it. If you don't want to do it then we won't, okay?" Yuzu said rather sternly although still quiet, her hand still dancing on the keys making the peaceful tune fill the room.

After several seconds of listening to the moderate piece, Mei gave another nod of her head, her lips and nose brushing off the crook of the blonde's neck as she did. "I never said I didn't want to Yuzu, I was just enjoying spending time with you. It was just if you maybe wanted to pick up the pace and you know... go for it straight away." Mei spoke as softly as Yuzu, her voice losing confidence as she came ot the end of her sentence. Mei received a quick 'okay' from Yuzu before the two relaxed to the sound of the blonde's playing, Mei covering her neck in frail kisses which occasionally, along with her inability to see, resulted in a mix up of keys. This lead to moments of laughter before the peaceful environment returned.

When the five minutes had passed Yuzu took her hands from the keys and after giving them a quick stretch buried her face into Mei neck, surrounding her self in Mei's pitch black hair and therefore her scent. Taking in a long breath of the refreshing smell Yuzu started peppering the neck in kisses.

"How was that?" Yuzu asked her voice hopeful that she had kept to Mei's standards. Moving back, Mei nodded without question to Yuzu who was smiling proudly to her. "Of course, you were amazing as I expected you to be." Raising her hand to Yuzu's cheek Mei leaned in and gave her another kiss, and like before Yuzu didn't attempt to turn the innocent kiss into anything more out of respect for Mei. Though Yuzu was pleasantly surprised when she felt the tip of Mei's tongue brush lightly over her lips.

Leaving not a moment of hesitation Yuzu allowed Mei entry and enjoyed a slow passionate dance of their tongues. Yuzu's hand found its place in Mei's hair and continued to run her hand along the scalp if the younger girl as the kiss continued. Not a minute in and Yuzu was already losing her breath, whether it was a mixture of pent up adrenaline or the sweet moans Mei was releasing into the apartment, Yuzu didn't know but she was quickly running out if air. As desperately as she wanted to continue, Yuzu reluctantly pulled her head back releasing Mei's tongue after a final suck. When their lips were finally apart Yuzu layed several pecks to Mei's neck in an attempt to keep the mood up, but her lungs betrayed her and she was rendered useless, her lungs forcing her to recuperate and get some air.

Sitting back Yuzu looked up at Mei's amused gaze, her chest rising and falling at rapid speed. Mei, although had just participated in the same thing, was having a much easier time, with her breath just slightly faster than normal. "What's wrong with you today Yuzu? You usually have a little more in you than that." Yuzu gave a weak smirk at Mei who had flushed red cheeks and was giving a small grin as she teased the blonde. It was true usually, though Mei would never admit it and Yuzu wouldn't say it in front of Mei seriously, Yuzu out of the two usually lasted longer in intimate moments. She had more stamina that Mei on most occasions and would normally be the last one to break a kiss due to the inability to breath. And yet here she was panting like an animal while Mei had already caught her breath and was just using the spare time to run her fingers through the slightly tangled blonde locks.

After nearly a minute of this interaction, Yuzu spoke her breath now back to normal. "Sorry bout that, I don't know what's wrong with me." Yuzu gave a bigger grin and gave a slight shrug of her shoulders as she straightened her back and gave a quick kiss to Mei's lips before slouching a little more.

"Are you feeling better, no more silly thoughts zooming around up there?" Yuzu asked with a small chuckle as she lightly tapped her fore and middle fingers off the side of Mei's head. Mei gave a giggle at the blonde's words and nodded, "I'm feeling much better, thank you." Mei smiled down at Yuzu as she swung her legs behind the blonde, her arms resting on her shoulders.

"I can see that you are tired, so how about we go back to the lounge and finish the movie we were watching? I'll make you play some more for me tomorrow when you are more awake." Mei rolled her eyes and smiled down at Yuzu who gasped in exaggerated astonishment. Leaning back ever so slightly Yuzu raised her hand to her chest in a mock offended gesture, "Me tired? Never" Yuzu laughed after several moments and caught Mei in another kiss, again leaving it to the younger girl to deepen in in fear of rushing when Mei had asked to go slow.

It was Mei who after only thirty seconds broke the kiss, resting her head on the blonde's and looked down into her eyes, waiting to see what the blonde would say.

"Okay, okay I'll admit I am a little out of sync because I'm tired but we can definitely go back to watching those movies and cuddling," Daring to go further, Yuzu dropped her hands to Mei's legs and ran them along the underside of her thighs and over her ass, being sure to give a playful squeeze before she returned them to her waist. "... Or we could do something else," Yuzu gave a quick smile that turned into a laugh as Mei practically jumped off her legs at the motion.

Giving a halfhearted scowl to the blonde, Mei slid completely off Yuzu's legs and stood by herself before starting to walk back to the living room giving a small huff as she did.

"Awe c'mon Mei, please I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," Yuzu whined still from the stool at the piano, although she had swivelled her body so she was facing the couch where Mei was walking to, she remained seated; her legs stretched out for the first time since sitting down.

Surprised at the lack of a pursue, Mei turned around to see Yuzu watching her from their previous position, furrowing her brow a little as she watched the shorter girl massage her thighs with her hands. "What's wrong Yuzu? Did I hurt you when I got up?" Mei had completely lost her annoyed expression, her voice taking on a tone of both worry and guilt. Yuzu was quick to give a laugh and wave Mei off, completely dismissing her proposal, "No you didn't hurt me Mei, but you've been sitting on my legs for the better part of twenty minutes, there completely numb though I can start feeling the pins and needles now." Giving a smile that was both of happiness and discomfort Yuzu gave a thumbs up to Mei, trying to reassure the girl.

"You should have said something Yuzu," Mei said slightly annoyed as she sat down on the arm of the chair so she could still look at the blonde.

"Yeah yeah I know, but you were upset and my biggest priority was making you feel better." Giving her signature smile, Yuzu ever so slowly made her way over to the couch. Getting there she flopped on her back and waited for the tingling sensation to go away, in the meantime she smiled up at Mei who had returned to her neutral expression.

Saying nothing, Mei lifted the blonde's legs by her calves and sat down on the cushions, laying Yuzu's legs back over her thighs; Wordlessly pressing play on the movie, giving it her full attention.

Yuzu, still stuck by her tingling legs, frowned over at Mei who was trying her damnedest not to look at the blonde. "Mei please don't ignore me, I didn't mean to kill the mood I said I was sorry don't be mad at me. C'mon, I literally just apologised and tried to make you feel better, don't be going all moody on me for trying to reassure you." The blonde's whines emanated throughout the apartment making it near impossible for Mei to focus on the movie, not that she was actually trying and was in turn easily swayed into looking back at Yuzu.

"I never said I was in a sour mood, I know that you were only trying to reassure me but I don't like that you allowed yourself to get hurt in the process. Besides, we are watching the movies just like you asked." Mei gave her best attempt at a smile but she couldn't hide the annoyance in her expression.

Having the feeling finally return to her legs, Yuzu sat up and pulled her legs under her so she was sitting crossed legged on the couch facing Mei who was now flicking her eyes between the television and the blonde. Yuzu, however, not content with only having half the girl's attention, rose to her knees and turned Mei's face with her hand. When her face was turned and Mei was looking at her, Yuzu leaned in and carefully placed a kiss to Mei's lips, mindful of any resistance she might have had.

When Mei returned the embrace instantly, Yuzu used the moment to pull one leg over Mei's and sat over her lap. Still on her knees, Yuzu leaned down into the kiss, caressing Mei's upturned head. Several soft moans were muffled by both parties as a result. After several minutes of the leisurely kiss Yuzu unconsciously started moving her hips, practically grinding her clothed pelvis against Mei's chest. Completely lost in the feeling of her lover's lips Yuzu felt like everything around them had disappeared, all she could feel were Mei's lips and her hands that were gripping tightly at the back of her cotton covered thighs.

Finally feeling the need for air, Mei slightly pushed on the blonde's thighs indicating that she needed to break the kiss. Things seemingly back to normal though as Yuzu as per usual was persistent in prolonging the contact, her lips, hands nor active hips stopping at the light push. It took an eternity long ten seconds for Mei to finally pry her lips from the blonde's, a mixture of pure bliss and the pain in her heaving lungs rushed through her, Yuzu seemed to have already got her erratic breathing under control enough so that she was already attacking Mei's neck with a barrage of kisses, being sure to just leave kisses and nothing more as she knew Mei wanted to go slow and in all honesty Yuzu really didn't mind. It just meant that their night would last longer than usual.

Along with tilting her head back into the couch, allowing the blonde to continue her advances on her jaw and throat, Yuzu could feel Mei's trimmed nail raking along the back of her thighs in an attempt to keep up the contact but also needing something to grip onto. This, however, didn't bother Yuzu in the slightest as she ran her hands through the silky black locks and over the exposed shoulder and neck of her lover, milking every moan she could from the squirming girl beneath her.

"I'm sorry if I upset you, but I'm completely fine and the only thing I wanna focus on right now is you. Is that okay?" Stopping for mere seconds before her lips continued to brush over the light skin, never lingering too long or leaving a mark she hadn't even left a mark yet or brushed her tongue on the warm skin no matter how tempting it was. Yuzu wanted to know that Mei wanted to go further, she didn't really think that going any further without some sort of verbal consent would be okay tonight.

One hand lightly caressed the girl's cheek, the other the girl's arm as Yuzu very reluctantly pulled her lips form the youngers neck and stopped her hips that she hadn't completely realised she was rubbing against her partner. Not sitting down yet, Yuzu moved back enough that Mei would be able to answer her without anything clouding her judgment.

"Mmhmm, just be sure not to go too fast." Mei after catching her breath gave a small smile and nodded up to Yuzu.

"Of course, but I was already going slow for you. I know you don't want to rush anything tonight and neither do I." Yuzu said as she slowly lowered herself onto the taller girls legs, now eye level with her. Yuzu watched as an amused smile spread on Mei's lips, her hands reaching from her thighs to her hips.

"Yeah, you really seemed to be taking it slow with that furious grinding you had going on there." Mei smiled and struggled to stifle a chuckle when Yuzu's cheeks flushed red as she tried to think of a retort. Though she didn't quite have time as Mei leaned forwards and pressed her lips to the blondes. Soft lips met one another and before she had time to realise what the younger was doing, Yuzu had already parted her lips to let Me inside her mouth. Yuzu didn't even think about trying to dominate the younger and force her way into the girl's mouth, she was more than content participating in the almost elegant exchange that was going on.

Yuzu now had one hand wrapped tightly in the dark locks, her body pretty much melting against Mei's form. The two not quite running out of breath, Yuzu still pulled away and focused on the white skin on her partner's neck, loving the baby moans that she let loose.

"You are beautiful," Yuzu whispered into Mei's pink ear as she layed several innocent kisses to her temple. She got an incoherent reply from Mei who had her head thrown back into the cushions as her hand searched the blonde's back.

"Are you comfortable here or do you want to go to the room? Whatever you want tonight we can do." She lowered herself to Mei's collarbone and traced them with her lips, laying soft kisses but no marks, not yet.

"Bed- Room... Please." Yuzu smirked at her girlfriend's response and continued her barrage on her neck and shifted her shirt to the side to get access to her shoulders. After spending several more minutes pleasing her girlfriend with only her lips, she allowed Mei to pull her shirt on properly and got off her legs, taking her hands Yuzu helped Mei off the couch and smiled as she watched Mei eye her for several more minutes.

"We can clean it up in the morning or after class tomorrow, we are way too busy to do it now," Yuzu smirked as she watched Mei contemplate whether or not she was going to leave the takeaway boxes on the table. Though it seemed that she didn't have much of a choice as she almost squealed as Yuzu lifted her by her thighs and pulled her up to her waist. With Mei instinctively wrapping her legs around the blonde's torso to stop her from falling, she watched the living room get further and further away as she was marched down the hall.

Chuckling to herself as she ignored Mei huffing about being picked up so casually, once Yuzu got into the bedroom she gently backed Mei onto the bed but didn't release her grip. With Mei now lying flush on the bed and Yuzu between her legs, Mei couldn't help the smile on her lips as she looked up to the cheesing blonde.

Keeping her legs wrapped around the older girls waist, Mei shuddered as she felt the entire of Yuzu's body against her in one swift grinding motion; The blonde seemingly purposely dragging out the motion between their hips.

Resting on her elbows that were either side of the youngers head Yuzu, after she had stopped moaning from the contact, smiled down at Mei before giving her a soft kiss. Mei could say she was shocked, in a good way, at how Yuzu was going about this, the slow pauses and how Yuzu kept going back to the innocent tongueless kisses, or how she would make one stronger advance before falling back into the less physical stuff. It reminded Mei of the first couple times they had actually slept together, the way Yuzu was too nervous to just go straight for it or that she would, like she was doing now, stop her advances every time she did something more physical and return to kisses and cuddles.

If she was honest, Mei really liked it. The two, under Mei's verdict, hadn't actually slept together until they had moved out and were in their first year of University. Of course, they had done things before the first night in their own apartment but they had only actually been sleeping together for a little over a year, and despite what others might have thought, Yuzu's confidence grew quickly. Now they rarely ever had nights where the blonde was too shakey to just jump straight to it, and tonight was a much-appreciated change of pace.

"Can I kiss you?" Yuzu pulled back and looked Mei in the eyes, Mei knew what Yuzu was asking her and wasted no time in grasping the blonde by the back of her head and pulling her down to meet her lips in a rushed and heated kiss. Wasting no time in pushing her tongue into the blonde's mouth and hoping she would take the hint that Mei wanted to go slow but not to the point of having to ask to kiss her properly. Although much to her disappointment, Yuzu pulled back after moments of the kiss beginning.

"Hey, I asked if I could kiss you not if you could kiss me." Yuzu said smugly as she gave a quick grin before leaning her entire form onto the younger girl and pressed their lips back together. After several movements of her head, Yuzu took the grasping at her hair as a sign that Mei wanted her to move slightly faster, and so with no resistance Yuzu pushed her tongue into Mei and melted at the feeling of being inside her lover's mouth for the first time that night. Mei although not quite liking being told how she was supposed to be kissing, didn't fight for the dominating position, instead, relaxed into the slow caresses of her partner's warm muscle that was gradually exploring the regions of her mouth.

Minutes had passed and now Yuzu was regretfully behind pushed away from the kiss to allow Mei to breathe. Though it was a common thing, Yuzu never liked having to leave the lips of the raven-haired beauty and so settled for finally being able to suck at the skin of her neck.

"I love you so much Mei," She lowered to the shoulders, leaving few marks on her way. "One day soon I'm gonna show you just how much," Yuzu's voice was husky and quiet as she spoke in between kisses, her lips always grazing the skin as she spoke before delving back into kissing the pale skin.

Catching her breath and pushing her body up into the blonde Mei spoke, "If you are talking about my birthday I know its next week but I don't want anything, just spending the day with you is all I need." Mei said in rasps as the lips worked extra hard against the base of her neck, stretching the boundaries of her shirt.

Pulling back from the girl's upper chest, Yuzu looked down with a not so impressed expression, "I can't get you nothing for your twenty-first birthday, that's like the most majorest one. You have to give me some idea of what you would like." With a firm expression Yuzu watched as Mei looked up into her eyes, she watched as a small piece of consideration washed over the purple orbs before she shook her head.

"You know I'm not really one for birthdays, and this one isn't going to be any different from the one last year I would rather just spend my day with you so don't worry about getting me anything. Promise?" With her breathing back under control, Mei waited as Yuzu contemplated her words before giving a big grin.

"Sorry but no can do, I will more than happily spend the day with you but I have to get you a present. You gave me the best twenty-first birthday ever and I'm gonna be doing the same for you, so I'm afraid you are just going to have to deal with me." Grinning wildly Yuzu lowered herself back onto Mei's lips before she could argue.

Bringing one of her hands from the side of the younger head, Yuzu took the larger step forward and firmly grasped Mei's breast in her hand. Mei's back arched off the bed at the unforeseen contact, her breast being pushed further into the blonde's hand. After seconds of the firm massages, Yuzu could feel the hard tip pushing into her palm through the thin cloth of her shirt. When the nub was hard enough, Yuzu took the moment to give it a slow roll between her fingers and chose to continue when she heard a muffled gasp come from the girl beneath her.

With the legs around her back locking her in place Yuzu used them to her advantage as she ever so gently rocked her hips into Mei's crotch. The results satisfactory as Mei's breath hitched before going into low moans, Yuzu grinned when she felt Mei pushing her hips up to meet the blonde, craving for more contact to accompany the ministrations of her nipple. Releasing the point from her fingers, Yuzu wriggled free of Mei's legs to position herself on the girls lower abdomen.

"What happened to going slow tonight?" Returning to soft gropes of the warm mound Yuzu smiled down to Mei who looked very disappointed at the lack of contact. Sitting upright on top of the youngers torso Yuzu weaved her fingers under the fabric of Mei's shirt and ran them along the semi-firm stomach beneath it. With no response from Mei as her cheeks grew red at the older's words, Yuzu decided to keep going. "But I'm not against moving things along a little faster if you want to." Mei nodded quickly, still seemingly too embarrassed to speak.

Mei shuddered again as Yuzu's hands ran up and down her bare sides before moving to her ribcage where for several seconds the blonde just appreciated the warmth between her fingers. Before Mei had time to adjust she was met with both her breast being clasped by the two warm soft hands, after the initial squeeze that sent electricity down her spine Yuzu started kneading them simultaneously.

Yuzu, still sitting on the youngers waist, was captivated by the expressions Mei was making at the moment. No one other than her had ever had the pleasure of seeing this and Yuzu was damn sure no one else ever would if she had anything to say about it.

Her thoughts were broken as she felt Mei playing with the hem of her shirt, clearly wanting it to be anywhere else but on her at the moment. Releasing her grip, Yuzu was more than willing to free herself of her confinements. In one fell swoop, the shirt had been taken over her head and dropped to the floor, she grinned down at the younger girl who had her eyes glued to her chest. Moving her hands from the youngers waist Mei instantly took the bouncing breasts in her hands and relished in the way Yuzu's back involuntarily arched backwards.

The better part of an hour later, Mei had finally managed to get a teasing Yuzu and herself fully undressed. Mei was now on her knees facing and up against the wall as her hands gripped at the headboard of their bed with Yuzu behind her in a similar position. One of the blonde's hands was gripping her breast the other as wrapped around her waist, her fingers gliding along Mei's dripping slits as she rolled her hips into Mei's ass.

Bringing her mouth behind her girlfriend's burning ears, Yuzu whispered while she dragged her pelvis over Mei's cheeks. "Spread your legs." With a lick to her ear and her knee nudging the inside of Mei's, she eventually felt Mei open her legs a little more. Taking her hand from the youngers chest, Yuzu brought it to the back of her neck and after laying several kisses to the nape of her neck leaned forward and ran her hand down the length of Mei back.

"How would you feel about trying something new?" Yuzu spoke in a husky voice as she waited for Mei to reply, one hand was still stroking her slits and occasionally dipping inside the panting girl while the other joined her rocking hips by groping the taut muscle of her ass.

"Wh-what did you-" Mei's breathing was harsh as she tried to talk to her girlfriend. She had asked to go slow and unfortunately for her Yuzu took that too literally and had been teasing her much longer than she liked, now she was too aroused for her own good and just wanted the feeling of her lover inside her.

"I'll show you, but if you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable tell me to stop and we can just go back to what we normally do." Slipping her grasping hand down Mei's behind, Yuzu stopped the work of her hips and focused on what she was doing. Laying countless kisses to Mei's exposed neck Yuzu slowly pushed her fingers deep within Mei, who in response shuddered and moaned in satisfaction.

Several thrusts later Yuzu could confidently say both her fingers and Mei were drenched, although it usually took some time to get into it Yuzu knew this was one of Mei's favourite positions. With what she was about to try she wanted Mei to be as turned on as possible, plus the blonde loved this as well; having Mei up against the wall panting heavily as she pushed her hips into the girls round ass, low moans filled the room and Mei was at her mercy.

With a final heavy push the blonde pulled her fingers out, much to the youngers dissatisfaction, and after replacing that hand with her other drew her fingers back and cautiously ran her fingers over Mei's other entrance. Yuzu listened as she heard Mei take a sharp gasp of air and her back arc into Yuzu's chest.

Her fingers still gently pumped into the moaning girl from the front, Yuzu, after massaging for several more seconds, pushed the tip of her finger into Mei's ass. "Ngnn! Yuzu... what-" As the fingers entered her, Mei felt a rush of pleasure shoot through her body, however, it was accompanied with a heavy discomfort and a slight amount of pain. Along with the two front digits that were growing in speed, Yuzu slowly started moving her single finger and when she did Mei collapsed into the headboard.

"Oh my god, Mei, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to go that far, are you okay?" As soon as Yuzu saw Mei's reaction, both hands were removed from the younger girl quicker than dropping a scorching hot pan. Moving from behind the girl to her side, Yuzu lifted her head to meet Mei's gaze.

The blonde had come across a particular scene in one of her mangas that had demonstrated this type of sex, and since then it had been playing heavily on the girl's mind. Though the way the character reacted was slightly different from what she was seeing here, and Yuzu felt she had crossed a line. The thought that she had hurt Mei in that way made Yuzu feel terrible and the idea was erased from her mind the moment she saw her girlfriend cry out and fall forwards.

"Mei?... Mei? Are you alright? I'm sorry," Mei's breath was ragged as she tried to adjust to her body suddenly feeling empty. The shock of what had just occurred along with the discomfort made Mei feel relief when the blonde retracted her finger but that loss of extra pleasure was nagging at her and craving for more.

"I'm- fine Yuzu, it was just a bit of a surprise." Seeing the anxious and guilty look on the blonde's face, Mei knew she had to say something before she started thinking she really had done something bad. The younger girl smiled when she saw the alarmed panic wash off her partners face.

"I'm sorry, I should have talked to you about trying something like that first I didn't mean to make you upset or hurt you." Yuzu shook her head at her stupidity, though Mei wasn't having any of it.

"Hey, look at me. Yes, you could have spoken to me beforehand but you asked me if I wanted to try something and you stopped as soon as you thought something was wrong. Besides I didn't entirely dislike it... Like I said it was just a surprise, I'll be ready this time so don't worry." Mei's cheeks grew darker as she spoke, never had she thought she would be having this conversation.

"Really, you liked it?!" A mixture of shock and a cocky grin had appeared onto the blonde's face. Mei gave a small nod and dropped her gaze to the bedsheets suddenly feeling exposed and embarrassed.

"Hey now, you don't need to hide it. I wouldn't have even tried it if I didn't think you would like it so it's all good." Leaning into the still furiously blushing girl, Yuzu gave her a sweet kiss before moving forward to her ear where she spoke in a sultry voice before moving back around Mei. "If anything it turns me on."

Shuddering, Mei was met with the familiar grinding motion of Yuzu on her ass, the feeling alone relit the arousal between her still open legs. Much like before, Yuzu swept Mei's hair to the side so she could work her lips on her neck and upper back, while one hand slipped around the girl's waist and effortlessly delved back inside Mei, her fingers being surrounded by tight wet walls and a low moan escaped from Mei's mouth.

"You know you don't have to try and be quiet, I love listening to you." Yuzu once again leaned up to Mei's ear only this time once she was finished, she took the lob in her teeth and after flicking it with her tongue gave it a long suck and Mei felt the uncomfortable pleasure fill her from below again.

"Fuck Yuzu, mmm," Mei let out a loud gasp at the combined stimulation of her ear ass and pussy, Yuzu was even managing to keep the grinding on Mei's ass up and this combination was sending Mei to the edge quicker than she had expected.

Yuzu could feel Mei thrusting her hips down onto her fingers, clearly loving this new sensation she was feeling but she was focusing most of her energy into the two digits that she was pushing in at an increased speed, feeling Mei clamp down on her every time she curled her fingers and knowing she was close to cumming. Yuzu knew Mei was feeling good from her extra application tonight that was evident from the countless dirty words spilling from her mouth, but Yuzu didn't want to push anything.

"That's it, Mei, cum from me fucking you in the pussy and the ass," Yuzu's voice had grown in both volume and confidence as she risked the statement her teeth scratching along the girl's shoulders before she bit down and sucked again. It was met with a low grunt and moan as Mei's fingers grasped tightly at the top of the headboard and the thrusting of her body sped up.

"Yuzu I'm- I'm going to cu-" Mei's voice was lost and drowned out by the moans as her body convulsed and shook at Yuzu's increased force. After several shallower thrusts, Yuzu took her fingers out and smiled as the action made Mei spasm. Mei was panting heavily as she used both the wall and the board to stop her from completely collapsing into the bed, but had they not been there she knew she would have been lying flat on her stomach. Her breath hitched again as she felt Yuzu's front fit into the curve of her back, her entirety pushing against her while her hands snaked up her form and tugged at her solid nipples.

"Yu-zhu I'm sensitive... The-re" During her last word Yuzu gently twisted the nub and was rewarded with Mei's voice going up several pitches as the impulses shot through her recovering body.

"I know, why do you think I done it?" Yuzu's voice was almost too cocky for Mei's liking but she could only moan as Yuzu continued to massage her breasts and kiss her neck, slowly working her way around to her cheek. After several more moments of Mei calming down, Yuzu moved back to her side where she took Mei in a rushed heated and rather sloppy kiss.

Wiping her hands on the bedsheets before she touched the younger face, Yuzu cupped her cheek and after a long few minutes pulled back and settled down on the mattress with Mei on her lap.

"How was that, did you enjoy it?" Yuzu asked with a smile, as she continued to lay light kisses to Mei's shoulder and arm. A petite laugh filled the room and Yuzu's heart fluttered at the angelic sound "You know I did. I'm not sure where you got the idea or courage to do that but I really kinda liked it. You really went all out there, I don't know how you're not even the slightest bit out of breath." Mei smirked to the blonde who grinned proudly back.

Not wanting to leave and go to the living room, Yuzu gently moved Mei from her legs and grabbed their blanket that had fallen on the floor. For one night it would do, grabbing it and shaking it out, Yuzu returned and layed it around Mei's sitting form preparing to go to sleep.

"What are you doing?" Mei had a hint of confusion in her voice but mostly she was amused at the blonde's hinting. The blonde simply shrugged her shoulders and smiled, "I thought you would be tired out after trying that so I guessed we would just go to sleep, I mean I am completely fine with that." Giving a genuine smile Yuzu tried to push Mei down onto the bed to go to sleep but she was met with twinkling eyes that suggested they would be doing otherwise.

"You think I'm just going to let you go to sleep after that?" Mei's response came quickly as she dropped the blanket from her shoulders and practically lunged onto the blonde, knocking her onto her back in fits of giggles.

Seeming to have regained her energy, Mei covered Yuzu's neck in light ticklish kisses as the blonde laughed. "Okay, okay I get it we're not going to sleep just yet." Yuzu chuckled as she pushed lightly on Mei's shoulder to get her to stop her actions and look her in the eyes and when she did the two were instantly drawn into a passionate make out, much to Yuzu's disappointment Mei gave her no chance to fight back and took the leading role without hesitation.

Mei's hand was between the blonde's legs before the minute was up and wasted no time in taking the protruding nipple in her mouth once the kiss was broken.

"Jesus Mei! Someones in a rush," Yuzu almost stuttered as she felt two fingers enter her without any preparation, though she was already soaked due to the events leading up to this moment making Mei's fingers slip in with little to no resistance.

"Trust me, I'm in no rush tonight." Mei flashed Yuzu a fearless smile before she lowered herself between the blonde's trembling legs, wasting no time as as soon as the dripping heat was within reach Mei gave the slits a long slow lick along with a quick suck to her clit at the end of her lap.

At the single motion, the blonde's hips rose from the bed, finally having herself touched after a long night of teasing. If Yuzu was honest the previous image of Mei played on her mind repeatedly, a wave of new liquid flowed from her core as a result, covering Mei's chin in her hot juices.

Yuzu's attention was quickly brought back to the girl at her entrance as a rough hard thrust of Mei's fingers went hilt deep into her, "Do I have your attention?" Her voice laced with purpose, Mei waited for Yuzu to finish the furious nod before she grinned and lowered her face again.

From her hard thrust Mei slowed down to gentler more consistent pushes, ignorant to the disputes she received, her tongue was now making gentle laps of her lips and gave the blonde the occasional satisfaction of sucking her clit.

"Mei go faster please!" Yuzu was, at this point, doing more moving than Mei was by shifting her hips onto Mei's fingers and face trying to create the friction she craved. Though the cry went unheard as Mei continued these ministrations for a good ten minutes before she slowly picked up her pace, which received moans of pleasure from Yuzu who was losing her energy after thrusting herself for such a long period of time.

Realising that she was a moment away from climaxing even though the activity had been moderate, Mei assumed that she was just too pent up. Pulling both fingers out Mei quickly switched the positioning of her fingers and her tongue, wanting to really taste her lover's juices. The not so light playing with the blonde's clit was accompanied with strong pushed of Mei's tongue, every time it entered the blonde Mei felt the walls contract around her, the feeling making her excited.

"Mei!... Just a little more...fuckkkkkk!" It felt great inside her, the hot muscle caressing her insides sent the blonde over the edge and before she had time to think her body was shaking and she could do nothing to stop the scream that came with it.

Smirking Mei removed her tongue and lifted herself above the sweating blonde. Keeping her fingers moving back and forth over the silky entrance Mei pushed her lips to Yuzu's, taking her in a fast uncoordinated kiss. "I'm not finished," With a moment's warning before she took the blonde in another tongue battle, Mei pushed three fingers into the leaking hole and winced a little when she felt the muffled scream of her partner emanate into her mouth.

It was much tighter than Mei had expected and for a moment she felt she may have been a little too rough with the blonde, however as she went to remove her fingers and apologise she felt Yuzu raise her hips and moan loudly against her lips. Opening her eyes, Mei was met with lidded emeralds that were glistening with desire.

With her heaving chest and sweat covered body, Mei pulled away from the kiss and shifted to the blonde's chest that was, much like her own, moving at an incredible speed. With the go-ahead from her lover, Mei carefully started moving her hand while her mouth suckled on her breasts being sure to leave a couple of marks around the pink erection.

"Ahh, Mei faster... do me harder!" Yuzu's voice came out a strangled plea through her haggard breathing but Mei heard every word and with a few more preparatory thrusts, Mei did as the blonde requested and Yuzu's body shook with pleasure. Still not fully recovered from her previous orgasm Yuzu was already trying to stop herself from cumming too fast although it didn't seem to work as with a bite to her engorged nipple and a curve of the three fingers the blonde shook again. This time however Mei allowed her to ride out her orgasm before removing her hand and leading a trail of kisses up her neck, licking several stray beads of sweat as she went.

With Mei's breathing almost as harsh as Yuzu's the kiss was almost non-existent but the effort was there and after several of these, Mei fell to the side beside her recovering girlfriend who was still occasionally twitching.

"Fuck that was good Mei," Yuzu gave the praise as she tried to get her breathing under control. After catching her breath Yuzu rolled to her side and started layering Mei in kisses again, the girl was lying on her back, clearly worn out but Yuzu didn't quite feel finished.

"Do you have enough left for one more round?" The words were sweet as Yuzu kneaded Mei's neck with her lips and she got a feeble nod of the head from the younger girl.

"Together?" Yuzu asked the single word but she as already on her knees and moving down between Mei's legs. Mei knowing what she wanted, turned to the side and waited as Yuzu carefully lifted her leg up into the air, and when it was resting on the blonde's shoulder Yuzu covered the inside of the long, smooth stretch of skin in soft kisses, her hips slowly started to grind against Mei's. Their soaked entrances mixed together and Yuzu almost came from the feeling alone.

After the first few initial thrust Yuzu began grinding herself hard into Mei, wanting to feel her as fast as possible. "Fuck Mei you are still so wet and it feels s-soo good on me" Yuzu managed the words before her erratic breathing returned.

Several minutes of this hard repetitive action and Yuzu was completely laced in sweat, her body clearly ready to give in but Mei just wasn't quite there yet. Knowing she wouldn't last more than a minute longer, Yuzu reached down with her hand and after gently pulling back to the hood to Mei's clit tenderly fingered it. A loud gasp filled the room and Mei's back arched off the bed sending her pelvis against Yuzu's.

"Yuzu, yes!" The two thrusting in sync for several more seconds before a conjoint orgasm took over them and after several slow grinds to draw out the sensation, Yuzu fell to space beside her lover.

The two glowing bodies stuck together on the bed, both panting and trying to recover, Yuzu, however, was significantly more sweaty than her partner and when she finally had strength, moved to hover over Mei.

"I'm feeling kinda dirty, so I'm gonna take a quick shower and come back to bed." Pecking the girl on the cheek when Yuzu saw the look of displeasure on her face, she spoke again. "You can join me if you want?" Yuzu knew Mei had nothing left in her and the gesture was purely a comfort thing. Despite what she though Mei would do, Mei shook her head and buried her face into the pillows, her hand reaching for the blanket that had been thrown somewhere earlier.

Seeing she was too tired, Yuzu got the blanket for her, and after taking her in a final kiss covered her in the blanket and shuffled out of the room. Not ten minutes had passed when Yuzu came back into the room, hands furiously working to towel dry her hair as fast as possible.

Not bothering to get dressed Yuzu lifted the blanket and slipped in behind Mei, effectively spooning the younger girl. Laying what would be her final kisses that night to her head, Yuzu smiled when she realised Mei was still awake.

"You were quick, I thought I was going to have to try and stay away for a while," Mei said softly as her hands found Yuzu's on her stomach and held them tightly. Nuzzling her head into Mei's, Yuzu smiled "Yeah well I wanted to get back to you as soon as possible, so you can fall asleep in my arms tongiht" Yuzu thought it sounded a little weird to say something like that aloud but she got an affirmative nod from the younger girl.

"I love you Yuzuko, good night," Mei said quietly before letting the last bit of resistance leave her body so she could sleep.

Mei usually only called Yuzu by her full name if she was mad or upset, it worked wonders in an argument for the dark-haired girl to actually say her name, but at the moment Mei sounded so sincere that Yuzu pulled her tighter and stored it to her memories.

"Goodnight Mei, I love you too." With the sleeping girl wrapped tightly in the blonde's embrace, Yuzu felt herself grow happier. Tonight had had a rough start but today had gone great, and at the end of the night, Yuzu felt absolutely no regrets about what she had done earlier in the day. The thought that the woman lying in her arms right now would one day be her fiance then wife filled Yuzu with affection.

Mei awoke to the strong rocking against her hip and the tight grasp around her body. Her eyes fluttered open to expose a dark room that was full of low moans, though her biggest wonder was why she had been woken up. Looking to the side Mei's face instantly grew red: Yuzu had her arms wrapped around her chest and both her legs wrapped around her thighs, her crotch was grinding furiously against her hip bone most likely because that's where there was most friction. Moving her gaze to Yuzu's face Mei's eyes grew wide seeing that the girl was sound asleep and using her to masturbate.

Mei was frozen on her back unsure of what to do, through the dimly lit room Mei could make out Yuzu's face; her eyes were shut and would occasionally squeeze tight if she gave a particularly hard thrust of her hips, her cheeks were a deep red and her lips partially open, brushing and breathing hot air onto Mei's ear while moans filled the room. The hot breath and Yuzu's lips brushing against her ear where making an unwanted heat arise in her stomach, Mei tried to tilt her head away from the thrusting blonde but her actions were clearly unwarranted by the older girl as her arms tightened and her head moved closer until her lips made direct contact with her ear.

Mei let out a small whimper as she felt Yuzu's hot tongue run along her ear. Raising her hand she managed to squeeze it between her chest and Yuzu's arm and finally between her ear and the blonde's face. Relief washing over her when the blonde's lips were removed from her hypersensitive ear. Gently but firmly Mei pushed the blonde's face away from her own and sighed when the cold air of the room hit her hot ear, but she still had a problem...

"Uhmm...Fuck Me-mm" The moan slipped from the blonde's lips and onto Mei's fingers, her hips increasing in speed as the last words left her mouth cutting her speech off into low pitched moans. Mei assumed the girl was having an extra special dream about her going off what she had just said, but that didn't mean she was completely comfortable with her grinding against her. The pair were still naked from their earlier activities and Mei was very much aware of the wet slits gliding up and down her torso.

One hand was still separating her face from the blonde's the other was scrunching the bed sheets tightly, desperately trying to keep both her desires and discomfort in check. As the blonde pleasured herself on her body, Mei could feel herself getting slightly aroused but she wasn't entirely comfortable with how Yuzu was using her body. It wasn't so much that it was her body but the fact that she was awake, maybe it wouldn't have been so awkward for her if Yuzu was awake but now she was lying awake with her girlfriend's naked, sleeping body fucking her side. Nowhere to go as the grasp around her was too tight and there was no way she was going to fall asleep until the blonde stopped her movements. Mei didn't want to wake Yuzu and make her feel humiliated or ashamed, she knew that this was a completely normal and healthy thing to do and didn't want to put the blonde down for it, but she still wasn't sure about what to do. The only thing that came to mind was just to wait it out, the blonde had had a long night earlier and couldn't have much if any energy left so she shouldn't be much longer.

And Mei seemed to be right as after nearly a minute of muffled moans and wandering hands Yuzu's hips increased in both speed and force again. Mei knew where this was going and tried to stay as still as possible, her eyes screwed shut and she bit her bottom lips.

"Fuck, your... dick...mmm" Yuzu was panting heavily into Mei's hand, her hips never ceasing. Mei's eyes snapped open at her words.

Did I hear her right? She did just say 'dick'? Confused more than anything, Mei continued to lie like a statue as Yuzu was working to her climax. She had sworn she heard Yuzu say her name earlier before moans overtook her voice, but she most certainly did not have one of those things that Yuzu seemed to be fantasising over. Suddenly Mei felt a surge of painful jealously overcome her, was Yuzu really having a dream about a guy after the night they had shared along with what she was doing to the raven-haired girl at the minute?

Before any more could go through Mei's mind several words flew from the blonde's mouth as her body clenched and shook, her orgasm taking over her. "Uugh Meino, fuck... good..." Yuzu's body convulsed several more times before her grip on Mei slackened slightly but it didn't last long as soon she was tumbling over the bed, just opening her eyes in time to catch herself from falling to the floor. Yuzu was now wide awake and trying to sit upright on the bed. Her chest was hanging over the side with just her legs keeping her on the bed, after several moments of getting her bearings, Yuzu pushed herself up onto the bed and browsed the room still not understanding what had happened.

As soon as the words left Yuzu's mouth and had time to process in Mei's mind, she was washed with anger. Sitting up on the bed Mei didn't hesitate to forcefully push the blonde away when she continued to cling to her, not paying attention to where the girl went as she left the bed without a second thought. Her mind was racing, her only thought was getting herself covered up and leaving the room, not wanting to even look at the blonde after what she heard. Mei was fuming, never had she felt so betrayed by the blonde then she did at this moment. After spending what Mei had thought to be an amazing evening together she finds out that her partner was dreaming about having sex with a guy while using her to stimulate herself. That didn't really scream 'you're the only girl in the world I want' to Mei, and after the claims Yuzu had made earlier that night about never leaving her because all she would ever want was Mei seemed like bullshit now.

Not caring for the slight thud that came from the bed, Mei grabbed the first set of clothes from the floor and after pulling the trousers on, stormed out of the room as she put her shirt on. She did not fail to slam the door on her way out, catching the blondes attention but not stopping when she heard the ragged cry of her name.

Yuzu was left sitting on the bed, her breath was still out of sync and she had worked up quite the sweat. When she had managed to turn herself up on the bed she saw Mei violently pulling on the blonde's joggers that she had been wearing earlier and after prying whichever shirt came to hand first from the floor, started putting that on as Yuzu watched her stomp out of the room.

"Mei?!" Yuzu shouted her name through the room but to no avail as she was only met with the loud bang of the door. For reasons she wasn't quite sure of, Yuzu's legs were weak and she struggled to immediately jump off the bed to go after her partner to find out what had made her so mad at four in the morning. As she sat on the bed Yuzu's mind slowly started drifting a mix of thinking and daydreaming, the pair had only been sleeping for maybe three and a half hours. Very slowly, as she thought about the last thing she remembered doing, Yuzu's eyes grew wide as she realised just what might have occurred while she was asleep.

As she thought that it was the only explanation, Yuzu flopped onto her back an impish grin on her face. Fuck that was a good dream though. Reaching a hand down Yuzu's eyes widened again, a slightly worried smile on her face this time. Shit I actually came, well it was certainly rough enough... besides the point, how did I...Looking at her fingers, aside from the slight glisten from where she had just touched Yuzu's fingers were bone dry, not a piece of fluid in sight. Oh no, please don't be what I think... but fuck was it good. Yuzu was caught between relishing in the thought of her dream or worrying at the thought that she might have been masturbating on her girlfriend. Then the sight of her girlfriend pushing her away and leaving the room with teary eyes washed through Yuzu's mind and worry took over.

Oh shit, Mei.

Yuzu leapt from the bed and after taking a shirt from her wardrobe and putting both clean underwear and shorts on, cautiously walked out of their room towards the living room. The room was still scattered in takeaway boxes that had been knocked over the night before, the coffee table was still covered and the quilt still sitting in a heap on the couch. Seeing that the girl was not in the living room, Yuzu turned to the kitchen where she saw Mei hugging Kumagoro tightly to her chest sitting at the dining table.

The sight of her girlfriend wiped any form of a smile from Yuzu's face. She was hugging the stuffed animal so tight her knuckles were white, it had been less than three minutes since she stormed out of the room and yet her eyes were puffy as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her face that was buried into the bears head raised at the sound of the blonde's voice.

"Mei-" Yuzu started, feeling guilty for being the reason Mei was in such a state, however before she could explain she was cut off by Mei.

"Who is he?" Mei made clear eye contact with the blonde, and instead of her gaze being cold like Yuzu had expected it to be, it was broken. Not a shimmer of light resided in the amethyst eyes, and Yuzu felt her heart break.