Chapter 44: A Sister's Protection

"Well, who is she?" Willow asked, her eyebrow raised as she watched Mei tut in dissatisfaction at a notification that had come through on her girlfriend's phone. Make no mistake, Mei was not snooping the three where all watching a movie and having lunch at the young couples apartment. Yuzu had been rapidly texting someone for the better part of an hour and, originally thinking it was Harumi Mei thought nothing of it. But when Yuzu went to the bathroom and the phone lit up with another name Mei couldn't help the growl.

"She is one of Yuzu friends." Turning the phone over so she couldn't see the screen, Mei continued. She didn't even want to read the girl's messages.

"Oh just a friend is she? I've seen that look before Mei, I do it literally every time someone comes anywhere near Ash. Tell me more," Willow smiled wickedly and shuffled a little closer to Mei. A childish act but it made Mei momentarily smile.

After spending so much more time with the girl over the weeks since Yuzu was always working, Mei was finding the girls company rather... enjoyable. Many of the things she done where silly things she knew Yuzu done; much like the scootching closer on the couch to receive gossip. But not only that, Willow was a highly intelligent person, someone Mei could discuss business with and not have them yawn in boredom.

A glance to the bathroom and Mei signed.

"I don't like her, for... reasons, but Yuzu already knows and gaurenteed that if she suspects anything then she would cut it off. I'm not going to make her stop being friends but I care little for the girl." Bitterly, Mei managed the sentence but she was sure she grit of the top layer of her teeth.

"Oh hell naw! Surely you can't let some girl be trying to make moves on her when you know she wants to get into bed with Yuzu? You are sure right?" Willow seemed a little flabbergasted at what she was hearing.

"Well if her telling me on several occasions that 'once Yuzu got a taste of her, I would be the last thing she wanted', I'm sure." Mei said.

Why was talking about this so nice? Finally being able to show her dislike towards this girl without trying to be preserved for Yuzu's friendship with the girl. After all, the comments and dirty looks hadn't stopped since she had spoken to her girlfriend about her encounter, if anything it seemed that Yuzu began texting the girl more.

"... I'll have to meet her for a proper assessment, I have a sense for these things, she won't know what hit her when she meets me- and that's why Ash hates chilli!" Willow stuttered as she saw Yuzu was back into the living room.

"By all means, she doesn't seem to listen to me telling her." Mei said quietly as Yuzu sat back down on her left and placed a chaste kiss to her cheek before snuggling into the youngest girls side... And started messaging again. She wasn't trying to hide the fact that she was talking to this girl, Mei could clearly see the messages and she knew Yuzu knew it as well.

Suppose it was more of Yuzu showing that she wasn't hiding anything with the girl, but Mei could care less for the messages. Turning her head back to the TV, Mei watched as Willow seemed to have a new found determination in her eyes as she watched Yuzu's phone.

No ones gonna hurt my little sister.

"Ehh I don't think that's a good idea..." Yuzu said unsurely, her eyes flicking from Willow to Mei. Mei, however, didn't seem as against it as she would have expected.

When Willow proposed to have a couple's games night it seemed fun, but when Jasmine's name had been brought up it suddenly seemed like the worst idea in the world.

"Come on, why not?" Willow pried as the three sat in the library. She would have this games night, and she would see if Mei's suspicions were correct.

"Be-because... because you said 'she was under no circumstances allowed in the house' !" Yuzu whined, the current situation confusing her more than anything else. Why was Mei sitting so quietly, just a few months ago she refused to look at the girl, now she wanted this?

"It's happening at Matsuri's house." Mei simply stated, not letting the blonde try and catch her out.

"Wh-" Was all Yuzu could muster at her girlfriend's response. Surely she wasn't hearing correctly. They weren't going to have a couple's games night, that Matsuri was planning and Jasmin was going to be there with her boyfriend. Then again maybe if Jasmin brought her boyfriend it would make Mei understand that nothing was going to come of their friendship, apart from well... friendship.

After a couple more hopeless glances to her girlfriend, Yuzu gave a sigh and nodded in defeat.

"Great! I'll message you with the details, I've got lunch to get to so I'll see yous later Kay?" Jumping from her seat in victory, Willow swung her bag over her shoulder and bounced out the room with a wave of her hand. Leaving Mei sitting uncomfortably with the blonde's stare directed at her.

After more than a minutes silence the older finally spoke. "What's all this about, I thought you hated Jasmine?" Shuffling in her chair as she waited for an answer, Yuzu couldn't help the confusion whirling around in her head. Mei was normally a hard cookie to crack, but this was just impossible. Not even the greatest of phycologist could crack this girls mind.

"I... Don't want to talk about it." Mei said, not taking her eyes of the paper before her, her grip tightening on the pen.

"Mei C'mon? You can't just say you don't wanna talk about it. What are you trying to do?" Moving her chair around the table, Yuzu tried to pry the pen from her girlfriend's stiff fingers. When having no luck with her task, Yuzu let an annoyed sigh leave her lips. It was then that Mei spoke.

"Willow wanted to meet the girl you are always texting. After I told her who she was, she wanted to meet her In person. It wasn't my idea nor is it my "plan.'" Mei said, keeping her posture straight and turned away from the blonde. This wasn't the proudest moment of her life, but then again she had many that weren't.

"Really?" Her eyebrow raised at the confirmation of a nod she got, "This is silly, I thought we talked about me and Jasmin Mei?" In a rather whining and defeated tone, Yuzu grumbled as she let her head drop to the table.

"I did just say it was for Willow not for me." It was rather snippy, but warranted given how much Mei knew compared to the blonde in regards to the blue eyed girl's motives.

"Nevermind then... Just don't get what yous think would ever come of us though, I've told you even if she did try anything I would tell her I'm not interested." Lifting her reddening forehead from the table, Yuzu looked back to her girlfriend to see her now facing her.

With a quick glance around the mostly empty room, Mei stood from her chair and taking Yuzu's hand as she stared walking away, pulled them into an empty isle.

Gently pushing the shorter girl up against the collum of books Mei spend just a flicker of a second looking into the green pools before moving her lips to the now pink ear.

"So, if she was to pin you to the wall just like this..." Mei pushed her full form against the blonde's, making sure to entangle their legs to stop her from getting away.

"And whispered in your ear slowly, before kissing you just below your ear where you can't help but give in..." Mei did just that. Her lips slowly taking the pulsing skin within her lips, giving a gentle but fully skilled suck to the collum of the blonde's neck.

"Even then would you have it in you to push her away?" As the words rippled somewhere near silently across the plump wet lips, Mei began a trail of similar motions down the length of the blonde's neck. Stopping only once she'd reached the collar bone.

Mei could feel the spike in the blonde's heart rate, her breath was heavy in her ear and most importantly the subdued moans that escaped the blonde's lips. All the while Yuzu stood motionless, her hands planted firmly at her side.

"Y-yes!" After a moment's worth of silence Yuzu finally stuttered a response, all be it a shaky one.

With those words Mei stepped back, her eyes now serious as she looked at the state her girlfriend was in. Panting, red in the cheeks. She looked like she had just ran ten miles in the blazing sun and was just catching her breath.

"Very well... we're going home. Now." Turning back to the table, Mei quickly started packing up their belongings.

"What why?" After catching her breath, Yuzu followed behind Mei, desperately trying to catch up with the taller girl's long strides.

It wasn't until she had bumped into the small back did she notice Mei had stopped moving.

"Because we are going to continue this." It was said in such a serious tone that Yuzu almost didn't catch the look of pure want and possessiveness in Mei's eyes.

"No," Yuzu said with a firm nod, taking the book bag from Mei's hand. The incredulous look she received from Mei was one that made her rethink her decision to deny her girlfriend of what she wanted.

Mei went to open her mouth to respond several times but each time she couldn't think of what to say. Had Yuzu really just point black turned her down? The confusion and frustration must have been easy to spot as it was only moments before Yuzu gave a soft smile.

"I don't wanna sleep with you when your all hyped up on jealousy. I can see it in your eyes... besides you're being really possessive which means that you're rough and dominant... I don't want that right now..." Yuzu tried to continue her smile but the ongoing look of frustration in her partner's gaze made it hard.

"C'mon Mei, don't be like that..." dropping the bag to the floor, the blonde wrapped her arms around Mei's waist and pulled her closer.

"You know you can be super rough when you're rilled up... why don't we just stay here and study a little more?" Her voice as soft as butter, Yuzu expertly ran her hands up the taller girl's sides. Clearly having the correct effect as Mei let out a sigh and nodded in defeat.

"Sorry, I'm aware I can be a little bit rough sometimes..."

"Hey I didn't say I dislike it when you're rough with me, what I don't like is when it's because of jealousy. When it's just because you think I'm looking sexy... I love it..." Leaning up into Mei's ear, Yuzu whispered into the pink hot flesh and gave a short giggle when she heard Mei's breath catch in her throat.

Once again, Mei gave a nod of her head and tried to move out of the blonde's grasp, her ears getting too hot next to the blonde's lips.

"Let's get back to studying?" Yuzu asked as she let herself drop into the hard chair and waited for Mei to follow.

After taking a few breaths to collect herself Mei, much more graciously, say down next to the blonde.

"... I never would have thought you of all people would turn down sex for studying..." Mei mumbled, her book flopping open as she tried to find her place.

"Guess I'm full of surprises then!" Planting a firm kiss to the younger's cheek, Yuzu gave a bright smile and started her own studying again. This game night would surely be a big mistake, but if it would make Mei happy she would play along with the idea.