Chapter 50: Only a month left

"Sorry Mei, I know you wanted to spend the morning together after last night, but I really needed to speak with Harumi." Yuzu smiled as she walked into the living room, giving Mei a soft smile as she buttoned up the last of her white shirt.

It was a little past eleven, Yuzu, after having a little bit of morning fun with Mei, had spent the past forty minutes catching up with her best friend. Harumi hadn't said much in the ways of what she was planning on doing, but that she defiantly wasn't going to break up with the younger girl and just wanted some time to think.

Apparently, Matsuri was happy not prying into her girlfriend's change of heart and continued on like normal. For Yuzu this was a large relief, she was no good at secrets, especially when it came to picking between her friends.

Mei was sitting in the living room with her laptop, she normally took to sitting at her desk while studying, but she was in no mood to be listening to one of the blonde's gossip sessions. They had gone to bed on a good note and had started this morning off on an even better one. Mei was only slightly annoyed when Yuzu had said she had to catch up with her friend, Yuzu was working for the rest of the day meaning she wouldn't see the girl at all until tonight.

Today Yuzu was working from twelve straight through until she finished her evening work. This meant Yuzu would not be coming home after lunch, on the weekends as Yuzu didn't have any classes, she was going to be working these hours for the foreseeable future.

"It's okay, I'll see you when you get back tonight, remember you have class at nine so try and not come home too late, you'll be too tired to focus properly." Mei offered as she stood to meet the blonde in the entryway as she put her flats on.

"Yeah I know, don't worry I'll make sure I'm okay for tomorrow." Giving a large grin, Yuzu pecked Mei on the cheek after zipping up her jacket. "I'll see you tonight, I love you goodbye!"

Giving a final grin, Yuzu picked up her bag to leave for work. A familiar response was given from the younger girl as she gave a short wave as she watched Yuzu skip down the staircase.

The night had been the most productive one Mei had had in weeks, there was a sense of peace she felt when studying that she hadn't felt in weeks, but today she seemed to be whizzing through her work. By evening Mei had little more work to do, and after having a small dinner, spent the rest of her night reading before settling down for bed.

She wouldn't be going to sleep until Yuzu had returned home, but rest was important and Mei planned to get as much of it as possible. She had a busy day tomorrow and couldn't afford to stay up until one in the morning as Yuzu had done on several occasions; staying late to help clean up and arrived home late just to be helpful, but it also added up to a number of extra hours that the blonde got paid for.

Though much to her disappointment, Yuzu had kept Mei waiting for several more hours before walking in through the door. It was half twelve when she returned home, Yuzu took a quick five-minute shower before crawling into bed beside Mei, who was only just managing to keep her eyes open. Truth be told as soon as Mei heard the blonde announce herself coming home her eyelids slid shut.

"Sorry I'm home late Mei, I didn't want to leave them to clean up without me. I've showered just like you asked and I'm ready for bed," Yuzu said through a muffled yawn. Mei had said on several occasions that the blonde had to shower after coming home from work, she didn't want the blonde sleeping in the bed smelling like the restaurant. The smell of curry and smoke burned into her clothes and Mei hated the smell, she appreciated the blonde taking a quick shower before she got in beside her.

Mei, however, didn't say anything. She was slightly annoyed that Yuzu was home too late, but she was more focused on getting to sleep, so turning over Mei merely nodded in response before drifting off to sleep.

Yuzu also wanted more time to speak with Mei, but she had been on her feet for twelve hours, she was past exhausted.

This had continued on for weeks, Mei had gotten used to the routine, but she was seeing less and less of the blonde. It was worrying for the Aihara, she was starting to see some of her own tendencies from when she was in high school and overloaded herself.

Yuzu was always doing something. If she didn't have a class and wasn't studying if the restaurant was open Yuzu was working. Mei had even seen her pick up a couple of hours overtime in the evenings, she was staying back every night to help clean.

Not only was she worried about Yuzu overworking herself, but she was seeing Yuzu was having less and less energy. Yuzu had missed a lecture last week, she had overslept after working until two in the morning. She had gotten a lecture the night before from Mei for how late she had come home, Mei didn't bother to ridicule the girl the next afternoon when she came back from her lesson to see the blonde still sound asleep.

Now Mei was waiting for the blonde to return home once again it was past midnight. She had a meeting with her grandfather in the morning, she didn't have the patience for the blonde tonight. She had specifically asked her not to be late because she wanted to be sleeping before midnight.


"Please Mei, I don't have the energy to shower, I've been up for hours." Yuzu whined as she slowly undressed, mindlessly tossing her clothes into the washing basket in their room. All she wanted to was curl up in bed, but Mei was adamant that she was either showering or sleeping on the couch.

"If you had come home earlier like I had asked you wouldn't be so tired. You promised that you would shower when you get home from work, tonight is no exception. Either shower or sleep somewhere else." Mei said in a defensive tone as she watched the blonde from the bed.

Yuzu couldn't muster the courage to argue with her girlfriend, she could see the anger in the girl's eyes even if she was trying to hide it. She was asked to stay back and help mop because the other staff wanted to get home as soon as possible. It only seemed fair for her to stay and do her part too, but she did try and get home as fast as possible.

With little more arguing, Yuzu slugged herself to the bathroom returning shortly later to find Mei sound asleep in bed. Mei would definitely still be mad in the morning.

Several weeks later.

It had been another couple of months of Yuzu's new schedule. She was working just as hard as she had been since she took the job. It had been months of hard work and there were only a couple months left until Yuzu would be bringing her ring home.

Currently, Mei was watching Yuzu from the bed as she changed into her work uniform. They were both just back from classes, Mei was still in the clothes she had worn out, she hadn't even unpacked her bag yet, but Yuzu had only half an hour until her next shift started. Mei had just brought up the topic of Yuzu working too much on their walk home, she hated seeing the blonde drained, but Yuzu's grades hadn't actually fallen, so there was little she could say.

The blonde hadn't had a day off in over two weeks. If she wasn't working the afternoon she was working in the evening and then getting up for class the next morning.

Every. Single. Day.

Mei frowned as she watched Yuzu take her shirt off. They hadn't slept together in a little over two weeks, Mei didn't mind it much: She knew that Yuzu was exhausted, but this was the first time she was getting a good look at the blonde in a while.

"Yuzu, have you been eating dinner at work like you said you've been doing?" Mei asked in a concerned tone. Yuzu had assured Mei that she didn't need to keep making her dinner as she was eating on her break at work. Mei knew she was eating breakfast and lunch as most days she had them with the blonde, but she couldn't be sure about dinner.

Mei watched closely as Yuzu gave a nervous laugh before pulling her shirt on faster. "I ehh may have forgotten the past couple of days, we've just been really busy and i wanted to try and get back as soon as possible so you weren't having to stay up." That was a small lie, it may have been more than a few days.

Mei knew she wasn't imaging things, Yuzu had dropped weight fast. She had thought she had seen a difference in the blonde's weight over the past couple of days but she hadn't seen her clear enough to bring it up in conversation.

Now she could see the weight loss clear as day. It was nothing extreme, but it was enough that it concerned Mei. Mei loved Yuzu's body, she had it committed to memory; her waist was slim and her thighs were slightly thicker than her own but that's why she loved them, gave her something to grab. The weight dropped was clearly visible on her naturally lean torso, and Mei wasn't sure she liked it, she didn't look healthy any more.

"What? Yuzu that's not healthy! You've lost weight, you're always tired and now you're skipping meals!?" Mei's concern was coming across as anger as she seemed to lose her cool at this new information.

"It's not a big deal, really..." Yuzu's voice was quiet as she tried to defend herself, but she was quickly cut off as Mei was in front of her standing strong.

"It is a big deal! You promised months ago when you started this job you wouldn't let it affect your studies and now it's affecting your health!" Mei's raised voice had Yuzu nodding nervously, she couldn't get mad, Mei was only concerned. Yuzu knew herself that she had lost a little weight, but she didn't think much of it, it was necessarily a bad thing was it? It wasn't as though she was doing it purposely, everyone got the option to eat dinner on their break or take something home at the end of their shift, Yuzu didn't want to bring anything home and she always spent her breaks messaging Mei or helping out.

"I'm sorry Mei, I promise I'll eat something today at work. I promise I won't be working for much longer and I'll start taking much better care of myself." Yuzu said with a smile as she gave Mei a soft peck on the lips.

Mei had her hands on the blonde's waist, fingers grasping at the frail form. "I get that you are trying your hardest to get this surprise, but it is nothing worth working yourself sick over... I think you should take a day off tomorrow, you haven't been yourself lately. I don't know why you need to push yourself this hard, but you have to think about school and your health... I want proof that you are eating at work every night for the next week or I'll start making you dinner again and come through to make sure you are eating it when you get home." Mei, although started off nice, left the blonde with a bit of a warning tone. Yuzu could tell by the hardness in her eyes she wasn't playing around. She obviously thought this to be a slightly more serious matter than Yuzu did.

Resting her forehead against the blonde's, Mei tried to offer a smile but she couldn't quite manage one. She would wait until Yuzu was feeling more like herself, then she would be able to offer the blonde a sincere smile. "I'm serious Yuzu, you know that you need to eat properly especially with all this extra work you are doing."

Yuzu gave a small nod, "I know, I'm sorry okay, I'll pay more attention and make sure I eat everything," Giving a big smile to try and settle Mei, Yuzu pressed her lips to Mei's a final time before she was putting her shoes on again. She would be back from work as soon as possible to be back with Mei.


Mei had expected the blonde to come home late evening, that's when she always arrived home, but to her surprise, she was met with a smiling blonde shortly after nine. A wide grin on her face, obviously happy that she had managed to surprise Mei by arriving home sooner than she said.

Mei had walked to the entryway to see who was coming into the house at this time, her face showing confusion at seeing the blonde but before she could question the girl, Yuzu flicked her shoes off and skipped towards her.

"It's been so long since we ate together I thought I would come home and have dinner with you. My boss said nine was the earliest he could let me leave, so here I am!" Puffing up her chest at keeping her word, Yuzu's face fell at Mei's next words.

"I ate dinner at six... but I'm glad you are home early for once," Mei tried to cheer the girl up at seeing her disappointment.

"Why don't I make you something for dinner and we can sit together?" Mei smiled when she saw the excitement return to her partners face.

"I'll guess I'll go and shower then," Giving a soft peck to Mei's cheek, Yuzu skipped down the hall to get ready for the night. Her current normal unenergetic demeanour seemed to have vanished as Mei watched her girlfriend ginning without care and jumping down the hall. Something had the girl in a good mood and Mei was sure she was going to find out what had induced this change. Whatever or whoever it was Mei thanked them, she didn't like seeing a low Yuzu.

Sitting across the table from the blonde, Mei listened with a small smile as Yuzu rambled on about her day while eating her dinner. She certainly hasn't lost her appetite Mei thought as Yuzu didn't miss a crumb.

"So why are you in such a good mood, surely getting off work a couple of hours early isn't that exciting?" Mei asked as she propped her head in her hand, watching as the glint in the blonde's eyes grew at her words.

"Well, I was checking my bank and my payment plans, and because of all the overtime I've been doing the past couple of weeks, your big surprise is only going to be one more month!" Yuzu squealed in excitement as she bounced from the table, grabbing Mei's hands in her own as she pulled the girl to her feet.

"And I know you are going to be super excited for it just like I am!" In her excitement, Yuzu had swirled her girlfriend around. The past few months seemed to fly by, her and Mei were getting along great, they had hardly argued at since they had sorted things out with Jasmin and now she was finding out she would be able to get the ring for Mei several months earlier than planned. Nothing could have made the blonde happier.

"I see," Was all Mei said as she was placed back down. After all these months of Yuzu going to work, she still hadn't managed to figure out what the blonde was planning. Part of her wished she hadn't pried the news out of the blonde all those weeks ago as she wouldn't be scrutinising herself every night when Yuzu went to work about what she was planning on buying.

"Mei, what's wrong?" Yuzu's smile dropped when Mei didn't show the same enthusiasm, instead, she looked conflicted, unsure if she should speak up.

"It's just... I would rather wait longer not knowing what you are planning than you overworking yourself and becoming ill." Glancing down to the floor, Mei took a moment before she steadied her gaze to turn back towards the blonde. She was certain she would rather never find out what had been planned than watch the blonde's health suffer. That she was certain of.

"Mei c'mon, you know I love eating I was just really busy and lost focus, but I promise it won't ever happen again!" Along with her determined speech, Yuzu planted a mushy kiss to Mei's lips which resulted in a small smile appearing over the younger lips.

"Let's settle down shall we?" Mei offered as she motioned for them to go to bed. Given the blonde had come home early but it was already after ten. A good nights rest would perk the blonde right up.