Chapter 58: Will you?

Yuzu could feel her heart racing as she lay in bed, morning sun streaking across the room, she could hear a few birds chirping on the spring morning and most importantly Mei, who was currently snuggled up tight to her side. Head resting on her chest, legs and arms entangled around the blonde who tried to stay still in fear of waking her sleeping beauty.

Today was a big day for Yuzu, today was the day she decided she would get down on one knee and ask Mei Aihara to be her wife. Hence why Yuzu was up before the sun and heart beating rapidly as she imagined what today would entail. Today would be the day that changed Mei and her relationship for better or for worse.

Yuzu felt she hadn't had enough time to prepare the days events, but at war with herself believing she had been earning for this day for years.

Looking down to the figure lying upon her, Yuzu could help but smile. She knew Mei was stirring as she moved slightly every now and again, and the opening of those perfectly violet eyes meant the day, and Yuzu's plan, had begun.

"Good morning, Mei," Yuzu said in slightly more than a whisper when she watched Mei open her eyes and after blinking a few times, glanced up towards the blonde before burying her head back into her chest. Clearly wanting to go back to sleep.

"Did you sleep well?" After getting a low mumble in response, Yuzu brought her hand to run through Mei's luscious locks as she tried to coax Mei into a conversation. Also hoping she was in a good mood, Yuzu doubted Mei would go alone with the day she had planned if she started her day in a foul mood.

She got a nod in response, as Mei slowly peeled herself from her girlfriend until she was sitting up, the covers that had been wrapped around her shoulders pooled at her waist as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Slightly disappointed I must say, but after you offered me a massage I feel much better," Mei said, offering as much as she could of a smirk this early in the morning, to the blonde who's cheeks flared red at her words.

Yes, last night when Mei had stripped herself naked in front of Yuzu, feeling an ache in her belly that needed a certain blonde tending to, she had been unable to perform. And oh how Mei had tried to get her girlfriend in the mood, but her efforts were pointless as all Yuzu could do was apologise profusely, unable to hide her embarrassment at her inability to give Mei what she craved.

She was just too nervous for today, all Yuzu had thought about last night was going to sleep and waking up the next again morning and asking Mei to marry her, she had the nervous jitters, she was by no means horney and unfortunately for Mei that meant she was left very unsatisfied. However, after a near ten minutes of Yuzu apologizing when Mei gave up and put her clothes back on and got in bed ready to sleep, Yuzu had offered Mei a back massage in hopes it would somehow ease Mei's frustrations. It wasn't the same type of pleasure, buy Yuzu knew Mei loved a back massage.

"Please don't bring that up, I feel bad enough as it is..." Yuzu moped, briefly glancing away from the young Aihara as she tried to shake the memory of Mei's fingers on her lower lips, but not being wet at the sensation as she normally would at even just a graze.

"I wasn't chastising you Yuzu, If you had other things on your mind I understand... But you are alright?" Mei, now slightly more awake, pressed further with the issue than she had the night before. Yuzu was never one to turn down the opportunity of sex, last night proved that something must have been bothering the blonde.

"I'm fine Mei, I was just stressed I think," Yuzu smiled as she leaned forwards, lifting herself from the headboard towards Mei's sitting form. Cupping the girl's cheek in the palm of her hand, Yuzu made up the last of the distance after a quick smiled and pressed her lips to Mei's. Her eyes slipping shut when she felt the soft skin against her lips.

Yuzu felt Mei lean into her hand, the action obviously comforting the Aihara as she pressed herself against the blonde to deepen the kiss, slowly putting weight on the blonde's shoulder as she lowered herself and the blonde down back onto the mattress.

Yuzu couldn't help but break the kiss as she grinned at Mei's action. She was nervous last night, today she was even worse, she definitely wouldn't be able to give what Mei was obviously still hungry for.

Now lifting both hands to Mei's face as she held her at bea, Yuzu gave a light chuckle to Mei.

"I can't do that right now, but I promise tonight I'll blow you away and you'll be sooo glad we waiting until tonight!" Yuzu said as she tempted Mei with a quick kiss, rubbing her temples with her thumbs as she saw a sigh and smile leave Mei's lips.

"Oh really, and what is changing between right now and tonight?" Mei asked with a raised brow, obviously not too bothered by her being turned down again, but more intrigued by her girlfriend's offer. That from the grin on her lips and sparkle in her eye, she had every intention of following through with it.

"Everything." Yuzu said firmly as she pressed her lips to Mei's again, only this time slightly more purposeful. Mei couldn't say she really understood what Yuzu had said, no she didn't understand it at all, yet she didn't have much time to dwell as Yuzu soon began talking again as she pushed Mei onto her thighs and sat up, her arms slinging around her waist to keep her close while they spoke.

"You remember a few weeks ago how I told you to clear your schedule today because I was taking you on a date?" Yuzu asked, her fingers tapping a fast rhythm on Mei's back as she spoke. Mei nodded quickly, eager to hear the rest of the blonde's words, her desire fueled by the tapping she could feel on her back. This pace was never a good sign.

"Well... I lied. I'm not taking you on a date today," Yuzu said in a low voice, nerves catching up with her as she watched Mei's eyes narrow with confusion.

'Lied?', Yuzu could sense the word about to role from the younger tongue accompanied by an offended question. Yuzu was quite aware Mei's and her relationship had suffered greatly due to her keeping secrets in the past, and so without letting any thoughts pester Mei's mind Yuzu continued.

"I have made plans for us today, only I won't be the one accompanying you. I'll see you later today, and this evening." Looking up to meet Mei's gaze, Yuzu gave a smile to the confused look on her partners face.

"Surprise Mei," Yuzu gave a bigger smile when she saw the realisation cross Mei's face at her words.

"So you spent over ten thousand pounds for me to spend my day with someone else, it's quite the surprise," Mei said after a few moments longer watching Yuzu's nervous expression. What may have been a smirk rested on her lips as she spoke up.

"W-Well, I'll still see you today and tonight!" Yuzu exclaimed, nerves getting the better of her as Mei continued to smile down at her. Knowing that smile was making butterflies bounce around in her girlfriend's stomach.

Rolling off Yuzu, Mei slid from the bed and made her daily walk to the wardrobe to get dressed, "So who do I have to spend my day with?" Mei asked as she browsed her array of clothes, deciding on a white blouse and plain skirt, her normal wear.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see!" Yuzu grinned as she hopped off the bed following Mei, though when she got a slight glare from her girlfriend added a little bit more information.

"B-But you'll be meeting a few people today, everything is all planned out so you don't have to worry about a thing!" Yuzu said, giving a sure grin to her girlfriend as she slipped into a pair of jeans and a shirt.

"I'll go and make something quick for breakfast, but we have a schedule to keep to so don't be too long getting ready," Yuzu smiled as she gave Mei another soft peck on the lips before leaving the room leaving Mei hearing the slight clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen as Yuzu prepared their meals.

Yuzu leant forward to give Mei a long kiss on the lips when she heard the front doorbell ring, "That's my queue to leave, today will be a little long but if you try and enjoy yourself I'm sure you will really like it." Yuzu said as she gave Mei her tenth nervous smile that morning.

"I assure you, I will try and enjoy my day without you," Mei said in almost a sarcastic tone as she pressed her lips back to Yuzu's. She could see just how nervous Yuzu was at the moment, it was almost concerning; Her fingers were tapping quickly, her speech fast. Bringing her hand to cup the blonde's cheek Mei gave a small reassuring smile to her girlfriend in hopes it would calm her obvious nerves.

"You better get going, you do have a schedule," Mei smiled as she saw panic cross the blondes face as she jumped towards the door.

"Alright, goodbye Mei, I love you!" Yuzu shouted as she turned the door nob, getting a mumble from Mei in response as she greeted their friend at the door.

"All set?" Willow smiled as the door opened,

"I think so... The player is on top of the piano, as soon as it detects the song played correctly it will relay the message so make sure you don't play it for Mei got it?" Yuzu grinned as she let Willow into the apartment as she walked out into the hall, tapping her pockets to make sure she had everything she needed for the day ahead.

"Yeah yeah I know, now get going!" Willow laughed as she began closing the door on the fretting blonde.

"Mei?!" Willow shouted into the flat as she flicked her shoes off, and strode into the living room.

Willow's smile grew as she watched Mei arch her brow at seeing who would be joining her today.

"Alright get ready and flex your fingers, it's time to play a song," Willow exclaimed as she pulled out the piano stool and presented a single sheet of music on the stand.

"Before you can leave this house you must play this piece. Yuzu said you've been working on this for a while but never got around to completing it as you could never play the last line. Yuzu said she knows you can play it," Willow smiled as she saw slight confusion cross Mei's face at her words.

"Very well, if Yuzu wishes for me to play this then I will try. But I couldn't play it several weeks ago, and I haven't improved much since." Mei said as she sat down on the leather seat and looked at the song placed before her. It was by no means difficult for Yuzu or even Wilow to play, but Mei had found it quite challenging.

Time was ticking by, Willow had taken to texting on the arm of the couch as she waited on Mei, she was sure she had heard Mei play the first 4 lines of the song flawlessly forty times by now and she must have heard her play the last line wrong the same number of times.

It was obvious to the blonde that Mei was getting frustrated, she watched as Mei let out a grumble and lightly smack her hands off her thighs when she made a mistake.

"Ahem, I was instructed to give you this message when you started sighing and getting frustrated: You need to calm down and focus Mei, you need to read slightly ahead so you don't get caught out at the trill and lose the rhythm, I know you can do it, just relax and keep going." Willow recited the lines from a pink card in her hands as she glanced back to Mei who was smiling softly at the words as she turned back towards the white keys.

Outside of her lessons with her tutor, Mei often received tips from the blonde when she was playing, Yuzu was a good teacher; patient, kind, rewarding. The one thing Yuzu had been trying to drill into Mei the past few weeks was to try and read a few bars ahead so she knew what was coming up.

Taking a few more moments to herself, Mei began playing again, this time she played it slightly slower, playing all the right keys right up to the very last line. Only it was too slow and the recorder on the piano didn't let out a chime. Mei played it again, and again... and again. It was only fifteen minutes later and Willows's eyes flashed up from her phone when she heard the last note in the last bar being played.

Mei had done it. And thank god for that, Willow felt that if she was forced to listen to the same 24 bars of music for much longer she would play the song herself, ruin the proposal just so she could leave the piano before her.

A small chime played through the room when Mei was finished, followed by the blonde's energetic voice.

Well done Mei! I knew you could do it if you set your mind to it. You have officially started this scavenger hunt and here's the next place you need to go; The place you grew up. It's pretty straight forward, but if you don't get it Willow knows where to take you. Good work Mei I'll see you soon!

At the end, Mei heard what she assumed was Yuzu blowing a kiss before the recording went quiet.

"Well, I thought we were never going to get there," Willow laughed as she ran her hand through her hair and walked over to Mei.

"So do you know where we're going?" The girl continued when she got a glare from her cousin. Mei, however, rolled her eyes as she got from the stool.

"I assume we are going to grandfathers house, though I don't know what I could possibly do there," Mei said in a slightly drained tone as she walked to the front door to get her jacket.

"Afraid I can't tell you that one, but let's get going then, we've got a long car ride ahead of us," Willow said as she swirled her keys around her finger. Mei had yet to ride in her car, and Willow was excited for that more than anything else.

Grabbing her few essentials, Mei was slightly confused when they got to the bottom of the flat and she saw the Audi was gone. She hadn't seen Yuzu take her car keys this morning, but she could only assume she had driven down once she left this morning.

"Well let's get going, and you can tell me all the juicy gossip about your relationship," Willow grinned as she got in the driver's seat. Even though she had been back for several months now, she still hadn't managed to grill Mei on any specific details of her relationship with the blonde, and she loved to gossip if nothing else.

Mei had expected this, leaving the car quite on a loud sigh. She really thought Willow was a little bit too much like her girlfriend in some regards.

Arriving at the mansion after what Mei would class a tedious car journey, she stepped up to the front door and waited for a response. Though when none came after nearly a minute Mei took to opening the oversized door by herself, revealing the same rather bland staircase she had seen for years. Nothing was out of place, not a spec of dust in sight as she looked at the slightly eerie entrance. It was completely silent apart from the slight creek of the high hanging light.

It was cold, quiet, lonely and not at all what she was expecting. The atmosphere she was getting as she walked into the hallway was the same isolated feeling she'd felt for years living here alone with her grandfather. Mei did not appreciate it or understand why the blonde would want her to come and be reminded of the past.

The past of being here with her father and mother before they left, being left with just her grandfather before Willow's family came to her rescue, then leaving her alone once again. It wasn't memories Mei was very fond of, and yet if a certain blonde had not strode into her life dedicated to helping others, she would have committed to this feeling for the rest of her life.

"Mei, if you don't hurry up everyone, will go hungry," Willow gave a soft smile to her cousin when she started seeing a slightly saddened expression at the mood of the silent house.

"What?" Mei said slightly confused by the girl's words as she took her eye off the staircase. Taking Mei by the arm, Willow walked Mei to the dining room and was sure she heard a slight gasp leave her lips when she walked in and seen her family there.

Sitting at the head of the large table was her grandfather, along one side, was her mother and father, the other Mei saw Himiko smiling brightly at her.

Along the table was a large lunch spread, each person waiting patiently for Mei to take her seat at the table.

Mei was sure she was actually smiling as she sat down between her grandfather and best friend. Now she knew what Yuzu was playing at.

Sitting down with her family and closest friend to lunch the amicable chatter soon erupted as Sho, Ume and Himiko had lot's to say to the raven-haired girl they hadn't seen in weeks.

Mei hadn't even noticed when Willow has slipped away, she had left silently leaving them all to enjoy their lunch. Mei didn't know why, she thought of the girl as her family now, it would have been appropriate for her to stay and enjoy the meal with them. However, Mei was quickly brought out of her through as she was barrage with question after question about her current affairs.

Mei couldn't say she had a clue what Yuzu was trying to do with her today; Making her play the piano, bringing her here to reminisce about the past, then enjoy lunch with those she held close to her? Mei didn't understand where this scavenger hunt was going or it's purpose but she couldn't say she disliked how today was planned out, but she still couldn't see the end goal for her blonde lover.

Over an hour had passed when lunch was finished and the plates were cleared. Discussions had gone from her fathers travels to her grandfather's health to her own studies, Mei had very much enjoyed the lunch a key feature was catching up with her friend who she had not seen since new years.

"Yuzuko has asked us to meet at the Academy once we are finished here, I have a few things I need to look at at the school today so we will need to leave shortly Mei." Her Grandfather said in a strict tone, Mei shivering slightly at the use of her girlfriend's full name being used.

Mei used the name from time to time, usually if there was an argument or if she was annoyed at the blonde, and she had occasionally used it in bed, but she had memories of their mother using the name harshly when scolding her daughter, and it always made Mei cringe. Almost as if the use of Yuzu's full name was linked to being scolded, for both her and Mei.

"Has she told you why, I haven't been told anything," Mei gave a nod in agreement as she asked her question but she didn't get a response in time before Sho was butting in raising his voice.

"That's not what you were supposed to say! You've gone and ruined it now!" Half-heartedly shouting at his own father, Sho was brought back to a sitting position as Ume gave a gentle tap to his arm, "It's fine, just go ahead and say it yourself." It was obvious to Mei that her mother's words were about her, and they seemed to do as intended as after a moments thought Sho cleared his voice and turned to Mei.

"This house represents the life you used to have: The loneliness and isolation you felt for all those years, but that's changed now. You felt as though you had no one you could rely on, to share your feelings with or to lean on, but now you have a mother and father who are here for you to fight for you no matter what, a Grandfather who although stringent only wishes the best for you, and your closest friend who has never let you down. Slowly you started building these bridges with the people around you and now you have a family who will be there for you for the rest of your life. Where you are going next holds part of your future, what you've been working towards for years and where you will work for years to come."

Sho gave a slight cough when he had finished speaking, Mei noticing her had a similar pink card in his hand to the one Willow had held earlier that day. So she was correct in her thinking of what the blonde was trying to show her here, but again it didn't really make much sense as to why Yuzu was bringing it up.

"Well, I suppose we better head off to the school then."After a few moments of silence, after Sho's voice left the room, Mei spoke up offering a small smile to those sitting beside her.

Mei had ended up saying her goodbyes to both Ume and Sho shortly after Himeko had excused herself, Mei was slightly surprised that she had ended up driving to the academy with her Grandfather alone, she couldn't see why Yuzu had chosen to cut their parents out of her plan now, but then again Mei had no idea what Yuzu was planning.

"When we arrive there aren't any specific instructions on what she wants you to do, so until we heard from her you can accompany me on the rounds before helping with some paperwork?" Mei looked to her Grandfather as he spoke, it was quite possible that he was lying, but Mei had never known the man to be a liar and so agreed to his offer, not believing it would be long until the blonde finally showed herself.

Yet Mei was quite wrong. She had completed all of the classroom rounds and was coming up to the student council room to observe the new president and oversee the work. She had been walking the school grounds for just about an hour as of yet, at this rate, it seemed she would be here all day.

And yet even if Yuzu's lack of an appearance was gnawing at the back of her mind, Mei felt a sense of pride as she looked at the small stack of papers she had just approved.

"Excuse me, Miss, I've been instructed to pass on the message that you are to go the front gates of the school," Mei looked up from the papers at the timid voice of the current vice president. Offering a small smile at the girl's nerves, Mei sprung from the seat eager for the day to finally move alone.

Nodding and greeting the students as she briskly walked down the halls, it seemed to take the young Aihara much longer to reach the entrance than she imagined or would have liked. And it was safe to say she was slightly disappointed when she arrived and a certain blonde was not present.

Instead, she was met once again by her grandfather who stood firmly at the open gates.

"Ah, Mei, you're here." Her Grandfather said as she approached him, "This is becoming quite the farce isn't it?" Mei offered as she came to a standstill next to the tall man. She was probably surprised most of all by how her Grandfather seemed to be going along with Yuzu's scheme, if Mei had asked him to partake in a scavenger hunt or anything of the kind she was sure the man would scoff and ignore the request, and yet here he was waiting with her next prompt.

"It is, however, Yuzuko assured me it was vital that I be here for this." Standing stiffly in from of the looming gates, the eldest Aihara turned towards the academy.

"I know I have pushed you hard to take over the school and its responsibilities, but I can see you will be the successor I know you can be. You have shown your dedication to not only me but to the school board and the students, I have no doubt that once I am unable to lead this school you will take it in your stride and lead the school to great achievements." Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, Gramps gave what may have been a smile to his granddaughter when he saw the confused and bewildered look on her face.

"I believe what I am trying to say here is that you should be proud of what you have done with the school so far and in your future, I'm sure you will have great achievements being the chairwoman you are striving to be. I believe what Yuzuko wanted to show you is that she, like the rest of us, are proud of you Mei and that you have a bright future ahead of you."

Mei was quite shocked at the words leaving the forever stern mans mouth, she had not expected the praise from her grandfather and so stood slightly unsure of how to take the words. The powerful building standing before her would soon be in her grasps, the place she had dedicated countless hours of her life to. And even her grandfather believed she would succeed at her role, stuck for words would have been an appropriate phase as all she could do was stare at the familiar building, taking in the words.

"Thank you," After a short moment of awe, Mei finally addressed her Grandfathers words.

There was a short conversation after this point before Mei was once again met by Willow at the gates after her silent disappearance earlier that day.

"C'mon Mei, we're off to our next stop." Willow was as cheerful as ever as she bounced up the path to them, her attire was slightly more formal than earlier, her casual greeting making the elder of the three grimaced slightly.

"And where am I being taken now?" Turning her attention to her cousin, Mei patiently waited for her response. It would be getting dark fairly soon and she wasn't one for standing in the cold.

"Well, Yuzu really couldn't think of a clue of where we are going now so guess who's getting blindfolded?" Grinning, Willow pulled out a black cloth and shook it lightly in front of her very displeased cousin.

"Not me... It was nice seeing you again Grandfather, I appreciate what you said," Mei gave a small smile to her grandfather before moving towards Willow, where she slightly smacked the hand that was waving the fabric in front of her eyes as they walked towards the older's car.

"C'mon Mei you're going to ruin Yuzu's whole day if you don't play along. She'll be super upset you know?" Though her words were sad, Willow still wore her smile, obvious of the fact that Mei was bound to give in.

And soon enough Mei was sitting with a blindfold over her eyes as Willow drove them to their next destination.

"Is there really a need for all this? I will know where I am once we are there, what is the point in this?" The was clear irritation in Mei voice as she sat with her arms crossed on her chest.

"It about the surprise Mei! Honestly, why can't you just sit back, relax and enjoy your day? Yuzu has really put a lot of effort into organising all this for you, all you need to do is play along," Willow gave a slight huff at the near-constant irritating whining from her cousin.

The day and big surprise would be revealed in but a few hours, the painstaking silence Willow was bound to since Yuzu had informed her of her plan two weeks ago was physically painful for her to keep. She was just too happy to see Mei with someone who had gone to such efforts to make her happy and propose.

Giving another slight grumble, Mei settled into her seat as she waited to arrive. However, unlike she had expected, she didn't get to take her blindfold off when the car stopped. No, Willow had guided her out of the car and began walking her to wherever it was they were going.

It was clear to Willow that Mei was clearly uneasy by this lack of sight, that was evident by the way Mei's neatly trimmed nails were digging into her forearm as she lead Mei into the large building.

"We'll be there in a moment, you can take the blindfold off when we sit down, okay?" Willow said as she struggled to open the glass door and guide Mei through simultaneously.

It was a few minutes of faffing and a few curses and trips, but soon Mei was lowered into a velvet seat. It was comfy, to say the least, but Mei couldn't say she had any connection to the theatre or the cinema, or at least that's where she assumed they were. The room was silent, bar the slight shuffling a slight distance away.

Mei felt gentle fingers on the back of her head and soon the blindfold was slowly pulled away from her eyes. She was sat in the middle of a large theatre surrounded by hundreds of people, none of whom paid her any attention.

On the large stage Mei saw an orchestra, dozens of cellos and violins even harps lined the stage, however, Yuzu was not in sight. Although Mei could just about make out a piano in the back she couldn't see the player.

After a few moments of the conductor waving his wands, the theatre was consumed by the sound of the instruments playing together. Mei relaxed into her seat as the classical music filled her ears. It had been a while since she listened to any music at all, and she had never been to see a live orchestra, and she could definitely say she was impressed to the point she would be delighted to come again.

The music was soft and warm, taking out any of the stress she had gathered from being at the academy all day. She had enjoyed her day, she couldn't deny that, but sitting in the plush seat listening to the strings was breathtaking.

Several pieces were played, time ticking by and soon the stage went quiet. The stage was silent, the performance was over and a young gentleman entered the stage.

Front and centre was a male singer, standing silently waiting to begin with the mass of instruments behind him.

Silence took over the room for a moment before the piano filled the room soon followed by the English signer whose voice was crisp and soon it was all accompanied by the collection of instruments playing softly.

The atmosphere was such a drastic change it took Mei a moment to realise what song was actually being sung and who was standing on stage in front of her. The song had been introduced to her by Yuzu the first time they had slept together, from that night onwards she had held it close to her heart. The man on the stage, Nathan Sykes, was singing Over and Over again, and Mei knew this was no coincidence.

She had heard her Yuzu practising the chords to this song a few days ago, when she had announced her arrival Yuzu had bounced from the piano quicker than a jackrabbit. Mei had pried no further, only assuming Yuzu was playing it for her own enjoyment. She never would have thought that the song Yuzu had used to show no matter how Mei looked she would love her regardless. How everything was something Yuzu would love until the end of her days would be played live to her by an orchestra and the singer himself.

A gasp was all that she could manage as a hand covered her mouth out of shock alone.

It was just as the chorus started playing the violinist shielding the pianist moved several feet revealing the blonde in a stunning dark blue dress as she accompanied the singer. Mei was sure she saw Yuzu flash her a quick smile, she was certain of it, but the blondes focus on playing every note perfectly was evident, and Mei could say she was blown away.

There was an indescribable feeling in her chest as she watched the love of her life up on stage proclaiming her love, Mei didn't know what to do. Part of her felt like crying, the other felt overflowing happiness that would show itself in bursts of smiles, a mixture of both seemed to show as Mei was trying to stop herself from smiling to brightly as she wiped a tear from her eye just before it rolled down her cheek; She was in public after all.

When the song came to a finish, all the players took a short bow and after a round of applause, the singer spoke again and Mei didn't miss the few cellos that started playing slowly in the back.

"Mei, the place where you chose to say yes, the place where your love was confirmed and sealed in your first true kiss is where you will meet your final destination for tonight." With a soft smile, the man gave a quick wink before the curtains were drawn and the stage was shielded by red.

There was another round of applause and yet Mei didn't move, she sat in her seat eyes focused on where the man had once been standing. After a few more moments of shock, Mei finally brought her and together to join the audience in applauding the performances.

It was certainly something to behold and explained why she had caught Yuzu at the piano a lot recently. She would play with her earphones in as to not disturb her girlfriend, and Mei was sure in the past two weeks Yuzu had spent more hours on the piano than she had. Mei welcomed it, she was glad that she was finally beginning to play more, and was happy when she left her headphones off and let her listen to her girlfriends playing.

The theatre began emptying out, however, Mei continued to sit there not quite ready to leave.

"So do you know where you're going or do we need to give you a few more clues?" Impatience getting the better of her after sitting in silence for several minutes, Willow spoke up as she gave a light tap to Mei shoulder making her turn towards her, she starstruck look still in her eyes from the playing.

"I believe we are going back to Kyoto, where we went on our first school trip." It was not said as a question, Mei knew exactly when she had finally made the decision to let Yuzu love her and to let herself love the blonde back.

"Correction, you are going to Kyoto. Yuzus got something planned for you and you alone, so you're gonna have to get the train alone." Willow dug into her purse and pulled out a white ticket, passing it to Mei with a wide smile.

There was a lot of unfond memories from that trip, but all Mei really remembered was the kiss her and Yuzu had shared when their feeling where finally shown. Mei thought that after a day of experiencing the happy and sad parts of her life up to the point she met Yuzu, the place where she finally accepted her love for Yuzu was a good way to end their night.

Mei didn't quite know why Yuzu had planned this date of theirs, and she was still unsure of what her girlfriends end goal was, but she was happy that in only a few short hours she would be in her girlfriend's arm and see her smiling face.

It was a little past five, by the time Mei managed to get to Kyoto it was already half-past seven. The train journey here had been a long one for Mei, her mind couldn't stop thinking of her nearing meeting with her girlfriend. It definitely sounded silly, and Mei was sure she would scold Yuzu for all this galavanting around and her embarrassment.

She had been given a first-class ticket for the train ride and shipped off by herself, offered campaign and food when she was seated. It was halfway through the train ride when a waiter had approached with a glass of red wine and a red rose with a small note tied to the stem.

She had taken the rose without a second thought, she wasn't too much interested in the wine, she had already had a glass of champagne. The pink note looked the same as the ones she had seen throughout the day.

Dear Mei,

Thank you for waiting to see me today.

I know you have had a long day, but you'll see me soon and I have a surprise for you so make sure you get here in a good mood!

I'll see you soon, and I know you have been waiting all day so you might be hungry so you can go ahead and get some food if you like too, but if you can manage to wait we can go out for dinner later if you're feeling up to it!

I love you Mei, and I'll see soon! xxx

It was short and sweet, and Yuzu was right; she was hungry but she was certain she would rather wait and eat with the blonde.

And so when she arrived in Kyoto she had never walked off a train platform so fast as she made her way towards the shrine at lightning speed. It seemed logical for her to get the bus, but she didn't have the time to waste and so before she knew it she was in a taxi holding herself back from urging the driver to go faster.

There was no particular reason why Mei was so desperate to see the blonde, or it would be more appropriate to say she didn't know why the urge to see the blonde was so strong.

But soon the taxi was pulling up outside the entrance to the shrine, and as she stepped out of the car she was graced with the image of tori leading to the temple. It should be noted that small lanterns hung from each end of the tall pillars, lighting up the pathway for her. She knew all she would have to do was follow them, and sure enough, when she came to the first cross-section the lanterns on the right side were unlit, however, the path leading off to the left was lit softly in a warm yellow.

As she got further and further into the temple Mei slowed down her pace as she realised no one was here. She was the only soul that walked the cobbled path, that in itself was strange. Following the glow of the lanterns, Mei soon came to a slightly large opening, at the centre was a sleek black grand piano, a small blonde woman sitting at its head.

"Hi, Mei," Yuzu said casually as she could while giving a warm smile when she saw her girlfriend walk through the final pillars that lead to her. Mei was shocked beyond belief, her girlfriend had cleared out an entire shrine for the evening, lit her a pathway and was now sitting next to a grand piano surrounded by fairy lights that covered the trees and bushes, a few white candles flickering on top of the sleek wood of the piano.

Yuzu herself was practically glowing; she was smiling brightly, her hair was lightly curled and had just a touch of make-up on, Yuzu had changed clothes since her earlier performance, the complete opposite of the elegant blue dress she had been in earlier, Yuzu was now sitting in a loose t-shirt and jeans, her jacket sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She was the Yuzu she knew... sitting casually at the head of a grand piano in the middle of an empty shrine.

"Hello," Mei replied after a few moments of silence as her every move was watched by the blonde. As she made her way around the instrument Mei now saw there were two piano stools next to the piano. One Yuzu was sitting on as her fingers flexed against the keys, the other sat just to the side of the piano leg.

"Sit down," Gesturing to the stool beside her Yuzu waited as Mei cautiously took the offered seat, her eyes never leaving the blonde as she tried to figure out her girlfriends game.

"You look beautiful Mei, sorry for making you get the train all the way here, but I felt it was only fitting that this is where we spoke..." Yuzu spoke softly as she looked at Mei, she looked the same as she did every day; but that was beautiful to Yuzu. She could also see the confusion on Mei's face at her words, Mei had had quite a strange mix up of a day, and she probably wasn't making it any easier for her to understand what was going on. But she had planned to get it all out as soon as Mei arrived, lest she lose the nerve and begin to stutter.

"I know you must be confused by today, but I hope it'll all make sense soon. I do have a small confession to make though and I want nothing left untold before I start. I know we said no more secrets, but, I have been keeping something from you for a few weeks... I've been taking singing lessons while you've been at piano lessons in practice for tonight because I would like to sing a song for you." Yuzu said as she continued to smile, she could see Mei's disbelief at what she had said, but pushed past it before Mei had the chance to speak.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Yuzu's fingers trembled as she tried to open the audio file she was looking for as she tried not to concentrate on Mei's eyes that she could feel watching her intently.

Finally finding what she was looking for, Yuzu placed the device on the top of the piano as she gave Mei another glance and smiled as she reached her hand out to take Mei's in her own. Mei's fingers were cold when Yuzu took them in her own, giving them a light rub before she gave a breath of warm air over them and rubbing them a final time before releasing her grip as she gave a nervous smile to Mei who had been sitting silently waiting for Yuzu.

Moving her focus back to the piano, Yuzu let out a shuddered breath and pressed play on the audio memo on her phone letting a soft backing track fill the night air. Mei watched contently as Yuzu started playing a baseline melody on the piano before she cleared her throat and began to sing.

Yuzu's smooth voice hit her like a tidal wave, and as she listened to the first verse of the song Mei felt her chest fill with pride as Yuzu gave her a quick smile as she sang the words, but it was easy for Mei to see she was nervous. Mei had heard the blonde sing to herself on a number of occasions, she had never been terrible but it was not something to boast about. Yet as she sat listening to the blonde singing now Mei could tell she had improved, the lessons clearly having paid off.

"Hold your breath, don't look down, keep trying

Darling, it's okay to be scared, it's frightening

At times it just feels like the world is trying hard to knock us down

But there's a reason that we're still here when no one else is around

How we've grown

Every single day I'm proud

I swear, I won't

Let anything stop us now"

As Yuzu sang she could feel herself slowly becoming more confident, she had practised the chords to this song so many times she could play them backwards now. And so feeling more comfortable with her voice, coming to the start of her third verse, when the drums kicked in she flicked her eyes to meet Mei's who was watching her intently.

"I'm not a soldier

But I'll fight through our darkest of days

Get on my shoulders

And I'll carry you all of the way

'Cause there's no life worth living in

If you're not with me in it

I'm not a soldier

But you make me wanna be brave

Yeah, you do

Through the depths of despair, we've stumbled

And all that distance between us, we've crumbled

We've ignored all of the rumours and jealous disapprovals

And we've come out the other side with something beautiful"

It was at this point in the song that Mei realised Yuzu was singing about their relationship. They had overcome many struggles and went against so many that had been against them. They had been through everything together and Yuzu was right, they did have something beautiful now, something she too knew she would fight for.

"Oh, how we've grown

Every single day I'm proud

And now I know

There's nothing that can stop us now

I'm not a soldier

But I'll fight through our darkest of days

Get on my shoulders

And I'll carry you all of the way

'Cause there's no life worth living in

If you're not with me in it

I'm not a soldier

But you make me wanna be brave

Yeah, you do"

In the short pause as she continued to play along to the beat on her phone, Yuzu gave a slightly cheeky grin before delving back into the lyrics, her voice strong and resolute in the otherwise empty temple.

"Only we know where we're going

Every day we're gonna keep on growing

Learning from the tears and the mistakes

We're not perfect but we've come such a long way

As long as I got you by my side

I know what I wanna do in this life

One day when our kids fall in love

We can tell them that the odds were against us

I'm not a soldier

But I'll fight through our darkest of days

Get on my shoulders

And I'll carry you all of the way, woo-ooh

'Cause there's no life worth living in

If you're not with me in it

I'm not a soldier (soldier)

But you make me wanna be brave

Yeah, you do"

It was obvious to Mei that Yuzu had meant every word of the song; her eyes were bright, fingers enthusiastic on the keys of the piano. She truly looked happy as she continued to watch Mei as she sang to her. And Mei was struggling to hold back her gentle cries as to not disturb the performance.

"Yeah, you do, yeah, you do

But you make me wanna be brave

Yeah, you do

Oh yeah, you do"

When Yuzu stopped singing her fingers played a few gentle notes before they too left the keys and plunged the pair into an after-silence of shock. For the second time that day Mei was wiping tears off her cheeks after listening to the blondes playing, only this time it was a song she had never heard before and yet it spoke wonders about their relationship and showed just how much Yuzu loved her.

But again she didn't have time to say anything as Yuzu pushed her stool backwards and without a word, knelt down on one knee and slowly pulled a deep navy velvet box from her jacket pocket. Bringing the box up to Mei, Yuzu cracked the lid open revealing the shining ring inside and she heard a shallow gasp leave Mei's lips when it finally clicked just what was happening.

"Will you marry me, Mei?" Yuzu asked firmly yet her voice soft as honey as she looked up at her girlfriend, she hoped she looked at least somewhat calm but she could feel her heart hammering against her chest, her throat felt like it had seized up as she continued to wait for Meis answer. Her fingers were clammy and her mouth seemed to dry when she got no response, Mei sat still on the chair with one hand covering her mouth as she tried to hide her disbelief.

Mei flicked her eyes back and forth between the diamond and amethyst ring that continued to catch the glint of the lanterns and the emerald pools that were staring up at her with all the adoration and purpose in the world.

The song had said everything Yuzu felt needed to be said, but maybe she should have said more as her heart continued to hammer faster with every second that went by with no response from Mei.

Mei, on the other hand, was having a hard time contemplating what was really happening. She was being proposed to! Yuzu was down on her knee, fkn proposing to her! It was as though something has short-circuited in her brain as she could do was stare at the ring looking up at her. Everything all came down to this moment, all the arguments and long lonely nights they had had with Yuzu always having to work was for this ring sitting in the small box, in the blonde's hands... that were shaking?

Mind coming back to her, Mei moved her focus and train of thought to her girlfriend's expression that was now spotted in fear and nerves as she stayed down on her knee and waited patiently for her reply.

"Yu-, Y-yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" The first one came as a stumbled stutter, but once she said it she was confident in her words and couldn't help but repeat herself as she launched herself off the chair and into Yuzu's arms. Wrapping Yuzu tightly in her embrace for seconds before she pulled back and pushed her lips to the shocked blonde who had been pushed onto her backside at Mei's force.

Grabbing the blonde's cheeks in her hands, Mei couldn't help but lay kiss after kiss to the lips as she smiled wildly. And it seemed, just as Mei had taken a moment to comprehend what Yuzu had said, it took Yuzu several kisses later for the words to kick in and she pulled Mei in for a long kiss of her own.

"Really!" Yuzu exclaimed in joy as she gently pushed Mei back so she could take her left hand in her own.

"Really," Mei gave a beaming toothy smile back as she extended her hand out to the blonde, who fumbling took the ring out of the pristine box and slid it onto Mei slender finger. It fit perfectly; it was indeed made especially for her, and as soon as the ring was on her finger Mei had Yuzu in her grasp again as she hugged her tightly.

She couldn't seem to make up her mind if she wanted to hug the life out of the blonde or kiss her lips until they hurt.

"You said 'yes', you're my fiance! We're going to get married!" Yuzu squealed as she cupped Mei's cheeks in the palm of her hands and pressed their heads together. She had expected Mei to say yes, but she hadn't expected for it to feel this overwhelming or wholesome.

"Of course I said yes, I love you." Mei gave a light sob as she smiled, she was so deeply and madly in love with Yuzu who had planned an entire day just to propose, it was all sinking in and it was a lot to take in. Following the blonde's lead, Mei brought her own hand to Yuzu's flushed red cheek as she let the blonde wipe the stray tears on her cheeks away with her thumbs.

Managing to steer them to sitting onto one of the stools and off the cold floor, Yuzu watched contently with one of her arms wrapped around Mei's side as she watched the younger inspect the ring now placed on her finger, astonishment her only expression.

"I can't believe you have been working all this time for this, its stunning Yuzu... You're amazing," Mei whispered as she turned back to her fiance, leaning in for a kiss Mei hooked her arms around Yuzu's neck and brought her in slowly. It was gentle and tender, and one she would never forget.

This was the second time she had said yes to the blonde here, and she was positive Yuzu had picked the perfect location for her proposal. This place held a lot of meaning to her, and obviously, it did for Yuzu too.

"I hope you didn't mind the travel today, I know it was a lot but I just wanted you to see how far you've come and what our future holds." Yuzu gave a soft smile as she tightened her grip on the younger girl who had released her lips and was now leaning into Yuzu's side.

"You don't need to apologise, I enjoyed the day; it means a lot to me that you put all this effort into planning this day just for me. I don't think it could have been any better... Thank you, for putting up with me and working so hard for this... I promise I'll never take it off and we'll get you one just as beautiful so everyone will know your mine too." Staring at the shining diamonds on her left hand, Mei gave a sure nod at the thought that she would buy the blonde an engagement ring that matched this one in beauty and showed the world they were together. Because that's just how she felt at the moment, she wanted the entire world to know she was with Yuzu and nothing would ever change that.

There was a split moment where amethysts met emeralds and no words were spoken before once again their lips were back against the others. There were no arguments from the younger when Yuzu's tongue pushed into her mouth, exploring the space as she had done many times before now. Only Yuzu was slightly surprised when she felt hands gripping the front of her jacket, pulling her in closer as Mei began to deepen the kiss.

The kiss became hungry, with Mei running her hands all over the blonde's body, not knowing what to do with herself and all the urgent feelings she felt she needed to convey.

Pulling away after a few minutes of the growing intensity makeout, Mei peppered a few short kisses to the soft lips before flicking her gaze over Yuzu's flushed expression.

"I- I really want to sleep with you right now, are there any hotels nearby, or where were you planning on us sleeping tonight?" Mei breathed onto the blonde's lips, she had no reason to hide her lust, she and Yuzu were engaged now and at this very moment, she wanted her beneath the sheets so she could kiss every inch of her body and hold her tightly.

"M-Mei?" However, Yuzu seemed slightly taken aback by this, she had thought they would go out for a mean to celebrate, she definitely didn't expect Mei to suddenly want to do her. But true to her words, Mei had her hands on the side of her face and was kissing her again, albeit gentler than before but still pressing herself against the blonde as much as she could to feel her against herself.

Truth be told, Yuzu had booked a master room in a four-star hotel just a short cab ride from the shrine, and she may have reserved a table towards the back of the dining hall with rose petals, fine wine and live music, but if Mei wanted sex and room service she was happy to comply.

"I booked us a room at a hotel near here, we can get a cab there but I need to make a quick call first for the piano." Breaking the kiss for a moment, Yuzu gave a warm smile to Mei before jumping from the stool and giving a quick twirl.

"We're getting married!" It was a high pitched squeal as excitement ran through her again as it all sank in.

"We are," Mei, seeming to contain her flared heat, stood to wrap Yuzu in a warm, tight hug, inhaling her perfume on her neck as she buried her nose there.

"I love you," Mei whispered as she pressed her lips to the side of the blonde's neck, happy when she felt Yuzu turn her head away slightly to give her better access.

"Go and make your call, then we can go back to the hotel and I'll show you just how much I love you." Mei released the blonde and gave a slightly unnerving smile to the blonde as she placed herself back on her stool.

A firm nod from Yuzu and she was fumbling to grip her phone to make her call. Soon, after a few content conversations and makeouts, several young men arrived to take care of the grand piano in the middle of the temple. And after doing a few quality checks, the two were soon stuffed in the back of a taxi with Mei's hand dangerously close to the top of the blonde's thigh as their embrace continued behind tinted visors.

Mei almost cursed Yuzu that the day she wanted to be naughty and cop a feel in the back of this taxi, Yuzu was wearing skinny jeans... But then again, when she did finally give in after double-checking the driver couldn't see them, she pressed her hand against the covered apex of the blonde's legs, she got a very satisfying moan from her fiance when she gave a slow firm rub of her palm.

"M-Mei, slow down!" Gripping the girl's wrist, Yuzu pulled herself away from the kiss as her cheeks flushed a dark shade of red.

"Let's keep this PG until we actually get in the hotel room, it'll only be a few more minutes," Yuzu gave a sympathetic smile when she saw the pout appear on the younger girl's lips, but she just wasn't ready for Mei to be rubbing her pussy in the back of a taxi.

Bringing her hands from behind Mei's neck to either side of her face, Yuzu focused on all the features of the girls face. Her soft eyes were bright and full of life at the moment, the slight flush on her cheeks, the small smile that was forming on her lips... This beautiful face would be the one she woke to the rest of her days.

"God I love you, Mei," Pressing her forehead against the younger, She waited a few moments for her words to reach Mei before she gently pressed her lips against Mei's. And god, Yuzu loved the feeling of her lips.

That was until the car pulled to a halt and the visor slid down exposing the two to the driver. Separating to either side of the back seat as if they were being pulled apart, Yuzu wasn't sure she had seen Mei blush so vividly in her life. However, she wasn't one to enjoy her partner's mortification and so cash was exchanged and both were out of the car faster than ever.

Yuzu was in a fit of giggled as she watched the cab pull away, Mei, however, was red in embarrassment.

"C'mon Mei, you're gonna be my wife, who cares if anyone sees us kissing!" Gripping Mei's left hand in hers, Yuzu gave a radiant smile as she lead them towards the entrance of the hotel, and she couldn't help but think the ring felt perfect on Mei's finger as she held a tight grip on the hand.

"I had a table booked out, but if you want we can take this straight to the room and just order something from room service later, they do food here until one so we should have time to order something up if you would rather?" Yuzu gave a smiled as she rattled her hand around in her bag as she tied to find their key card.

"You booked us a table?" Mei's smile was soft as she pulled them up short outside the glass windows of the looming building. The volume of thought Yuzu had pored into this day was so amazing to Mei she was struggling to take it all in. Did she really need to get into the blonde's pants so badly she wanted to skip the meal Yuzu had arranged for them at this beautiful hotel?

"... We can order food later, I think I can satisfy myself in otherways first, that and I have to say thank you to you," Mei said in a slightly hushed whisper as she tugged on the blonde's hand to hurry up.

"Mei, I've worked this hard because I love you and I genuinely want to spend the rest of my life with you. You don't need to thank me for anything, you saying yes was the best thing I could've hoped for!" Giving a radiant smile and a kiss to her cheek, Yuzu finally made up the distance between them and the reception, handing over her card as it was swiped and they were soon on their way up to the room.

When the keycard clicked green and Mei walked into the room she was mildly shocked to see that this was a very expensive room by normal standards.

"Yuzu, you don't need to spend this kind of money on a hotel room you know, the room alone must have closed you a fair bit..." Mei said with a slight frown, she didn't like it when Yuzu tried to impress her with fancy things like this because she thought she would like it. Mei would have been more than happy in a simple hotel as long as she was spending her night with the blonde.

"Mei, after everything that I planned out for today, adding in a few more bucks for a good hotel room that we would both be comfortable with was totally worth it. Now, didn't we come here to do something?" With a smirking grin, Yuzu tugged her jacket off, letting it fall to the floor behind her. And sure enough, the action was enough to spark that hunger that had shown through so brightly before in Mei, as she had her lips back on the blonde's in a matter of seconds, switching their positions in the room as she walked Yuzu back towards the luxurious bed.

And it was definitely worth it as the pair sunk into the silk sheets that covered the bed, Yuzu struggling to stop the grin on her face as she looked up at Mei who had momentarily stopped kissing her to look into her wide eyes.

"We're really going to get married!" Yuzu smiled up at Mei who was now straddling her waist,

"We are, I don't know why you are so shocked, I mean you proposed to me back when we were in high school too, it was bound to happen," Mei said with a smile of her own, she couldn't deny that she too was in a bit of aftershock, but she knew they would eventually get married, they had spoken about it several times in the past before.

"Yeah I know, but I'm just so happy Mei!" Another light squeak and Mei was pulled down into a tight embrace. "You're going to be my wife!" Yuzu was clearly still shocked over the entire ordeal, Mei, however, with her nose tucked in the crook of the blonde's neck slowly started leaving gentle kisses over the smooth stretch of skin.

"I am very excited to be able to have you for the rest of my life, right now I want you out of these clothes and I want it. Right. Now." Mei's words were sweet yet feisty and with her last few words that were whispered into the blonde's ear, she was sure she felt her tremble slightly.

The nod from Yuzu although slightly delayed as the hot breath continued to trace her tender neck, was enthusiastic at the generous offer and it was only a matter of moments before she was sitting upright on the bed and with some eager assistance was prying the shirt over her head.

Lips were locked in a passionate battle as they worked around getting each other's clothes off without breaking the contact. Once again when all that was left was her trimmed pink panties, Yuzu was pushed back onto the sheets of the bed as Mei crawled up the length of her panting body, her attire much the same, only black laced her hips.

"I have been waiting since last night for this and I must say, you do look very appealing right now." Her voice was sultry and Yuzu was sure she could actually see Mei grinning as she brushed her bottom lip with her tongue, her words obviously true as she admired her meal to come.

Not that Yuzu had any response apart from blushing madly at her fiance's words, she wouldn't have had time as as soon as she was finished eyeing up Yuzu as she laid back against the sheets she had taken an already erect nipple in her mouth as her hand took care of its partner. She knew her way around the blonde's body, and she knew Yuzu loved it when she dragged her tongue across the tip, which was probably the reason for the loud groan that filled the room when she did just that.

Yuzu was a bum girl, Mei was quite aware Yuzu loved her ass, she occasionally caught her staring, but she, although liked the blonde's rear, loved dem titties. She loved the foreplay and so when Yuzu preened at her not to stop Mei was happy to comply as she continued her works.

It had been a few days, six to be exact Mei had been counting, since they had slept together, and that seemed to be enough to make Yuzu extra sensitive as she was moaning with every touch. That or the high of the evening was getting the better of her.

Fingers ran through the silky black locks as she continued her work on the pink nubs, Mei's teeth grazed along the plump skin of the breast in her mouth, her tongue working around the nipple and she knew she was doing something right as Yuzu couldn't seem to help but arch her back as her head dipped back into the sheets.

Trying not to get too caught up in the feeling of Mei sucking against her chest, Yuzu brushed her fingers over the exposed neck, shoulders and arms that Mei currently had pressed either side of her. She could feel Mei reacting to her touches, and after a few nervous brushes of the hypersensitive ears, Yuzu finally managed to coax Mei up from her chest, now wearing a furious blush and look of poutfull annoyance as she looked down on the blonde.

Yuzu had to say the expression along with Mei's slight out of breath definitely had the opposite effect that Mei was hoping for as she found it quite erotic.

"I just didn't want you getting too carried away, I mean I can't let you be doing all the work can I?" Yuzu smirked up as she hooked her legs around the back of Mei's thighs, her hands running up the length of her arms to clasp around the girl's neck.

"This is not what I'd class as work, I was quite enjoying myself," Mei said matter of factly as her hand snaked it's way back to the erect nub. "I am more than happy to do all the work and watch as you become completely undone," Mei said as she gave a pinch to the perfect nipple and watched as a low groan was pried from Yuzu's throat, her hips lifting involuntarily from the mattress.

Lowering her mouth back to the blonde's ear, Mei nipped gently, "Because hearing you moan while cumming is something I love," The words were spoken like molten honey dripping into the blonde's nervous system as she felt her body grow weak at the words. She was mildly surprised at Mei's use of such dirty words, she wasn't usually so open with her desires or at least didn't whisper them into her ear. But god she loved it, it made her a trembling mess.

Following her words, Mei left a trail of wet kisses down the blonde's torso coming to the waistband of her pants as she let her hands drift up Yuzu's sides, fingernails scraping along the burning skin. Her teeth played with the hem of the garment while leaving kisses along the hips, Mei could feel Yuzu's anticipation as she pushed her hips towards the mouth that teased her.

It certainly wasn't long before Mei used her teeth to drag the lacy material down the blonde's thighs as she could hardly bear the anticipation of delving into the sweet juices of her lover. And she was quite sure Yuzu was ready, if not for the moans to go further, but she could smell the arousal when she began kissing her inner thighs and it was intoxicating. Like a high Mei craved and couldn't deny herself of if she got too close.

And so, a very satisfying groan filled the room when Mei finally took the pulsing clit in her mouth, giving a firm suck as she tried to hide her grin at the blonde's reaction.

Mei continued her work for several minutes as she never ceased to remove her tongue from the rosé lips. There was a short while where Mei had noticed Yuzu had stopped moaning, her hips still moved against her mouth, but Yuzu was rarely quiet in bed and in thinking she was disappointing, had looked up the naked body to see the blonde's head dipped back into the mattress; a look of surreal pleasure and satisfaction across her face. Mei was sure she even saw Yuzu's eyes roll back and her lips part to let out a soundless gasp when she gave an experimental hard suck to the small bundle of nerves.

"Don't you look like you're enjoying yourself?" Mei asked as she pulled back and grinned when Yuzu let out a whine of dissatisfaction at the lack of contact. "Mmngh, Mei please don't stop that feels so good..." Yuzu's words were like a plea and Mei had every intention of following the blonde's orders.

"I won't, just checking in," And with a smile that could only be described as smug, Mei lowered herself back below the clenching torso to continue her work. Hooking her hands under the knees either side of her head, Mei pushed them slightly further apart giving her better access as she brought two fingers up to the leaking entrance. She had no doubt that Yuzu was drenched and so her fingers dipped into the hot walls with no resistance, and Mei felt the moan reverberate in the blonde before she heard it.

At this point, it was just the case of using all her acquired knowledge of the blonde's body over the past few years to give her a mindblowing orgasm to end a mindblowing day. Yuzu always came quickly when it came to oral and so Mei was set on keeping up the endless pressure of sucks and flicks on the sensitive little nub until the body below her was clenching in hot liquid pleasure.

With one hand between the blonde's legs and the other gripping onto Yuzu's hips trying to steady the blonde, Mei was slightly surprised when just as Yuzu's hips were starting to grind furiously against her hand and mouth, she sought out Mei's hand on her hip and intertwined their fingers just in time to squeeze them tightly as her hips rose a final time, legs shaking as they pressed together.

"MMNNGH! MEI!" The deep moan was pried from the pit of the girl's stomach as she came hard on Mei's fingers, shuddering as Mei kept the contact up with both her lips and slender digits as she tried to drag out her orgasm.

When her head was finally released and Yuzu lowered her hips to the sheets again panting heavily, Mei climbed her body leaving the same trail of kisses against the skin as when she had lowered herself.

"M-Mei, that was just-" Yuzu tried to speak but aside from being cut off by her own lack of breath, Mei took her in a deep kiss as she straddled the girl. That was exactly what Mei loved to see, and the fact that Yuzu seemed slightly lost for words just made the entire thing even better; Mei smirked.

"I told you: When I get to see that, it definitely doesn't count as work," Mei said proudly as she let the blonde catch her breath while she moved to layer kisses over her neck and collarbone.

"Mei, come here," With a light moan and hum of her lips Yuzu slid her arms over the small shoulder before bringing her hands either side of Mei's face that was still needing her neck with butterfly kisses. The gentle gesture archived its purposes as Mei raised herself back to the blonde's lips, taking her in a deep kiss. Before she was completely out of breath, the newly engaged Aihara pulled back to watched the flushed blonde beneath her.

"I love you Yuzu," Mei whispered the words over her lips, her breath catching against Yuzu's, "I love you too!" Much more excited than Mei, Yuzu gave a large grin as she spoke the words, her hands still laced in the black locks as she held Mei close against her.

Though the eye contact was regretfully lost as Yuzu travelled her eyes lower; Mei Aihara was still sitting completed naked aside from some slightly lacey underwear on top of her. That wasn't something Yuzu could keep her eyes away from, especially when this woman was now her wife. It was her duty to make her feel the sparks of hot white pleasure she had just experienced.

Flicking her eyes back to Mei's who was still watching her face, from the smile on the girl's lips and the twinkle in her eyes it was obvious to Yuzu that Mei knew she was checking out her body, and so with a nervous smile of her own, she trailed her hands down the length of Mei's back to grip her ass.

It wouldn't be an understatement to say Yuzu was slightly relieved when Mei closed her eyes and lent in to take her in another kiss and Yuzu's hands continued to wander.

Sometime later the two were entangled under the bedsheets, Mei nuzzled into Yuzu's shoulder as she admired the ring on her finger for what must have been the hundredth time that night. No matter how many times she moved the ring on her finger she couldn't quite wrap her head around the fact that Yuzu had spent nearly a year working horrendous hours and saving up to get her this.

Without lifting her gaze from her hands Mei spoke softly, "What time is it?"

She felt Yuzu shuffle slightly before resting back against her, phone in hand. "It's a little after nine, how come? Are you hungry?" Yuzu asked while tracing her fingers over Mei's bare shoulder. She was starving, she hadn't eaten since breakfast and after going several rounds with a very energetic Mei, Yuzu could say she felt like she could eat a horse. She assumed Mei was much the same, although she had eaten lunch.

Giving an mmhmm in agreement, she finally looked up to press a kiss to Yuzu's cheek. "I thought we could get dressed and go downstairs for the dinner you had planned. You did say they serve food until one right?" Mei asked as she settled back against the blonde.

"Sure," Yuzu agreed almost instantly, she absolutely would not turn down food right now.

After a few more minutes of lying beneath the sheets, Mei finally sat up and began to get dressed, slightly disheartened by the fact that she had such a simple outfit to dine in. Yet those feelings were wiped away when she saw Yuzu shimmying into her jeans and t-shirt, a smile growing on her face as she watched Yuzu toss and run her fingers thought her hair in the mirror, obviously trying to quickly make it look like she hadn't just been railed.

"Are you ready?" Reaching out her hand to the blonde after a few more seconds, Mei waited as Yuzu gave herself one last check before gracefully taking the extended hand and leading the pair out of the room and down to the dining hall.

"God, I am soooo hungry! I've been so nervous all day I haven't eaten anything since breakfast," Yuzu whined as they were seated at a table, this one not having the petal and rose but beautiful all the same.

Mei looked around before she answered, there were only a few other diners in, it was quite late for a hotel to be open this late serving food. The live music was still playing softly in the centre of the far wall, a few string instruments filling the hall with relaxing background noise.

"You didn't have a reason to be nervous. If you had asked me to marry you without a ring in our flat I probably would have been just as happy and have said yes. I didn't need all of this extra, as long as I am with you there is nothing I could think of that would have made me say no." Mei said matter of factly as she didn't even spare the blonde another look, she was focused on the menu and she assumed Yuzu already knew what she had said.

"Are you kidding me! What did I just spend the last two weeks learning the two hours of piano sheet music for the orchestra for then!?" Yuzu said exasperatedly, she had worked her ass off getting everything planned for today, and she could've just sat on the couch with a Haribo ring and it would have the same effect? Talk about a mood killer.

"I said I would have felt the same because you were asking me to marry you. That's not something that depends on the environment, that's me feeling special because you really want to spend the rest of your life with me. All the extra today was a much-appreciated bonus, I really did like what you planned... What I'm trying to say, was even if you couldn't book an orchestra or get a grand piano brought into a cleared out temple, I would still feel the same about you." Mei said when she heard the slightest hint of sadness in the blonde's voice, offering a sincere smile as Yuzu grinned at the words.

"Now let's get something to eat so we can go back upstairs and get back into bed," Mei said while closing her menu ad motioning to the waiter to take the order.

"I'm sorry I didn't make you change your plans for tomorrow, it slipped my mind when planning everything..." Yuzu said, apology clear in her tone as she watched Mei walk across the room to pick up her phone.

"You don't need to apologise, it's just one meeting at nine. I will just say I can't make it and get the notes from grandfather, this is more important." Mei said while dialling a number and bring the phone to her ear, she offered a smile to Yuzu who still seemed slightly on edge.

"Goodevening Grandfather... Yes, I did... Thank you, I was calling to make you aware that I won't be able to attend the virtual meeting tomorrow morning... Thank you... goodnight." The conversation was somewhat neutral aside from the first thank you which Yuzu swore she saw a slight excitement in Mei's voice, but what made Yuzu smile was Mei was resolute when she spoke; There was absolutely nothing that would sway her decision.

"Will you come back to bed now? We've got some serious make-out to be doing," Yuzu mused while cocking her eyebrow and opening her arms to Mei, who did hear the waver in her voice at the bold words but chose not to say anything and comply with the blonde. She wasn't going to be saying no to anything Yuzu wanted for a while to come.

Crawling onto the bed, Mei met Yuzu's grasp before dipping her head to meet the lips she craved. Taking the blonde in a deep kiss as she put more of her weight on her to lower them into the mattress. The night was only just getting started and she definitely wouldn't be up for nine tomorrow.