She needs help

Shen froze in his spot. There was a creeping sensation of panic rising up to his chest.

"What is it? Just tell me, don't hold back."

"Young master, madam is showing signs of PTSD besides the amnesia. Did she experience shock or an incident causing emotional trauma before the accident?"

Shen grit his teeth. He didn't know. He didn't know anything.

"I'm not sure. She never revealed it to me, if something did happen."

"Young master, perhaps something in her childhood?"

"I don't know."

Shen was getting increasingly agitated as the doctor continued to question him.

He was beating himself up for not looking into her past more carefully. Was she suffering silently without his knowledge all this time? Was she feeling scared and alone, even though he slept in the same bed as her? Did he not look after her needs at all? What kind of a horrible husband was he!

"Young master, it is possible she went through something troubling as a young child. Sometimes, children tend to selectively forget scarring memories as they grow up and lock them up in a place in their mind they can't voluntarily reach. It's a psychological defence mechanism. As they get older, some of these memories might spill into their lives in the form of nightmares, lucid dreaming and physical reactions to trigger objects or people."

After Dr. Yoshi's explanation, the dreams made sense to Shen.

"Actually doctor, she has nightmares about a particular woman. She had them about once a month before she fell into a coma. She's only been awake for two days and she's had this nightmare twice already."

Shen continued describing the events, suddenly feeling the urge to hold Lina and soothe her pains and troubles away.

"She wakes up crying and in cold sweat and goes into a daze."

Dr. Yoshi listened carefully.

"Young master, this is not my field of expertise. However, I work closely with a lot of world class psychiatrists who treat mental trauma. If she doesn't get the help required, she might continue to subconsciously suppress memories that will interfere with her recovery from the amnesia."

The fierce CEO of an empire looked at the doctor helplessly. He was so vulnerable when it came to his wife, a side nobody really saw until she entered his life.

"For now, I recommend not introducing her to new people and sticking to a regular recovery routine. The less she is triggered, the less she will suppress. In the meanwhile, I will contact a certain psychiatrist I am very good friends with. He specialises in memory loss and trauma."

Shen thanked the doctor as he closed the door behind him.

He sighed as he walked over exhaustedly to the living room. He called for Butler Min to bring him a peg of Hibiki.

As he sipped on it, his heart was heavy. He was also under immense stress trying to manage the affairs of Moshi Corp. He had been gone a long time now, working from home. His capable assistant Ayu was running the office.

Because of his prolonged absence, there were rumours swirling about Moshi Corp, especially

within the top executive branch. The board of directors consisted mainly of Moshis from branch families who were waiting on the sidelines to watch Shen fall from his throne and they were circling like vultures.

Some said he had been assassinated and it was being kept under wraps. There was almost a coup brewing right under his nose.

He had sheltered Lina from this part of his life so nobody could hurt her trying to get to him. There marriage was a tightly kept secret and he wondered now if that was a mistake.

If they had been open about the marriage, he could have openly protected his wife -- flanked her with body guards, given her his name and shielded her body himself.

Maybe she would have let him into her own life sooner. Maybe this secret marriage had reduced the trust she had in him.

But that wasn't possible. She agreed willingly to be his secret wife. She never had issues, at least non she spoke of, with the way they were doing things. Shen wanted to consolidate his position and curb some unrest within the Moshi family before he formally introduced her to the world.

As he sat worrying and over thinking, his phone rang. It was Ayu.

Shen pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply.

What now!?

"Talk to me, Ayu."

"Sir, I insist you be at the office tomorrow. We're having trouble with your younger uncle."

Shen cursed angrily.

"What did that senseless man do now?"

Ayu's voice cracked a little. She didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but this was an emergency.

"Sir, he's locked himself in your office with an army of bodyguards and brought in James to retrieve the password to the Lim files."

Shen stood up in fury, knocking the whiskey glass on the floor.

"James...that hacker James?!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, but we have our IT team here all night to work on preventing a breach. Please stay with madam tonight, but we would appreciate your help tomorrow."

"I'm coming there tonight, but Ayu, get here now. You will stay by madam's side until I return."

With that, Shen hung up.

On the other end, Ayu almost protested, but decided not to as she heard the dead dial tone.

She stared at the phone blankly.

She clenched her jaw in anger. Staying the evening with madam, what a terrible idea.

What a terrible, terrible idea.